Roof Wind Damage Repair

Roof Wind Damage Repair Roofers

Roof Wind Damage Repair

It’s generally a good idea to check for any wind damage on your roof following a wind storm. This is because roof damage spreads and rain can seep under the damaged shingles and rot the wood. Rotting wood also spreads, so you may soon have to face a much bigger and more expensive problem than before.

How to Fix Damaged Roof Shingles

Materials needed:



Roofing Nails

New Shingles

Roofing Sealant


1. Take the nails off the damaged shingles with the back of the hammer.

2. Lift up the damaged shingle by leveraging the knife.

Warning: Be careful as to not cut yourself on the nails or lift up the wrong shingles next to the damaged panel. A cut from a rusted nail may require more than just antibiotics for treatment.

3. Dispose of the damaged shingle and the old nails.

4. Slide the new shingle into place.

5. Hammer the nails to fix the shingle in position.

6. Apply roofing sealant under the fixed shingle.

7. Weigh down the replaced shingle with something even and heavy (like a brick) to hold it in position. If you roof is too sloped for this, find something with more surface area for better traction to the roof.

Other Advice

So say a hurricane or a tornado came in your area and you need new shingles. Well, you probably aren’t the only one looking for new shingles and other materials to replace your roof in your area. Your local store might run out of materials for the job due to the demand, putting you in a bad situation.

So be prepared. It’s always a good idea to have spare materials for your house stored somewhere in your house. Good maintenance is a part of it, too. A well maintained roof is less likely to break down in the event of a storm.

If you feel that the damage is too extensive for you to do the job yourself or you would like to get advice, consult local professionals around your area. TalkLocal can help with finding the correct local experts to fix your roof, saving you time and energy in what may be a stressful situation.

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