Recover Data from Water Damaged Hard Drive

Recover Data from Water Damaged Hard Drive Computer Repair

Did your computer have a bad encounter with water recently? Well, the chances that the circuitry on your computer may have been fried, especially when the computer was in operation when this happened. The next logical step is to save your files from the dead computer. Read this guide on what to do to recover data from water damaged hard drive.

Recovering the Data

The first thing to realize is that this more than a normal job you can do alone. Although recovering data from a drowned hard drive is possible, it is advised to use a specialist’s expertise because wrong moves could jeopardize your data.

As always, cut all sources of power to the hard drive by unplugging it. Operating under dangerous conditions could further damage the data as well.

And although this seems counterintuitive, do not make any artificial attempts to dry out your wet hard drive. Doing so could solidify the residue in the water and further the damage the data. If it was pure water, then it is fine; if not, then resist the urge to dry it.

Package the hard drive to send to a specialist. Secure your hard drive inside the package by stuffing the rest of your box with cotton, or some other soft material that will not damage the hard drive. Make sure it does not shake around inside the package, as this could cause more damage. Seal the package tightly so that no other liquid/gas can get into the package. Once you have done these steps, your package should be ready for a specialist.

Take note that specialists around your area may all be busy if your area has suffered a flood/etc. The demand for the specialists’ service would outnumber the available supply, making a long line if you needed their services.

Additional Help

If you need to find professional help to recover data from water damaged hard drive, TalkLocal can help with finding the correct local experts in this case, saving you time and energy in what may be a stressful situation.

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