Free Software to Transfer Music from iPhone to Computer

Free Software to Transfer Music from iPhone to Computer Computer Repair

Everyone knows how to transfer music from your computer to your iphone but how many people know how to do it in reverse? Attempting to transfer your music from your phone to a PC or Mac is a little more complicated but still totally doable. If you are wondering if there is a free software to transfer music from your iPhone to computer, you are in luck. These programs will aid you through the process.

Manual Transfer

If you want to manually transfer all your music to your computer you should set out a decent amount of time to be able to do so.  Without software this process can take a lot longer.  You will need to plug your phone in and using a phone browser program find all your tunes.  You can then copy and paste them from your phone onto your desktop or into a folder.

Download a software

Transferring music from your phone to a computer is a much simpler process when you download an aide program. You can use Winamp for PC and iDump for Mac.  Software such as these will allow you to transfer them directly. You can simply install the program and designate a place you want all the files to go to. Plug your phone in and you can get started immediately. Name your songs as they are downloaded and watch as they fly through the cyberspace right onto your computer.

Continuing Problems

If you continue to have problems with downloading music from your phone to your computer, you should seek professional help. Use TalkLocal to be put in contact with reliable IT businesses.  You don’t have to do any work! Simply input your problem and availability and within minutes your should be connected to someone who can help you out.

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