Installing a Ceiling Fan Without Existing Wiring

Installing a Ceiling Fan Without Existing Wiring Electricians

Ceiling fans are a very popular addition to install in bedrooms, patios, and living rooms.  If you have not purchased a ceiling fan yet, there are many options out there. You can find many affordable ceiling fan options on Amazon and have them shipped overnight starting at $71.52. When you want to add a ceiling fan, the most difficult step tends to be getting it wired into your electrical system, especially if you do not have an existing fan or light fixture already in place.  Installing a ceiling fan without existing wiring means you will need to run cables to connect it to a power source.  Electrical wiring can be tricky if you do not know what you are doing; many people will opt to let a professional do the job for them.  If this applies to you, try using TalkLocal to automatically connect you for free with an electrician in your area.  Otherwise, read on for the steps you need to take for a do-it-yourself ceiling fan installation.

The first thing you will need to do is figure out where exactly the fan will be placed.  The electrical junction box that the fan will attach to needs to be in between two joists for support and will be installed from the attic above the room where the fan will be located.  Cut a hole in the ceiling about the size of the box and then bolt it to the two joists so that it is flush with the ceiling.  This junction box needs to be extremely secure as it will be bearing the weight of the fan in addition to the vibrations it generates.

Your next step is deciding where to run the wires from the fan to.  You have a couple different options here; the one that is best for you will depend on your house’s design and your existing wiring.  If you already have an outlet in the same room, or another ceiling fixture in a neighboring room that you have access to from above, these will likely be the best places to connect your fan to.  If there is no nearby existing wiring, you will need to run a new line to your home’s main electrical panel.  Check out this guide for an in-depth guide to fan installation without any existing wiring, and this one for connecting your fan to an existing fixture or outlet.  Be sure to turn off your main circuit breaker before handling any live wires.  Once your wiring is in place all you need to do is mount your fan to the ceiling and it should be ready to use.

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3 Responses to “Installing a Ceiling Fan Without Existing Wiring”

  1. I have to say that for the last few of hours i have been hooked by the impressive posts on this site. Keep up the good work.

  2. Mark says:

    Anyone with a bit of mechanical and electrical aptitude should have no problem installing a fan. However if you are in a situation where there is not already an existing power supply and support, you might want to call a professional if you are not comfortable and knowledgeable working in this area.

  3. Kathy says:

    There is no existing light fixture where I want the ceiling fan to go, but all other fan are centered in our 18′ wide mobile home. Is there a main wire that runs the length of the home?

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