How Long After Fertilizing Can Pets Go On Lawn?

How Long After Fertilizing Can Pets Go On Lawn Landscapers

If you are wondering how long after fertilizing can pets go on lawn, look no further. It is well known that the chemicals in lawn fertilizer are toxic and can be particularly harmful to pets because they lie closer to the ground and clean themselves with their mouths. Although it is safest to avoid using chemicals dangerous to your pets, it is probably safe to let your pet on a fertilized lawn after two days have passed and the lawn has been watered. Always make sure to read the directions carefully before using fertilizer.

Symptoms of Fertilizer Poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, weakness, twitching, collapsing, irritability, and seizures. If you believe your pet has been poisoned, then call a veterinarian immediately.


Dangerous fertilizer chemicals can be tracked into the house from neighboring yards and public areas. Look for flags noting recently fertilized grass and keep pets and children away. Clean off your pet immediately if you notice it has wandered into fertilized grass. Since pets often lick their coats, it is important to wash off the fertilizer as soon as possible to avoid ingestion of poisonous chemicals.

Pet-safe Alternatives

There are many chemical-free alternatives to toxic fertilizer. Grass needs nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium to produce a healthy green coating. These nutrients can be naturally obtained from other plants. Sprinkle grass clippings, shredded leaves, or compost onto the lawn to provide these essential nutrients. You can also try using organic fertilizer on your lawn. These are fertilizers made from natural materials or organisms. Corn gluten, manure, and bone meal are a few examples.

If you have questions concerning pet safety and lawn care, look no further than TalkLocal. TalkLocal can connect you to quality veterinarians and landscaping professionals.  Help is just a few clicks away, so try TalkLocal today. Best of all: It is a completely free service!

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