Written by Dallea Caldwell
We at Seva Call would be remiss if we did not take a moment to recognize how far we’ve come. Relationships which once were forbidden have enriched our lives. Opportunities which once were beyond our reach have enabled us to achieve our goals. Talents which might have gone unrecognized enable us to make a contribution that enriches every community we touch.
Everyone at Seva Call is grateful to Martin Luther King and all the brave citizens who dared dream of a better America and faced down all doubt and fear to make that dream a reality. The melting pot of colors, creeds, and cultures that make up the Seva Call team as well as the various communities we service wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for their sacrifices. We celebrate the groundbreaking advancements towards a more equitable society where shared humanity outweighs all difference and differences are appreciated as sources of mutual enrichment and growth.
Furthermore, from awareness building efforts in the aftermath of the Sikh Temple shooting to the simple vocation of facilitating neighbors helping neighbors, we at Seva Call take up the mantle of advancing tolerance and uniting communities. Today, we renew our commitment to fulfilling Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream and remember his transformational life.