Touch Screen on Computer Not Working

Touch Screen on Computer Not Working - Computer Repair

The world of technology has expanded rapidly within the last decade, and the fruits of humankind’s hard labor have been received.  Having computers with touch screen capabilities is the next revolutionary product.  But not everything is flawless.  Even the most advanced technology has faults.  When you have such an amazing product but your touch screen stops working, it can be very frustrating.

Touch Screen on Computer Not Working

When your touch screen stops working it could be a result of a couple of things:

1) The software could be malfunctioning

2) Cameras could be misaligned

3) Computer updates could be missing certain drivers

4) The screen itself could be damaged

The Solution

If your software is malfunctioning then you should either try to reinstall it or get rid of any viruses that could be attacking it. This is not a very serious issue and is easily fixed.  There are many different types of software and you should look up what type you have and address the problem accordingly.

Another issue could be that the cameras/sensors are misaligned.  This problem could be more serious and may need professional attention.  Before taking any serious steps you can always try to do a diagnostic on your computer and see if you can fix the issue by yourself.

A lot of people complain that the touch screen stops working after they update their operating systems.  Sometimes the newer updates are missing certain drivers that were present in prior versions so your touch screen will not function properly.  You can revert the new installation or reinstall the old version in order to fix the issue.

Another way to solve your problem could be to do a scroll lock calibration.  To do this you will need to rapidly press scroll lock five times.  Then click the top left of your screen and hold down until you hear a beep.  The mouse should move automatically to the top right after this you can click and hold again.  Do this for the remaining two corners as well.  Once this could be complete your screen should be working properly.

Continuing Problems

If you still have issues even after attempting the above listed solutions you should seek professional help.  Use TalkLocal to be put in contact with a reliable local business within minutes.  Simply input your problem and availability and TalkLocal will connect you with up to three professionals who will be able to help you.

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