How to Prevent Dead Grass from Dog Urine

How to Prevent Dead Grass from Dog Urine - Landscapers

How to Prevent Dead Grass from Dog Urine

Got a cute pup ruining a beautiful lawn? Maintaining bright green grass in the presence of a dog who loves to pee in different spots all over your yard can be an annoyance. If you are consistently noticing yellow or brown “dead spots” from your dog’s urine, here’s what you can do to try to prevent those unsightly spots from ever showing up again.

Nitrogen is the key factor in maintaining a healthy lawn. However, you should use caution, because the dosage can make or break your lawn. While nitrogen is one of the top ingredients in fertilizer, it is also found in high concentrations in dog urine. Therefore, the wrong combinations of fertilizer and dog urine in certain areas of your lawn can actually prove to be too much nitrogen, and can “burn” or kill grass, causing the dead spots.

There are a few things you can do to try to eliminate and further prevent yellow or brown dead grass spots in your yard:

– Try to train your dog to pee in only one area, or in a spot where there is no grass.

– After you witness a doggy potty break, take a garden hose and rinse away the urine from the grass.

– Switch to a lawn fertilizer with lower concentrations of nitrogen to prevent the “burning” effect that comes from high levels of the element.

If you want to fix already existing dead grass spots, you can scratch away the dead grass, plant some new grass seed, cover with mulch, and water it daily. In a couple of weeks, you will start to see new grass growing in those once-dead spots.

Professional Help

If you’ve tried any or all of these solutions to no avail and would like some professional assistance, try using TalkLocal to locate a landscaper near you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality, reputable landscaping companies in your neighborhood, within minutes. Simply enter in your problem, location, and availability and TalkLocal will contact multiple companies, who will then call YOU directly, ready to help.

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