Seva Call Launch Rocks Rockin’ Rochester, New York

Seva Call Launch Rocks Rockin’ Rochester, New York - Seva Call

Seva Call founder Manpreet Singh has finally brought his call-saving hero Seva Man to Rockin’ Rochester, New York where they’ll shake-down the drudgery of the Google Search and decoy method of finding a professional needle in The High Falls Smoke Stack. With Seva Call, a fast find for a quick fix is at every Rochesterian’s fingertips.

Seva Call is a virtual concierge that allows customers to quickly and securely contact small businesses that meet their service and availability needs.  Seva Man explained what makes Seva Call a better solution than the traditional methods saying, “Available and affordable may have an alphabetical advantage in the dictionary, but few small businesses top the listings in the Yellow Book or even search engine results”.

So, whether you have frozen pipes or dropped your white hot garbage plate  all over the carpet; chipped your tooth in an ice-hockey related brawling incident or are getting sued for knocking someone else’s teeth out in an ice-hockey related brawling incident,  Seva Call can navigate the more than 13,019  local business to find a plumber, dentist, carpet cleaning service, or lawyer– all in minutes and according to your schedule. If you’re a Rochester resident in distress, just  visit, enter your request, and leave the sleep-deprivation to that sleepless coastal city to the south.

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