How To Fix A Cracked iPhone Screen

How To Fix A Cracked iPhone Screen - Computer Repair

You have probably seen it while out in public — someone toting around an iPhone with a screen that is cracked. Complete with an endless catalog of useful apps, iPhones are arguably the Cadillac of all smartphones, but one slip-up could make this pricey item heavily damaged and hard to use. Cracked screens are actually a very common occurrence among iPhone users, leaving many to wonder how to fix a cracked iPhone screen.

Here are a number of ways to address the problem:

1. Bring it to the Apple store and have the pros fix it

It seems logical to bring your iPhone to the Apple store, right? After all, if anyone knows how to fix a cracked iPhone screen, it would be them. This is true, but it will come at a steep cost. Apple currently charges around $200 to fix cracked iPhone screens. This is the most expensive avenue of repairing a cracked iPhone screen, but you do walk away with the peace of mind knowing that it was fixed correctly.

2. Take it to a third party repair professional

Other professionals are perfectly capable of repairing a cracked screen, and they generally do it for a cheaper price. Seek out area businesses that have the equipment to address such an issue, but just make sure it is a reputable establishment that can be trusted with your investment. You won’t save a whole lot of money on your bill. These types of professionals still charge north of $100.

3. Do it yourself with a kit

There is always an alternative route for the do-it-yourself-ers that want to save as much money as possible. Their answer to this inconvenient problem would be to order a kit online that supplies all the tools and accessories needed to replace the iPhone screen.

These kits come with instructions on how to fix a cracked iPhone screen and generally cost less than $20. A cracked iPhone screen is not as damaging to the phone as one might think. The iPhone’s screen is comprised of several layers, and the cracks usually form in the top, glass layer. Replacing it yourself could turn out to be quite simple and won’t risk causing more damage to the phone.

Get Help Now

If you are not confident taking on this project yourself, find someone in your area that can. TalkLocal is perfect for such a search. Let us know what kind of professional you’re looking for, and we’ll get you on the phone with them immediately.

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