Average Cost For Solar Panels

Average Cost For Solar Panels - Roofers

From light bulbs to windmills, everyone is searching for ways to cut down on power costs. Solar energy is one popular go-to method that homeowners use in an attempt to decrease the costs of powering their homes. But, is it worth it? Knowing the average cost for solar panels is only helpful if you know your average rate of energy consumption (kWh).

Average Household Energy Consumption

The average U.S. household consumes 1kWh. At a rate of about 10 cents per kilowatt, that averages out to a bill of about $73 per month. Obviously, this number can vary greatly by region, so it is important to determine your own average energy consumption before making an accurate assessment.

What Is The Average Cost For Solar Panels?

On average, 100 sq. ft. of solar panels will generate 1kWh. The average household needs a 5kWh solar panel system in order to store enough energy to power the home when the sun is not shining. These systems average from $25,000 to $35,000 dollars to install.

Is It Worth It?

Depending on your region, there is likely not enough sunlight to fully power your home for 24 hours. Homes with solar panel systems generate 40 to 80 percent of their energy and rely on municipal power to make up for their remaining power needs. If your system could cover 100 percent of your power needs, it would still take 20 years to pay for itself — assuming your bill is around $73 per month. On the other hand, you would be significantly reducing the amount of fossil fuels being used to power your home, which does have a powerful effect on the environment.


Call an expert. He or she can give you more accurate numbers, instead of just an average cost for solar panels. TalkLocal can get you in touch with one in your area for free. You will be speaking to someone who can help you in minutes.

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