Drooling Cat Smells Bad

Drooling Cat Smells Bad - Veterinarians

Have you noticed your carpet wet with cat drool and a foul smelling cat? There can be several reasons that your drooling cat smells bad. In some cases, it can be a sign of a more serious underlying health problem. We have outlined some possible conditions to watch out for when your drooling cat smells bad.


When a cat becomes nauseated, this can cause the cat to drool. The cat may burp or vomit which then causes the cat to smell bad. Nausea can be caused by a simple stomach ache or liver disease. Liver disease causes the increase of toxins in the blood,which causes the cat to be nauseated and drool excessively.

Periodontal Disease

Plaque build-up in your cat’s teeth causes gingivitis which leads to periodontal disease.  Periodontal disease is the infection and inflammation of parts that support the tooth such as gums. Periodontal causes the cat to not eat, have bad breath, and can induce drooling.

Tooth Abscess

A tooth abscess is basically a major toothache for the cat. When a tooth decays in the mouth, bacteria get into the tissue and infect the center of the tooth (the pulp). When this occurs a tooth abscess forms and may cause the cat to have a loss of appetite and increased drooling.

Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is common among elderly cats. When the disease is severe, blood appears in their urine and ulcers develop on and around the mouth. These painful ulcers cause cats to have foul-smelling drool.

Take Your Cat to A Veterinarian

To prevent oral diseases that cause these symptoms, brush your cat’s teeth regularly with an annual dental cleaning from a vet.  There are also dental chews available to clean your cat’s teeth. If you suspect that one of these conditions is the reason why your drooling cat smells bad, find a veterinarian as soon as possible. TalkLocal will connect you with up to three veterinarians in your area, in just minutes.

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