My Dog Has Bloody Stools

My Dog Has Bloody Stools - Veterinarians

It is important to closely monitor your dog’s habits, nutrition, and behavior daily to be able to notice when something goes wrong. Vets often receive the concern, “ My dog has bloody stools. What should I do?” Inform yourself of the potential causes below before you speak to a veterinarian.

My Dog Has Bloody Stools!

Diarrhea and bloody stools often go hand in hand. Your dog’s intestinal tract is irritated, which causes the blood to be released and could indicate serious health problems. Black or red streaks in your dog’s stool indicate blood. Save a fecal sample for your dog’s veterinarian to examine.

Black blood means your dog has Melena. This means the blood is coming from the upper intestinal tract because it was digested. Red blood means Hematochezia. In this case, the blood is fresh, so it must be coming from the lower intestines, such as the colon and rectum. See a veterinarian immediately.

Causes of Bloody Stool

The main causes of a bloody stool in dogs are:

– Viral infection

– Parasites (i.e. hookworm, whipworm)

– Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

– Cancer

– Tumor

– Ulcer

– Foreign object

– Allergies

– Liver failure

Further safety tips

Pay attention to what your dog eats and what animals it interacts with. Keep a close eye on your dog and make sure it does not eat other dog’s feces. Parasites can also come from other contaminated dogs. Dogs are also very likely to chew up objects into small pieces, such as bones, which can get stuck in the gastrointestinal tract and cause bleeding. Make sure your dog’s toys are sturdy and your dog is not chewing on any dangerous objects.

Take Your Dog to the Vet

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