Cost Of A New Dishwasher

Cost Of A New Dishwasher - Appliances Repair

A dishwasher is a precious commodity in the homes of many people. Not only is the task of washing dishes made easier, it is also made faster with the help of a dishwasher. This becomes painfully obvious when this important appliance acts up.

Many people who are shopping for a dishwasher have the same question: What is the cost of a new dishwasher?

The cost of a new dishwasher depends on the type you buy and its features. Here are some of the most common features that are offered with new dishwashers, and how they can affect the price.


Energy efficient dishwashers can be somewhat expensive. Since they save you money over time on your water and electric bills, they can be well worth the extra money, and often pay for themselves in just a few short years. If you are thinking about buying an energy-efficient dishwasher, you can expect to pay anywhere from $300 to $600.

Size and Capacity

Dishwashers come in several different sizes and have different load capacities. If you have a large family, or prefer to wash a lot of dishes at one time, you may want to buy a dishwasher with a large capacity. You will need to choose a size based on where you want to install the dishwasher. Many are installed under cabinets or between the sink and another kitchen appliance. Large dishwashers and those with large capacities are more expensive than standard ones. Expect to pay anywhere from $400 to $800 for a larger size appliance.

Cosmetic Features

Some dishwashers come in different colors, have stainless steel buttons, knobs, or racks, or have other special cosmetic features. Any time you purchase a dishwasher that is not a standard model, you can expect to pay a little more money. This brings the question ‘What is the cost of a new dishwasher’ into a different perspective. You may find yourself paying more for cosmetic features that look nice but do not make the dishwasher any more convenient. Depending one which features you choose, these dishwashers can be pretty expensive. You may find yourself paying anywhere from $500 to $1,000 for a dishwasher that has a unique design or special appearance.

Be A Savvy Buyer

If you are wondering ‘What is the cost of a new dishwasher?’, you are not alone. Thousands of shoppers ask themselves this same question every year. When you are shopping for your dishwasher, set a budget and choose the features you need over the ones you want. This will help keep your new appliance affordable. If you need additional help, or are seeking a repair technician to service your dishwasher, rely on TalkLocal to help.

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