Best Uses Of A Small Garden

Best Uses Of A Small Garden - Landscapers

If you have a small backyard or limited space for a garden, there are ways to make the most of it. Some of the best uses of a small garden turn out to be the most beautiful. Don’t let a small area prevent you from enjoying a garden. Utilize some of these methods that will have you planting and gardening anywhere.

Raised Flower Beds

Raised beds can be placed anywhere and are easy to build yourself. Simply build a box or rectangle shaped wooden frame, place it in the desired area and fill it will potting soil. Add your flowers or other plants and tend to them as you normally would. Raised beds can even be used on concrete patios or balconies.

Stacked Garden Beds

The best way to make the most out of a small area is to stack some garden beds. This is one of the best uses of a small garden because the stacked beds give you more space vertically even if your overall space is limited. To build stacked beds, start with large base and fill it with dirt. Add another bed on top of the base but offset it so it does not cover the entire open space. The space should resemble stair steps. You can plant various plants and vegetables in each section of the stacked bed.


If you do not have any yard space, look for a place to add a border garden. Choose the area around your house, patio, or sidewalk. Dig a small trench and add your plants. You can add gravel or mulch on top of the dirt to create a tidy look that adds beauty to your yard. Border gardens work well with flowers but can also be used to grow vegetables and other garden items.

Need Some Ideas?

The best uses of a small garden can help make your yard look nice and be useful. If you have a small yard or no yard at all, don’t get discouraged. Use one of these solutions and get your green thumb ready.

You can also seek professional help by logging on to TalkLocal and putting out the word. We can connect you with qualified landscapers that can help with your project.

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