Great Time Of Year For Fathers

Great Time Of Year For Fathers - Seva Call

It’s getting to the time of year where the sun is shining most days, footballs are being tossed around in backyards all over the country, and the bugs are in full force. Millions of the Americans that are enjoying the thrills of the summer are men who have devoted their lives to being the best men they can be. We take one day each year to recognize these men, and what better time of year to do this than when the grill is used almost everyday? This surely is a great time of year for fathers.

Today, June 16, is Fathers’ Day. Take some time to think about the men who have made the largest impact on your life — whether this is your father, an uncle, a grandfather, a friend’s dad, a mentor, or a boss — whoever it is, think of what they have done to make your life the best it can be.

Often, the things that make men caring and generous are the small things. This Fathers’ Day, think of the men who have been great male role models to you, because of the small things they’ve done. A quick hug on a sad day, holding an umbrella above your head while they stand in the rain to make sure you stay as dry as possible, or giving a bag of gummy bears to you just because.

Sometimes, these men impart values in more obvious ways. You may think they were giving you a driving lesson, but the real lesson they were teaching was responsibility. The test was when he actually handed you the keys, and you passed when you confessed about the dent on the bumper: honesty. And then he modeled forgiveness when he handed you the keys again. Often these lessons aren’t fun, but afterwards, you realize how much you learn from your male role models. It is often easy to forget that your male role models have helped you grow into a strong, driven, well-rounded individual.

Who are the males around you that have made large impacts on your life? Have you thanked them for their contribution to your life? Take this time, amongst the grilling, swimming, and bugs to really show these men what they’ve meant to you. They will be blessed beyond your knowledge.

Happy Father’s Day from the Seva Call Team.

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