When To Induce Vomiting In Cats

When To Induce Vomiting In Cats - Veterinarians

Most cat owners consider their feline pets as part of the family. Having a sick pet can be a scary and frustrating experience. If your cat accidentally eats something it shouldn’t, you may want to induce vomiting to help get it back up.

While this may be necessary, you should make sure you know exactly how and when to induce vomiting in cats before you try it.

Do NOT Induce Vomiting In Cats If:

– The cat has ingested bleach, drain cleaner, or an acid-based chemical. These can all burn the esophagus if they are vomited back up.

– The cat has swallowed a sharp object. The object could cut your cats throat or stomach if it is vomited up.

– The cat is already vomiting. If the cat is capable of vomiting and has already done so, there is no reason to induce it further.

– The cat is unconscious. If your cat is unconscious, it could choke on the vomit or object if vomiting is induced. Wait until your cat gains consciousness before you attempt to induce vomiting.

It Is Okay To Induce Vomiting In Cats If:

– The cat has swallowed mouse or rodent poison. Induce vomiting and take your cat to a veterinarian immediately.

– The cat swallows any human medication, even over-the-counter medications.

– The cat has swallowed antifreeze. Inducing vomiting will stop the antifreeze from being absorbed into your cat’s system quickly.

It Could Be Life-Saving

Knowing how and when to induce vomiting in cats can mean the difference between life and death for your pet. Always take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as you realize it has swallowed or ingested something that may be harmful to the cat’s health. Even if the cat is able to vomit, chemicals and poisons could still be in its system.

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