A blog about life experience and inexperience, written by Dallea Caldwell.
Boots (left), Available kitten (right)
What is the minimum number of cats required to make one a crazy cat lady? My estimate has been a generous single digit for years. Then, three discoveries blew my mind.
Fact #1: I have one cat.
Fact #2: I am a lady.
Fact #3: I am definitely crazy.
The point is that there is no minimum number. And no gender either. In fact, based on further anecdotal evidence, diagnosing Certified Crazy Cat Person-dom in otherwise healthy adults, requires considering factors besides sheer cat quantity. Additional factors include:
1. Square footage and cleanliness of feline domestic habitat.
2. Veterinary care, nutrition, comfort and cleanliness of cat(s) in question.
3. How many cats are under temporary foster care and seeking adoption.
In other words, cat people are only crazy if they can’t keep all the kitties purring their whiskers off.
Getting the Whole Kitten and Caboodle Adopted
Anyway, I house-sat last week, in case you missed it. I couldn’t very well spring my sweet kitty Malice Aumyoho Nakadema-Caldwell on a canine lion-tiger-bear like Kuma. So, I sent Malice to summer camp with a cat-person of the sane variety; what’s one more cat in a house of 12? Well, a lot apparently because, in exchange, I had to make like TalkLocal and connect three kittens to the right local cat lovers to lessen the burden.
In order: Boots, Available Kitty, and Mr, Ray Charles a.k.a RayC
So far, so good. My parents wanted the white-pawed tabby, and my aunt was on the fence about the black and white runt. No one would want to tear those bosom bros apart so quickly, right? I brought both to my aunt to help her decide and help them adjust. We quickly discovered that the tabby was too frisky for my aging parents; but my 12-year-old cousin loved him. His name is now Boots.
Meanwhile, the snuggly runt with impaired vision needed the extra care my parents were used to providing for my four-legged brother: a black and white terrier-retriever mix named Monroe. The kitten, named Ray Charles, is as snuggly as ever and more playful everyday, much to Monroe’s chagrine.
As for kitten number three, he’s super adorable, but people have been raising concerns that he isn’t neutered yet and doesn’t have his shots. They’d rather go through the SPCA where that’s all included. So, his appointment is Thursday — which certainly sweetens the pot for a certain college student who shall remain nameless (ahem Rochelle — just needs a little convincing).
So, if you’re a big-hearted foster pet owner who went to visit the stray cats who live at the horse stables, and one of them turned out to be pregnant, you may have to visit www.talklocal.com for a veterinarian. Otherwise, people will raise a red flag when your “free” kitten has a hidden price tag.
Didn’t deter me, though! Did it, Malice (aka Malicious Mittens)?
(Courtesy of ADowner Photography) Yes, of course I have professional photos taken of my cat!