As winter approaches, millions of people strive to implement changes meant to help them preserve ideal temperatures inside their houses and reduce the pain of their utility bill. Would a modern gas warm air heating system live up to your expectations? Keep reading to discover the pros and cons of this particular residential and commercial heating solution, and don’t hesitate to contact an expert if you have additional questions.
Discover the Advantages of Gas Warm Air Heating Systems
Warm air heating systems running on gas have their fair share of advantages to consider. These systems don’t require radiators to distribute warmth. They can include reliable cooling systems for use during the summer months and have no need of water tanks; therefore their owners don’t have to worry about water leaks or frozen water tanks.
In addition, such systems can also incorporate a good air cleaner utilized to eliminate pollutants, including dust, debris, and pollen, making them ideal for people suffering from severe allergies.
A longer lifespan, reduced running costs, and controlled ventilation are three other major benefits that should be taken into consideration.
Spot the Disadvantages of Gas Warm Air Heating Systems
Warm air heating systems have a few disadvantages, as well.
1. They are relatively expensive and require professional installations.
2. Condensation problems are very common, and you will need to count on decent insulation to prevent them.
3. These systems can be quite noisy.
4. Also, their characteristic dust movement could aggravate respiratory problems if an air cleaner is not incorporated.
If you live in a 2,000-square foot home that already has fully functional air ducts set in place, a new gas warm air heating system could cost you up to $4,000. If you haven’t installed the ductwork yet, be prepared to pay at least as much again.
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