Archive for 2013


Brakes Don’t Work When The Car Is Cold

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

Brakes Don't Work When Car Is The Cold - Auto Repair

Like every other part of your car, brakes have an optimal temperature range for functioning. This range is usually wide enough to ensure that your car does not break down due to temperature, but sometimes, extreme temperatures can cause failures in your car’s brakes. If your brakes don’t work when the car is cold, you will want to diagnose the issue as soon as possible to ensure your own safety and the safety of other drivers.

Why Your Brakes Don’t Work When The Car Is Cold

Brakes produce frictional heat when squeezing the brake pads against the brake rotor, allowing the car to stop. When the temperature is too low, your brakes won’t be able to conduct enough frictional heat to stop. However, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening. If your car is used in an area that regularly sees very low temperatures, consider purchasing a brake pad that has an operating range that allows for braking in lower temperatures. Ideally, this pad should be used during the winter while the already-installed brake pad should be used during the summer.

Alternatively, if you run into this problem while driving, try riding your brakes for roughly one thousand feet before you want to stop to create more frictional energy and help your brakes work. If your brakes require this sort of management, get them replaced immediately to ensure you don’t put your safety or the safety of others at risk.

Find A Mechanic

If you want to get your brakes checked by a professional, consider using TalkLocal to find a capable auto mechanic for you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality auto repair companies in your neighborhood within minutes. Just enter in your specific problem, location, and availability, and up to three companies will call YOU directly, saving you the time and stress of finding one yourself.

Seva Call Launches to Take Care of Business in Toledo

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

Seva Call Launches to Take Care of Business in Toledo - Seva Call

All 651,429 Toledo metro residents need somebody sometime, and now, when they do, Seva Call is at their service to connect anybody to the right somebody in over 50 service categories like plumbers, dentists, and personal-trainers.

Take Care Of Business In Toledo!

An online search gets consumers thousands of results, but it takes half an hour or so to get anything done. In Toledo, people who want real results can simply visit Seva Call, enter their service need, availability, location, and contact info. Then, just stand by to speak to up to 3 local professionals who are ready to help on the consumer’s schedule. Seva Call’s algorithm filters through thousands of area businesses to find the right match, and even factors in quality assurance indicators like online consumer reviews, social media interactions, call analytics, and other forms of consumer feedback. It’s far faster and more comprehensive than skimming through reviews and websites before even confirming that the company is available to take the call or do the job at the needed time.

“Seva Call will put Toledo’s talented to work faster than ever” – Manpreet Singh

So if you’re in Toledo, Ohio and you get a household uh-oh, go to to get set up with a pro and be good to go! (It’s clever because it rhymes!)

May Is National Recommitment Month (So We’re Giving You a Not-So Friendly Reminder)

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

Written by Dallea CaldwellMay Is National Recommitment Month (So We’re Giving You a Not-So Friendly Reminder) - Seva Call

Ever since the universe cancelled the Mayan armageddon last year, everyone has been a little too comfortable with forgetting about their New Year’s Resolutions. People have been going around thinking that they have all the time in the world to quit that bad habit, do that thing they’ve been putting off, lose those pounds, and generally do everything possible to ensure that 2013 will be just another faded blur of missed opportunities, broken promises, and regret.

But that’s in the past now that we at Talk Local have just reminded you that May is National Recommitment Month, and have endeavored to guilt you into recalling and recommitting to all those goals you set for yourself. We’re recognizing your awesome potential too do great things, if only you weren’t bumming around instead of hitting the gym, applying for those new jobs, studying for that test, and generally being all the awesome you can be. Not feeling guilty yet, you big bag of wasted talent?

Well, what if we pointed out that tomorrow is not promised, but is likely to show up with grey hairs, arthritis, and a bunch of grandkids who will look at you with big doe eyes and ask you “Can I really do anything I put my mind to?” and expect you to smile reassuringly and tell them the story of your regret-free life? What if we mentioned that you’d have to tell them this from your death-bed?

That’s right. Get scared. Get angry. But, by all means get up, get back on the wagon, and get going! Time has gotten away from you and you’ve got less than 6 months to catch up. There’s no time but the present if you want to make 2013 count.

And remember… Don’t put off carpe diem what you can take by the full monty before they’ve hatched where your mouth is… Whatever that means.

Types Of Motorcycle Tires

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Types Of Motorcycle Tires - Auto Repair

Motorcycles can be used for various purposes: sport, cruising, racing, and much more. In order to get the most out of each activity, you need the appropriate tires. What is your motorcycle riding skill level? What kind of motorcycle do you have? What kind of riding are you going to do? These are the questions that you to answer when considering the different types of motorcycle tires. There are many different types of motorcycle tires on the market, so knowing which one to select to suit your needs is important for your safety and for the performance of your motorcycle.


Performance motorcycle tires are designed to grip the ground as your speed increases. The grip is important for turning sharp corners. These tires operate best at higher temperatures, so they will not be as effective or safe if you are just cruising on the road; there will be less grip. Performance bikes usually have radial tires whose sidewall allows for more contact with the road when you lean.


These motorcycle tires have deep treads and grooves, which help grip loose dirt, gravel, sand or mud. If you have a motocross bike and plan to go off-road a lot, you should get these tires. If you don’t plan on going 100% off-road, then you can chose a tire that is 20% off-road and 80% street.


These motorcycle tires are made to be durable because touring motorcycles usually cover long distances. The harder rubber will ensure a long lifespan for your cruising motorcycle. Unlike performance tires, touring tires operate better at lower temperatures, therefore allowing you to travel in any season of the year. Cruiser bike tires are also usually bias-ply tires.

Need Help Deciding?

If you need a mechanic to help you decide which tire is best for you, TalkLocal can help connect you with quality, local professionals in just minutes! Our service is fast and free!

Benefits Of Teeth Whitening Strips

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Benefits Of Teeth Whitening Strips - Dentists

If your smile is not the glamorous, movie star flash of pearly whites you want it to be, you might find yourself seeking a way to whiten your teeth. After all, buttery yellow just doesn’t sound, look, or feel quite as nice.

The various options for teeth whitening might become overwhelming, and hearing rumors about the over-the-counter solutions, like teeth whitening strips, might deter you from using them. Despite those rumors, the benefits of teeth whitening strips are rich indeed.

Some of the benefits of teeth whitening strips include:

Inexpensive: Getting your teeth whitened at the dentist can easily rack up hundreds of dollars. Using teeth whitening strips is much less expensive. Different brands have different prices, but you can get teeth whitening strips as cheap as $15 or lower in some places. Even the best of the best range from $60 to $80 and are significantly more affordable than a trip to the dentist.

Gradual: Using these strips produces a gradual change in the color of your teeth instead of a shocking, all-at-once change. This means your teeth whitening process will look more natural and healthy. In fact, unless you spill the beans, people probably won’t even know you’ve been using a store-bought product to whiten your teeth. They’ll just notice your brighter smile and compliment you on how natural it looks.

Easier: Most of the over-the-counter strips you may find will be very easy to use. Whether you keep them on for 30 minutes or an hour or more, you can do other things while using them. Oftentimes, you can get ready for your day, cook dinner, work on the computer or just watch television and relax while whitening your teeth. Some brands even boast having such a good grip that you can drink water with the strips on your teeth without affecting the whitening process.

Consult A Dentist

If you’re looking for an easier way to whiten your teeth and save a few bucks, check out the over-the-counter strips. If you do need a professional, contact TalkLocal so we can get you connected with a qualified dentist in your area for free!

Criminal Appeal Bonds

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Criminal Appeal Bonds - Bail Bonds

If a person is found guilty in a criminal or civil court of law, they can still take further action to prove their innocence. If the person believes they were wrongfully convicted, they can file an appeal, which will essentially push the “restart” button on the entire case and both sides will make their arguments once again in court.

Appeals can make for very time-consuming trials, which tie up local judges and courtrooms. This costs local governments money. So, in an attempt to limit convicted individuals from filing an appeal even though the case does not merit one, a judge can use criminal appeal bonds as a tool.

What Are Criminal Appeal Bonds?

When a judge requests a criminal appeal bond, they are asking the man or woman who is filing the appeal to put up money that would cover the cost of the appeal if they were not successful. Criminal appeal bonds can also include the amount of money awarded in a verdict during the trial.

By forcing convicted individuals to invest money into their appeal, it will hinder people from appealing when they know they have no chance of winning, but are simply trying to prolong the process.

When Are Criminal Appeal Bonds Used?

Like traditional bail bonds, these are normally only required when the judge allows a convicted man or woman to go free from jail pending their appeal on criminal charges. Again, just like normal bail bonds, the convicted individual must prove to a judge that they are not a flight risk and that they are willing to show up at court for all of the necessary hearings. Depending on which state you live in, the bond might include a number of specific conditions as well.

If the individual pleaded guilty or no contest during the initial criminal trial, but then appeals the decision, they are not likely to be released from jail pending the appeals process on a criminal appeal bond.

Find Criminal Appeal Bonds In Your Area

Not sure who to turn to for such a service? We do. Try TalkLocal. Our service can connect you with all the necessary professionals in your area that are eager to help out.

Different Types Of Batt Insulation

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Different Types Of Batt Insulation - Handyman

Proper insulation is essential in a home to help with heating and cooling. Without effective insulation, warm or cold air can easily escape, leading to sky-high energy bills. It also helps with soundproofing rooms.

Insulation can be comprised of a variety of materials and come in various forms. Batt insulation is one of those forms. While there are different types of batt insulation, all of it comes woven together and can be purchased in panels. This makes it a lot easier to install than loose-fill insulation, which has to be blown into the wall with a giant hose, usually by a trained professional.

If you are a do-it-yourselfer, and installing batt insulation seems like a task you can easily handle, consider some of these different types of batt insulation.

Fiberglass: Of the different types of batt insulation, this is easily the most common. A large amount of fiberglass is produced from recycled glass. This glass is heated up and melted. Once it is melted, it is woven into small fibers. The glass fibers are bound together to create the panels of insulation. It is important to remember that when handling fiberglass, you must always wear protective gear, such as gloves and safety glasses.

Cotton: Some people fear that fiberglass will put harmful materials into the air of a home. While this is not concern that many professionals deem legitimate, if you want to be safe, you can pick up cotton batt insulation. Cotton is very common, so you know it is not harmful. In fact, you will require very few safety precautions when handling this type of batt insulation. To make it a more effective insulation, a flame-retardant chemical is applied.

Minerals: Some batt insulation is comprised of mineral materials like basalt and slag. This type of insulation is generally used in commercial buildings, and is a lot denser than the other types of insulation. It is also incredibly flame-retardant and helps in situations where supreme soundproofing is required.

Need Someone To Install Your Batt Insulation?

Even though the different types of batt insulation are easy to install on your own, you may require a hand. If so, simply log on to TalkLocal and quickly and easily find someone that can help.

USB Port Stopped Working

Monday, May 13th, 2013

USB Port Stopped Working - Computer Repair

A computer’s USB port is essentially the floppy or CD drive of this generation. So many of us load information (computer programs, pictures, music, documents, etc.) to a computer through a flash drive that connects to a USB port. Even more importantly, many of us use USB ports to connect our peripherals (printer, keyboard, hard drives). Needless to say, if you have noticed that your USB port stopped working, you have a significant problem on your hands.

The following are a few ways you can attempt to remedy this situation.

Restart The Computer

On occasion, your computer will simply not load the drivers correctly. If your USB port stopped working, the solution might be as simple as restarting your computer. This gives the machine the opportunity to load the drivers correctly, and if it does, your USB port would again be able to detect any hardware that is plugged in.

Try this first. If it doesn’t fix the problem, here are some other possible solutions.

Install Windows Updates

If you are using a computer with Windows as an operating system, make sure that all current updates have been installed. To do this, go to the ‘Start’ menu and take the following path:

All Programs > Windows Update

The updates could provide your machine with what it needs to allow the USB ports to function properly once again.

Check Your Device

Say you plugged in a flash drive and it appears your USB port does not work. Make sure to try the flash drive in another USB port to see if it works. It could very well be that your device is damaged instead of the port.

Check USB Ports

If you find your USB port stopped working, it might not be a problem with your drivers. It could be that the physical USB port has been damaged or broken. Inspect the port to make sure nothing has broken off. If you find that it has been damaged, consult a professional that is able to replace them. Without a firm knowledge of building computers, this is not a do-it-yourself task.

When You Need Help…

When it comes to computer repair, it is essential to consult a professional that knows what they’re doing. TalkLocal specializes in connecting consumers with computer repair professionals in their area. We make sure that greatly-needed tech support is just a few clicks away. Try our service out for free.

What Should I Include In My Will?

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

What Should I Include In My Will - Lawyers Family

Writing a will is not an easy task, but one that has to be done it most situations. One of the most crucial questions asked by people who are writing a will is: What should I include in my will? There are several things that are commonly included in wills. Some are necessary and others are only added under special circumstances or at the wishes of the writer. Here are some of the most important things to include in your will.

What To Include In Your Will

The will should be clearly written and contain your own personal information. You never know if someone will want to test the will or claim it was not written by you. Make sure your name, address, and other personal information is included in the will. You also must write that the will is your last one and should replace any other wills that may have been written before it.

– Choose an executor. This is the person that makes sure your will is followed after you have passed away. This can be a friend, family member, or even an attorney. Make sure the name of the executor is clearly written in the will. You should also write in the will that the executor has your permission to manage your estate. Keep in mind that an executor cannot also be a beneficiary of your will; they must be a neutral party.

– Request to have all of your bills and debts paid off at the time of your death. This means the executor will have to use any money in your estate to pay off your debts before the money and assets can be handed out or sorted otherwise.

– Decide how you will divide your estate and assets and choose your beneficiaries. Be very precise and make a list of who should get what. The more details you can give about an asset, the easier it will be for the executor to make sure your will is followed correctly.

– If you have children or pets and you want to make sure they are taken care of after you have passed away, you should choose a caregiver and state this information in your will. This is one of the most important parts of writing a will.

Nobody wants to think about how their family will handle life after they have passed. Writing a will is not only the responsible thing to do, it can also give you and your family peace of mind. Now that you know the important things to add in your will, you can have an answer ready when a friend or family member asks: What should I include in my will?

Seek Legal Help

The process of drafting a will is complex and requires the watchful eye of a legal professional. You can personally find one in your area by using TalkLocal. All you have to do is type in information about the lawyer you are looking for and we’ll track them down for you. It’s that easy.

What To Do When Your Brakes Fail

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

What To Do When Your Brakes Fail - Towing

Hopefully you are never put in this scary situation, but it is important to know what to do when your brakes fail. Brakes are, for the most part, reliable, but there are a number of rare instances that will render your vehicle’s brakes useless. In this event, it is important not to panic or do anything hasty, like purposely drive into something. Making the wrong decision in this scenario can cause harm to your vehicle, and more importantly, you and your passengers.

Here is some information on what do when your brakes fail.

Pump the brakes: Your brakes might not be out completely — your brake fluid just might be dangerously low. Try pumping the brakes first in order to determine whether you truly have lost all ability to use the brakes.

Downshift: If you are driving a vehicle with a manual transmission, begin downshifting the vehicle immediately. Changing gears will naturally slow the speed of the vehicle down. This will not be much help for those driving automatic vehicles. However, in both situations, make sure not to apply any more pressure to the gas pedal so the vehicle can decelerate.

Pull the emergency brake: While it might not allow you to stop entirely, using the emergency brake can slow you down significantly. Slowly pull the emergency brake up instead of yanking it up quickly.

Stay attentive and warn other drivers: Keep your eyes on traffic and respond accordingly. It helps to turn on your hazard lights or constantly honk the horn to alert other drivers that your vehicle is not operating in a proper fashion. Often, fellow motorists can take the hint and get over to the side of the road, out of your way.

Merge to the right: Get over to the far right of the road so that if you can come to a safe stop, you will be over on the shoulder where responders can assist you.

Make a judgment call: If you must crash into something to come to a complete stop, assess the dangers of your surroundings. Do everything you can to slow the vehicle down before you collide with anything. You can slow up immensely by hitting a curb, but it isn’t wise to do that if there are numerous pedestrians in the area. You must account for your safety and the safety of others.

Get A Tow

Once you learn the hard way what to do when your brakes fail, you will likely need your car towed somewhere to be repaired. TalkLocal is perfect for situations where you need to get ahold of a professional in a hurry. Our service requires a mere 90 seconds before a qualified professional calls you, instead of the other way around.