Archive for 2013


Appropriate Flowers For A Funeral

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Appropriate Flowers For A Funeral - Florists

When a person passes away, friends and family often provide floral arrangements for the funeral service. Many times, these floral arrangements will go home with the close family members of the deceased, so picking out appropriate flowers for a funeral might seem stressful initially. Here are some tips to keep in mind when making your decision:

Culture: While many Christian funerals today will have a large variety of floral arrangements, some Jewish funerals will ask for no flowers. Instead, they ask for a donation to be made to The Jewish National Fund. This fund then plants a tree in Israel in the name of the deceased.

Age: Traditionally, the funeral arrangements for older people will be a wreath of a variety of flowers, most notably white lilies and red roses.

Family: Knowing how traditional or non-traditional the deceased’s family is will determine if you send a wreath of lilies or an arrangement that looks like something more personal, like a football jersey.

Personality: If you know that the deceased really loved a sports team or hobby, professional florists can often make arrangements in the form of items used in those past-times.

Favorite flowers: Often, the deceased may have been especially fond of a particular type of flower or plant. Sending an arrangement that centers on this plant will be especially meaningful to the family despite how traditional they might be or their cultural preferences.

Florists Are Available To Help

The important thing to remember when choosing appropriate flowers for a funeral is that when in doubt, go traditional. If you are only somewhat familiar with the deceased and family, you can’t go wrong by sending a modest traditional wreath.

If you aren’t sure about particular cultural preferences, or would like to send an arrangement with flowers of particular meaning, ask a professional florist. TalkLocal can connect you with one in your area for free. Our services are fast and easy.

Should I Rent Or Lease An Apartment?

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Should I Rent Or Lease An Apartment? - Accountants

There are multiple reasons why you may not be ready to buy a house. Maybe your budget does not allow for it. And, when you aren’t ready, you’ll want to look into temporary living situations instead. This, however, leads to a very important question: Should I rent or lease an apartment? What is the difference, anyway?

Renting an apartment and leasing an apartment are very different.

Leasing an apartment:

– You sign a “lease agreement,” which is basically just a document that says you will live in this apartment for a certain length of time. The lease also details the responsibilities you will uphold as a tenant as well as those the landlord will uphold.

– Signing a lease means your landlord cannot cease renting the space to you — unless you do something specifically to violate your lease. It also sets your renting fees in stone for a certain period of time.

– Your landlord can’t change the terms of responsibilities for any party until the lease ends.

Renting an apartment:

– When you rent without signing a lease agreement, this is usually on a monthly basis.

– You are not committed to that property for any longer than the month you’ve paid for.

– The landlord is also not committed to renting you the property beyond the time you paid for.

So what do I do? Should I rent or lease an apartment?

The answer to this is honestly based on your financial situation and future plans. If you know you’ll be living somewhere for a while, you could sign a lease for an apartment at a price you can afford and rest assured that your rent will not go up. If you aren’t sure if you’re going to be staying in the area, you may need to take the chance of rent inflation and rent an apartment without a lease agreement.

Need To Consult An Expert?

Ultimately, the answer to this question is up to you and your individual situation. If you need assistance deciding or budgeting for your living situation, TalkLocal can connect you with high-quality accountants in your area who can help.

What Is A Peace Bond?

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

What Is A Peace Bond? - Bail Bonds

If you are having issues with another person and would like to take legal action, you might be wondering, “what is a peace bond?” When an individual makes threatening behavior towards another person, there are a couple of ways that a court can protect that person.  Criminal charges can be filed so that the threatening individual is incarcerated or fined heavily. Peace bonds are an alternative to criminal charges, requiring that the threatening individual keeps the peace with the other person.  Oftentimes a peace bond can be filed even after criminal charges have been filed, in exchange for withdrawing the criminal charges.

Who should get a peace bond?

Peace bonds are most effectively used when individuals have been threatened by others.  For example, someone may believe that another person wants to damage their property or hurt their family.  Peace bonds allow the threatening individual to remain out of prison, but still prevents an assault by stipulating heavy penalties if the peace bond is broken, such as steep fees and jail time.

How do I get a peace bond?

In order to get a peace bond, you first need to request one from a court system or a law enforcement authority in the threatening individual’s jurisdiction.  You’ll have to describe on paper why you believe the threatening individual is a danger to you and will eventually need to go to court to answer questions regarding the situation.  At this point, the threatening individual most likely will also be in court so that you may ask each other questions, so that the judge has an appropriate grasp of the situation.  If the judge believes there are grounds for granting a peace bond, then you’ll be issued a peace bond with stipulations, such as prohibiting the threatening individual from coming within a certain distance of you.

Protect Yourself With A Peace Bond

If you are considering applying for a peace bond, it is highly recommended that you consult a bail bondsmen to find out some more information.  TalkLocal can do all the work for you, connecting you with a high-quality, local bonding agency that can assist you in just minutes.

Sony Vaio Laptop Hinge Broken

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Sony Vaio Laptop Hinge Broken - Computer Repair

Are you worried about the well-being of the hinge on your Sony Vaio laptop? Is your Sony Vaio laptop hinge broken? The small compact parts that make laptops easy to transport are the same factors that make them vulnerable to problems, such as the screen hinge.  Everything can be working perfectly with your computer internally, but if your hinge breaks, you may not be able to use your Sony Vaio at all, so it is important for you to be careful with your computer as you transport it.  It is also important to pay attention to the warning signs that can help you catch hinge deterioration before it becomes a more serious problem.

Is Your Sony Vaio Laptop Hinge Broken?

Here are some of the red flags that might help you catch potential issues with your laptop’s hinge before they become too serious:

·      Your Vaio screen seems like it is struggling to support its own weight.

·      Your Vaio laptop doesn’t shut properly.

·      Your Vaio screen makes a squeaking or grinding sound when you open or shut it.

·      It has become difficult for your to open or shut your Vaio laptop.

All of these red flags indicate that your Sony Vaio’s hinge may be breaking or broken.  Check Sony’s Warranty Information Page to see if you are covered, and in the meantime, be very careful when you open and close your Sony Vaio Laptop.

Need Help With Your Sony Vaio?

If your hinge is not covered under Sony’s warranty or if you need urgent help repairing your Sony Vaio laptop hinge, TalkLocal can help connect you to high-quality computer repair professionals in real time. We’ll have you speaking with up to three professionals in your area in just minutes.

Why Do My Gums Bleed When I Floss?

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Why Do My Gums Bleed When I Floss? - Dentists

You know flossing is good for your teeth, but sometimes it is hard to find the motivation to actually do it. A lot of people say they feel like their gums bleed more when they floss than when they don’t.

They find themselves asking questions like: Why do my gums bleed when I floss? How can I make it go away? And they end up deciding to stop the flossing all together. This is actually the opposite of what you should do.

Wondering: Why do my gums bleed when I floss? You should also ask yourself:

Do I floss regularly?

If your answer is “no,” then that’s probably the exact reason why your gums bleed when flossing. Although it might not seem to make sense, your gums bleed more when you first begin flossing. This is because you’ve probably got some plaque and tartar built up in your mouth.

This build up causes your gums to become extra sensitive. If you continue flossing, you will remove that build up and your gums will become as strong as they were before.

Do I bleed or feel pain in one specific area?

If so, your bleeding gums may be the result of an infection, either in a tooth or in your gums. Having an infection means you need to see a dental health professional immediately. That way, you can have the infection healed or removed, depending on how bad it is, and then get back to brushing and flossing.

Have I experienced any hormonal changes lately?

Pregnancy and certain medicines that cause a serious change in hormones can actually make your gums bleed when you brush and floss. The hormone changes cause your gums to become more sensitive than usual, which leads to the bleeding. You want to discuss this with your doctor or dental health professional.

Locate A Reliable Dentist In Your Area

As long as you are brushing and flossing regularly, you will avoid plaque and tartar build up, which means your gums will stay strong and avoid bleeding. If you are having issues or have more questions, TalkLocal can connect you with a local professional who can help. All you have to do is answer a few questions and qualified dentists will contact you in a matter of minutes.

What Are The Different Grades Of Paper?

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

What Are The Different Grades Of Paper - Garbage Removal

If you are considering the idea of recycling more of your waste, you may be asking yourself “What are the different grades of paper?” It is important to be able to recognize these different grades of paper so that you can separate non-recyclable material from recyclable waste. The following are the five basic grades of recyclable paper.

1. Old Newspapers (ONP): These will often be recycled back into paper for news content or for paperboard and tissue.

2. Old Corrugated Containers (OCC): This type is also known as corrugated cardboard and will be turned into shipping boxes or paperboard for products like cereal.

3. High Grade Deinked Paper: This category is made up of paper that has gone through the printing process. This includes printed paper, letterheads, envelopes and paper scraps that have gone through the printer. In order to be recycled, it must first be deinked so that it can be turned into printing and writing papers and tissue.

4. Pulp Substitutes: You won’t have this type of paper lying around your home. These are the shavings and scraps left over at paper mills. Paper mills can often use these instead of fresh pulp to create their high-grade papers.

5. Mixed: This category is fairly broad. Pieces of paper that are included in the category include: mail, paperboard, telephone books, catalogs and magazines. These types of paper can be used in the production of paperboard and tissue or as a secondary fiber in producing new paper. In addition, mixed recyclable paper can be used as a raw material in non-paper products, like molded pulp, gypsum wallboard, roofing felt, chipboard, and egg cartons.

Ask The Experts

If you have any doubt about what paper products can be recycled, contact a professional. He or she probably won’t even have to look up the answer to your question “What are the different grades of paper?” TalkLocal can put you in touch with a qualified garbage removal professional in your area for free — right now!

How to Get Scratches Out Of Car Paint

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

How to Get Scratches Out Of Car Paint - Auto Repair

A feeling of horror overcomes us when there is a scratch on our new car. It may be the result of a wandering grocery cart or another driver who has scraped by in passing. Fortunately, some scratches can usually be removed without a trip to the car shop. Read below for multiple methods for how to get scratches out of car paint.

Small Scratches

Scratches as small as a pencil eraser can be removed by a paint pen. A paint pen is a specially made pen that can apply paint to metal, pottery, wood rubber, glass, plastic, and stone surfaces. Paint pens can be bought at your local retailer or craft store for less than seven dollars. To fix your scratch with a paint pen:

1. Clean the scratched area with soapy water, and then with a wax and grease remover.

2. Apply several coats of paint with the pen, allowing it to dry completely between each coat.

3. Use Cleancoat over the newly-painted area.

Normal Scratches

Scratches such as key scratches need a little more elbow grease and equipment to be removed.

You will need: shoe polish, 2000-grit wet/dry sandpaper, rubbing compound, oscillating polisher, and car wax. The polisher can be found for less than 50 dollars. To remove scratches:

1. Clean the scratched area with soapy water, and then with a wax and grease remover.

2. Use shoe polish on the area so the scratch can be seen completely.

3. Place 2000-grit wet/dry sandpaper on a sanding block.

4. Put the sandpaper into cold water mixed with detergent so the sandpaper is less abrasive to the surface.

5. Lightly sand the scratch until it is not visible.

6. Apply the rubbing compound to the area.

7. Polish the area with polisher. Be careful not to polish through to the next layer of paint.

8. Hand buff the area and apply car wax.

Get Your Car Looking Like New Again

If you are looking for an auto shop, use TalkLocal. TalkLocal can find you the best auto repair shop in your area, so you can get that scratch removed as soon as possible.

Install Windows On Chromebook

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Install Windows On Chromebook - Computer Repair

If you bought a Chromebook, you might not be happy with the operating system. Windows 8, the newest Windows Operating System, is quite different from the Chrome Operating System. The Chrome OS is heavily reliant on the Internet and works mostly through a cloud system, whereas storage through Windows 8 is probably more familiar to you.

Windows 8 has reportedly improved all of the installation problems and other bugs stemming from Windows 7. If you are feeling like you may prefer Windows 8, you might want to install Windows on Chromebook.

Although it is possible, it is not easy to install Windows on Chromebook. You will need to follow some very specific steps.

1. Hack your BIOS settings. This is incredibly difficult to complete. You have to open your Chromebook, meaning you have to remove the 12 screws in the bottom and  wrap some electrical tape around the BIOS to stop the protection activity, thus allowing you to hack into your BIOS settings.  After you have done that, you can remove boot loader settings. To do this, hit F4 and change the sequence.

2. Flash new BIOS. This also needs to be done carefully to avoid damaging the Chromebook.

3. After hacking the BIOS settings and flashing new BIOS settings, you can install Windows 8. You will need to have the Windows 8 Operating System stored on a flash drive. You would not be able to use an external CD-Rom drive since Chromebooks do not come equipped with a CD drive. After this, all you need to do is follow the installation instructions.

Although this is only a three-step process, it is still a very intricate process. Windows 8 was not intended to be used on Chromebooks, which is why you have to hack your own BIOS settings very carefully.

Find Someone Who Knows What They’re Doing

It is possible to use Windows 8, but you may prefer professional help to insure your Chromebook’s safety. If so, let a trained professional help you. TalkLocal can connect you with the professionals in your area who know how to get your computer up and running in no time.

Roof Insulation Types

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Roof Insulation Types - Roofers

Your roof is one of the most important areas of your house to insulate. A well-insulated roof can save you money on heating bills during the winter and cooling bills during the summer.  There are many roof insulation types, and they each perform differently depending on the conditions, so you will need to choose the right type for your house.  There are three general types of roofing insulation to consider: Batt, blown, and sprayed insulation.

Batt Insulation

Batt insulation (pictured above) is packaged in large rolls and made of either fiberglass or cotton that is commonly used to insulate home roofs and ceilings.  While Batt insulation is usually the cheapest, the quality does not measure up to other types of insulation. Insulation works the best when it can completely fill the cavity of your roof so no heat can escape.  Batt insulation needs to be cut into the specific shapes of your roofing and has to compete with all sorts of wiring, junction boxes, and exhaust fans, making it difficult to insulate effectively.

Blown Insulation

Blown insulation usually consists of small particles of fiberglass or cellulose that is installed by spraying it into your attic through a hose.  These small pieces can fit snugly into almost all of the spaces in the attic, ensuring that all cavities will be filled effectively.  Fiberglass, while a little more expensive, is lighter than cellulose and stands up well against moisture.  If you live in a wet climate and expect a lot of moisture on your roof, avoid cellulose; it will rot out easily since it is made from shredded newspapers.

Sprayed Insulation

Spray foam is also a very common type of insulation. The major advantage of spray foam is that it you can apply it directly to the roof line, rather than leaving it on the attic floor like with blown insulation.  Spray foam insulation will stick to the roof and offer reliable insulation, and is also necessary if you have your HVAC system and ducts in your roof.  However, the major disadvantage to spray insulation is the cost, which is approximately three to four times what you would pay for blown insulation.

Find A Roofing Contractor

If you are uncertain about which of these roof insulation types will work best for your house, contact a roofing expert so that you can get a personalized assessment for your situation.  TalkLocal can make finding that roofing expert a breeze. Once you submit a service request through our system, you’ll be talking with a local, high-quality roofing professional in just minutes!

Earthlings, Have You Thanked Your Mother Lately?

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Written by Dallea Caldwell

Earthlings, Have You Thanked Your Mother Lately? - Seva Call

Earthlings, Have You Thanked Your Mother Lately? No, not that mother. You don’t have to thank her for another 19 and a half days. It’s Earth Day, the one day in April when we humanoids take a stand with our distinctively high-carbon footprints to show appreciation for our long-suffering, unceasingly nurturing Mother Earth. Her nutrient-rich soil and habitable atmosphere spoil all of us Earthling kids rotten. We have all the ripe fruit, haughty grains, and fresh drinkable water we could possibly consume — assuming equitable global distribution, smart responses to population growth, and the adoption of sustainable development strategies.

Earth might not be the only big atmospheric ball of matter traveling about 100,000 kilometers per hour around a star and spinning at 1450 kph. It’s not even the only planet revolving within the habitable zone range of its sun, of which there is an estimated 500 million. Yet, Earth is our one and only big, wet, dirty rock, and it’s likely the only home we’ll ever know.  And, it’s blue and green surface is crawling with enough complex life that it makes all the other planets green with nothing but envy.

Of course, the qualities that make Earth so special are not invulnerable to our meddling. In fact, the Earth is currently experiencing a Mass Extinction Event, large numbers of species are going extinct at an accelerated rate. This is the 5th and fastest such phenomena, (the end of the Dinosaur era being one), and it’s the first with a single species as a root cause. But, we’re also the first species with the power to stop it, so there’s a lot we can and should do to keep Earth green and teeming with life.

Here are 3 changes you can make right now to be a better son or daughter to the Earth:

Low Energy Bulbs: The cheapest cost-saving way to brighten Mother Earth’s day. The most common energy-efficient bulb is the Light Emitting Diode or LED. It usually costs a few dollars and outlasts the conventional bulb.

Take 10-min  Showers: The luxurious sensation of steam-hot or even slightly cool water is a refreshing start or finish to a long day, but  fresh water is surprisingly scarce worldwide. So, those of us with access must use it responsibly. Furthermore, the hot water furnace works over time and drives up energy costs every time we turn that faucet.

Unplug Chargers and Other Appliances: This will take some discipline, but every plugged appliance is draining low amounts of energy, driving up energy bills, and growing your home’s carbon footprint one baby step at a time. So, it’s not a waste of energy to unplug appliances so that every volt goes to good use.

Your Home Can Be Earth-Friendly, Too!

Plus, there are lots of home improvement options that make your home as efficient as it can possibly be- which helps both you and the environment: installing low-flush toilets, solar panels, and better insulating windows — just to name a few. You should even consider non-toxic and biodegradable materials for your next DIY project.  TalkLocal can even find you top-rated handymen to help you with eco-friendly renovations. Just visit and describe when and how you want the make Mother Earth proud.