Archive for 2013


Best Conditions For Growing Bamboo

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Best Conditions For Growing Bamboo - Landscapers

Bamboo can be an exotic addition to any landscape, and it’s important to determine the best conditions for growing bamboo prior to planting. Making this determination can be tricky, though, because there is such a wide variety of species. There are some commonalities among species, however, so here are five of the best conditions for growing bamboo.

1. Light: Considering that the native growing conditions for most species consist of patches under the canopy of forests, most bamboo needs some sort of protection from full sun. Too much sunlight can cause leaves to burn.

2. Soil: Many species grow best in soil conditions that mimic those of river banks. It must be well-drained (no swamps) but still maintain moisture.

3. Water: Most species do well in droughts but would appreciate watering or irrigation during harsh, dry conditions.

4. Size: Pay attention to the average growing size of the bamboo you choose. In forest conditions with a canopy of 180 feet tall, some species can grow up to 120 feet.

5. Fertilization: Regular spring fertilization is preferable prior to new shoots forming. Extra fertilization can prevent flowering. While some plants won’t flower for 100 years, should your plant flower, it can be detrimental to it and even kill it.

The most important thing to determine when considering the best conditions for growing bamboo is the type you are planting. Similar to hydrangeas, some plants prefer a more acidic soil, while some prefer a more alkaline soil. The variety of species allows for the likelihood that you can grow bamboo in your area. It also means that you’ll need to research your specific type of bamboo.

Need More Help?

Try contacting a professional landscaper. TalkLocal’s free service can find one in your local area for free. He or she will be highly-qualified and will work with you to determine the plant that will grow best in your area.

Unclog A Sink Drain

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Unclog A Sink Drain - Plumber

It can be frustrating (and disgusting) to be brushing your teeth, only to realize your sink is filling fast and not draining. Surprisingly, there are ways to unclog a sink drain without using chemicals. Although strong chemicals often work to fix the problem, they can damage your pipes and cause a larger, more costly mess in the long run.

How to Unclog A Sink Drain

1. Wait for water to slowly drain. If it is fully clogged, scoop out as much water as possible and use an absorbent towel to soak up the rest. Then, use a pair of tweezers or needle nose pliers to remove any visible debris in the drain. Next, take a piece of wire with a bent hook-end and use it to fish out any debris that is not visible on top. Try running water to see if it drains.

2. If this does not work, use duct tape to cover the air hole in the sink. After putting a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the ring of a plunger, place it over the drain hole and fill the sink with about an inch of water. Thrust the plunger up and down for about two minutes. Remove the tape and plunger, and run some water to see if the drain is cleared.

3. If it is still clogged, place a bucket under the P-trap and use a pipe wrench to remove the nuts which hold it in place. Flush the P-trap out in a bucket so as not to reintroduce the debris to another drain. Replace the P-trap using a cloth under the wrench to reduce scratching. Run water to check for leaks and drainage.

4. If this still does not solve your problem, remove the P-trap again and insert a drain auger into the pipe. Begin rotating until you feel resistance. Reverse your rotations repetitively until the debris comes loose. Replace the P-trap and run water for a few minutes to clear the drain.

Get Help Immediately

These methods should unclog a sink drain. If they do not and you are concerned about your mechanical abilities, you may need to hire a professional plumber. TalkLocal can find one in your area quickly and easily. Simply type in a little bit of information about your problem and we’ll have qualified professionals call you in a matter of minutes.

How to Improve Car AC

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

How to Improve Car AC - Auto Repair

In the summer, AC becomes a very important part of driving comfort and physical safety. Sometimes, the car needs to become an icebox to relieve the scorching heat from outside. For these hot days, there are some ways to improve the car AC so it can work most effectively. Read on to learn about how to improve car AC.

Beat the Heat: Reducing heat in the car

The car will cool faster by reducing the heat in the car when it is not running. There are many ways to reduce the heat in the car, including:

– Park in shady areas to prevent your car from getting baked in the sun.

– Install window auto reflectors to reflect sun rays from the car’s interior. These available at your local auto store.

– Tint the car windows. The car only needs to be lightly tinted to effectively reduce heat. If you are considering a tint job, look for tint specifically designed to reduce heat-causing rays.

– Cover the AC pipes with a foam pipe and wrap it with aluminum tape. The covering reduces the heat transfer from the engine to the AC pipes and results in greater AC efficiency.

Max Setting

Put the AC on the “max” setting or the setting that recirculates air in the car. When on the low setting, the car pulls air from the outside and turns it cold. This causes the car to cool more slowly than the max setting. It’s recommended to use the max setting on humid days.

More Tips

– Change your car’s air filter every six months. When these filters are blocked with dirt and grime, the AC has to work harder to cool your car.

– Do regular checkups to find and fix small leaks in the AC system. For big leaks, call an auto repair professional.

Let Us Find Your Mechanic For You!

If you need help finding an auto repair shop, just use TalkLocal. TalkLocal connects you to the best auto repair shops in your area for free, so you can get the help you need, when you need it.

VMware Slowing Down Computer

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

VMware Slowing Down Computer - Computer Repair

VMware is one of the leading technology companies. VMware has made a way to run Windows on Macs, which is extraordinary feat. VMware can have initial problems with effects on the host computer’s speed. The host computer can slow down tremendously to a halt, almost making it impossible to do anything.  Don’t worry.  We have some solutions to VMware slowing down computer, so your device can work perfectly.


VMware installs many drivers to the computer system so that they can function correctly. This puts major pressures on the host computer which can affect the computer speed. The most common problem occurs with the allocated RAM or memory of the VMware. If the VMware does not have enough to function correctly, the VMware borrows memory from the computer. This will slow down the host computer substantially. Another problem is that unnecessary programs on the host computer are being running on the VMware.  These programs make your computer work harder and affect the computer’s speed.

Solutions to VMware Slowing Down Computer

Add more RAM:

For VMware to work correctly, it needs at least 2GB of RAM. Anything lower will cause problems with the host computer speed. After increasing the RAM memory, a user needs to manually increase VMware’s memory. To do this:

1.       Enter VMware from the VMware application window.

2.       Go to Edit VMware Settings.

3.       Go to the Hardware tab.

4.       Go to Memory, under the Device column.

5.       Increase the amount of memory as required.

6.       Click OK.

Stop certain programs from running on VMware:

Certain programs can be stopped from running on VMware, so the host computer speed is not negatively affected. Programs such as system restore and antivirus programs can cause these problems with VMware.  Stop such programs from running on VMware using the OS instructions.

Upgrade your computer’s hardware:

The CPU and hard drive can be stressed by the addition of the VMware application. In upgrading the CPU and hard drive, the computer would have a better chance in absorbing the stress and not affecting the host computer speed negatively.

Talk to A Professional

With these solutions, hopefully, VMware can work correctly with no effect on the host computer’s speed. If these solutions don’t work, find a computer repair professional. TalkLocal will connect you with up to three, high-quality professionals in your area for free!

My Dog Has Bloody Stools

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

My Dog Has Bloody Stools - Veterinarians

It is important to closely monitor your dog’s habits, nutrition, and behavior daily to be able to notice when something goes wrong. Vets often receive the concern, “ My dog has bloody stools. What should I do?” Inform yourself of the potential causes below before you speak to a veterinarian.

My Dog Has Bloody Stools!

Diarrhea and bloody stools often go hand in hand. Your dog’s intestinal tract is irritated, which causes the blood to be released and could indicate serious health problems. Black or red streaks in your dog’s stool indicate blood. Save a fecal sample for your dog’s veterinarian to examine.

Black blood means your dog has Melena. This means the blood is coming from the upper intestinal tract because it was digested. Red blood means Hematochezia. In this case, the blood is fresh, so it must be coming from the lower intestines, such as the colon and rectum. See a veterinarian immediately.

Causes of Bloody Stool

The main causes of a bloody stool in dogs are:

– Viral infection

– Parasites (i.e. hookworm, whipworm)

– Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

– Cancer

– Tumor

– Ulcer

– Foreign object

– Allergies

– Liver failure

Further safety tips

Pay attention to what your dog eats and what animals it interacts with. Keep a close eye on your dog and make sure it does not eat other dog’s feces. Parasites can also come from other contaminated dogs. Dogs are also very likely to chew up objects into small pieces, such as bones, which can get stuck in the gastrointestinal tract and cause bleeding. Make sure your dog’s toys are sturdy and your dog is not chewing on any dangerous objects.

Take Your Dog to the Vet

TalkLocal can connect you with the best local veterinarians in your area. Our FREE service connects you with the best professionals in just a few minutes. All you need to do is tell us your specific issue, location, and availability, and TalkLocal will contact multiple veterinarians who will then call YOU directly, ready to help.

Buying vs Building A House

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Buying vs Building A House - Real Estate

The decision of buying vs building a house yourself is a personal one.  You need to decide what you value, your current commitments, and the resources you can dedicate to such a grand project.  Your house will be the place you return to day after day, so you should seriously deliberate whether building a house is worth it.  Deciding to move into a new house is a big step, so consider the following points before deciding whether to buy or build your dream home.

Pros Of Building A Home

– Control: you can decide the exact layout and size of your house.

– Knowledge: you can choose building features that best suit how much maintenance you can commit to for your home.

– Expert Advice: the builder can help you create a house catered to your interests and preferences.

– Personal Choice: you can choose to build with environmentally-friendly materials.

Cons Of Building A Home

– Time Pressure: you will be working on a deadline, depending on the weather and when you need the house completed.

– Budgeting: building supplies and labor can run over your budget (you should also account for unexpected expenses, such as necessary changes in design plans).

– Stressful: you will need to manage this project on top of your job and other commitments.

Pros Of Buying A Home

– Options: you have the opportunity to shop around for the most affordable home in different neighborhoods and styles.

– Negotiation: you have some leeway to haggle the price with the seller.

– No Rush: you can take your time, looking at as many houses as you like, on your schedule.

Cons Of Buying A Home

– Not Always A Perfect Fit: you may need to compromise some wants or have extras you don’t need in a home that you buy, as it may depend more on the price than the layout of the home.

– Potentially More Costly: buying an older home is a risky investment, as you may need to perform renovations on it that would not be required with a freshly-built home.

Continuing Problems

If you have more questions about buying vs building a house, ask a professional for more advice.  The easiest and fastest way to get in contact with reliable, local real estate or construction companies is to use TalkLocal. Just tell us your problem and availability and let us do all the work.  Within minutes you will be connected to someone who can help.

Appropriate Flowers For Graduation

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

Appropriate Flowers For Graduation - Florists

Graduation time is just around the corner. You may be looking to commemorate the occasion with appropriate flowers for graduation. Flowers are not just reserved for female graduates. They can be worked into the decor during celebrations for male graduates as well.

While it might not seem like you can go wrong with selecting flowers, some might be too formal while others might not match the decor of the ceremony or post-graduation celebration.

It does not matter if you are presenting flowers to a high school graduate, a college graduate, or even a kindergarten graduate. Your selection must be somewhat thought out.

The following are some suggestions and tips to finding the perfect flowers to commemorate a graduation.

– Orchids: These flowers come in a variety of colors and will take your breath away with their flawless beauty. Orchids are appropriate flowers for graduation for both male and female graduates and can be ordered to match the school colors of the graduate.

– Roses: Any colorful rose is a great way to congratulate a recent graduate. White, pink, and purple roses are great for female graduates. White roses can also be appropriate for male graduates.

– Carnations: Carnations can come in a variety of colors, too, and are not too formal.

– Bright and colorful never fails: For male graduates, you cannot go wrong with any arrangement of bright and colorful flowers. After all, this is a time for celebration, not dinner with your grandparents.

– Get creative: Do not be afraid to use your creative side. Send flowers of the school’s colors to both male and female graduates. Or, incorporate a school logo in the arrangement.

Graduation is a time that will be remembered for a lifetime. Send appropriate flowers for graduation to make a lasting memory. Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated. It is also a thoughtful gesture to send flowers to the host or hostess of any graduation parties that you attend.

Find Flowers With A Local Florist

Flowers are a great, inexpensive gift that is thoughtful as well as beautiful. Count on TalkLocal to connect you with florists that can cater to all of your needs. We connect consumers with businesses that provide the services that they are looking for — not just florists.

Portable Storage Common Questions

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

Portable Storage Common Questions - Moving and Storage

Whether you are a college student, a newlywed, or in another transitional period that requires moving to a new home, you have probably found yourself asking some portable storage common questions. There are a lot of questions to consider when moving, whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned expert.

Some portable storage common questions you may have include:

What is portable storage?

Portable storage is a way to keep your personal belongings while you move, usually in a large moving truck or large, portable locker.

How safe are my valuables?

Your valuables are very safe in today’s portable storage. Most companies have a weather-proof guarantee, meaning that your belongings will not be affected by the weather when inside of the storage unit. They are also safe from thievery. Portable storage trucks and trailers come with heavy duty locks and thick metal walls to protect your items.

Am I allowed to keep my portable storage unit at my home or office?

Typically, the answer is yes, but you need to make sure you reach out to the proper authorities in your area. Depending on the size of your unit, you may need more than just one standard parking space to store it. Your supervisor, home owner’s association or local law enforcement may want to make sure that your storage unit does not disrupt traffic flow or cause any visibility or safety issues.

How do I go about renting a portable storage unit?

Usually, this depends on the unit itself or the professionals renting you the unit. Your options are typically to pick it up or have it dropped off at your home. If you opt to have it dropped off, you usually do not need to be present to receive it.

How long do I have with the unit?

This also usually depends on the professionals renting you the unit. Like with a moving company, you will pay a flat fee for each day you use the service. Sometimes, this is divided into half days. This means you can take as long as you need with the unit as long as the time frame is approved by the renters. Portable storage unit renters often offer deals for certain blocks of time, such as one flat fee for a week of usage instead of adding up each day.

Get A Hold Of Moving And Storage Experts

Since a lot of this does depend on the professionals from whom you rent your unit, you want to make sure you rent from a professional who can meet all of your needs. TalkLocal can help you with that. We can connect you to the professionals you need and take the work out of that process so you can focus on packing up your belongings.

How To Care For Retainers

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

How To Care For Retainers - Dentists

Once you have your braces removed, you will more than likely be fitted for a retainer. Learning how to care for retainers is extremely important, as replacing them can be very costly.

A retainer can be uncomfortable, but it is extremely beneficial. Retainers require a lot of care in order to prevent them from becoming germ-infested. The following are a few tips that can help you take great care of your new retainer.

– Brush: Each time that you brush your teeth you should be sure that your brush your retainer, as well. Your retainer spends an awful lot of time in your mouth. It can become a rather stinky and sticky situation if it is not brushed regularly. The toothbrush will wipe away bacteria and other debris that has latched on to the device.

– Soak: Soak your retainer in an antiseptic mouthwash at least once a day for one minute. This will help eliminate the buildup of germs.

– Denture Tablets: Soak your retainer in a denture cleaning tablet solution at least once a week. Scrub it down with a toothbrush after soaking it for a period of at least 20 minutes.

Other Helpful Tips and Warnings Concerning How to Care for Retainers

– Avoid exposing your retainer to high temperatures of heat. Most retainers are made of plastic and will melt or warp under extremely hot conditions.

– Keep track of your retainer. No one wants to use a retainer the dog has chewed on. Show responsibility to save money. Keep your retainer in the storage case you were likely given by the orthodontist to keep it safe, clean, and protected.

– Do not bite the wires of your retainer with your teeth. It is very important not to bend the wires. It will not fit correctly if this happens.

Need A Dentist’s Help?

If you are looking for an orthodontist or dentist, allow TalkLocal to help you in your search. We connect consumers with businesses that provide the services they are looking for. For once, let businesses compete for the right to serve you.

BSOD: Bad Pool Header

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

BSOD: Bad Pool Header - Computer Repair

BSOD, or the Blue Screen of Death, occurs when a Windows OS encounters a critical error. There can be many causes for this which usually disappear when the computer is rebooted, but one of the causes for a BSOD which cannot be resolved by a simple reboot is the “Bad Pool Header”.

BSOD: Bad Pool Header

When you encounter a “Bad Pool Header” BSOD, it usually means that there is some sort of a problem with the registries. A registry is a set of instructions which are used for communication between the programs and applications running on the computer. When these registries are corrupted or lost, it causes a fatal BSOD error. The registry on any device is like its brain. It sends every part of the device instructions about what to do and when to do it. Each program or application running on this device has the potential and permission to add, delete, or overwrite this information. So, it is clear how a small corruption in the registry can trigger off a chain of events which ultimately lead to a BSOD.

Fix A BSOD: Bad Pool Header Error

To treat Bad Pool Header BSOD  errors, what is needed essentially is an effective and trustworthy registry cleaner, such as WinZip. It not only will correct any corrupted files but will also ascertain that no other files will be corrupted in the future. The cherry on top is that, at the end of this process, all the pointless information, error logs, and other unwanted files stored in the registry will be gone and the computer feels brand new again.

Get Professional Help

If you would like some professional advice on your computer’s BSOD, or even on finding a trustworthy registry cleaner, come to TalkLocal. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with up to three reputable computer technicians in your area, who will be available to help you when you need them.