Archive for 2013


Timeshare vs. Vacation Property

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

Timeshare vs. Vacation Property - Accountants

If you want to get away for a bit and enjoy yourself, you might have an ideal destination in mind. Otherwise, you still might be thinking it over. One of the most common debates vacationers have is a timeshare vs. vacation property. Both options have pros and cons, some of which are listed below.

A timeshare involves sharing the vacation property with others. You pay for part of the property and sign up for a certain time that you want to spend there. When you are not there, other people are likely enjoying it.

Pros Of A Timeshare:

– Timeshares are drastically cheaper than owning a vacation property.

– You can exchange with timeshare owners in different areas and vacation in various places instead of limiting yourself to just one location.

– You’ll feel just like you’re at home, since timeshare condos have everything most homes would have.

– There is less maintenance required than with a vacation home because you’re only there part-time and share the responsibilities with others.

Cons Of A Timeshare:

– You need to make sure that the organization hosting your timeshare is legitimate. There is a reputation for scams among timeshare owners, but a simple background check or internet search can help you find feedback to avoid that.

– Some plans are more flexible than others. You need to make sure your time share plan is flexible enough to accommodate your needs.

A vacation home is just like owning a home where you live and work. The only difference is that this home is in your ideal vacation location and you only visit this home sparingly.

Pros Of A Vacation Home:

– This is your own personal property. No one else can use it unless you desire. If you would rather own a property and not share with strangers, you may consider purchasing a vacation home.

– These are completely flexible. You own the home and everything associated with it. You can go whenever you want for as long as you want.

– If you like decorating, you have full reign over a vacation home. It will look exactly how you want.

Cons Of A Vacation Home:

– Owning another home is significantly more expensive than owning a timeshare.

– You can’t exchange vacation property unless you make a private agreement, so it’s likely you’ll only vacation in this one spot.

Does A Timeshare Or Vacation Property Fit Your Budget?

Deciding the winner of timeshare vs. vacation property depends on your needs, budget, and interests. TalkLocal can connect you with up to three professionals who can help you decide which vacation situation is best suited for you.

Fuel Gauge Not Working

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Fuel Gauge Not Working - Computer Repair

Have you ever been driving on what you thought was a full tank of gas, only to see your fuel gauge drop to empty when you accelerate? Fuel gauges can go on the fritz for any number of reasons. If your fuel gauge is not working, we have some steps you can take to troubleshoot it.

Is Your Fuel Gauge Not Working?

1. Locate the fuel tank of your car. There should be a wire near the tank with a tan color – this is the “fuel sender feed wire”, which indicates to the fuel gauge how much gas you have left in the tank of your car. Disconnect the wire at the base to test it.

2. When the wire is disconnected and the node hangs loosely in air, the needle of the fuel gauge should be reading above full. If the node is touching the ground (with no flow of electricity), the fuel gauge should be reading below empty. If these are not the case, you have either a wiring problem or a defective fuel gauge.

3. Find a multimeter. A multimeter is a device that measures the electrical current that flows between two points – it shows you the amount of electricity at your disposal. Using the two points (the metal needles) of the multimeter, connect one end to the wire (the tan wire – fuel sender feed wire) and the other end to the ground (a surface with no flow of electricity).

4. Differing amounts of electrical flows indicate the amount of fuel in the tank, with a higher number of power (measured in ohms) indicating a fuller tank. If the multimeter does not measure any output, recheck the wiring to see if it is connected to the tank or that the wire is grounded.

5. If it still doesn’t work, chances are that you have faulty wiring. To check for this, disconnect the tan wire involved with the connection between the gauge, and check it (run a finger along to wire) to see if there is any wear and tear along the wire. Replace the wires and make sure that everything is connected and grounded properly to check it if works.

6. If it still doesn’t work, try replacing the tan wire. If you aren’t sure which wire would work for your car, consult the nearest dealership to get a professional opinion. At worst, when even replacing the wire doesn’t work, you may also need to replace the fuel gauge.

Additional Help

If you feel like you need professional help with your faulty fuel gauge, TalkLocal can help connect you with local professionals who can help you out. We will connect you with up to three professionals in your area, so you don’t stress yourself out searching for one.

Tonight, Seva Call’s Aman Bakshi’s NCAA Pick Could Win It All!

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Written by Dallea Caldwell

Tonight, Seva Call’s Aman Bakshi’s NCAA Pick Could Win It All! - Seva Call

Tonight, at 9:23 EST in the historic Georgia Dome: The Louisville Cardinals take will on the Michigan Wolverines. Most of the TalkLocal team will be cheering on the sidelines, but one shrewd bracketologist’s NCAA pick could win it all.

Co-founder Aman Bakshi declined to publicly disclose which of the competing teams he predicted to take the win in our office competition. Our current and developing relationships with community members and fans on both sides makes the admission a conflict of interest. However, according to sources, Bakshi reportedly has a chance of closing out the NCAA championship prediction season with a flawless victory- pending the results of this final game.

“I focused, I trained, and I gave it my all. They ask me: ‘Is it in the wrist? Is it the shoes? No, in the end… it’s about what’s in here”, Aman explained, pointing to his chest in a heartfelt gesture.

Aman credits his success to his strict diet of gummy bears and regular exercise: knee bends into his seat,  reaching for chips, and running his fingers across the keyboard at 64 words per minute.

“He has an impressive ability to aggregate the opinions of sports announcers and pass himself off as a Bracketology Nostradamus”, quipped Gurpreet Singh  bitterly.

The co-founders, including Manpreet Singh, (who frequently practices his jump-shot while cheering crowds and the sound of the buzzer ring in his head), wanted to clarify that it’s not how you play the brackets, it’s how you gloat when you win that matters. At press time, Aman Bakshi is rehearsing his emotional victory. He plans to bend to one knee, head lowered, before raising a finger toward the sky, a single tear streaming down his cheek.

Of course, if tonight’s game motivates you to play more than guessing games, visit to find a personal trainer who will make you feel like a real champ.

Who do you think will win?

What Is Spyware and How Do I Get Rid of It?

Monday, April 8th, 2013

What Is Spyware and How Do I Get Rid of It? - Computer Repair

If you keep seeing error messages and security alerts on your computer regarding spyware, you may be asking, “What is spyware and how do I get rid of it?”

Spyware is an overarching term for programs that perform activities on your computer without your permission. The activities range in nature, but are generally negative and undesirable. You can accidentally infect your computer with spyware by downloading a free program. Spyware can send your personal information—such as browsing history, downloads, and even your name and address—to another computer as well as change your computer configurations. It can be hard to diagnose spyware because of its many effects, but some common symptoms are listed below.

​​Symptoms of Spyware

​​Slow or Crashing Computer

Spyware tracks your computer activity, which can cause it to crash or lag. If you notice your computer crashing more frequently, or perform slower than usual, spyware may be occupying your computing power.

​Different Settings or Programs

Spyware can change the settings on your computer like your toolbars or homepage. It can also download additional programs without your knowledge. With spyware, you can attempt to change these settings back, but they may revert to the wrong settings again after you restart your computer.

​Many Advertisements

If you find yourself bombarded by pop-up ads or experiencing more ads than usual, then your computer may be infected with spyware. The advertisements may appear when you start your computer or even when you are offline.

​1-900 Number Charges

Some spyware can stop your internet connection and command your computer to use a 1-900 number. Check your phone bill to see if you have mysterious charges for a 1-900 phone number.

​​Getting Rid of Spyware

If you believe your computer has been infected with spyware, look to see if your computer manufacturer offers a free anti-virus software. If you are a Windows user, you can download Microsoft Security Essentials to protect your computer from spyware and other harmful software. If the symptoms do not improve after anti-virus installation, you may need to have a professional take a look. TalkLocal can help you find computer repair services in your area. Just fill out an online service request, stating your problem, location, and availability. TalkLocal will connect you to up to three service providers who can help you in a matter of minutes!

Building An Outdoor Patio

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Building An Outdoor Patio - Landscapers

Building an outdoor patio can create a wonderful space for you, your family, and your friends to enjoy the outdoors in comfort. With the right design, you can truly create a private getaway right in your own back yard. Completing the project yourself takes some work, but could save you some money in the long run – providing you do your homework. The following are five things to keep in mind when building an outdoor patio.

1. Will you need to dig? Consult your design plans to determine if you will need to dig any lines for electricity or to level the base of your patio. If so, you will need to call 811 to have local agencies mark your water, electrical, telephone, and any other piping that may run through the area.

2. What are your local permit requirements? Depending on the type of structure you choose, you may need to apply for certain permits with your local city or community.

3. Is the structure you’re building even permissible by your city? Some city regulations require a certain amount of distance between the structure or concrete pad and the property line. Determine your city’s regulations and adjust your design accordingly.

4. Are you physically able to handle the labor? Overestimating your abilities can end up with you straining yourself. Be sure to consider the weight of the materials you’ve chosen. What may be only slightly challenging to lift at the beginning of the day could turn into something impossible by the end.

5. Have someone else work with you. This person may not even do much of the work, and could just hand tools and fetch drinks, but his or her role is important. He or she is there to ensure you are safe and can call for help in the event of an accident.

Need More Help?

A professional landscaper can do the job for you quickly, and will help you with getting the necessary permits. TalkLocal can find the right landscaping contractor for you in a matter of minutes. Try our free service today!

Drooling Cat Smells Bad

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Drooling Cat Smells Bad - Veterinarians

Have you noticed your carpet wet with cat drool and a foul smelling cat? There can be several reasons that your drooling cat smells bad. In some cases, it can be a sign of a more serious underlying health problem. We have outlined some possible conditions to watch out for when your drooling cat smells bad.


When a cat becomes nauseated, this can cause the cat to drool. The cat may burp or vomit which then causes the cat to smell bad. Nausea can be caused by a simple stomach ache or liver disease. Liver disease causes the increase of toxins in the blood,which causes the cat to be nauseated and drool excessively.

Periodontal Disease

Plaque build-up in your cat’s teeth causes gingivitis which leads to periodontal disease.  Periodontal disease is the infection and inflammation of parts that support the tooth such as gums. Periodontal causes the cat to not eat, have bad breath, and can induce drooling.

Tooth Abscess

A tooth abscess is basically a major toothache for the cat. When a tooth decays in the mouth, bacteria get into the tissue and infect the center of the tooth (the pulp). When this occurs a tooth abscess forms and may cause the cat to have a loss of appetite and increased drooling.

Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is common among elderly cats. When the disease is severe, blood appears in their urine and ulcers develop on and around the mouth. These painful ulcers cause cats to have foul-smelling drool.

Take Your Cat to A Veterinarian

To prevent oral diseases that cause these symptoms, brush your cat’s teeth regularly with an annual dental cleaning from a vet.  There are also dental chews available to clean your cat’s teeth. If you suspect that one of these conditions is the reason why your drooling cat smells bad, find a veterinarian as soon as possible. TalkLocal will connect you with up to three veterinarians in your area, in just minutes.

Seva Call Launch in Tampa to Help Locals Discover Home

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Seva Call Launch in Tampa to Help Locals Discover Home - Seva Call

Seva Call is rolling through Tampa, Florida, and its caped crusader Seva Man isn’t here to see the sights. He just borrowed [read: stole] the Ybor City Trolley, kicking off anyone with a camera and a pack. Breaking out of the tourist trap, Seva Man intends to show native Tampanians a side of their city they need to know.

How Does Our Launch in Tampa Help You?

All you Tampanians who think you know your city reasonably well, try finding a last minute roof repairman from the eye of a rainstorm. You’ll find that you and everyone else is calling the well-advertised, well-search-engine-optimized, or prominently listed companies, so of course they’re booked, and you’re stuck calling the next. With Seva Call, you can connect to up to three available service professionals to address your various needs in minutes. No research needed. No numbers to dial. With a few details about you, your schedule, and your problem, Seva Call can find that illusive service professional you could have spent hours searching for, “You’ve been to the Soho District, welcome to convenience central- and it’s everywhere you and your computer are, Tampanians!”, says Seva Man.

So, maybe the grand theft trolley was a bit unnecessary. Fortunately, can help Seva Man find the lawyer and bail bondsmen he’ll probably be needing soon. As for you, Tampa, just go to to find and speak with the highly-rated plumbers, electricians, H-VAC specialists, dentists, and auto repairmen you won’t find in cyberspace. And, if you’re a local business looking for a boost in customers – go ahead and register – it’s free!

The Cost of Laser Teeth Whitening

Monday, April 8th, 2013

The Cost of Laser Teeth Whitening - Dentists

The cost of laser teeth whitening is very helpful to know when you are shopping around for ways to improve your smile. There are many different routes you can take to getting whiter and brighter teeth, but laser teeth whitening is definitely a popular choice. Cosmetic dentistry is a growing industry that has helped many people. The following gives you some helpful information summarizing the cost of laser teeth whitening.

Factors to Consider

The area that you live in will change the cost of laser teeth whitening when you are looking around. Some locations will be more expensive while others will be less expensive. If you live in an area with a higher cost of living, you can expect cosmetic dental procedures to cost more.

Typical Cost of Laser Teeth Whitening

The typical cost for a full procedure of laser teeth whitening is a bit over $1000. Ask your dentist how many visits you will need to schedule at their office for a whitening procedure. The reason that this is important is because the cost usually goes up as the number of office visits increases.

Insurance Payments

Unfortunately because laser teeth whitening is considered cosmetic dentistry, insurance companies will not provide reimbursements for your teeth whitening procedures. You will have to double check with your specific company and your situation, but the general rule is that you will have to pay the cost of laser teeth whitening out of pocket.

How does it work?

The procedure behind laser teeth whitening is quite interesting! The dentist applies a special gel to your teeth and then uses a laser to apply it. The laser creates the opportunity for the little crystals in the gel to embed into your teeth. This is the quickest and most efficient method to whitening your teeth. However, beware that the people who you know the best will be able to see the increased whiteness and brightness of your teeth as this procedure typically makes your teeth look much better.

Find A Cosmetic Dentist

Would you like to book an appointment or find out more information about laser teeth whitening? Check out TalkLocal. You will be connected directly to local, high-quality professionals at the time that is most convenient for your schedule. Check it out!

How to Clip Lovebird Wings

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

How to Clip Lovebird Wings - Veterinarians

Getting frustrated with chasing your pet bird around? Scared the bird will fly out the window or even hit a window? Clipping lovebird wings is necessary for taming your lovebird and preventing injury. It is recommend that a veterinarian do this procedure, but this can be easily done by the pet owner. Before attempting to clip, please have a veterinarian or an experienced bird clipper supervise the procedure to avoid injury to the bird and yourself. Here is a guide on how to clip lovebird wings.

How to Clip Lovebird Wings

1. Place one paper towel in each hand.

2. Gently drape the bird in the towel and pick it up.

3. If the bird is not cooperative, get a partner to help. Gently grab the bird and secure its head to prevent the bird from biting your hand. Let your partner cover the bird in the towel.

4. Put the bird in one hand securely and put it against the palm of your hand.

5. Pull out one wing with the free hand and secure it between your index finger and thumb.

6. Find the primary feathers on the bird. These are longest on the bird, typically on the very end of the wing.

7. Cut the primary feathers and along the wing at an angle. DO NOT CUT TOO FAR. THIS WILL CAUSE BLEEDING. Let your partner cut the feather if the bird is not cooperative.

8. Repeat this process for the other wing.

9. Let the bird go and check if the bird is flying smoothly. If not re-trim the wings so that they are even.


1. Wings don’t have to be fully trimmed. Cutting the top primary feathers can be sufficient in limiting the lovebird’s flight.

2. If the bird begins to bleed, use flour to stop the bleeding.

3. Don’t over-trim the bird’s wings. Over-trimming the bird’s wings can cause the bird to land hard after flying and may cause injury.

Want Professional Help?

Clipping a lovebird’s wings is a delicate process that must be handled with care. A veterinarian will know how to clip lovebird wings if you are uncomfortable doing it yourself. Use TalkLocal to find a veterinarian near you. We will connect you with up to three veterinarians in your area, who will be able to help you out when you need it.

Active Isolated Stretching Training

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Active Isolated Stretching Training - Massage Therapy

If you have recently injured a muscle or tendon, you may have had others suggest for you to look into active isolated stretching training. AIS training is a more recent form of muscular manipulation and massage therapy designed to help a variety of conditions. Once you know what active isolated stretching training is, you can more accurately determine if it can help your condition.

What Is It?

For years, the norm in stretching was to hold a stretch for around 60 seconds. It was believed that holding the position this long would encourage flexibility. We now know that extended stretching can be more harmful than the original ailment. It can cause the muscle to contract, restricting blood flow and encouraging lactic acid build up. Active isolated stretching training focuses on specific muscles or small muscle groups rather than larger muscle groups.

Initially, a trained therapist will manipulate the muscles through stretching in short increments (two-second stretches) in multiple repetitions (six to 10 repetitions). These increments increase the blood flow to the muscle that is being stretched, and warm the paired muscle being contracted, which encourages deeper flexibility in both without allowing for the stretched muscle to have time to contract. Often, the therapist will teach patients how to perform the stretches at home with tools like a towel or an elastic band.

When Is It Used?

Active isolated stretching training is used on a variety of ailments. It has been shown to improve overall flexibility in patients once thought to have lost flexibility due to age. It is also effective on other conditions, such as Osgood-Schlatter’s disease, shoulder impingement, golfers elbow, and tenosynovitis (inflammation of the covering of the tendons). It has also been used by athletes to encourage flexibility in often-used or overused muscles to prevent injury.

Want To Learn More?

Ask a professional. TalkLocal can find a massage therapist in your area for free. We will connect you with up to three, highly-qualified individuals in minutes, and you will be on the road to more relaxed muscles in no time.