Archive for 2013


Teeth Grinding Prevention

Friday, April 5th, 2013

Teeth Grinding Prevention - Dentists

Most people grind their teeth from time to time, but this habit can cause some big oral health problems when it happens on a regular basis. Teeth grinding, which medically is called bruxism, usually occurs during sleep and can be brought on by stress, anxiety, or more typically, an abnormal bite.

Why Prevent Teeth Grinding?

Since bruxism usually occurs during sleep, most people are unaware of their habit. Many people find out that they grind their teeth from loved ones who hear them at night. A sore jaw and a dull constant headache are other signs of bruxism.

Teeth grinding can cause serious oral health problems. The habit can cause fracturing, loosening, loss of teeth, and in sever cases, temporomandibular disorder. Chronic teeth grinding can even lead to painful root canals or the need for dentures.

Teeth Grinding Prevention

To prevent serious oral heath problems, you should take steps towards teeth grinding prevention. If stress is causing the problem, you should ask your dentist or health professional about options to reduce stress. Some options may include regular exercise, seeing a physical therapist, or even prescription medicine. You should also ask your dentist to fit you with a mouth guard to wear at night to protect your teeth from further damage. Some other preventative tips include:

–          Cutting back on foods and drinks containing caffeine

–          Avoiding alcohol consumption

–          Avoiding chewing on anything that is not food, like gum, or objects such as pens.

–          Relaxing your jaw muscles at night by holding a warm cloth against your cheek in front of your earlobe

Want to Find A Quality Dentist?

If you want to know more about teeth grinding prevention, or would like to speak with a dentist, just use TalkLocal. We will connect you with up to three, reputable dentists in your area, who are available to help you when you need them most.

Connect Sony Bravia to the Internet

Friday, April 5th, 2013

Connect Sony Bravia to the Internet - Computer Repair

Being able to connect your TV to the internet opens up so many more options of activities to yourself.  You can watch Youtube videos, Google your questions, and do various other things all while sitting on your couch, in front of a much larger screen than your laptop.  In order to connect Sony Bravia to the internet you have to take a couple of steps.

The Bravia comes equipped with an internet video link that should stream from the internet directly at no extra charge, and should require no additional devices.  In some cases people have issues getting their internet to connect with their TV.


There are a couple things going on that could affect your ability to connect your Sony Bravia to the internet

1)     Your internet is too secure.

2)     You need to Ping the internet.

3)     The TV isn’t receiving the right IP address.


If you have a password protected internet network you may need to take the security measure off in order to be able to connect with your TV.  Usually the television will ask for the password but in the case that it cannot connect to do even that much, you will need to change the settings of your Internet security.  You could also try to reset the Internet router to see if the TV will connect after that.

If you still cannot connect you should try to Ping the IP address of the TV from your computer.  This way your TV will simply act like a computer monitor and show whatever is going on on your computer screen.  You can use a VGA or output cable to connect the television and laptop.

A third problem could be that the TV isn’t receiving the right IP address information, and therefore is unable to connect with the internet.  You will have to manually configure the network settings.  You can reset the IP address and try connecting your TV to the internet again.

Need Additional Help?

If you cannot seem to get your Sony Bravia connected to the internet it may be time to get professional help.  If you are looking to get in contact with a local computer technician, just use TalkLocal.  All you have to do is input your problem, your availability, and location and TalkLocal will do the rest.  We’ll find the professionals for you, and them them to you directly!

Buying Vacation Rental Property

Friday, April 5th, 2013

Buying Vacation Rental Property - Accountants

Vacation rental property can be an amazing convenience. Instead of searching around the Internet for an expensive hotel room in your favorite vacation destination, you can just pick up and leave knowing that you have a place to stay. Plus, when you are not using it, you can rent it out to someone else, which could potentially cover the cost of buying the property.

Many people find that buying vacation rental property is well worth the investment, but first, you must know how to do it properly.

Here are a few things to consider when buying vacation rental property.

Take Into Account ALL Expenses

Buying vacation rental property might sound easy — you write a check for the property (assuming it fits your budget) and you’re in the clear. It’s not quite that cut-and-dry. There are many expenses tied in with owning and maintaining a vacation property. These are expenses you will have to account for when you adjust the rate for your renters.

These expenses include, but may not be limited to:

– Furniture: Tenants are not going to want to stay in a vacation home that is completely empty, and it can cost quite a bit to furnish a home.

– Repairs: Various things on the property will eventually break, and it takes money to have those repaired.

– Utilities: Be prepared to pay for water, gas, electric, cable, and all of the other monthly bills that come with owning a home.

Choose The Right Area 

Just like in real estate, the No. 1 factor to consider when buying vacation rental property is “location, location, location”. It is generally wise to visit the area before you purchase property there. Take into consideration the attractions and amenities in that area to ensure that it is a place families will want to vacation. If there is nothing to do there, chances are, people are not going to want to rent from you.

Make Sure You Are Financially Equipped 

You are about to take out a whole other mortgage, so make sure you are on steady financial ground before doing this. Don’t assume that you’ll be able to rent out the property easily. Be prepared financially in case no one is interested right away.

Get Help From An Expert 

Don’t be afraid to consult an expert on the matter. This process is not entirely easy. When it comes to contacting professionals, TalkLocal is your best option. We will connect you with up to three professionals in your area, in just minutes!

How to Replace Motorcycle Brake Pads

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

How to Replace Motorcycle Brake Pads - Auto Repair

Wondering how to replace motorcycle brake pads? This article is here to help you answer that question! Below are the proper steps to replacing the brake pads on a motorcycle.

Where Do I Begin?

1. To begin replacing your brake pads, locate the mounting bolts near the calipers and the forks.

2. Unscrew these mounting bolts.

3. Your goal is to remove the calipers from the forks. If you have retaining pins, take those out as well.

What Do I Do Now?

1. When the retaining pins are removed, you will be able to access more of your bike now. Now that your brake pads are loose, inspect them. Check out the condition of your brake pads and the surrounding area. Check for cracks, holes, or tears. Evaluate whether or not it is time to replace your brake pads. If it is time to get new pads, keep reading.

2. Clean out the dirt and debris that has built up around your retaining pins. Also, use brake cleaner to clean the area close to the caliper pistons.

3. After the area is clean, use a screwdriver and push the pistons back to their original position within the bores. As you do this, make sure the brake fluid is not overflowing in the master cylinder.

4. Install in the new brake pads. Helpful tip – as you install the new pads, try not to get grease or oil on the surface of the pads.

5. Replace the pins, clips, and bolts all to their original positions. In addition, check out the fluid level of the master cylinder again. Check out this helpful article about replacing motorcycle pads.

Now you are all set to start riding again! Go slow at first and check out your new brakes.

Get Professional Help

Still need help? Try connecting with a professional auto repair technician who will know how to replace motorcycle brake pads. Check out TalkLocal! We will connect you directly to local, high-quality professionals who can help you out whenever is most convenient for your schedule. It’s free, and it only takes a few minutes!

Paint Removal From Brick

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Paint Removal From Brick - Handyman

The natural look of brick offers a lot for your home, whether on the interior or exterior. If you have beautiful brick trapped under paint, these tips for paint removal from brick will help you get back the rustic look you were longing for once again.

Tips For Paint Removal From Brick:

1. Start out with a paint solvent. This should be a gel or a paste and it should be applied generously. Don’t hold back on it. That said, you do want to start off with a small test patch to make sure the solvent will work well.

2. After applying the gel or paste solvent, put some strips of a heavy duty material over top. As the paste gets softer, it connects to the material while disintegrating the paint. At this point, you can peel off the strips. Just make sure you don’t leave little paint chips scattered around your brick surface.

3. If you don’t have enough material, or are working with a significantly large area, just let the solvent soften and scrub it off of the bricks afterwards. Make sure you are using a stiff bristle brush for this so you don’t damage the brick.

4. After scrubbing, rinse the brick off with clean water. If you’re removing paint from a really big section, you might break it up into smaller sections and use more steps to make it more manageable.

5. After removing the paint, you might need to do more work with your brick surface. There might have been a reason why the bricks were painted in the first place. If they are damaged, faded or discolored, you might consider painting them a more natural looking color with only minimal coating. This will hide the damage and give you the brick look you love, whether you’re painting the exterior of your brick home, a fireplace or just a small section.

Seek Help

If this project is too big or too tough to do on your own, you may consider connecting with professionals in your area that can help. TalkLocal can take the work out of that search and connect you with the help you need. Just tell us what you need, where you are, and when you’re available, and we’ll connect you with the right professionals.

Speed Up Firefox Loading Page

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Speed Up Firefox Loading Page - Computer Repair

Tired of waiting too long for your pages to load while surfing the web? We might have a solution for you. If you’re a Firefox user who is frustrated by slow-loading pages, keep reading. We have some steps for you to follow if want to speed up Firefox loading page.

How to Speed Up Firefox Loading Page

1.      Type “about:config” into your address bar and hit return.

2.      Look through the results shown to find “network.http.keep-alive.” If it says false, double-click on it to change it to say true.

3.      Next, look for “network.http.version” and make sure it is set to 1.1.

4.      The next thing to look for is “network.http.pipelining.” This needs to be set to true.

5.      Find “network.http.proxy.pipelining” and set that to true as well.

6.      When you get to “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests,” change its value to 8 by double-clicking it. This will allow your browser to process eight requests at once, rather than the default four requests.

7.      This last step is optional. Right-click anywhere on the screen, and select “new” and then “integer.” Change the name to “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0.” This value represents the amount of time the browser waits before it processes your request and relays the information it has received.

Is Your Firefox Browser Still Too Slow?

After completing these steps, your Firefox page loading time should be much faster. Enabling the “pipelining” feature allows your browser to process more than one request at a time, therefore speeding up page loading. However, if you are still experiencing problems that are beyond your ability to fix at home, contact your manufacturer or a service professional to help you out. Try using TalkLocal to be connected to local computer technicians in just minutes. We will find up to three professionals in your area who will call you, ready to help — for free!

Tree Has Frost Cracks

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Tree Has Frost Cracks - Tree Removal

If your tree has frost cracks, you will want to heal them. Frost cracks pose a serious threat to the health of your tree, and a dying or dead tree poses a serious threat to your yard and your home. Fortunately, frost cracks can be healed.

How Does A Tree Get Frost Cracks?

Frost cracks are caused by sudden drops in temperatures. On cool days moisture can collect on the bark of the tree. When the temperature drops suddenly, such as when the sky becomes overcast, the bark cools rapidly and the moisture freezes, causing the bark to expand. This exposes the inside of the tree like an open wound; bacteria, fungus, and insects have easy access to the tender wood of the tree and cause disease, or even simply wear down the health of your tree.

What to Do If Your Tree Has Frost Cracks

Frost cracks can usually heal on their own if there is clean crack with no loose bark. If the tree has a jagged crack and loose bark is present, you may have to heal the tree yourself. The tree heals frost cracks by forming a callus layer to seal edges of the crack. Neither tree paint nor tar can cause this formation and should not be used to heal a tree’s frost crack. When healing the tree yourself, you will enact this formation of the callus layer. To heal the frost crack you will need: denatured alcohol, water, a sharp knife, an empty spray bottle, and a towel.

1. Mix denatured alcohol and water, consisting mostly of alcohol.

2. Dip a knife into mixture.

3. Carefully remove loose bark and smooth the edges of the crack with the knife without cutting deep into the wood.

4. Cut a ½-inch deep oval around the frost crack while sterilizing the knife with the alcohol mixture between each cut. Have the cut 1 or ½ inches away from the frost crack.

5. Remove bark from the newly cut area, so that the area is bare.

6. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it onto the exposed area to sterilize it.

7. Soak up any excess mixture with the towel.

Need Professional Help?

If you think your tree has frost cracks, or may be dying, contact a quality tree removal service. TalkLocal will connect you with up to three tree removal services in your area in just minutes. Try it out today, for free!

Energy Efficient Roof Systems

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Energy Efficient Roof Systems - Roofers

Becoming environmentally-friendly is the new thing to do.  Many people have recently developed an awareness of how to live in more eco-friendly ways, and one popular way to do so besides recycling is to build energy efficient roof systems.  There are a couple of different options you can choose from if you decide to pursue energy efficient roofing.

Energy Efficient Roof Systems

Not only do energy efficient roofs help to be environmentally-friendly but they also can save you a lot of money on your next utilities bill.  You may have to invest more money in the first place but in the long run it will pay itself off.

One decision to make when trying to build energy efficient roofs is between steeply-sloped and low-sloped roofs. Steeply-sloped roofs are what you typically see on homes.  These roofs stay cool by being made out of tiles and painted metal.  Clay and concrete tiles only reflect 10-30% of sunlight heat, but the colored metal and tile roofs reflect from 25% to 90%.  This solar energy really helps to cool your home and keep your energy bill low.

Low-sloped roofs are more commonly found on industrial or commercial buildings.  They are energy-efficient if they have singly-ply, cool membrane coats applied on them.  This has the consistency of paint and can be applied to various types of surfaces.  Applying this coat will also help with adhesiveness, durability, and reducing mold growth.  They act in the same manner as tiles by reflecting back sunlight and holding in solar energy.

Other options include installing solar panels on your roof, or growing a garden up there.  Solar panels are good for trapping heat and providing energy for your home, lowering your energy bills.  Roof gardens are energy-efficient because they receive even more sunlight than ground-level gardens would.  Plants flourish and grow more quickly when placed on top of the building.  There are a lot of options when it comes to installing energy-efficient roofs, and you should consider them all.

Need Help Installing An Energy-Efficient Roof?

If you have more questions about energy-efficient roof systems, you could speak with a professional roofer in your area. TalkLocal will connect you with up to three, reputable roofing companies in just minutes. Just tell us what you’re looking for, where you are, and when you’re available, and we’ll find the right professional for you –free!

Upgrade Graphics Card In Laptop

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Upgrade Graphics Card in Laptop - Computer Repair

Upgrading the graphics card in a laptop will result in better graphics quality. Despite being a difficult and time-consuming process, it can be done DIY-style. Here is an easy, step-by-step process to upgrade the graphics card in your laptop.

Upgrade Graphics Card In Laptop

1. Check with the manufacturer to see if the graphics card can be upgraded. Some older laptops might have irremovable graphics cards that are soldered, or might have very specific graphics cards.

2. After verifying this information, start disassembling your laptop. Newer laptops will give you easy access to your video card by simply removing the bottom of the laptop. However, older laptops might be different, and you may need to remove the hinge on the monitor.

3.  Remove the keyboard. Detach the keyboard by removing the screws that hold it down and unplugging the connector. Be sure to keep track of which screws come from which part of the laptop so that you can easily reassemble your laptop after you are finished.

4. Remove the laptop’s display monitor. Unscrew the screws and unplug any cables, such as the video and WiFi antenna, that are attached to the bottom half of the laptop. Remove the optical drive by pushing down the latch on the bottom of the laptop.

5. Remove the screws of the shell and take off the protective shell of the bottom half of the laptop.

6. You are now ready to remove your old graphics card by removing the screws that hold it in place and put in the new one.

7. Simply reverse these steps to reassemble your laptop with your new graphics card. You will also need to install any necessary drivers from the new graphics card’s manufacturer.

External graphics cards are also available if this task is too tedious or time-consuming for you.

Have A Professional Replace Your Graphics Card

If you perform the upgrade operation properly, you will not be disappointed. However, do not hesitate to contact an IT professional to help you upgrade your laptop’s graphics card. TalkLocal can connect you with the best IT technicians in your area in just minutes. Let us help you find the right professionals when you need them!

Picking The Best Gym

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Picking The Best Gym - Gyms and Fitness

Getting rid of that spare weight and working to improve your physical fitness can be difficult, especially when picking the best gym can be confusing or intimidating. When it comes to exercising, everyone has different needs, which is why picking the best gym requires you to focus on what you want.

To help you figure out what you want from a gym, ask yourself some of these questions:

Do I want to tone and build my muscles?

If you do, you need to evaluate the gym’s availability of free weights and weight machines. If you are advanced in strength training, you probably already know what you need. If you are a beginner, you want to make sure you have access to hand weights, starting around five pounds each. You will also want machines that work various parts of your body (core/abs, arms, back, and lower body) and leave you with room to add more weight and improve.

Do I want to use cardio machines, or do cardio activity in a large free space?

This is an important question. Some people prefer the bikes, elliptical machines, and treadmills, but others prefer to have a large, open space for various interval training and individual activities. Some gyms don’t have the space to support those activities.

Do I want to take classes or utilize a personal trainer?

Sometimes, especially if you’re new to working out, taking fitness classes can be very helpful. In this situation, you usually have a professional instructor who leads you and a group of other people in a fitness activity, usually related to cardio. Some options include:

– Yoga, which tones muscles and helps you relax

– Pilates, which is a cardio exercise that also tones muscles

– Zumba, a cardio activity disguised as a form of Latin dance

– Kick boxing, a cardio activity that also teaches basic self-defense

If any of these classes sound like something you might want, make sure the gym offers them. You may also consider the class sizes.

If you are looking into a personal trainer, you will want to research the trainers at gyms in your area to be sure they can help you meet your goals, at a price you can manage.

Find Gyms And Trainers Easily

If you still have more questions, TalkLocal connect you with someone that can help. We can connect you to the professionals in your area and make picking the best gym a breeze.