Archive for 2013


Why is Airbag Light On?

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Why is Airbag Light On? - Auto Repair

Vehicle airbags are an essential part of the Supplemental Restraint System (SRS), and can save lives in the event of a collision. If the SRS in your car is malfunctioning, you will want to get it checked out by professional as soon as possible. All modern vehicles are designed to signal on the airbag light when there is a problem with the airbag system. The light is actually triggered by a trouble code that is set off at a sign of airbag malfunction.

Why Is Airbag Light On?

If your vehicle airbag light has turned on, it is important to have it examined by a trained technician. Do not attempt to fix the problem yourself.  The airbag system is very sensitive and serious injury can occur if handled incorrectly.

Most technicians can diagnose the problem by scanning the trouble code stored in the vehicle’s computer. A scanning device can retrieve the code and diagnose the problem. The trained technician can then safely fix the problem.

Keep in mind that airbags are designed to deploy only once. You will need to replace the airbags if they have previously deployed.

Airbags are designed to save lives. If you notice that your airbag light has turned on, it is likely that the airbags will not deploy in the event of an accident. Make sure to get your vehicle checked out immediately to ensure the safety of you and your passengers.

Find A Quality Mechanic

If you are looking for a certified auto repair technician in your area, you should try TalkLocal. TalkLocal will connect you with up to three qualified auto repair professionals who are available when you need them. Just tell us your problem, location, and availability, and we’ll have you speaking to a local professional in just minutes.

Does Adding RAM Decrease Battery Life?

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Does Adding RAM Decrease Battery Life? - Computer Repair

Many people want to increase the memory capabilities on their computer and do this by adding RAM.  But they worry that the increased RAM might decrease the battery life of their laptops.  There is a large debate about this issue, and this article will try to answer the question: does adding RAM decrease battery life in computers?

There are three possible effects that adding RAM could have on your battery.  Your battery will either increase, decrease or stay the same.

The Good, the Bad, And the In-Between

If you add more RAM memory it may save battery life.  Adding RAM can increase battery because it spreads out the work that the RAM has to do.  If the RAM is small, then the computer swaps a lot of files and requires more CPU processes and activity, draining your battery.  If you add RAM you can eliminate much of the extra work and save or even increase your battery life.

Another possibility is that additional RAM may drain a battery.  Because there is more RAM it must continuously refresh the contents.  This is required so that all of the data being stored is not lost.  The more RAM you have the more content needs to be continuously refreshed, so your battery will be taxed more.

There is also a middle ground where your battery life could stay the same because RAM is one of the most efficient consumers of power in your computer.  When compared to the other components a RAM it is the most conservative.

The real answer depends on your computer. If the RAM needs to be continually flushed to refresh the data, then it will eat more battery life. However, any decrease in battery life will be minimal, and likely unnoticeable. Overall, your computer will perform at a higher rate with more RAM.

Additional Help

If you are still unsure as to whether adding RAM would increase or decrease your battery life you should ask a professional before taking any action.  Use TalkLocal to be connected with high-quality computer technicians in your area. We will have you speaking with a local professional in just minutes!

Common Home Architectural Styles

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Common Home Architectural Styles - Real Estate

Whether you are looking to build your dream house or find one on the market already, you will want to know a little bit about your architectural options. Most common home architectural styles are designed to be pleasing to the eye, and your individual taste will help you decide which one to go with. Of course, other factors, like the exterior paint or lawn will also likely play into your decision.

Some of the most common home architectural styles include:

Ranch: No, this isn’t based on the delicious salad dressing. This type of home is known for being a one-level home with a partial basement, and a garage attached to the side instead of free-standing.

Colonial: Just like its name suggests, this style of home has been around for centuries. It’s a two-story, spacious style that focuses on elegance over commonality. Most colonial homes were individualized when they were built, which means that window types and floor plans may vary dramatically.

Split level: After World War II, these homes became popular because they are so spacious. They include two levels that are not stacked one on top of the other or side-by-side; they are split into two, partially-connected sections instead.

Bi-level: This two-level home is also called a “peeking level” home because the bottom level is semi exposed from the ground instead of being completely submerged or completely exposed. There is rarely a basement under the second level.

Victorian: These homes are centered on elegance and beauty. They feature many types of windows and additions that offer a unique flair such as bay windows, large porches, balconies, and more.

Townhouse: Famous for easy living in big cities, these multi-level homes include smaller levels stacked on top of one another to give more space for the residents without taking up as much space outside.

Find The Right Home For You

These common home architectural styles are very popular, but there are even more styles out there. If you are interested in building, renovating or shopping for a home, TalkLocal can connect you to the professionals in your area who can answer all of your questions, and help you achieve your home-owning goals.

What Is Tree Topping?

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

What Is Tree Topping? - Tree Removal

What is tree topping? Tree topping is removing the tops of trees completely/and or only removing the topmost branches from the main stem of the tree. It is usually done for safety measures, but rarely for aesthetic appeal – sometimes people prefer a yard with less shade or a particular shape of a shade. Unless you absolutely need to top a tree for safety measures, it’s generally not recommended, as it is not healthy for the tree.

How Is Tree Topping Harmful for the Tree?

Remember that when you cut the tree’s tops, you are not just cutting off the branches – you are cutting off what is on those branches as well, including, but not limited to: leaves, fruit, and any shelter for the wildlife (birds’ nests, etc). Cutting the branches leads to less leaves on a tree, leading to a depletion in the tree’s ability to photosynthesize.

Without being able to convert the sun’s energy into its own, the tree is less likely to survive – even if it does, it will bear less fruit or smaller fruits due to its lacks of energy. Trees do die out because of lack of leaves, and they also decay, becoming mores susceptible to breakage as they die – this defeats the whole purpose of tree topping, in the first place – a rotten tree is more likely to fall, potentially causing damage to your home.

The other downside to topping trees is that cutting trees leaves open wounds for the tree, making the tree more susceptible to invasions by pests or fungi. These invasions lead to infections for the tree, accelerating the process by which it rots away and dies. Again, a weak tree is more likely to fall down – maybe on your house or other valuables.

Although topping the tree may make for a more visually appealing style for a while, the tree will grow back if it survives – and the tree will grow new branches like a broom in order to compensate for the fact that it lost some of them before, making the tree ugly in the longer term. Unless you plan to top the same trees over and over again, it’s really not worth the effort.

Remember: if a rotten tree falls on your neighbors’ properties, they can sue you for the damage, and most likely will win the claim – because your tree was rotten and you failed to take proper precautions to protect the property around it. So be careful to monitor the health of the trees when you decide to top them.

Additional Help

If you feel like you need professional advice on topping trees, TalkLocal can connect you with up to three tree service professionals in your area. Let us save you the hassle of searching for the right professional.

IKO Roof Shingles

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

IKO Roof Shingles - Roofers

The type of shingles you choose to use for your roof is a very important decision. You want to ensure that you get high-quality shingles put on your roof for a fair price, because new roofing should be a long-term investment for your home. The roofing on your home seals rainwater out and can make your house more energy efficient.  You should not take this decision lightly.  IKO is a popular brand of shingles that has its benefits, but it is always important to check out a particular brand and compare it with others before making a decision. This article will provide an overview of IKO roof shingles.

Pros of IKO Roof Shingles

– IKO roof shingles are cheap – approximately $10 cheaper than many other brands.

– These shingles have a 6-inch exposure, providing a large surface area of protection.

– IKO shingles use a fast adhesive to help them stick to your roof.

– IKO roof shingles have been one of the top-selling shingle brands for several years.

Cons of IKO Roof Shingles

– IKO shingles are very thin, and use an older design, making them less durable than other brands.

– The sealing strips used by IKO have been known to fail, and the shingles have been known to be blown away or curled by severe wind or shredded by the nails used to hold them in place.

– There have been complaints about IKO not following up on their warranty for their shingles.

Choosing the Right Shingle Brand

The purpose here is not to convince you of which shingles to use. But it is important to research the brands that you choose to buy when improving your home. Use review sites to see what other consumers are saying about a particular brand, and try to get some feedback on any questions you may have. If you want to speak with a roofing contractor about shingle brands, TalkLocal can find one for you. We’ll connect you with up to three professionals in your area, so you can get the information you need in just minutes.

What Is A Guardianship Bond?

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

What Is A Guardianship Bond? - Bail Bonds

While it is a specific type of bail bond, you may still be asking, “what is a guardianship bond?” Guardianship bonds are legal obligations for an individual to serve as a guardian for a minor or otherwise incapable person, such as the elderly or a disabled person.  The guardianship bond guarantees the performance of the guardian responsible for managing the dependent’s finances, and as such, protects the assets of the subject of the guardianship.

How does a guardianship bond protect the subject?

The guardianship bond is usually administered through a bonding company who essentially acts as an insurance company for the subject’s assets.  If the guardian abuses or mismanages the assets, the bonding company will then compensate the subject for the amount lost, and then take legal action against the guardian to recoup the amount of money they paid out to the subject.

How do I obtain a guardianship bond?

You’ll need to first contact a bonding company so that you can submit an application for the guardianship bond.  While the amount of the bond will differ depending on your jurisdiction, if you plan on having a large bond amount, be prepared for a complete credit check. This is the only way bond companies can trust you to manage the assets of the subject.  If you don’t pass these credit checks, the courts will deem you as “not bondable” and most likely select another individual to be the guardian.

Once you obtain a guardianship bond, you’ll need to consistently provide reports to the court so they know you are managing the assets properly, such as expenditures and investments.  While there is also a fee associated with obtaining a guardianship bond, the courts usually allow the cost to be paid from the assets of the subject, rather than out of your pocket.

Need to Find a Guardianship Bond?

If you’re looking to get a guardianship bond, you should contact a bonding company as soon as possible.  TalkLocal can make that search extremely easy, connecting you with local, high-quality bond agencies in just minutes.

Computer Spontaneously Shuts Off

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

Computer Spontaneously Shuts Off - Computer Repair

It can e very frustrating when your computer spontaneously shuts off, especially if you are working on an important task. This issue can be caused by a multitude of possibilities, and we have some solutions that may help get your computer working properly again.


If your computer spontaneously shuts off frequently, it may be overheating. Most computers today are designed to turn off automatically or restart if any device in the computer gets too hot. If you are hearing strange noises from your computer, such as humming or buzzing, this could mean that a fan is failing in your computer. You can troubleshoot your fan, or even clean your computer of dust to prevent it from overheating and shutting down.

Faulty Hardware

Any failing hardware component inside your computer can cause your computer to shutdown without warning. If you recently installed a hardware device, remove it to make sure it is not causing these issues problems. You can also attempt to remove any hardware from your computer that is not needed. If removing hardware keeps your computer from shutting down on its own, the issue is likely resolved.

Computer Virus

It’s possible that your computer is infected with a virus that is causing your computer to constantly shut off. If your computer turns off when launching a certain program or at specific times during the day, it could be a virus problem. Run a virus detection program, and try to clean out your computer of unwanted trojans or malware.

Issue with the Operating System

If you checked all of the above issues and your computer still continues to shut off by itself, you could possibly be experiencing a Microsoft Windows operating system-related issue. Try out these easy steps to determine if your operating system causes your computer to spontaneously shut off:

1.      Reboot the computer and enter CMOS setup while the computer is starting

2.      After loading the computer in CMOS setup, let it sit.

If the computer doesn’t turn off while in CMOS, you are most likely facing an issue with Microsoft Windows or your OS. You should erase everything and reinstall Windows or your OS.

Computer Troubles?

If the issue persists after trying all of these things, let TalkLocal find the right professional for you, when you need them most. We will connect you with up to three, high-quality computer repair technicians in your area. Check us out!

Tips for a Cooler Head in 30 Seconds to 30 Minutes

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

Written by Dallea Caldwell

Tips for a Cooler Head in 30 Seconds to 30 Minutes - Seva Call

Life’s most stressful challenges tend to come with tight deadlines, urgency, and demands for our focused attention. So, we can’t exactly take a leisurely mental spa day to cope. So, how to shake off the jitters before they take you off your game? Here are some clutch, go-to tips for a cooler head that save time and restore energy, so that you can get it together, get in the game, and get it over with already (for crying out loud!).

6 (WAY) Under 60-Minute Stress Management Techniques

1. Strategy: Taking a Deep Breath. Time: approx. 1 second

How: Inhale deeply through the nose, then exhale steadily through the mouth. As you exhale, blink slowly once, and Mona Lisa smile once for complete, maximum, instant, renewal.

Perfect for… Readying oneself for a test of endurance- the big ready, set before GO- time!

2. Strategy: Counting backwards. Time: approx. 10 seconds

How: Take a deep breath and count backwards at a normal pace- preferably using your internal monologue. If alone, you may do so silently to yourself and close your eyes for best results.

Perfect for… Preventing a knee-jerk reaction, enabling you to respond in a reasonable, non-regrettable fashion.

3. Strategy: Sentient Meditation. Time: approx. 30 seconds

How: Mentally immerse yourself in the flavor of a single morsel of your favorite candy as it melts in your mouth, or the aroma of your favorite perfume or scented candle. Imagine in great detail the pleasant things it reminds you of.

Perfect for… a quick mental break/escape when you need to boost your mood.

4. Strategy: Stretch. Time: approx. 10 minutes

How: Turn 10-minute yogi and stretch out those tension-tortured kinks, especially in your shoulders, and back. This YouTube video even has some office/cubicle friendly yoga moves to try!

Perfect for… Relaxing that distracting bodily tension that’s been causing you to adjust in your seat, roll your shoulders, and massage yourself constantly.

5. Strategy: Power Nap. Time: 20 minutes

How: After a restful night, catch some extra zz’s of rejuvenation- even if you have to curl up beneath your desk or rest your head on top.

Avoid this if you are sleep-deprived, as the strategy may exacerbate poor sleeping habits or insomnia. Be sure to set your alarm as well. And, resist the snooze button! Check out the scientifically supported brain-stimulating benefits.

Perfect for… Restoring energy during a lunch break, and improving problem solving skills when confronted with a vexing issue that has you stumped.

5. Strategy: Cardio! Time: approx. 30 minutes

How: Jog, walk, or take the stairs. Cardio exhausts your excess energy for a feeling of calm and renewed focus.

 Bonus: Short-term exercise boosts confidence- which can’t hurt when a formidable challenge is set before you.

Perfect for… your health, of course!

So, before you wander into Worryville and get off track, set aside whatever time you can spare to reduce stress and increase focus. And of course, the TalkLocal Team is here to quickly find pros to help tick off a few things on that “Can’t Possibly Do Myself” list, offer a relaxing massage, or stress busting exercise. You’re already dealing with a million things – stress doesn’t have to be one of them!

Benefits Of Composting Your Garbage

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

Benefits Of Composting Your Garbage - Garbage Removal

In our ever “greener” society, composting waste has become more popular among the masses. If you’re considering trying to compost your waste, you may be surprised to learn there are more benefits of composting your garbage than just reducing landfill waste.

Here are the top five benefits of composting your garbage:

1. Fertilizer: Some of the most nutrient-rich parts of the food we eat get thrown away. Orange rinds, potato peels, etc. — they all get hauled to the dump. Wouldn’t you rather your garden or lawn benefit from these left over nutrients?

2. Water absorption: Increasing the amount of organic material in your soil — particularly in sandy soil — will help it retain more water. If your soil drains rapidly, there are many plants that will not survive in your garden. Compost can help the water to hang around long enough for your water-loving plants to use it.

3. Aeration: Increasing compost in your soil can also help aerate it. This is particularly important in clay soils. If your soil is densely packed, plant roots may have a difficult time digging deep and will not be able to absorb enough water.

4. Toxin removal: Organic compost can help trap and break down harmful environmental toxins such as chemical fertilizers, oil and grease, which can enter our water supply. This is helpful to the environment as well as each of us individually.

5. Money: Many garbage removal companies charge for more than one trash can. If you can reduce your waste by the average of 25 to 50 percent (the average amount of compostable waste we throw away), you could reduce your garbage bill. You’ll also save on buying fertilizers from your local nursery.

Have Questions?

If the benefits of composting your garbage have won you over but you don’t know where to start, check with a professional. TalkLocal can get you in touch with a professional in your area fast. Try out our free service today.

Fertilize Pecan Trees

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

Fertilize Pecan Trees - Landscapers

Nutrients are more than just sustenance for your crop trees- they affect how successful your crops are. Aside from nutrients, there are three important factors needed to fertilize pecan trees: proper sun, water, and zinc. Whether you’re into commercial farming or personal gardening, we’re here to give you some tips on how to properly fertilize pecan trees.

How to Properly Fertilize Pecan Trees

1. For growing pecan trees commercially, use ammonium sulphate. You will likely need a commercial fertilizer spreader, which can often be purchased at garden nurseries which sell fertilizers in bulk.

2. For non-commercial growers, a fertilizer containing zinc is the best for your pecan trees. A typical 10-10-10 fertilizer will work well, but you will need to add zinc yourself. You may also be able to find a fertilizer designed specifically for pecan trees that contains zinc.

3. Too much fertilizer is unnecessary, if not harmful, for your tree – particularly if the tree is young or newly planted. Use about one pound of fertilizer for one foot of height in your tree per season. Use fertilizers sparingly in the rainy seasons. Rain washes nutrients away – by fertilizing right before a heavy rain, the fertilizer would just be wasted. Fertilize pecan trees right after a heavy rainfall, when there is a significant interval between then and the next rainfall. The presence of water at the ground’s surface will make it easier for the tree to absorb nutrients.

4. Late winter or early spring are the optimal times to fertilize pecan trees, after your trees have come out of their dormant period.  Apply half of the fertilizer amount you will use that season about a month before the last frost. Spread the other half of the fertilizer about 30 to 45 days later, but no later than the end of May.

5. If you are worried that your pecan tree isn’t getting enough zinc, take a leaf sample (multiple leaves, and not just from one branch) and bring it to a professional for consultation.

Additional Help

Fertilizing pecan trees for optimal growth can vary greatly depending on your region and climate, so it may be a good idea to consult a professional. TalkLocal can help you find a professional landscaper in your area. We’ll even connect you directly to three professionals over the phone, getting you the help you need, when you need it!