Archive for 2013


How to Cure Hiccups: 3 Fun Tricks to Try

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

Written by Dallea Caldwell

How to Cure Hiccups: Three Fun Tricks to Try - Seva Call

No matter how serious or adult you actually  are, everyone seems to treat you like a rosy-cheeked squirrel juggling acorns in a Disney movie as soon as you succumb to a bout with hiccups. The irritating phenomenon is the result of spasms that contract your diaphragm, sparking a reflexive intake of breath that’s disrupted by the closure of your vocal chords. The lurching halt and accompanying hiccup sound can happen for many reasons, like if you…

No matter how they start, everyone and their mama (especially their mama) know how to cure hiccups. Here are 3 especially fun ones to try on your own! Let us know what works!

1) Exhale all the air in your lungs, keep pushing until you feel empty as possible. 2)Hold.. hold… hold… HOLD your breath as long as you can before taking another breath. Seva Man went 5 seconds without passing out. 3) Inhale slowly, deeply.

2) Take a moderate gulp of water, but don’t swallow. 2) Pull each earlobe down. 3) Tilt your head back. 4) NOW swallow.

3) Put a big spoonful of peanut butter in your mouth 2) Hold it for 5 seconds. 3) Swallow without chewing. (Actually don’t. It seems like a choking hazard. Who’s mom is responsible for this idea?)

Or…try this instead.

1) Stick out your tongue as far as you can.

2) Hold it in place using your thumb and forefinger if necessary

3) Keep your tongue stuck out for 3-5 minutes.

Now, if you haven’t been cured of the hiccups- you can be sure no one is smirking because you look like a curious bunny adorably sniffing their shoes- they will now be smirking because you look like a full grown adult curiously sniffing their shoes. Also known as weird. But, it’ll be fun!

For Actual Hiccup Problems

Warning: If you have persistent, severe hiccups, you should contact your doctor. It may be symptomatic of a number of conditions including problems with the central or peripheral nervous system (cancer, stroke, injury), the body’s chemical metabolic processes (kidney failure, hyperventilation), or your psychological health.

Best Time to Plant Trees

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

Best Time to Plant Trees - Landscapers

If your are planning to plant trees in your yard, you may be wondering, “when is the best time to plant trees?” If so, this article will help you figure out the most opportune planting times depending on the type of tree.

When Not to Plant Trees

It is best not to plant trees during the summer because overheating during the early growth of a tree can be damaging. If you live in an area that has a warm climate yearlong, then planting in autumn, winter, or spring is fine. However, if you live in an area that experiences cold winters, you should aim to plant your trees while they are dormant in order to avoid disrupting their growth pattern. Different types of trees will be dormant at different times. Read on to learn what time of the year certain trees are dormant.

Best Time to Plant Deciduous Trees

Deciduous trees are trees whose leaves change color and fall off during the autumn season. In other words, deciduous trees are not evergreen trees. Deciduous trees become dormant in the autumn when their leaves begin to change and fall off. They emerge from dormancy in the spring when new buds begin to form. If you are planning to plant a deciduous tree, it is best to plant it during the fall when you notice leaves beginning to change color.

Best Time to Plant Coniferous Trees

Coniferous (or evergreen) trees stay green all year long and do not shed old needles or leaves as quickly as deciduous trees. Coniferous trees can be planted anytime from early fall to late spring, but it is important that you do not plant when the temperature is too hot. If it is still very hot in the early fall, you should wait to until it cools off. If your location typically warms up in late spring, make sure you plant your trees before then or wait until the next fall.

Professional Help

If you want help planting the trees or advice tailored to a specific kind of tree in your area, you can contact a professional tree service. With the help of TalkLocal, you can be on the phone in minutes with up to three, high quality, tree service professionals in your area, who are available when you are.

How To Repair A Fence Post

Friday, March 15th, 2013

How To Repair A Fence Post - Handyman

Learning how to repair a fence post can save you the time and expenses of hiring a professional handyman. Making sure all fence posts are properly repaired and maintained ensures the integrity of the structure. One broken post could bring down a portion of your fence. Any animals you were hoping to keep in will no doubt escape.

You only need a few simple tools and a little bit of time. Before you dig the entire post out of the ground, you should determine how badly the post is damaged. There are a few ways to fix a fence post, depending on the nature of the damage.

Sometimes, a fence post is too far gone to be repaired. You will need to remove the fence post completely and start from scratch. Digging up a fence post will require a bit of hard labor on your part. You will also need a shovel and a few other tools.

Get Help Repairing A Fence Post

Learning how to repair a fence post can be a rewarding experience. There is pride to be taken in a job well done. However, if you do not feel that repairing a fence post is something you can do or have time for, TalkLocal can help connect you with a contractor or handyman who can do the job for you.

Do I Need Chiropractic Therapy Or Deep Tissue Massage?

Friday, March 15th, 2013

Do I Need Chiropractic Therapy Or Deep Tissue Massage? - Chiropractors

If you feel pains in your back, neck, or other areas, you may find yourself seeking medical help. Both chiropractic therapy and deep tissue massage are effective ways to remedy these pains. But with all of the options for pain relief, you may ask yourself: Do I need chiropractic therapy or deep tissue massage? There are many differences between the two.

Chiropractic therapy:

Deep Tissue Massage:


There are some similarities between the two, as well. For example, neither therapist is able to prescribe medication, but both are usually educated in home or over-the-counter remedies for pain relief. Neither therapist requires an outside referral from a doctor or other source to conduct therapy sessions. Both therapists perform work that helps rid the body of toxins within the tissue, which leads to a healthier, happier you.

Find Them Both Through TalkLocal

Hopefully this brief description lays to rest your question “Do I need chiropractic therapy or deep tissue massage?” When you determine the service you need, you can use TalkLocal for an easy connection to the perfect professional in your area. We take the stress out of finding the professional you need!

How To Get Rid Of Large Furniture

Friday, March 15th, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Large Furniture - Garbage Removal

That antique chair was absolutely beautiful — at least, until a leg fell off and the cushion started smelling like last week’s dinner. Now you have to figure out what to do with it. You do not want to keep it, but you also can’t just toss it in the trash bin. If you’re wondering how to get rid of large, bulky furniture, you have a few different options to try:

Selling it. If the piece is easy to repair or unbroken, you could use websites like CraigsList, Amazon or eBay to sell the item locally. Often, buyers are willing to pick up their purchases, making the process easier for you.

Donate it. If the piece, or any part of it, can be used, local charity organizations would be happy to use them! Some organizations even prefer broken furniture so they can recycle the parts.

Throw it out. If there’s absolutely no use for this piece, you may have to just toss it. In this case, you need to check with your local city trash collection or sanitation department to make sure you’re following proper protocol. Oftentimes, garbage removal workers need advanced notice before picking something up curbside. In this situation, you will also need to remove the furniture from your home yourself. Although this is rare, some municipalities may even require you to bring the piece to the local dump or landfill yourself.

Contact A Garbage Removal Service

If you find yourself unable to do much of this work yourself, you may want to hire a junk removal company. Professionals like this certainly know how to get rid of large furniture efficiently and according to the appropriate rules and regulations.

Be sure you choose the right company or professional. You can use TalkLocal to connect with local junk removal companies. We take the work out of connecting you with the professionals you truly need.

Prevent Snow Melt In The Garage

Friday, March 15th, 2013

Prevent Snow Melt In The Garage - Snow Removal

During winter months, melting snow can be a serious safety hazard. If you’re looking for a way to prevent snow melt in the garage, you first need to determine the source of the problem. There are two possible sources:

 Your Car

Snow melting off of your car is a common source of puddles in the garage. The cheapest way to prevent this problem is to remove snow upon garage entry. Because you don’t always have time to sweep off snow, a good second line of defense is a snow melt mat. These ultra absorbent mats are designed to withstand the weight of your vehicle while absorbing all of the water dripping off of it. They will dry naturally and, once dry, can be vacuumed to remove all of the dirt that builds up.

While they are designed to hold a lot of water, should the mat become ultra-saturated, the water can be vacuumed out with a Shop-Vac or similar vacuuming device.

Run-Off From Your Driveway

This problem is likely more expensive to fix, but can also prevent snow melt in the garage.  If your driveway slopes toward your house and is not properly leveled to angle away from the garage entrance, you will likely get lots of melting snow coming under the door. The cheapest way to alleviate this problem is by shoveling snow from your driveway before it begins melting. Drains can be installed in front of the door and in the center of the floor to catch the water before it becomes a hazard.

A professional driveway paver should be able to help with installing a driveway drain or re-leveling the driveway to divert water around the house.

Don’t Just Call For Help … Make A Talk Local

The best way to get in contact with a highly-qualified professional in your area is by using TalkLocal‘s free service. We will find the right professional for you quickly and easily. Don’t put off fixing a problem that could present a real hazard in your home.

Where Can I Recycle Styrofoam?

Friday, March 15th, 2013

Where Can I Recycle Styrofoam? - Garbage Removal

Styrofoam is actually a brand name for a material that is really named polystyrene. These products are practically everywhere. One important thing to note is that research has linked these types of products to certain cancers. These products are not at all good for the environment so it might not be wise to simply drop them in the trash like any other piece of garbage.

You may be wondering, “Where can I recycle Styrofoam?” Well, there are many different ways to reuse and recycle Styrofoam. The following is a list of ideas to reuse Styrofoam and places to recycle it. After all, if you have the chance to re-use trash, why not?

Reusing Styrofoam

Where Can I Recycle Styrofoam?

Be Part of the Green Solution

Recycling Styrofoam is important for a number of different reasons. Asking, “Where can I recycle Styrofoam?” is one of the first steps in reducing the size of your carbon footprint and helping the environment.

Try to reuse Styrofoam whenever you can. Throwing it in the trash to enter landfills is simply thoughtless. Be a part of the solution instead of the problem.

Get Connected

You can even start a recycling program in your neighborhood. TalkLocal has the ability to connect you with garbage removal services that are Earth friendly. We take a great amount of pride in connecting you with the businesses that provide the services you are looking for.

Building A Stone Fire Pit

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Building A Stone Fire Pit - Landscapers

If you are longing for some rustic entertainment and feel that building a stone fire pit would scratch your nature-loving itch, we have some tips for you to consider. Fire pits can be an eye-catching addition to the yard, much like well designed areas of mulch or flowers.

Keep in mind before planning your project that, while stone fire pits are certainly elegant, they are much more work than a metal bin.

Before you start:

Building The Pit:

– Before building a stone fire pit, you have to prepare the area. If you are concerned about making it a perfect circle, try spreading a thin layer of sand on the spot you plan to dig. Tie two stakes together with a string the size of the radius of your pit (half the distance across). Place one stake in the center of the area you intend to dig, stretch out the string and use the other stake to draw a circle in the sand as you pull it around the center.

– After laying out your circle, begin digging around the edges. It might be easiest to dig little divots to mark your circle, as the sand will move when you begin digging deep. Dig your hole about a foot deep with an extra 6-inch ring similar to a moat around the edge.

– Fill the ring with gravel and place your first ring of stones on top. After installing your first layer of stones, place your metal ring in the center. Continue placing stones until they reach eight to 10 inches out of the ground.

– Fill the bottom of your pit six inches high with gravel and pack it down. This helps water drain and your fire to breathe.

– For the less mechanical of us out there, or those of us who simply don’t have the time, building a stone fire pit might seem like a daunting task.

Doesn’t Have To Be A DIY Project

Fortunately, there are professional landscapers available to help. Check out TalkLocal to find the right one for you. Our free service will match you with the right local professional quickly and easily.

Different Types Of Massages

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Different Types Of Massages - Massage Therapy

In the world of massage therapy, terms are often thrown around like “Swedish massage”, “prenatal massage”, and  “deep tissue massage”. When trying to determine which of the different types of massages you need, it can be a little overwhelming. Check out this list of massages with a brief explanation of each.

Swedish Massage

This is the most popular massage therapy. It is generally used to promote relaxation, tension release, and stress reduction.

Deep Tissue Massage

As the name implies, this form focuses more on the deeper layers of muscle. It may initially cause a pain reflex due to muscles being worked when they are not used to being worked. A licensed professional will slowly warm the muscle and the pain will eventually recede.

Prenatal Massage

As the name implies, this massage therapy is designed specifically for expectant mothers. Pregnancy puts stress on muscles that aren’t use to stress and this massage focuses on relieving pain in those areas. It is catered to a pregnant mother in that, while traditional massages require the recipient to lie on his or her stomach, this massage generally requires the woman to be on her side.


This form focuses on the feet and points on the feet that correspond to particular organs. It can be very beneficial to those who spend much of their day on their feet.

Hot Stone/Aromatherapy

Both of these forms are simply a traditional massage with the addition of warmed, smooth stones or plant oils. The warm stones are helpful for those who have lots of tension but prefer a lighter massage. Different plant oils can invoke certain benefits such as stress relief, enhanced energy, balance improvement and so forth.

Where Can I Get One Of These Massages?

There are many other different types of massages out there. Your best bet is to get in touch with a local massage therapist who can sit down with you to determine your needs. The easiest way to do that is to use TalkLocal‘s free services. We will quickly connect you to a licensed professional in your area.

Car Only Overheats When Driving

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Car Only Overheats When Driving - Auto Repair

If you have recently been stuck on the side of the road in soaring temperatures with an overheating car, you may be wondering why your car only overheats when driving. You may have let it idle for 10 minutes in the driveway before you left and yet here you are a few miles away with a steaming vehicle.

There are two areas on your vehicle that are likely the cause of your problem, though there are other reasons for a car to overheat that you may need to consider as well.

Engine Oil

Oil’s purpose is to lubricate all of the mechanisms to make sure there is as little friction as possible. Friction causes heat, and if your car is low on oil, or experiencing oil sludge, it may overheat due to excess friction.


This system is designed specifically for cooling down your engine. If your car oil is full, your problem is likely here. Check that there is water by removing the radiator cap. To check for circulation, start the vehicle with the cap off and watch for water movement. If it is not moving, certain mechanisms such as the radiator fan, water pump, and thermostat could be the culprit. Debris or dirt could be clogging any one of them and will need to be cleared away.

Time To Call A Mechanic

To put it simply, if any one of these systems isn’t functioning, you may not notice problems while idling because idling does not put much strain on the engine. Driving does.

If you have checked all of your car’s cooling systems and, still, your car only overheats when driving, it might be time to call a professional. Thankfully, TalkLocal can hook you up with a well qualified auto mechanic in your area. The best part is that our service is completely free.  We can have you speaking to a professional close to your area in no time at all.