Archive for 2013


Symptoms Of An Abscessed Tooth

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Symptoms Of An Abscessed Tooth - Dentists

Not much can drop a man or woman to their knees more than tooth pain. To many, the mere thought of going to the dentist causes a visceral reaction. For this reason, most of us avoid the dentist chair at all costs.

Tooth pain can come from a variety of sources, from a traditional cavity to an abscessed tooth. A tooth abscess forms from an infection at the root of the tooth. The infection can also form between your tooth and gums. Some common causes of such infections include gum disease and tooth decay.

Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth

Some people dread the dentist enough that even after experiencing these symptoms of an abscessed tooth, they still refuse to make an appointment. It is important to remember that this type of infection does not go away on its own. It will only continue to damage surrounding tissue until, eventually, it kills off the root of the tooth. While this may end the pain, it does not mean the infection has healed.

See A Dentist Right Away!

Only a professional dentist can determine if your tooth is abscessed or if you are experiencing symptoms of a cavity or other related tooth disease.

Regardless of the official diagnosis, the general rule of thumb is the sooner you receive treatment, the better the result. The good news is that TalkLocal offers a free service to connect consumers with professionals in their area.

Our service is fast and easy — you should be speaking to a dentist near you in 90 seconds. It’s never a good idea to put off medical treatment. The best plan of action is to call a dentist as soon as possible, and we can help!

What happens at SXSW, stays at SXSW!

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Written by Dallea Caldwell

What happens at SXSW, stays at SXSW! - Seva Call

If you don’t know what that is- ask any heavy-hitter in the tech industry- and several others to boot. Or, just ask Seva Call’s own founder Manpreet Singh. He was in Austin representing Seva Call at the annual South by South West Conference- a gathering of today’s biggest emerging indie film-makers, musicians, and techies for a weekend-long storming of the brains. We pressed him for the deets, but his lips were largely mum- mumbling about ‘attending’ ‘events’ hosted by media and marketing companies like, Retargeter, and Gannet. Oh, we “didn’t miss anything” he said. “All work-work-work”, he said. But, we know the truth. MP stunk of creativity and cheap solutions and was completely high on renewed energy and focus; oh, yeah…and barbeque! Luckily we inserted a GPS location chip in each of his turbans so that we could track their whereabouts at all times.

Sure, most of his turbans were being responsible: staying in, getting to bed early, meditating, and even attending an informative presentation by Microsoft. But there was always one tell-tale turban hobnobbing at live music shows and epic open-bar bashes- somewhere beneath that turban, there may even have been dancing. Also, at some point I think Manpreet figured us out and ditched the chip on some winged migrating creature as he appears to be located both in Potomac and halfway across the Atlantic, obviously preoccupied with taking nosedives over good fishing waters.

Making Connections…and Eating Bacon!

But , hold the bacon (like a new born child), media and marketing company Gannet was behind the thick stench of barbeque, by the way. The friendly blonde wasn’t watching Manpreet because she thought he was cute. She was working for us! Check out her inside scoop for yourself.

And now the customary shout-out to our lawyers, Cooley & Greycroft, who hosted a lovely Hora Feliz.  Our intell was pre-emptively deemed non-admissable in court; so, all we can say is that those guys put it down like a gavel in plausibly deniable fashion. As always, what happens at SXSW, stays at SXSW.

Front Wheel Drive Winter Tires

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Front Wheel Drive Winter Tires - Snow Removal

As winter sets in and the bad weather hits, staying home may not always be an option. If you have to drive in snow or ice, you might consider front wheel drive winter tires — assuming they are effective. The following are some benefits and downsides of having winter tires on your vehicle.

Tips For Purchasing Winter Tires

– Tires are not made specifically for front-wheel drive vehicles, even though these are the best to drive in poor road conditions. Therefore, most people who purchase winter tires purchase them for front-wheel drive vehicles.

– Winter tires are designed to grip the road better than their all-season counterparts thanks in part to a special design that allows them to cut through snow and ice.

– Because they are made with a softer rubber, winter tires will wear out faster than regular ones. Snow tires should only be installed during winter months for this reason.

– If you are going to buy winter tires, make sure to buy all four. If you only put them on the front, you will risk a more unstable driving experience and a higher chance of spinning out or fishtailing.

Benefits Of Winter Tires

Safety: This is the biggest benefit. Although they will not guarantee you will never get in an accident, winter tires certainly make it much more difficult for your car to slide in snowy weather.

Better grip: If you use your vehicle to plow snow, you’ll especially enjoy this attribute of winter tires.

Downside Of Winter Tires

– They wear out quicker than regular tires

– Must be put on and taken off every winter

– Extra grip makes for a noisier ride

Need Someone To Install Your Winter Tires?

If you decide winter tires are what you need, you may need a professional to help you install them. TalkLocal can connect you with a highly qualified professional in your area for absolutely free.

Toilets That Use Less Water

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

Toilets That Use Less Water - Plumbers

Everyone seems to be trying to go green and help the environment. One of the many things that you can do to help Mother Earth is to consider purchasing one of the many available toilets that use less water.

Some toilets use less than a half-gallon of water per flush. This is significantly less than traditional toilets, especially if those traditional toilets are constantly running or malfunctioning in other manners. Imagine how much money a water conserving toilet could help you save on your monthly utility bills.

Toilets That Use Less Water

These types of toilets work by offering a larger water hole, which makes it easier for wastes to be flushed down the drain. An air system is also used to help remove waste. These types of systems are often used on trains and airplanes. Water sense toilets are increasing in popularity. The following are a few of the top brands of water conserving toilets.

Toilets that use less water may be a bit more expensive than traditional toilet designs, but toilets that conserve water pay for themselves with the long-term savings that they provide.

There are a ton of perks and benefits in opting for a water conserving toilet. You will save money and help conserve fresh water at the same time. It is a win-win situation.

Find Plumbers Who Know Water Saving Toilets

TalkLocal helps introduce businesses with customers seeking their products or services. Save yourself time and frustration by letting us do the work for you.

When Should I Change My Windshield Wipers?

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

When Should I Change My Windshield Wipers? - Auto Repair

Windshield wipers are arguably one of the most important pieces of equipment on your vehicle. You might be able to live without air conditioning, but you simply cannot drive if you can’t see through the windshield. Just think how crippling it is when your windshield wipers are damaged or won’t stop running.

Like many other parts of your vehicle, windshield wipers require regular maintenance. Unfortunately, many people wait until it is too late to ask themselves, ‘When should I change my windshield wipers?’

When To Change Your Windshield Wipers

Most wiper manufacturers will suggest replacing them once a year, though, some may say every six months. It is important to note what time of year you are replacing the blades and the climate in which you live.

If you have mild summers but cold winters and are replacing the blades before summer, you should be fine for a year. Here are some things to consider:

Finding Someone To Install Your Windshield Wipers

If you are unsure about your current blades, or you are still lost when it comes to installing some new ones, try contacting a local professional mechanic. He or she can explain the benefits of a particular type of blade and will tell you how long they should last in your specific climate.

The best way to get in touch with a local professional is through TalkLocal. We’ll match you with the perfect mechanic quickly, easily and for free.

Install RV Awning

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

Install RV Awning - Roofers

Learning how to install RV awning can help you save time, heartache and money. Even those who are not mechanically inclined in the slightest can easily accomplish this task. And, much like home awnings, these will help you steer clear of the elements when camping or living in your RV.

You will only need a few tools and a little patience to get the job done. You will need a screwdriver, the type of which will vary. Keep both by your side just in case. You will also need a tape measure.

1. Purchase supplies: You will need to purchase an RV awning that specifically fits your RV. Be sure to take proper measurements to ensure that you purchase the right awning.

2. The installation process: The first step in installing an RV awning is to screw the railing of the awning to the top of your RV with the screws that came with your awning purchase. Secure the railing, but do not screw them in too tight or you could run into trouble later. Unroll the awning and place the tension arm. Unfold the support legs to place on the floor. Attach the bottom brackets.

3. Protect your awning: Natural elements can take a serious toll on your awning. You can easily protect your awning by not letting it flap in the wind. You can purchase a de-flapper at any RV supply store. Tie-down ends and stakes can also help secure your awning so that it is not damaged by the wind.

Get A Professional To Do It

If you do not want to take the time or effort to complete this task by your lonesome, count on an expert roofer. TalkLocal provides customers information about businesses that cater to them in the local area. All you have to do is fill out some brief information on our website and you will have highly-qualified professionals calling YOU in minutes!

Different Home Deck Styles

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

 Different Home Deck Styles - Landscapers

Knowing which to choose among the different home deck styles can be a tricky task. Choosing one to suit your home may be a bit difficult with such a wide variety of options. It can sometimes be difficult to know which style would look best on your home.

Factors to Consider

The size of your home and the site that you intend to build the deck are two major factors that determine which style of deck would best suit your home. The following is a list of just a few of the deck styles, which should provide a general idea of the options available to a homeowner.

Adding a deck to your home can be a great way to boost its value. It is one home renovation that definitely pays off in more ways than one.

Consider carefully the type of site that you are building on and the size of your home before choosing among the different home deck styles. Use your imagination and get creative when choosing the design and style. Express your personality and make your home look great with one simple home renovation.

When You Need Help

If you feel that you do not have the time to accomplish this task on your own, you do not have to worry. TalkLocal will match you with up to three qualified professionals in your area who can serve you.

Rep Your Clique: #TeamSeva

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

Rep Your Clique: #TeamSeva - Seva Call

Where does Seva Call find these people? Members of #TeamSeva are routinely spotted in a bright, orange-footed onesie, blue speedo, goggles, and a cape — months after Halloween. They  strut through the black suited masses in mix-matching nail polish and neon blue leggings. Even COO/Co-founder Manpreet Singh stays colored-up… down to the signature orange turban… like a BOSS!

We stay true to the orange and blue! Our unshakable bond and Seva pride was forged in the fiery trenches of deadlines, brainstorming, candy binges, bowling matches, and a weekly beyond-epic ping pong Battle Royale to the death! We band of brothers, we team of tech titans, we bleed tech-savvy service solutions and sing the praises of our Seva as we march onward and upward to revolutionize the search for local businesses with our Gadget Guru Gurpreet, Amazing Aman, and Manpreet the Majestic as our guide! Our hearts soar as high as this rhetoric- no exaggeration!

“We’re definitely an interesting bunch”, Gurpreet added laughingly.

The Seva Call team can be silly at times but one thing we’re serious about is quality service. Go to for your service needs. And, to keep up with our antics, friends us on FaceBook or follow us Twitter.

Chromebook vs. Macbook

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

Chromebook vs. Macbook - Computer RepairIf you are a fan of Apple and its many products, you likely believe that the technology juggernaut’s Macbook is the standard for all laptops. However, Google, which has proven to be a formidable foe for Apple, provides a similar offering with their Chromebook.

Pitting the Chromebook vs. Macbook can highlight which laptop computer best suits your needs. Here are a number of characteristics to consider, and which laptop might be better.

Price — Advantage: Chromebook

Simply stated, Apple products are not cheap. The company has become a trusted brand among technological consumers, and those consumers remain loyal to their brand. Whether this contributes to Apple’s pricey products, that’s up for speculation, but Chromebooks are far cheaper than a Macbook. Some might argue that you must pay more for a superior product. Let’s see if a Macbook is truly superior.

Heavy computing — Advantage: Macbook

If you are looking to do more than surf the Internet, check e-mail and utilize applications, you will want a Macbook. A Chromebook is an unpowered notebook, meaning it is essentially a more scaled back version of a full fledge lap top. For this reason, Chromebooks have their limitations.

Creative pursuits, such as graphic design, video editing and recording, and mixing audio should be saved for a Macbook. Chromebooks are ideal for the more generic tasks, so don’t plan on doing much gaming.

Data storage — Advantage: Draw

Some might suggest that Chromebook’s method of storing information is the wave of the future, but it will take some getting used to. Instead of saving information to a hard drive, Chromebooks save everything to the virtual cloud. This simply means that the information is stored in cyberspace where it can be accessed from any machine.

Macbooks, on the other hand, contain a hard drive so you can store information locally. Both are perfectly fine methods of storing information, so it just depends on which one you prefer.

Keyboard/Typing — Advantage: Macbook

Have you ever had a laptop where the keyboard was scaled down slightly from a traditional keyboard. That makes typing a nightmare. Luckily, with both a Chromebook and Macbook, the keyboards are intuitively designed, which allows for smooth typing.

The only reason the Macbook would get the edge in this category is because, on most new models, the keys are backlit, which makes typing in the dark a cinch.

Always Have Savvy Support on Hand

When you declare a winner in the battle of Chromebook vs. Macbook, it is still important to properly maintain your computer of choice. Computer issues can be a huge headache. Some issues can only be remedied by computer repair technicians. One of these helpful professionals is never very far away with TalkLocal! We’ll connect you with up to three computer technicians in your area in just minutes.

How To Finish Wood Panelling

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

How To Finish Wood Panelling - Painters

Real wood panelling can provide a wonderful rustic feel to a room, just like wood floors do. If you are looking to install this type of panelling and would like to save some money, you will need to know how to finish wood panelling yourself. It is much easier to finish this type of panelling prior to it’s installation than after it is already installed.

What you will need:


1. Pick a well ventilated area where it is all right for you to make a mess. The garage tends to work best because you can open the door but are not exposed to the elements ,which may blow dirt and debris onto your wet finish.

2. Set up your saw horses.

3. Place one piece of panelling on the horses. Begin sanding down rough areas with medium grit sand paper. Go over the entire piece at least once regardless of lack of rough patches.

4. Brush off dust and repeat the process with fine grit paper to smooth out the piece.

5. Use a clean tack cloth to get all of the dust off of the wood.

6. Using a clean cloth, rub stain into the wood. A little goes a long way, but it is pretty simple to keep the color even.

7. Let it completely dry. This may take several hours. It is easiest to start the process in the evening and let it remain overnight to dry.

8. After it is no longer tacky, check for evenness of color. Lighter areas may need more stain and therefore more time to dry.

9. After the color is even and dry, it’s time to apply the finish. First, use a clean tack cloth to remove any dust that may have settled on the dry surface. Then, using a paintbrush, apply the finish evenly and according to manufacturer directions.

10. Let dry. Apply another coat if necessary.

11. Repeat this process with each piece of panelling. Try executing each step on each panel all at once.

Looking For An Expert Painter?

If you are a little unsure of how to finish wood panelling on your own, a professional painter can help. Once you determine your needs, TalkLocal can hook you up with a professional in minutes.