Archive for 2013


Wash Your Own Dog

Saturday, March 9th, 2013

Wash Your Own Dog - Veterinarians

Let’s be honest. Dogs can get very smelly very fast. That’s why they need baths pretty often. However, the idea of giving a dog a bath is pretty daunting. You can just imagine a half soaped-up dog running around the house getting all the furniture wet!

But it doesn’t have to be that way. We have some tips on how to wash your own dog…and avoid the potential mess, as well as a trip to a dog groomer.

How to Wash Your Own Dog

1. Train your dog to like the bathtub. One thing you can do to help prevent your dog from running around the house at bath time is to train him or her to like going into the tub beforehand. Put your dog in a tub without water, give him or her a treat, and then take him or her out. Do this a few times in the days before the bath to get him or her used to the idea of being in the tub. This will make a trip to the bathroom less intimidating for your dog.

2. Gather all the materials you need right by the bath. That means dog shampoo, plastic pitcher, clean towels, treats, and a dog brush. Having everything you need ready to go before you bring your dog in will save you the trouble of gathering it while trying to corral your dog.

3. Brush out your dog to get all the shedding hair or fur out before the bath, and trim the nails so that you won’t be scratched. This will make the bath much more effective, leaving your dog even cleaner.

4. Take off your dog’s collar and tags so that they will not be in the way during the bath.

5. Get the bath started. Turn on the water and try to avoid getting your dog’s head wet.

6. Use a small amount of shampoo on the dog’s hair. Make sure to rinse it out either using the plastic pitcher filled with water or a showerhead!

7. Dry that puppy dog off thoroughly with those towels!

Additional Help

Since your dog is really important to you, you want to make sure you know how to properly care for him or her, and that she or he has a good veterinarian! Use TalkLocal to find professional dog groomers or veterinarians in your area. We will connect you with up to three high quality professionals within minutes.

What Is Cyrotherapy?

Friday, March 8th, 2013

What Is Cyrotherapy? - Chiropractors

If you have recently visited a chiropractor you may find yourself asking: “What is cyrotherapy?”

Cyrotherapy is a relatively new treatment. This method of treatment consists of subjecting a patient to extremely cold temperatures in an effort to increase healing and overall wellbeing. This sort of therapy has been known to actually yield real results.

Cyrotherapy has been proven to reduce inflammation and swelling in tissues, joints and muscles throughout the body. There are many parts of the body that can benefit from this progressive type of therapy.  You may be shocked by how effective this therapy can be.

What Is Cyrotherapy and How Can I Benefit From It?

What Is Cyrotherapy and How Does It Work?

Cyrotherapy works by causing a burst of adrenaline within the body. This provides the body with a rapid boost to the immune system. The amount of time that the immune system boost will last can vary.

It can last as long as a few weeks or just a few days. Regardless of how long the immune system boost lasts, it provides serious results.  Patients have reported experiencing boosts in energy and overall wellbeing. This type of therapy also can help naturally release endorphins in the body, which serve as a painkiller.

Find Cyrotherapy Professionals

Not every chiropractor or medical professional offers this cutting edge treatment. By using TalkLocal, you can specify that you are seeking professionals that offer Cyrotherapy, instead of wasting your time calling around to chiropractors that don’t.

Best Toothpaste For Sensitive Teeth

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Best Toothpaste For Sensitive Teeth - Dentists

Having sensitive teeth can be very irritating. Hot and cold products like coffee or ice cream can send soaring pains throughout your mouth. This can be far greater than the pain experienced with a cavity, tooth decay or other dental issues.

Brushing your teeth with toothpaste that is especially made for those with sensitive teeth can help reduce the amount of pain and discomfort you experience.

The only question that remains is which is the best toothpaste for sensitive teeth? There are many different brands on the market, but the following is a compilation of some of the best toothpastes for those that suffer from sensitive teeth.

– Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief: This toothpaste is one of the best on the market. It provides comfort and relief from the pain associated with having sensitive teeth. This is an affordable brand that is available both online and in local stores.

Sensodyne: Sensodyne is a bit more expensive than other brands of toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth, but it is definitely one of the best. This toothpaste tastes great and can help provide serious relief for your teeth.

Arm and Hammer Sensitive: Arm and Hammer Sensitive can clean and protect your sensitive teeth. It is available at an extremely affordable price and can be purchased both online and in local stores.

Crest Sensitivity: Crest has been a trusted brand in toothpaste for years. It is that reason why many customers turn to this recognizable brand to address their sensitive teeth issues. Crest’s remedy for sensitive teeth has proven both effective and affordable.

All About Preference

When it boils down to it, finding the best toothpaste for sensitive teeth is simply based on what brand works best for you. While all toothpastes for sensitive teeth will have the same general affect, everyone has a different preference in brand or might even let their budget dictate which type to purchase.

You can try switching between the various brands mentioned above to see which provides you with the best results. You can also ask your dentist to recommend a brand of toothpaste.

Where Do I Find A Quality Dentist?

If you do not have a family dentist, you can count on TalkLocal to provide you with one. We have streamlined the searching process by matching you with dentists that meet your specific criteria.

What Does A Handyman Do?

Friday, March 8th, 2013

What Does A Handyman Do? - Handyman

If you are trying to tackle a home project that seems impossible, you might be pondering the question ‘What does a handyman do?’ Perhaps one can help you with your stubborn task, saving you time and heartache in the process.

Have you ever heard of a “jack of all trades”? This is how one might describe a handyman. He or she will typically have experience in fixing a wide range of household problems including, but certainly not limited to:

So, the question really isn’t ‘What does a handyman do?’ but rather, what can your handyman do.

It is important to first identify what work you are in the market for before calling on the services of a handyman. For example, if you notice water spots on your ceiling, you can conclude that you either have a leak in the plumbing above the spot or a leak in your roof. You would want to ask your handyman prior to hiring him or her if he or she is able to fix both plumbing and carpentry problems. Most reputable handymen will be able to determine if they can solve your problem simply by you describing the issue.

Do-it-yourself can be a great way to save money, however, some projects are best left to a professional. You can still cut down on your costs by buying all the needed supplies on your own. Your handyman will likely charge more if he or she must retrieve the materials him or herself.

Handymen Are A Few Clicks Away

If you are not sure where to start, try using TalkLocal’s free service. We can hook you up with a local professional quickly and easily. You’ll be on your way to achieving your dream home in no time!

How To Remove Dirt From Carpet

Friday, March 8th, 2013

How To Remove Dirt From Carpet - Carpet Cleaners

It isn’t always red juice, paint, or a little gift from your pet that causes nightmarish stains on your carpet. No matter how hard you try to keep your home clean, there is almost always inevitably a little bit of dirt dragged in from outside. If you’ve ever wondered how to remove dirt from carpet, you’re certainly not alone.

You will need:

Once you have gathered the necessary supplies, try these steps. This is a proven method of how to remove dirt from carpet without damaging it:

Got A Stubborn Stain?

If the stain is simply too stubborn, you could always hire a professional carpet cleaner. TalkLocal is a perfect tool to connect you with professional cleaners in your area.

Prevent Gutters Freezing

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Prevent Gutters From Freezing - Snow Removal

Winter can be a beautiful time of year. Bright, white snow blanketing the ground can appear to make the world clean and pure. Unfortunately for homeowners, the frigid temperatures can wreak havoc on a home, causing damage through freezing.

Exhibit A: Icicles.

While some icicles may be beautiful, they can cause headaches for homeowners. Here’s how to prevent gutters freezing and avoid the hardships that come with it.

Check Your Attic

Often, the problem begins here. If your attic is not well insulated, it may heat up areas on your roof, which will melt the snow above it quicker than the rest of the roof. As this liquid runs off, it cools on the much colder gutter and freezes. This forms a blockage, which eventually causes an overflow. The overflow is what forms icicles.

What To Look For

Possible Solutions

While some of these solutions may be feasible for the average homeowner, some may not. Shoveling snow from a roof can be very dangerous and it is important to hire a professional to remove the snow for you. In addition to the dangers of removing snow to prevent gutters freezing, there are many dangers in trying to insulate your own attic yourself.

Seek Help

In either case, it may be best to call a professional to help. TalkLocal can connect you with a snow removal expert in your area quickly. Not only is our service easy — it is free!

Ethernet Connection Won’t Work

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Ethernet Connection Won't Work - Computer Repair

While wireless internet seems to be the standard in today’s age, many computer users still opt for wired ethernet connections. A wireless internet connection is generally considered more convenient, but a wired connection via an ethernet cable proves to be faster and more reliable.

— that is, unless your ethernet connection won’t work.

If you have plugged your computer’s ethernet cable in, but still cannot connect to the internet, here are a few things to check for.

Malfunctioning Or Damaged Modem

For the sake of thoroughness, search for the source of the issue by starting at the beginning, which is the modem. The modem may be damaged or installed incorrectly, which is cutting you off from making a connection.

Make sure the modem is plugged into the wall and that all the appropriate lights on the front are illuminated. If everything appears to be working, try locating the reset button and pressing it. Often, simply resetting the modem will resolve the issue.

Also, make sure that the ethernet cable is plugged into the correct port on the modem. With so many ports for ethernet cords, it is easy to accidentally plug your cord into the output instead of one of the inputs.

Damaged Ethernet Cable

If everything checks out with the modem, but your ethernet connection won’t work, move on to the cord. Damaged ethernet cords can stop you from properly connecting to the internet. Inspect the cord to see if anything appears damaged.

The most common damage to ethernet cables occurs at the jack. The small plastic prong that fits the cord into the port can often break off. The jack no longer fits snuggly into the port when this happens. Ethernet cables can also fray, which is very noticeable.

Computer Port Not Working

If the modem and ethernet cord are both functioning normally, perhaps your computer’s ethernet port is not working. You can troubleshoot this issue by visiting your computer’s control panel and device manager. Unfortunately, if you have not diagnosed the problem at this point, the issue could be traced back to issues with your computer’s hardware.

Seeking Professional Help

Computer issues of any kind can be incredibly frustrating. Computer repair technicians have worked through just about every possible issue and are a great ally to have in these situations.

Try using TalkLocal for to find a computer repair technician near you. Our service is fast, free and yields results that fit your specific criteria.

Gums Bleed When Brushing

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Gums Bleed When Brushing - Dentists

Seeing pink in the sink when you brush your teeth can be worrisome. Unless you have recently cut your mouth, the blood you see is most likely from your gums.

There are a few things that might make your gums bleed when brushing:

If your bleeding gums are also swollen or sore, you may have a bigger problem. Soreness of gums is a sign of plaque and tartar build up, which can lead to gingivitis and periodontitis, also known as gum disease. Gingivitis, caused by said plaque buildup, is usually painful and requires medical attention, but it does not cause irreversible damage.

Periodontitis, or gum disease, is more serious. This is when your gums separate from your teeth. Little pockets form between your gums and your teeth when this separation occurs, which causes debris to land between the two. This leads to infection below the gum line that disintegrates the bone holding your teeth in place, causing tooth loss. If you notice your gums bleed when brushing, that can also be a sign.

Thankfully, gingivitis and gum disease can be avoided by properly caring for your teeth. Be sure to:

Contact A Dentist

If you need help connecting with a dental professional, try TalkLocal. Finding a good dental hygienist through our service means you can have your questions answered, get plaque or tartar removed and keep your gums healthy and happy.

What Plants Are Poisonous To Dogs

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

What Plants Are Poisonous To Dogs - Veterinarians

First and foremost, if you believe your dog has ingested anything that may be harmful to him or her, contact your veterinarian immediately. Many foods we eat daily can have harmful or deadly consequences to our pooches. No matter the type of plant your dog ingested, it’s better to be safe than sorry. It is important to find out what plants are poisonous to dogs so you can respond accordingly. The following are just a few of the many common plants dogs may come in contact with that are harmful. For a more complete list, check


These little buggers can sprout up just about anywhere. While there are some mushrooms that are safe to eat, a great deal of mushrooms growing out in the wild can prove toxic. Just like these mushrooms would be harmful to humans, the effects can be even more drastic to your-legged friend. Dogs that ingest the wrong types of mushrooms can experience vomiting, diarrhea and even kidney failure.


This fruit might not be the first thing you think of when you ponder what plants are poisonous to dogs, but it is definitely worth noting. Grapes and raisins are incredibly toxic to dogs. While you might think you’re in the clear because your grapes are stowed away safely in the refrigerator, dogs can often sniff out grapevines and indulge in the forbidden fruit there.


Like many other types of flowers — daffodils, azaleas, poinsettias and more — lilies can be very poisonous to dogs. These types of flowers can have devastating effects on dogs, including anorexia, depression and gastrointestinal issues.

When There Is No Time To Lose…

If your dog did not ingest any plants toxic to them, yet is having signs of distress, it may be an allergy. Regardless, it is important to get your pet immediate care. TalkLocal can get you in touch with a veterinarian in your area quickly — within 90 seconds. It is also free.

What Is The Power Train?

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

What Is The Power Train? - Auto Repair

If something has recently gone wrong with your car and you purchased a power train warranty, you may be wondering just what is the power train? In short, as the name implies, the power train is any part of the system that makes your car go and gives it power. This is not to be confused with power options, such as power locks or windows. Instead, it includes:

If you have a power train warranty and any of these parts have stopped working on your vehicle, you should be entitled to free repairs. Depending on the terms of your warranty, you may have a deductible you must first meet.

This type of warranty is generally the most inexpensive to obtain. While it only covers these basic items, a transmission alone can be a very costly expense should you need to replace it. Depending on the age of your vehicle, it may certainly be worth the money you spend on the warranty. It will at least provide you peace of mind that you will always have a reliable vehicle.

If you believe any of these pieces have stopped operating correctly and would like to have your warranty provider pay out, you will typically have to take your vehicle to a reputable mechanic. A skilled mechanic won’t look at you quizzically and ask “What is the power train?”

Often, warranty providers need proof from one of these professionals. Mechanics can confirm if a part of the power train is at fault. This might be a pain, but at least you will be covered in the long run.

But, There Are So Many Mechanics To Choose From!

The best way to find a local professional mechanic in your area is through TalkLocal’s free service. We will connect you quickly and easily to someone who can help you. You’ll be talking to someone in your area within 90 seconds of using our free search engine.