Archive for 2013


Common Cat Allergies

Friday, February 22nd, 2013

Common Cat Allergies - Veterinarians

Common Cat Allergies

Like humans, cats can allergic be to a variety of things. Cat allergies can manifest as inhalant allergies, contact allergies, food allergies, or insect allergies.

Inhalant Cat Allergies

Inhalant, or airborne allergies, are caused by your cat breathing in particles in the air. Pollen allergies are common in cats, just like they are in humans. Cats can also be allergic to household sprays, like aerosol. Symptoms of inhalant allergies in cats include upper respiratory issues, irritation in the nasal passage, and eye infections. The best way to help your cat with inhalant allergies is to keep them away from such sources. Your veterinarian can also prescribe medications, or eye drops in the case of eye infections.

Contact Cat Allergies

Another way that cats can have allergic reactions is through skin contact. The most common contact allergies in cats are from plants, especially those with oily leaves. Other things that can cause contact allergies for cats are wool, dust, cleaning supplies, carpet cleaners or fresheners, carpet, or even cat litter. Contact allergies will usually result in itching and discomfort for your cat. In more extreme cases, you may notice skin eruptions, bumps, hives, or fur loss. A veterinarian can prescribe a solution to help with the itching, or provide a shot of steroids for the more severe cases.

Food Allergies

The foods cats eat can also cause them to have an allergic reaction, even if they are only eating designated cat food. Turkey, chicken, and other poultry products are the most common food allergies in cats. Human food is generally not recommended for cats. Chocolate and dairy in particular can cause a bad reaction for your cat. A veterinarian can prescribe special cat food for cats with food allergies.

Insect Allergies

The most common insect allergies for cats are fleas. Fleas can cause your cats to feel itchy. You will notice them scratching themselves excessively if they are allergic.  Fleas can also cause fur loss and bumps on the skin, as well as black spots that look like dirt (these are the fleas). A veterinarian can prescribe medication or a solution that will help your cat with its allergic reaction. You should also treat your house for fleas, so that your cat does not become infected again.

Additional Help

If you suspect your cat is having an allergic reaction to something, you should bring your cat to a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and possible treatment. You can use TalkLocal to receive up to three phone calls in minutes from high quality local veterinarians that are available to see your cat when you need them.

When Should I Prune My Trees?

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

When Should I Prune My Trees? - Landscapers

You should prune your trees for a variety of reasons: to remove dead, broken, or diseased branches, and to remove undesirable branches that are too long or too low. Pruning your trees at the wrong time can lead to sick trees and even more dead branches, but you may be asking, “when should I prune my trees?” For all trees, you should prune branches when the weather is dry and rain is not in the forecast for a few days. Pruning in moist weather can cause disease in the tree. Also, avoid pruning in overly hot weather. 70-degrees is ideal.

Choosing the right time of year to prune depends on the type of trees:

Spring Flowering Trees

Prune trees that flower before June 1st immediately after flowering. If you prune later into the summer it could hurt the following season’s bloom.

Summer Flowering Trees

Trees that bloom after June 1st can be pruned any time, but avoid pruning in the heat of summer when bugs are active. You may also trim these trees after each bloom to promote flowering next season.


Allow evergreens to grow freely in late spring and early summer. Then in late summer you can trim back 50-90% of new growth. Be careful not too cut into older wood. Prune evergreens every year to promote more compact growth, allowing some new growth to remain each year. Do not prune evergreens in late summer or early fall because new growth will be prone to winter damage.

“Sappy” Trees

Trees such as maple, birch, and dogwood should be pruned in late summer or early fall. Pruning them in the spring will not hurt the trees, but there will be a very heavy sap flow at that time.

Deciduous Trees

You can prune these trees in the spring or summer (depending when they bloom) but you can also prune deciduous trees in the winter. With the leaves off, you can easily check for damaged branches.

Additional Help

Consult a professional landscaper if you are unsure of the types of trees in your yard. Use TalkLocal anytime to find reliable landscaping professionals in your area. Just type in what, where, and when you need help and TalkLocal will connect you with up to three local professionals in minutes!

Happy 1,000 Articles…to Us!

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Happy 1,000 Us! - Seva Call

As of 6pm today (on the East Coast), Seva Call posted the 1,000th article to our blog! That’s a full millennium in blog-years! Or a grand in blog-money. Or a kilo-blog. I could go on.

The point is, we’re proud to have generated this much blog content. And we’re happy that you all are here to celebrate this milestone with us. And don’t worry, we’re not stopping anytime soon. We’ll have plenty of new content coming out over the next few months, from service articles, to city launch announcements, and even some new stuff!

New Content!

We’ll be thinking outside the box a bit with some creative ideas; so keep reading and commenting, because we’ll definitely keep on writing!

Share Your Milestones!

Since we can now celebrate a happy 1,000 articles, we want to hear about any milestones you have reached recently. Drop us a message in the comment box, or on our Facebook page. We want to hear from you!

Transponder Key Not Working

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Transponder Key Not Working - Auto Repair

Your transponder key for your car makes your driving experience a lot easier.  Most can remotely unlock and lock your car, and some transponders offer that ability to open your trunk or even start your engine!  They’re also extremely important for those vehicles with key-less entry and ignition.  However, in the rare case that your transponder key no longer works, it can become a huge inconvenience.  Fortunately, transponder keys are fairly simple and there are really only a couple of issues to troubleshoot.

Transponder Key Not Working? Check the battery

Since the transponder needs to be able to emit a certain frequency in order to work, it needs to have a requisite amount of electrical power.  If the power is low, the transponder may emit a signal of a different frequency that your car does not recognize, and, therefore, will not react.  You may want to replace the battery in the transponder; contact your local dealer or manufacturer to find the necessary type of replacement battery.

Chip Damage

For one reason or another, your transponder chip may have become damaged and now is no longer working.  If this is the case, you may need to actually buy a new transponder key from your dealer.  The main reason you’ll want to talk to your dealer (even though it may be more expensive than going to a local locksmith) is because they can deactivate your old key so it will no longer give any unauthorized person access to your car.

 Additional Help

You should call your dealership as soon as possible so that you can get your transponder key replaced.  Even though it may be expensive, remember that your transponder key is extremely important for adding another layer of security to your car.  However, if you have any other car problems or troubles, TalkLocal can help you find a high quality local auto-repair shop to take care of your problem within minutes!

​Can’t Change the Volume on Mac

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

​Can’t Change the Volume on Mac - Computer Repair

Sometimes you can’t change the volume on Mac. This frustrating issue can have a few different causes, but don’t worry, there are easy solutions.

Possible Reasons You Can’t Change the Volume on Mac

– If a red light appears in the headphone jack, the Mac is trying to output sound to the headphone jack because it thinks there is something plugged in, even though it is empty.

– The volume keys on your computer might not be functioning properly, so make sure there is contact between the key and the keyboard. Your keyboard could be dirty with crumbs, dust, or dirt, all of which can intercept a proper connection between the key and the keyboard.

– You may be experiencing software problems. Keep reading to learn how to fix your settings.


Headphone Jack: Plug a headphone in and out of the headphone jack. Sometimes the Mac does not recognize that you removed a device. You may also try blowing air into it with a compressed air can as dust can block the sensor and make your computer think there is a device plugged in. Also, try poking the sensor with a toothpick or the rubber end of a bobby pin. Additionally, Under System Preferences, open up Sound and make sure “Digital Out” is selected, instead of “Internal Speakers.” Also, make sure the “Output Volume” is NOT on mute.

Volume Keys: Make sure your keyboard is clean. Use a compressed air can to blow away any particles that accumulate between and under the keys.

Software Problems: If it is a problem with the software, try resetting the PRAM and NVRAM.

1. Shut down your Mac and then turn it back on.

2. Press and hold the command, option, P, and R keys before the gray screen appears. Hold these keys until the computer restarts and you hear the start-up sound for the second time.

3. After you hear the sound, you can release the keys.

Additional Help

If you are having further difficulties, you can use TalkLocal to help connect you with the best IT professionals in your local area. We will connect you with up to three computer technicians who will be available to help you when you need them.

Benefits of Insulated Windows

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Benefits of Insulated Windows - Window Replacement

Having insulated windows can be a real treat, especially during the winter months.  Insulation of a window can be improved by using double glazing, glass with heat reflective properties, thermal reflective plastic, and heat shrink film.  Retaining heat in your household is just one of the benefits of insulated windows.

Benefits of Insulated Windows

Heat loss occurs with non-insulated windows due to a couple of different factors.  Infiltration, conduction, radiation, and convection are the four reasons why your house does not stay warm with non-insulated windows.

Additional Help

If you have more questions about the benefits of insulated windows or about their installation you should try to talk to a professional so that you can get the best help possible.  The easiest, fastest way to get in contact with reliable local businesses is to use TalkLocal. Just put in your problem and availability and let them do all the work.  Within minutes you will be connected to someone who will be able to help you out.

Forgot Master Lock Combination

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Forgot Master Lock Combination - Locksmiths

Combination locks are a great way to keep your valuables safe.  You can secure your locker, bike, diary, etc., without the hassle of carrying a key with you.  But what happens when you forget what the combination is?  Do not fear! You can do a couple of things to open up your lock so you can get back to using it.

Forgot Master Lock Combination?

If your lock is not attached to anything you can look up the serial number stamped onto the back.  Once you locate it you should follow the correct procedure to mail a photocopy to the master lock company to get the combination.  If there is no serial number, or the lock is attached onto something this will not work, so you will need to take additional steps.

If the Lock is Being Used…

If the lock is attached to something at the time you forgot the master lock combination you have two options.  You can break the lock, or figure out the combination.

How to Crack the Code

1) Turn the lock clockwise for three rotations to clear it, and leave it at zero.

2) Put pressure on the shackle part and turn the dial slowly.

3) Turn and apply pressure until you find a point where you can’t turn any further (this is the first number).

4) Continue to apply tension but start turning left until it stops again (this is the second #).

5) These two numbers are the sticking range.

6) Stop applying pressure and turn past the sticking point.

7) Reapply tension and turn to find more sticking points (there should be 12 altogether).

8) Only consider the whole numbers (this should eliminate 7).

9) Of the remaining numbers, the one that does not end in the same number as the others is the third number in the combination.

10) Divide the 3rd number by 4 and remember the remainder  (this is the magic number).

11) Add 4 to the magic number and write it down, add four to that number, continue this until you have gone completely around the dial (one of these will be the first number).

12) Add 2 to the magic number and write it down, add four to that number, and continue this process until you have gone completely around the dial (one of these will be the second number).

13) Of the possible second numbers cross out the numbers plus or minus 2 from the third number.

14) Using the leftover numbers, use trial by error to try and figure out the combination.

Additional Help

If you have more questions about forgotten master lock combinations you should try to talk to a professional so that you can get the best help possible.  The easiest, fastest way to get in contact with reliable local locksmith companies is to use TalkLocal. Just put in your problem and availability and let them do all the work.  Within minutes you will be connected to someone who will be able to help you out.

Types of Replacement Windows

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

Types of Replacement Windows - Window Replacement

There are several types of replacement windows. Here is a list that will help you decide on the kind of window you need or want for a replacement:

The single hung window has a fixed top pane and a sliding bottom pane. It allows air and light to enter, and are especially convenient as they do not take up interior or exterior space. As such, they are ideal for spaces with little room, such as in a bathroom or in small bedrooms.

The double hung window usually allows the top pane to open, and sometimes has a stationary bottom pane. It allows for a lot of light and air to enter the room, again without taking up interior or exterior room space. The fixed bottom pane makes it useful for childrens’ rooms.

Picture windows offer generous amounts of light into the room, and large views of the outside. However, with just one immovable pane, it offers no ventilation capabilities and is thus ideal for dining rooms or living rooms

Angling outward and opening at the bottom, awning windows allow some ventilation and more light. These are ideal for areas where privacy is of a concern, such as patios and bedrooms.

For lots of fresh air and light, slider windows are generally best. These are usually used in rooms where a lot of ventilation is necessary.

Casement windows slide open sideways, and are useful for hard to reach places where leverage might be an issue. They allow light and fresh air into the room and are usually found in kitchens, with a combination of other window types.

Bay windows (pictured above) offer a lot of ventilation and light for the room and are thus good for master bedrooms, kitchens and family rooms.  They open up on the side and offer multiple views of the outside.

Additional Help

If you have any questions about the numerous types of replacement windows, or if you are looking for a window replacement contractor, just use TalkLocal! We will put you in contact with up to three window professionals in your area in just minutes!

Best Lawn Fertilizers

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

Best Lawn Fertilizers - Landscapers

All lawns need three critical things to survive and thrive: food, water, and the protection from unwanted guests, pests, natural forces, etc.

If you are looking to revive your dying lawn, or if you are looking to make your grass greener, thicker, and more beautiful, here are some tips to finding the best lawn fertilizers available.

Choosing the Best Lawn Fertilizers

Three elements that are very important to the survival of grass are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. These natural elements give your grass the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, and common fertilizers contain a variety of amounts of these particular ingredients.

– Nitrogen is the most important, as it helps give grass its bright green color and thickness.

– Potassium, not only important to humans, is important to grass as well. It is useful in toughening grass roots and making it durable enough to resist unwanted forces like drought and cold weather.

– Phosphorus is another critical team player, aiding in the development of the roots under the surface.

All fertilizers found at your local home garden center or nursery will contain these three elements. However, the variety among choices regards the percentage of each element that is blended into the fertilizer. For example, when looking at different fertilizer brands or blends, you will see a code-like number, such as 15-8-8. These numbers represent the percentage of each element, in this order: nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. In this case, the particular fertilizer bag labeled 15-8-8 will contain a 15% nitrogen-8% phosphorus-8% potassium mixture.

These blends will differ based on needs and preferences. In order to choose the best fertilizer, you should take note of your grass needs, grass type, time of year, soil type, and climate. For example, if you want to prepare your lawn for winter, you might want a blend with higher concentrations of potassium.

Making your decision more complex is choosing the best fertilizer type: either granular (slow vs fast release), organic, liquid or synthetic. In addition, you will find variety in different fertilizing methods and tips for application. You can choose based on specific preferences and/or needs, with each having their own benefits and disadvantages. By talking with your local home garden center or a professional landscaper, they should be able to assist you in choosing the right fertilizer.

Additional Help

If you are still not sure which lawn fertilizer is best for you, or if you would like some professional help in fertilizing your lawn, try using TalkLocal to locate a landscaping company near you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality, reputable landscaping professionals in your neighborhood, within minutes. Just enter in your problem, location and availability and TalkLocal will contact multiple companies, who will then call YOU directly, ready to help.

What Type of Lawyer Do I Need for a Will?

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

What Type of Lawyer Do I Need for a Will? - Lawyers - Family

Writing your own will is a depressing but important thing to do.  In order to ensure the well being of your loved ones you should make sure that all of your affairs are in order.  You may be asking yourself, “What type of lawyer do I need for a will?” There is a distinct person that you need to confer with in order to set up your will properly.  You should seek out the help of a professional Estates lawyer.

Responsibilities of Estates Lawyers

1)     Estate planning

2)     Wills

3)     Contests to Wills

4)     Trusts

5)     Charitable giving

An estates lawyer needs to be someone you can explicitly trust because they will be in charge of overseeing your legal affairs once you have passed on.  You should carefully vet each candidate for qualifications, personality, and ability.  Each individual needs to be comfortable with their lawyer because that is the person in charge after death.

Things to look for in an Estates Lawyer

1)     How long they have been practicing

2)     How much of their practice is devoted to estates vs other things

3)     If they are certified by the state

4)     Do they have liability/malpractice insurance

5)     Cost

6)     Do you like them

7)     Do they explain everything clearly

Additional Help

A person’s choice for their Estates lawyer is an extremely personal decision.  You should carefully consider all of your options.  If you are looking for a professional to help you with your will, use TalkLocal to be put in contact with reliable local businesses within minutes.  You don’t have to do any work, simply input your problem and availability and you will be connected with someone in just minutes.