Archive for 2013


Recycling Electronics for Cash

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Recycling Electronics for Cash - Garbage Removal

Cleaning is not always at the top of everyone’s list of things that they are looking forward to doing in their spare time. Households and businesses that need garbage removal are looking to upgrade their environment. Removing clutter from interior spaces can feel like a big project. It only takes a few months of not thoroughly cleaning to accumulate a large amount of clutter.

Electronic items are often expensive when they are first purchased. Technology changes every few years and many people feel compelled to upgrade their electronic devices often to stay current. Many people have several different handheld devices and cell phones in their residence or office that are not being used. Recycling electronics for cash is a green solution to eliminating electronic clutter.

Recycling Electronics for Cash

The cash that is gained from the electronics can be used to upgrade a phone or take care of an outstanding debt. Newer phones and smart phones often hold the most value. Never underestimate the value of the electronics before deciding to recycle them.

Spend time to look through storage areas in the attic or in garages on the property for any electronics that may have been left behind. Older phones are often outdated and undesirable for someone in the west; however there is a thriving market all around the world for cell phones. These older phones are often refurbished and sold for affordable prices around the globe.

Throwing electronics into the traditional garbage usually leads to local dumps or landfills. Electronic items do not break down over time and can cause harm to the environment if they are not recycled or disposed of properly. It may therefore be beneficial to you to try to sell your older electronics to repair shops or non-corporate electronics shops who would be willing to take old devices, refurbish them, and resell them at lower prices.

Additional Help

If you have a pile of old electronic devices that you want to be rid of, don’t just throw them in the trash. There very well may be someone who is willing to pay cash for those electronics. Allow TalkLocal to help you find them. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with local professionals who can help you dispose of old electronics for cash. Save the online searching hassle and use TalkLocal!

My Dog Keeps Throwing Up

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

My Dog Keeps Throwing Up - Veterinarians

If you notice that your dog keeps throwing up, it is important that you figure out the cause as soon as possible. There are several possible reasons why your dog keeps throwing up.

Why Your Dog Keeps Throwing Up

If your dog throws up just once and seems okay after, it is probably just the result of it eating something it wasn’t supposed to, such as chocolate, grapes, or even washing detergent. It could also be the result of allergies, excessive eating, heat, or dehydration. Usually, with the right care, you can get your dog back to good health quickly. Just monitor what it is eating, make sure it is getting enough water, and make sure to keep it away from table food and other dangerous items. If you think your dog isn’t digesting its current food well, you could try changing up its diet to a formula for sensitive stomachs or one with less grain to avoid any further complications. If you think the vomiting may be caused by overeating or eating too quickly, make its meals a little smaller and try to feed it in small handfuls at a time.

Other Possible Causes

If your dog continues throwing up and doesn’t seem to want to eat or drink anything after, your dog may be sick and may need additional care. If your dog is throwing up multiple times for an extended number of days, or if it is showing signs of illness, fever, or is even throwing up blood, this can indicate a serious problem. You will be best off visiting a vet as soon as possible.

Additional Help

Use TalkLocal to locate a veterinarian near you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality, reputable professionals in your neighborhood, within minutes. Simply enter in your dog’s symptoms, your location, and your schedule availability and TalkLocal will contact multiple veterinarians who will then call YOU directly, ready to help.

Touch Screen on Computer Not Working

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Touch Screen on Computer Not Working - Computer Repair

The world of technology has expanded rapidly within the last decade, and the fruits of humankind’s hard labor have been received.  Having computers with touch screen capabilities is the next revolutionary product.  But not everything is flawless.  Even the most advanced technology has faults.  When you have such an amazing product but your touch screen stops working, it can be very frustrating.

Touch Screen on Computer Not Working

When your touch screen stops working it could be a result of a couple of things:

1) The software could be malfunctioning

2) Cameras could be misaligned

3) Computer updates could be missing certain drivers

4) The screen itself could be damaged

The Solution

If your software is malfunctioning then you should either try to reinstall it or get rid of any viruses that could be attacking it. This is not a very serious issue and is easily fixed.  There are many different types of software and you should look up what type you have and address the problem accordingly.

Another issue could be that the cameras/sensors are misaligned.  This problem could be more serious and may need professional attention.  Before taking any serious steps you can always try to do a diagnostic on your computer and see if you can fix the issue by yourself.

A lot of people complain that the touch screen stops working after they update their operating systems.  Sometimes the newer updates are missing certain drivers that were present in prior versions so your touch screen will not function properly.  You can revert the new installation or reinstall the old version in order to fix the issue.

Another way to solve your problem could be to do a scroll lock calibration.  To do this you will need to rapidly press scroll lock five times.  Then click the top left of your screen and hold down until you hear a beep.  The mouse should move automatically to the top right after this you can click and hold again.  Do this for the remaining two corners as well.  Once this could be complete your screen should be working properly.

Continuing Problems

If you still have issues even after attempting the above listed solutions you should seek professional help.  Use TalkLocal to be put in contact with a reliable local business within minutes.  Simply input your problem and availability and TalkLocal will connect you with up to three professionals who will be able to help you.

How to Remove Mold from Carpet

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

How to Remove Mold from Carpet - Carpet Cleaners

Mold is a naturally growing fungus, but discovering it in your home can have very dangerous consequences. In nature, it holds a beneficial purpose, but when trapped within the confines of warm and humid environments, such as in your basement or bathrooms, mold can grow exponentially, presenting serious health risks. If mold is touched or inhaled, it can lead to severe allergic reactions, heavy and muffled breathing, rashes, eye and throat irritation, coughing, and serious respiratory problems.

How to Remove Mold from Carpet

If you have discovered mold in your carpet, here’s what you can do to kill and remove it.

1. Locate the source of the problem. If you discover mold in areas where there are plumbing leaks and/or excessive moisture, this is another problem in itself, and a plumber should be contacted to fix any leak.

2. If the moldy area is small enough to handle on your own, the next step would be to acquire protective gear. This can include gloves, goggles and even protective masks to prevent inhalation.

3. Often times, the mold is coming from underneath the carpet as well. You may have to pull or cut up the carpet to get to the flooring underneath. Be sure to open some windows for ventilation during the cleaning (and drying) process.

4. Do a base cleaning of the carpet; use a steam cleaner containing water and cleaning detergent to scrub away the mold from the carpet. Be sure to suck up all of the water, and repeat the process until the water being sucked up is clear. Do the same with the flooring underneath.

5. Use a mixture of hypochlorite solution (household bleach) and water to further deep clean and disinfect the area. It is critical to not overcompensate on bleach, so try using a 1 cup per gallon ratio of water concentration. Let this solution set in for 10-15 minutes, and then use the steam cleaner again to completely suck up all the moisture.

6. One of the most important steps is the final one: drying. You have to be sure to let the carpet area dry completely, or else the mold will grow right back. Use a fan, a heater, open windows and even a dehumidifier to ensure the carpet is 100% dry. Check afterwards for any remaining mold.

Preventing mold growth in the future can be done by reducing the overall humidity in your home. Moist environments help mold thrive, so with the use of a dehumidifier, the risk of mold can be decreased significantly.  In addition, avoid having carpet in those particularly moist areas, especially bathrooms and laundry rooms.

Additional Help

If the area is too big to conquer yourself, try contacting a professional. If you need a professional carpet cleaning service to help remove mold from carpet, try using TalkLocal to find one near you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality carpet cleaners in your neighborhood, within minutes. Simply enter in your problem, location and availability and TalkLocal will contact multiple professionals, who will then call YOU directly, ready to help.

How to Prepare a Financial Audit

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

How to Prepare a Financial Audit - Accountants

All companies that are publicly traded are required to release a financial audit report to guarantee the accuracy of their financial statement. There are very specific guidelines for financial audit reports that you must follow. This article will help you learn how to prepare a financial audit report.

How to Prepare a Financial Audit Report

A financial audit report should be written like a business letter — clear and without excess flowery language. You must always use the standard format for a financial audit report, which is as follows:

1. Introduction

2. Responsibilities of Directors and Auditors

3. Basis of Opinion and the Opinion

Beginning of a Financial Audit Report

The title of your financial audit report should always be “Independent Auditor’s Report.”

In your heading, you should make sure to include the following:

– the name of your company

– the name of the author of the report

– the address of your company

Write an address to the shareholders and board of directors of your company. Although you want to make sure that it is directed towards all audiences, you should treat your readers as if they are intelligent and knowledgable about how the stock market works.

Introduction of a Financial Audit Report

All financial audit reports should have an introduction that contains the name of the corporation and year to which the audit pertains. The introduction should also make it clear to the readers where responsibility lies. It is the company’s responsibility to provide financial statements for the audit firm, and it is the audit firm’s responsibility to give their opinion based off of the financial statements provided by the company.

Basis of Opinion in a Financial Audit Report

The next portion should describe the basis of opinion. It should also be in a business style — descriptive, but without unnecessary flowery language. Make the reader knows that the audit was in accordance with Generally Accepted Audit Standards (GAAS). Also, make sure to include every type of information that was examined as part of the audit, as well as how the audit was conducted. The purpose of this paragraph is for the reader to feel your opinion is trustworthy and accurate.

Opinion Portion of a Financial Audit Report

The final portion of the financial audit report is the actual opinion. Your opinion should be clearly stated in the first sentence of this portion. It is important that this portion is very clear and you do not want to confuse the reader with convoluted business language.

Additional Help

If you need assistance in preparing your financial audit report, you can contact an accountant. With the help of TalkLocal, you can be on the phone in minutes with up to three high quality accountants in your area that are available when you are.

Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard - Dentists

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is common among many people. Generally, people are unaware they do it because they grind their teeth when they are asleep. Although there are a variety of causes, do not wait too long to find out why you do it. You should get a teeth grinding mouth guard as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your teeth. Talk to your dentist about your options.

Mouth Guards

There are many different types of mouth guards on the market. A good mouth guard is durable and comfortable. It should not restrict your breathing in any way so that you can protect your teeth while being able to function normally. A mouth guard will create a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, thus protecting them from each other.

Since most people grind their teeth while they sleep, it is likely that the mouth guard will be worn all night. Evening mouth guards are also known as nocturnal bite plates or bite splints. Many bacteria form in your mouth and around your mouth guard during sleep, so make sure you clean your mouth guard regularly. We recommend scrubbing it with a toothbrush and mild soap. You can also use denture cleaners, which can be purchased in any pharmacy.

Possible Causes of Bruxism

It is also important to try to address the cause of bruxism. Stress can cause teeth grinding. Try to find ways to relax through yoga, soothing music, deep breathing, and a good night’s sleep. If you are a teeth grinder, get a mouth guard as soon as possible. If left untreated, bruxism can lead to cracked teeth, which can give rise to more serious, painful dental problems.

Some recommended brands include SleepRight Mouth Guard, the Doctor’s Night Guard, and the SmartGuard Night Guard. If you see a dentist, they will likely give you a custom mouth guard that will be molded to your teeth and will be more suitable to your needs.

Additional Help

If you are in need of a mouth guard, or if you’re having issues with teeth grinding, get in touch with a dentist as soon as possible to prevent tooth damage. TalkLocal can help connect you in seconds with quality local dentists. We will connect you with up to three dentists in your area who will be able to help you when you need it.

Where to Dispose of Paint

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

Where to Dispose of Paint - Garbage Removal

For people who have just finished redecorating their home or refinishing their car, it can be confusing trying to find out where to dispose of paint. Paint can be a messy thing to throw away in the trash; one ripped bag can permanently damage belongings and release harmful fumes into the house or garage. There are also environmental concerns, as the chemicals in paint might be harmful to the ecosystem if disposed of in a land fill. There’s also the chance that old paint doesn’t need to be disposed of at all and can be reused by someone who has a similar project.

Oil-based Paints

If paint is oil-based, it is considered hazardous. It can’t be reused after it has been stored for a certain period of time. This type of paint is toxic and flammable, and oil paint that is very old can even contain lead. For this reason, these types of paints have to be taken to disposal locations that that accept Hazardous Household Waste (HWW). Some cities hold an annual event where people can drop off their HWW. By doing a quick internet search or contacting your town office, you can find a location that will accept your old paint.

Latex-based Paints

In contrast, latex and water-based paints are safer. They are not deemed HHW and can be reused after they have been stored. Unfortunately, many of these types of paints contained high levels of mercury before 1990, so they can’t be disposed of in liquid form. It’s harmful (and sometimes illegal) to pour latex paint into streams, rivers, or the ground, as they can make their way back into the things we eat. Latex paint should also never be burned or put out for normal garbage disposal. Instead, try reusing the paint for new projects or donating cans to charities that refurnish homes or revitalize communities. Many charities paint over graffiti on buildings, and they accept paint donations. If reuse is not an option, latex paint must be dried before being put out with regular garbage pickup. This can be done by leaving small quantities out to air-dry in the can or rolling out larger quantities on cardboard or paper.

Additional Help

If you have old paint cans you want to dispose of, but cannot figure out the proper place to do it, or if you simply have a very large quantity that needs disposing, try contacting a professional garbage removal service. TalkLocal will connect you with up to three high quality garbage removal services in your area who will be able to help you when you need it.

Reinstall Operating System on Toshiba Laptop Using Recovery Partition

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

Reinstall Operating System on Toshiba Laptop Using Recovery Partition - Computer Repair

For whatever reason if you have changed the operating system of your Toshiba laptop and would like to return it back to its original factory settings, there are a few ways in which you can go about doing this.  To use a recovery partition you can take the following steps.

How to Reinstall Operating System on Toshiba Laptop Using Recovery Partition

In order to reset the computer back to its original factory settings with the operating system it came with you should use a recovery partition.

1. Restart your computer. As it starts up again you should continuously hit the F8 key until the advanced boot option screen appears.

2. You can select “Repair Your Computer”, your country, and hit Okay.

3. The System Recovery Options Screen should appear and you can click on restore application.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions. When prompted, select the full factory recovery option.  After a few minutes your recovery will be completed.

If this process does not work there is another way to reinstall the operating system on your Toshiba.

1. Turn your computer off and remove all plug ins such as the mouse, keyboard, USB’s, etc.

2. Hold down the zero button when you power your computer back up.  You can release it when the recovery warning screen appears.

3. The screen should offer a choice of operating systems so you can select whichever you want.  There will be a warning about how all data will be rewritten if you reinstall the OS. Just hit yes and continue.

4. The recovery wizard will open and you can select Recovery of Factory Software, and continue as directed.

Continuing Problems

If you still have problems with your computer and cannot seem to reinstall an operating system on your Toshiba laptop using the recovery partition you should attempt to seek professional help.  Don’t know where to look? Use TalkLocal to be put in contact with reliable local businesses within minutes.  Simply input the problem you are having along with your availability and TalkLocal will do the rest.  You don’t have to do any work and you will be connected to an extremely knowledgeable IT service company who can help you solve your problems.

How to Clean Varnished Furniture

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

How to Clean Varnished Furniture - Maid Services

Has your varnished furniture lost its shine? Do you want to avoid re-varnishing your furniture, but do not know how to bring the shine back to it? Cleaning varnished furniture is easy and simple. All you need is some cleaning supplies and the furniture once again can look shiny and clean. Here are some simple tips on how to clean varnished furniture.

Additional Help

If you’re having trouble keeping your varnished furniture look new, or if you don’t think you have the time to properly clean your varnished furniture on a regular basis, you might want to consider hiring a maid or cleaning service. TalkLocal can connect you with up to three professional cleaning services in your area who will be able to help you out!

Feeding Dogs Human Food

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

Feeding Dogs Human Food - Veterinarians

Some pet owners are staunch advocates of no human food for dogs in any circumstance, while others believe that there is nothing wrong with feeding dogs human food once in a while. Not all human food is dangerous, but if you’re ever even slightly unsure, do not feed it to your dog. To help you remember what is unacceptable, here is a list of human food that is definitely dangerous for dogs to ingest:

– Alcohol

– Apple seeds

– Avocados: Haas avocados are fine and can be good for dogs. Other South American varieties of avocados, however, are poisonous to dogs.

– Cooked bones: They are more brittle than raw bones and can crack and rupture your dog’s stomach.

– Bread dough

– Caffeine

– Chocolate

– Coffee (grounds, beans, brewed)

– Corn cobs

– Eggs (raw)

– Fat trimmings

– Fish: Specifically, raw salmon can contain a parasite carrying a virus that only affects dogs.

– Garlic: It is beneficial in very small doses (such as garlic powder) for dogs over 20 pounds, but has the same dangerous effect as onions if fed in large quantities.

– Grapes

– Liver

– Milk/ice cream/dairy products

– Moldy foods

– Mushrooms/mushroom plants

– Nutmeg

– Nuts (macadamia nuts, walnuts, chestnuts, and more)

– Onions and onion powder

– Pits from peaches, plums, cherries & apricots

– Potato leaves/stems/green skins

– Raisins

– Rhubarb leaves

– Salt

– Tobacco & nicotine products

-Tomato plants/leaves/stems: However, the fruit is fine.

– Xylitol (found in sugar-free products)

Additional Help

If you think that your dog has consumed one of the above human foods, or if you’re wondering if you should feed your dog that piece of bologna or not, call your vet! If your dog is acting strange after eating something new, this might be an emergency, in which case you should use TalkLocal to get access to a qualified vet within minutes. We will connect you with up to three professionals in your area who will be able to help you when you need it.