Archive for 2013


Hot Tub Skirting

Friday, July 19th, 2013

Hot Tub Skirting - Handyman

Hot tub skirting is the decorative material which surrounds a hot tub. Skirting serves as a decorative enclosure of the hot tub, as well as a mask for the plumbing contained underneath. Skirting comes in either a wood or a polymer finish, and it comes in many different colors.

Wooden Hot Tub Skirting

Wooden skirting usually is made out of cedar, but other popular woods are redwood and mahogany. All types of wooden skirting need maintenance, especially the skirting for outdoor hot tubs that are in climates which expose the hot tub to severe weather.

Wood skirting maintenance involves staining the wood every year. Some of the woods also require sanding. While these tasks can be performed at home, handyman service providers have the skills and tools required to sand and re-stain the wood quickly and easily. Do not let the wood fade and rot, because it is much easier to keep up the annual maintenance than to replace hot tub skirting. If this does happen, there are handyman service providers who can repair or replace the full skirting.

Non-Wooden Hot Tub Skirting

Skirting made out of plastic, polymer, or foam has become popular because these newer materials are virtually maintenance-free. All hot tub skirts eventually succumb to weather’s wear and tear, but by keeping up with the annual maintenance, they will last much longer than if no maintenance was performed.

Polystyrene hot tub skirting is prone to fading if exposed to sunlight year after year. The non-wood skirting types require less maintenance than wood. A skirt made out of foam will need to be touched up with paint occasionally. Painting maintenance can also be performed by a trained professional.

Need Professional Help

By using TalkLocal, you can easily and quickly find reputable  handyman workers in your area. Simply tell us what you need, where you are located, and when you would like an appointment, and Seva Call will make the calls for you. Within minutes you will be connected with the right professional.

Seva Man Origin Story: Secret Identity Revealed

Friday, July 19th, 2013

Is it the sun? Someone’s highbeams? No! It’s Seva Man in his brightly colored leotard!

The spectacular spectacle spotted in major cities nationwide is whisking another service seeker away from worrisome call-waiting  woes and connecting consumers and top-rated businesses faster than a speeding video buffer. But, he didn’t always simplify the search for professional service providers. The be-goggled galvanizer was once a neighborly but ordinary hometown hero, before one fateful night that forever changed the face of finding local service pros. (more…)

How To Paint Water Damaged Ceilings

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

How To Paint Water Damaged Ceilings - Painters

Normally, repainting your ceiling isn’t a big deal. However, if it has suffered from previous water damage, then a relatively simple paint job can become tedious in a hurry. Unless you take the correct steps, that big, ugly stain on your ceiling will just keep showing up, even if you paint over it a dozen times. Fortunately, you don’t need to replace your entire ceiling to keep that from happening. Here’s how to paint water damaged ceilings.

How To Paint Water Damaged Ceilings

1. Before starting, move any furniture out of the way to avoid soiling it. If an object is too large or heavy to move, cover it with a drop cloth or an old sheet.

2. Inspect the ceiling. If the leak was serious, the drywall may be coming loose from the joists. Test the area by gently pushing up on the stain. If it’s loose, use drywall screws to fasten the panel back onto the joist.

2. Water damage can also cause cracks and deviations in texture. In this case, fill in gaps with a high-quality spackle, and allow it to dry for the amount of time recommended on the package. Afterward, sand the area smooth. If you notice mold on the stain, apply a solution of bleach and let it dry.

3. Now you can get down to business. Because even a stain-resistant paint won’t keep water stains from peeking through, you’ll need to buy a oil-based, quick-drying primer, a product that is usually sold in an aerosol can. The oil in the primer seals the stain into the existing paint layer, allowing it to be painted over flawlessly.

4. Apply a water-proof paint that has been color-matched to the existing layer in smooth strokes. As you approach the outer borders of the stain, start using a dabbing motion. This produces a feathered effect that helps the new pain blend into the old. Two coats should be applied.

Need More Help?

While painting over water stains, many homeowners realize the true extent of the water damage. Because this often complicates things, it’s helpful to get an experienced painter to do the work for you. Fortunately, TalkLocal makes it easy to find one in your area. We’ll connect you with the right professionals in just minutes.

Displayport Not Working Windows 7

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Displayport Not Working Windows 7 - Computer Repair

A displayport is an amazing tool to have when doing work, making presentations, and completing various other tasks on a computer.  But if there is an issue with the display, it is very frustrating and not really that helpful.  Upgrading your operating system will cause problems like this, but there is a solution that can get you back to work within minutes.

Why Is Displayport Not Working Windows 7?

Upgrading your operating system from Windows XP, Vista, or any previous version to Windows 7 will cause your displayport to malfunction. This is a common problem for Windows OS users, because the new system is missing some of the drivers that were always included in previous versions of Windows.

Possible Solutions

If your new computer system is missing these devices or drivers, go to your Device Manager and click on Details.  Under Properties, look to see if there is anything you can do.  If not, try going to the Microsoft site to download the drivers or reinstall the previous version of the operating system.

If the problem does not have to do with the missing drivers, it may be a graphics card issue. Your computer may be in energy saving mode, so the graphics card will disable the displayport.  You should switch to a high performance mode, and hopefully, your monitor will start to work.

Another solution to the malfunctioning displayport is to fix the DVI connection.  Sometimes the driver and monitor have different version numbers for the port, so you should use a DVI connector for the exact monitor you are using.  You will need to save an EDID profile, go into the display driver on the computer, and click on displayport.  You can then import the profile into the port’s settings.

Further Assistance

If you cannot seem to fix the problem, you should try to seek professional help.  Use TalkLocal to be connected with reliable, local computer technicians within minutes.  Simply tell us the problem you are having, along with your availability, and we will do the rest of the work. You will be speaking with the right professionals in just minutes.

Types Of Massage Therapy

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Types Of Massage Therapy - Massage Therapy

Whether you’re stressed out from work or sore from the gym, you could probably use a massage.  However, before you go seeking a massage therapist, you should know the different types of massage therapy, as some massages will cater to more specific needs and lifestyles.  Making an informed choice will ensure you have the best possible experience when getting a massage.

Swedish Massage Therapy

This is most popular type of massage performed today and is widespread throughout the world.  This massage primarily focuses on relaxation by using smooth, long strokes and kneading to loosen any tension. It’s normally very gentle and relaxing, so it’s a great first massage to try out!

Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massages are based on placing heated stones on specific areas of the body to loosen the muscles.  Therapists sometimes will use the hardness of the stone of penetrate into deeper tissues, relieving stress and tension locked in the deeper muscles, while the warmth of the stones relaxes the rest of the body.

Shiatsu or Acupressure therapy

This type of massage originated in Japan and utilizes focused finger pressure to improve energy flow and balance in the body.  The thumb, palm, and fingers are used in a rhythmic succession and target specific areas of the body that you think need help.  The pressure is firm but extremely relaxing and resolves any soreness in the muscles quickly and effectively.

Deep Tissue Massage

This massage therapy is great for people with chronically painful or tight muscles.  If you have posture problems or you are repeatedly straining your neck, shoulders, or back, this is a perfect massage for you. It targets the deep connective tissues and muscles by using slow strokes against the grain of the muscle.  You’ll most likely feel sore for a couple days after this massage, but it will be worth it afterward, as your muscles will rejuvenate even faster.

Find A Massage Therapist Near You!

These are just the most common types of massages that almost every massage therapist will offer.  There are many more specialized types of massage offered out there, and you should consult with a massage therapist to find the perfect type of massage for you.  TalkLocal will connect you with a high-quality, local massage therapist in just minutes, so you can relieve your stress as soon as possible!

Basic Tree Care Tips

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Basic Tree Care Tips - Tree Removal

Trees are important elements of any landscape. They provide shade, beauty, and habitats for wildlife. However, poorly cared-for trees can make even the most well-designed landscape look shabby and run-down. Here are some basic tree care tips.

Water Generously

Many trees grow very large very quickly and require a lot of water to do so. If you’re stingy with watering, young trees may experience stunted growth, poor foliage development, and greater susceptibility to pests and diseases. If your area does not get regular rainfall, give your trees several inches of water per week during their active growing season.


Like most other plants, trees benefit from proper pruning. It keeps their foliage dense and bushy, stimulates new growth, and can actually improve their resistance to illness.

Remove suckers, drooping branches, and limbs that overhang buildings or obstruct walkways. Using clean, sharp pruners is a must. Dull blades cause extensive damage to healthy tissue, while tools that aren’t cleaned between uses can introduce harmful pathogens into a healthy tree.

Furthermore, one of the best tree care tips is to not over-prune. Topping and other methods that involve heavy removal of healthy growth are extremely damaging to trees and can be fatal to them.

Sealing Wounds

Whether caused by a violent storm or careful pruning, branch removal leaves a gaping wound behind. Much the same as in other organisms, this encourages infection by bacteria and viruses. In order to decrease the chances of your tree becoming diseased, seal up all large wounds. Many experts recommend the use of flat black spray paint. The paint creates a waterproof coating over the exposed area, while its fumes discourage pests from taking advantage of the weakness.

Fruit Trees

Fruit-bearing trees often require more care than ornamental varieties. When they’re young, it’s important to pick the immature fruit off the first two or three years. This allows the sapling to put more energy into growth, which means you’ll get better yields down the road.

Need Further Assistance?

Having great looking trees takes time and effort, but the benefits are well worth it. Basic tree care doesn’t always require a lot of special knowledge or equipment, but many jobs, especially on larger trees, are better performed by professionals. You can use TalkLocal to find an experienced tree care service in your area. We will connect you with up to three professionals within minutes.

Repair Or Adjust Your Door Lock

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Repair Or Adjust Your Door Lock - Locksmiths

You rely on your locks to keep intruders out of your home, to protect your home while you are inside or away from the house, and more. Locks, however, can become damaged over time, and this can decrease how effective and useful they are for you. When your locks are damaged or broken, you may wonder how to adjust your door lock so that it works once again. Until you repair or adjust your door lock, you may not be able to use the door lock and enjoy the many benefits it can provide to you.

When the Lock Is Jammed

One option to consider with a lock that appears to be jammed or that sticks when you try to use it is to take the door lock apart.

1. Use a screw driver and try to remove the lock on your own.

2. Once it has been removed, spray the lock with machine oil or grease to lubricate the parts.

3. Then, reinstall the door lock to your door. This may correct the issue.

When the Lock Won’t Latch

Over time, a lock may fail to latch properly. This can be caused by a number of different issues, including natural settling of your home’s foundation, moisture that has changed the size or shape of the door frame or door, or the addition of a door stop or other features that have adjusted the natural alignment of the door.

If you need to readjust your door lock to account for a lock that will not latch, you should carefully inspect the door. If the door appears to be sitting unevenly in the frame or appears to be misaligned, adjusting the actual door rather than the latch may be a suitable option. Sometimes, simply tightening the screws in the door hinges will correct the problem.

If you determine that adjusting the lock is a better option, you may need to adjust the strike plate. As you open and close the door, observe if the latch is striking the strike plate above or below where it needs to be striking it. You can easily remove the strike plate with a screwdriver, adjust the frame with a chisel as needed, and replace the strike plate to correct the issue.

When Professional Assistance is Needed

If these methods do not help you repair or adjust your door lock, you may need to contact a professional locksmith for assistance. Simply use TalkLocal to be connected with up to three professionals in your area who can help you out.

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office — Meet Josh!

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office -- Meet Josh! - Seva Team

Written by Jaime Fawcett

Welcome back to the second installment of the 8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office series, following 8 of Seva Call’s interns this summer. This is a Josh.

He’s a cool guy. He goes to University of Pennsylvania and is currently working on his BS in this really long and complicated field of study called Biological Bases of Behavior (BBB as he says), which is basically just neuroscience.

He also sings!

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office -- Meet Josh - Seva Team


8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office -- Meet Josh - Seva Team

His a capella group is called the Keynotes. And they look like a pretty swanky group of people. Just look at that pose Josh is striking. Such swagger.

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office -- Meet Josh - Seva Team

So let’s get down to the hard hitting facts.

You’re a third year at UPenn, but already 21. Why are you so old?

I took a gap year after my freshman year to find myself. I’m also just an old soul. What’s that song? “I once was lost but now am found.” Kind of like that.

What did you do while discovering yourself?

I did research and wrote a paper on cancer clusters, which are regions of America that have more cancer patients than other regions. It got published in an epidemiology journal and I think two people have read it maybe. I also did landscaping, but that’s not really the same thing.

Will you sing a serenade to Seva Call? In three part harmony?

No. It’s kind of hard to do 3 part harmony without two other people.

What is your current favorite/most played song?

That is such a difficult question. We’ll say “Hey Joe” by Jimi Hendrix

Rochelle and I agree you have the silkiest sales voice in the office. Have you ever thought about dropping neurology to do sales? Or you know…anything else?

No, as much as I love working in sales, I’m gonna stick with the sciences.

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office -- Meet Josh - Seva Team

So young, but so brilliant.

If the zombie apocalypse occurred and you had to bring 4 other Seva Call employees with you, who would it be and why?

Augie: For obvious reasons. He could probably kill a lot of zombies. Although, if he turned into a zombie we would probably be screwed.

Raj: Because he’s very uplifting. We would probably get depressed and he’d be there to tell us “good job”.

Jaime: (Huzzah!) We need someone to document our struggles and write the great zombie apocalypse memoir.

Zaneta: Because she’s resilient in ping pong. So, obviously she would be good at battling zombies.

You order Chipotle basically everyday. What do you get?

Burrito Bowl. Chicken. Black beans. Pinto Beans. Fajita Veggies. Lettuce. Cheese. EVERYTHING. Every kind of salsa. Corn…. Except Sour cream because that stuff is disgusting and doesn’t belong on any kind of food ever.

You’re like the Cedric Diggory of the office. Are you a Hufflepuff?

I don’t think I’m a Hufflepuff….I’m a Slytherin. I’m the Crabbe of the office.

How did we grow up 4 blocks away from each other in Catonsville and never meet?

That is an excellent question. I don’t know anyone from Catonsville. I grew up and spent all my time in Towson. And I’m a recluse.

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office -- Meet Josh - Seva Team

Where is your ideal place to live?

Guatemala. Or any place with a beach. Where I can listen to the waves.

Any special talents? Can you lick your elbow?

I’ve got extreme hitchhikers thumb.

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office -- Meet Josh - Seva Team

Favorite thing about Seva Call?

Freedom. We have a lot of leeway as interns. Even though we all just started this summer, we get a lot of responsibility and really help build the company and get to make and implement our own ideas.

Well, thanks Josh! Keep singing. I enjoy listening to you sing to the radio when we carpool to work. You will sing for the office one day…

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office -- Meet Josh - Seva Team

Alright, Seva Callers, don’t forget to check out and learn more about the rest of the Seva Team and to check us out on Facebook. See you next time to meet Michael, who is causing a stir with a certain office sport.

Environmentally Friendly Alternatives To Rock Salt

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

Environmentally Friendly Alternatives To Rock Salt - Snow Removal

Traditional rock salt, or a form of sodium chloride, is a cheap way many municipalities keep roads dry during inclement weather. It is the cheapest form of ice melt found in stores, and therefore many people use it each winter on their walkways, patios, and driveways.

Unfortunately, this chemical is harmful to the environment and can even kill your own vegetation. There are environmentally friendly alternatives to rock salt, although they generally come at a higher price.

Calcium Magnesium Acetate: This is a salt-free de-icing option. It is biodegradable, so it is less likely to harm vegetation. It is also more expensive and less effective. It is only effective in temperatures above 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

Calcium Chloride: While this option is less damaging than rock salt, anything with chloride can still be harmful. It is also corrosive to metals (i.e. the undercarriage of your car) and harmful to pets’ paws.

Urea: This compound is much safer to use near vegetation, but is also less effective at melting the ice.

Gravel/Sand: Although these materials do not melt the ice or snow, they allow for more traction. They are cheap, and as long as you only use a small amount, they should be easy to sweep up without harming your landscaping.

Elbow Grease: The best way to keep snow and ice off your walkways while maintaining a healthy environment is through preventing it all together. Stay on top of shoveling and break up and remove small ice patches before bigger ones can form. If you let snow and ice accumulate, it will become increasingly harder to remove.

Need More Help?

As we age, shoveling snow or even applying ice melt can be difficult and hazardous. If you believe your project is too big to tackle alone, call a snow removal expert. TalkLocal will find and connect you with a professional that will know all the environmentally friendly alternatives to rock salt and can keep your walkways clear. Our service is incredibly easy to use and absolutely free.

When To Use A Paint Primer

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

When To Use A Paint Primer - Painters

Knowing why and when to use a paint primer are essential for a proper paint job. A primer could be the difference between a professional-looking paint job, and one that quickly fades.

Why Use A Paint Primer?

Primer is a sealant that facilitates the paint’s adhesion while protecting your wall. It ensures a smooth surface for your paint to glide onto as it seals any cracks or imperfections on your wall. It also makes painting drastically different colors much easier, such as painting a red wall white. Primer will increase the longevity of your paint job and prevent mildew, too.

When To Use A Paint Primer

Use a primer when you are painting drywall, latex-to-oil paint, oil-to-latex paint, bare wood, or concrete. In other words, you should almost always use a primer. If a wall is in good condition, you might not need to use a primer, however there are many benefits of using a primer which outweigh the costs of forgoing this important step.

Which Primers To Use

Primers vary depending on the type of paint you use. If you use a latex paint, you will need a latex primer. You will also use a primer in areas that are highly frequented, such as the living room. The daily wear and tear of greasy fingers, crayons, and any other elements can slowly damage the topcoat. A primer will allow the paint to hold up against frequent cleaning.  If you do not use a primer, the damage could be more expensive in the end. Primer is usually cheaper than paint anyway, so it is a good investment in order to protect your home.

Need Professional Assistance?

If you are thinking about painting your home, TalkLocal can help connect you with the best local painters. Simply enter our website, and provide us a brief description of the painting you need done, your availability for service, and your location. You will be speaking with up to 3 professional painters in just minutes.