Archive for 2013


Buy Espalier Trees

Friday, July 12th, 2013

Buy Espalier Trees - Landscapers

An espalier tree is a type of tree that has been shaped and pruned so it will fit in small spaces or grow against flat surfaces such as walls.

These trees are great for people who have small yards, live in an apartment or simply want to grow decorative and useful plants. Best of all, you won’t have to deal with big fallen branches.

When you buy espalier trees, there are several things to consider.

When you put thought into the purchasing process, you are much more likely to get healthy trees and have success in growing them.

Look for young trees that have not branched out yet or have very small branches. These are the best ones to prune and mold to the shape you want.

Consider dwarf trees that do not have a lot of long branches. Dwarf pear and apple trees work well because when they produce fruit, it grows on the plant spurs instead of on the branches.

Start your espalier tree on a trellis or against a wall. It will need this support to grow upward and stay flat. When you buy espalier trees, they may come with a small trellis or stake that helps support them. As the trees grow, their support will need to grow with them.

Avoid planting the tree right up against a wall. The tree will need to breathe, and if it is placed directly on top of a wall, there will not be enough air circulation. It is best to move the tree at least six inches away from the wall it will grow against.

Choose a pattern that you want the tree to follow and prune accordingly. You will need to start by pruning the lead branch, and as the lateral branches grow out, they will need to be pruned and shaped to fit the pattern as well.

Find Someone To Maintain Your Espalier Trees

Choosing to buy espalier trees for your home is a great idea if you are looking for a tree that is small, decorative, and fun to grow.

Many landscapers are capable of both installing and maintaining these fun trees. If you want to track down landscapers that can help you with this task, TalkLocal is your stop. We weed out unqualified professionals and connect you with them directly, so you can get help immediately.

Fence Installation Steps

Friday, July 12th, 2013

Fence Installation Steps - Handyman

A fence can be a valuable structure for many people. It can keep things and people in or out of a yard and create barriers and borders. Many people hire a contractor or professional to install their fence, while many others do it themselves.

Installing the fence yourself can help you save money and give you a sense of accomplishment. If you want to make sure you are doing it properly, consider these fence installation tips.

Organize Your Materials

Organize all of your tools and supplies before you start installing the fence. Being organized will help you avoid making trips to and from the store, inside your home, and to your garage, and will allow you to focus on the task of installing the fence.

Dig The Holes

Dig the holes for your posts before you proceed with other fence installation steps. Make sure each hole is spaced properly and is the appropriate depth.

Set The Posts

Put the posts in the holes and pour the concrete around them. Make sure the poles are straight and the concrete is firm before you release the post. If the posts are not even and straight, the fence will not look right and could even fall over.

Install The Panels

Attach the fence panels to the posts one at a time. This way, you can make sure they are all level and match up with each other properly. This is one of the most important fence installation steps because the panels make up most of the fence. You may need to have someone help you install the panels if they are very big or heavy.

Finding Help

Installing a fence yourself doesn’t have to be difficult. Follow these simple fence installation steps, and you will have your fence up in no time at all. If you require help for the process, do not hesitate to visit TalkLocal, and let us locate a service professional in your area who can lend a hand.

Seva Call is Ready to Save the Day in Nashville, Tennessee

Friday, July 12th, 2013

Seva Call is Ready to Save the Day in Nashville, Tennessee - Seva Call

After stopping off to flex his guns in Memphis last week, Seva Man is driving Interstate 40 east to the capital of Tennessee – Nashville. Well, I should say that he’s going to Nashville and doing much more snoring than actual driving. He tends to leave that up to the poor interns who have to listen to his bodily noises the whole way.

Upon arriving in Nashville, Seva Man was quite concerned. “Wow,” he said. “How’d we get to Athens? I thought we were going to help Nashville residents!” This was quickly cleared up by leaving Centennial Park and taking a walk around Music Row and the Batman Building. “I’m glad we’re here,” he said. “I’m ready to save the day in Nashville!”

Saving The Day In Nashville

His wish came true — right then, a car (which looked suspiciously like the Batmobile) driving by broke down. Seva Man ran to the driver (he requested that his identity not be revealed) and quickly informed him  how Seva Call can help find him the best mechanic in mere minutes. All the driver needed to do was log onto, enter his name, zip code, a description of the problem, and when he’s available.

Seva Call’s super algorithm then filtered through hundreds of companies in the area and connected the driver to three of the top pros that knew his problem, wanted to help on the driver’s schedule, and only paid a small flat rate for the great lead. The algorithm uses online reviews and ratings, social media interactions, and call analytics to find the top businesses, ensuring the best quality service.

Seva Call was able to get Batman…oops…back on his way without the annoyance of searching online for good reviews, only for the mechanic to be booked or out of range. He said his favorite part was that the service was free, and all of his personal information was kept confidential.

So, for all you Nashville residents, keep an eye out, because a new superhero is in town and ready to help you will all of your service needs.

Different Party Planning Events

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Different Party Planning Events - Party Planners

To the ordinary party goer, there might not seem to be a lot of science that goes into planning the occasion. But, if you have ever tried to organize a party or event, you likely think otherwise.

Parties and events require A LOT of planning in order to go off without a hitch. If you have attended a poorly planned party, you probably noticed it. Maybe there was not enough food or accommodations for all the guests.

This is why party planners are so important. The following are some different party planning events that may require professional help.

Birthday Parties: While you won’t have to call in professional party planners to plan an informal, at-home birthday party for your child, there are some more lavished parties that do require careful planning. These can include Sweet 16 parties, a Bat Mitzvah or Quinceanera. These occasions must accommodate larger lists of guests and are generally held at banquet halls or reception facilities. Many of them are catered.

Since these parties are so complex, it takes an organized party planner to coordinate every aspect of them.

Weddings and Receptions: While most prospective brides and grooms turn to wedding planners, a party planner can usually get the job done — especially when it comes to the reception. Coordinating food, drink, music, dancing, events, invitations, seating arrangements — these occasions can be a blur and something that brides, grooms, and their families do not want to mess with on the big day.

Corporate Events: Many companies hold banquets, dinners, and galas for a whole host of reasons. Many of these events are in effort to market the company to the general public. This is why everything needs to be perfect. Most company officials are so busy tending to the day-to-day operations of their businesses that they do not have time to plan these events.

Finding Party Planning Help In Your Area

All these different party planning events have specific demands and should be approached differently. Professional party planners have party and event planning down to a science, which can save you chaos on the big day.

Finding a party planner in your local area is ultra simply thanks to TalkLocal. All you have to do is submit an inquiry, and we will go to work finding you the right help. Just sit back, and wait for them to call you.

What Are Towing Mirrors?

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

What Are Towing Mirrors? - Towing

Many people wonder, “What are towing mirrors?” While towing mirrors may seem like a complex piece of equipment, they are usually just extensions added to the existing side mirrors of a vehicle. With towing mirrors, a vehicle will have better visibility past an RV or trailer that is being towed.

Towing Mirrors and the Law

In many cases, it may be illegal to tow an RV or trailer behind a vehicle without towing mirrors. Since it can be impossible to see other vehicles behind one’s own without towing mirrors, they are mandatory in some states and jurisdictions. However, this can vary based on one’s location.

While towing mirrors are often used for towing vehicles, some larger RVs may be equipped with towing cameras. In many cases, these towing cameras are installed on the rear of an RV. With a fish-eye lens, these cameras can provide a driver with a 180 degree view of the traffic behind a towed RV. This can make it much easier to change lanes, merge into traffic and much more.

Limitations of Towing Mirrors

However, it’s important to understand some of the limitations of towing mirrors. In many cases, towing mirrors can distort the distance of an object. Because of this, an object in a towing mirror may be closer than it appears. This can make it difficult to judge lane changes and other traffic maneuvers. In some cases, this can also increase the risk of an accident.

It’s also important to make sure that towing mirrors are securely fashioned to your vehicle. In many cases, towing mirrors are designed to slide over the existing side mirrors of a vehicle. In some cases, these mirrors can fall off of a vehicle while it is in motion. To prevent this from happening, it’s essential to make sure that towing mirrors are properly installed in a vehicle. This will reduce the risk of serious accidents in the future.

Find Help With Towing

Towing mirrors play a very important role for proper road safety. Contact TalkLocal if you would like help with towing. We’ll connect you with the right professionals in just minutes.

Installing New Wallpaper

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Installing New Wallpaper - Painters

If you have just moved into a home and are not happy with the wallpaper, or you are just ready for a change from the wallpaper you hung yourself a few years ago, you may want to cover it.

While many people prefer to remove wallpaper before they add new, installing new wallpaper over the old can be much easier. It is similar to the process of painting over wallpaper.

You should be careful when doing this, because if you do not hang the new wallpaper correctly, it will easily fall off and expose the old paper. Here are some tips to help.

Apply a small amount of wallpaper adhesive to the old wallpaper. You need to test this old paper to see how it will react to the adhesive. If the paper seems to soak in the adhesive and pull away form the wall, installing new wallpaper over the old may not be a good idea. If the glue doesn’t have this effect, you are good to go.

Add some primer to the old wallpaper. This will create a rough surface that will be easier for the new wallpaper to adhere to. You can find primer that can be sprayed or painted on the wall. Be sure to let it dry thoroughly before you apply the new wallpaper.

Avoid matching the seams of the new wallpaper with the seams of the old wallpaper. This may seem like a good idea, but it will create raised edges and make the new wallpaper more likely to peel off the wall. Create new seams by cutting your wallpaper sheets longer or shorter than the old wallpaper sheets.

If you are ready to cover up all of your wallpaper and plan on installing new wallpaper over it, make sure you consider the tips above. After putting several hours into wallpapering your home, the last thing you want is for the new paper to peel off the walls.

When Do-It-Yourself Becomes Don’t-Do-It-Yourself

Not everyone has a knack for these types of home improvement projects. If you do not, help if only a phone call away. But who do you call?

Why not let TalkLocal do the work for you? We go out and find local professionals who can handle your needs. We also get them to call you, so you can sit back and wait for help.

Fertilizing Evergreen Trees

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Fertilizing Evergreen Trees - Landscapers

Evergreen trees can add beauty to your yard and attract a variety of wildlife. If you plan to grow your evergreen trees from saplings, you will need to give them the proper care so they can grow big and stay healthy.

Part of growing an evergreen tree means fertilizing it. Fertilizer gives the tree extra nutrients that it may not be able to get from the soil. If you are thinking about growing your own trees, consider these tips for fertilizing evergreen trees.

How To Tell If You Should Fertilize Your Trees

Before you can determine if your evergreen trees need fertilizer, you need to test your soil. You can buy test kits at most home improvement stores and garden centers. You should test your soil in early spring. The test results will show you how well the soil has recovered from the winter weather and how much fertilizer you will need to add to the soil.

When Is The Right Time For Fertilizing Evergreen Trees?

The best time to fertilize your trees is mid-April. It will help trees that are recovering from the winter do so faster and make them healthier overall. Adding fertilizer at the right time will also make the trees stronger during the new growing season. You can give the trees another fertilizer treatment in late summer, around August. Never fertilize trees after the ground has frozen.

Which Trees Should Be Fertilized?

When fertilizing evergreen trees, it is important to consider their age. Young trees generally do not need to be fertilized. They are capable of making it through the winter just fine. Trees that have made it through their first winter can be fertilized every two to four years or until they have established themselves completely and are healthy.

Keep Your Evergreen Trees Healthy

Fertilizer can help make your trees healthy and is often necessary if you want them to survive the winter. Always be sure to use the appropriate amount of fertilizer and do the treatments as often as needed.

Most landscapers can properly gauge what needs fertilizing in your yard. If you do not use the services of a landscaper, but would like to explore the opportunity, turn to TalkLocal. We will contact local landscapers and connect you with them directly, in just minutes.

Can I Recycle Broken Glass?

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Can I Recycle Broken Glass? - Garbage Removal

You may be one of the thousands of people wondering: Can I recycle broken glass? After all, glass can be recycled over and over.

Nearly 25 percent of all glass containers that are produced in the United States are made from at least 25 percent recycled materials. Not only does recycling glass help stop it from piling up in landfills, it also helps the environment, because it takes 75 percent less energy to use recycled glass to make new containers than to make them from new glass.

Here are the types of glass that can be recycled.

Clear Glass

Clear glass can be recycled into bottles, jars, and other containers. It is the popular choice of food manufacturers because it is so versatile. Most recycling centers are happy to take your unwanted, clear glass.

Brown Glass

Brown glass is made when manufacturers add certain chemicals to molten glass. The chemicals cause a reaction which turns the glass brown. Brown glass is used for many types of beers and soda bottles and is usually accepted by recycling centers.

Green Glass

Green glass containers are less common, but can still be recycled. The shade of the green glass can vary, and many recycling centers are glad to accept it. Green glass is made by adding iron and other components to the glass as it is being made. Less than 7 percent of all the glass in the United States is green.

It is important to recycle as many items as possible. The world’s landfills are already overflowing, and it can take a glass bottle up to a million years to decompose.

While some recycling centers will only accept certain glass colors, you should check different ones to see what they accept. When you ask yourself: Can I recycle broken glass? It doesn’t have to be with a recycling center. Perhaps you can recycle glass at home.

There are numerous crafts and hobbies that will allow you to use recycled glass in a creative way. Save the environment and make something special.

Consult A Garbage Removal Service

Waste management services in your area can answer your questions about recycling. You can talk to someone on the phone in a matter of minutes by using TalkLocal. Try out our free service and we’ll get you in touch with people who have answers.

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office – Meet Madeline!

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office - Meet Madeline! - Seva Team

Written by Jaime Fawcett

Welcome to the first ever installment of 8 Interns : 2 Months : 1 Office — a brand new series the Seva Call writers are undertaking to give you a sneak peek into the lives of the Seva Call interns. Each week we will volley a round of questions at one of our interns in no particular order of importance, relevance, or hilarity.

Some answers will leave you wanting more, and some may have you thinking T-M-I. Read at your leisure and at your own risk.

Hopes, fears, what they had for breakfast this morning! No answer is too big or small. Just think about it, now you’ll be able to fawn over your favorite intern all you want.


You: Rochelle’s mom owns a cattery??!? I love cats! Oh mi gawd, we should be best friends!

Me: She really does own a cattery. *nods*

Today, I would like to introduce Madeline! She is one of Seva Call’s lovely customer service representatives, born and raised here in Potomac, Maryland. She’s a Mid-Westerner at heart though, spending 9 months of the year at University of Wisconsin, Madison, where she is studying for a B.S. in Life Science Communications. She loves all things food and travel-related, as you can see in her photos from her trip to Israel.

What is your biggest pet peeve, like, you would saw off your left foot to avoid the situation?

Being stuck behind people that walk slow. And when you can’t get around them because they’re walking in a line! I hate it.

Any interesting hobbies? Running? Knitting? Spelunking? Underwater basket weaving?

HAHA, well, none of those. I really like walking my dog, Juneau. That’s not as interesting as underwater basket weaving but my family and I walk him around a lot of interesting places nearby.

QUICK! Pitch your most absurd startup idea?

A company that delivered Chipotle. I don’t know why Chipotle hasn’t invested in delivery. They should get on that. I would totally be a middle man for them.

Speaking of Chipotle, what’s your signature meal?

Burrito Bowl with pulled pork, white rice (none of that brown ish), black beans, mild salsa, cheese, lettuce, aaaaaand guac.

Coke or Pepsi. Choose wisely.

*wince* Neither. I don’t drink soda.

What was your favorite class in school and why?

I took a class about the evolution of music from the 1920’s to the present. I loved it. It was a small class so there was a lot of discussion, and we got to listen to a lot of cool music and learn about how bands got their start. It was really interesting, and the professor was awesome.

Tell me about your most ridiculous school/work assignment, classmate/co-worker experience, embarrassing situation?

I used to work at a pizza shop and we were about to close, and a huge rush came in of soccer kids and families, and I had a full tray of drinks. It just went everywhere. I drenched people and soda got on their phones. It was sooooo bad. I cried.

Favorite holiday?

Ummmmm, hmmmmm, favorite holiday…Chanukah, I guess. You know, presents and stuff.

What did you want to be when you were five and how does that compare to what you want/are doing now?

I don’t remember having a dream job when I was younger, but I have a dream job now. I want to be a host for a show on the Travel Channel, which basically means I want to be Anthony Bourdain, who hosts No Reservations. He just gets to travel everywhere and eat food! That would be awesome!

If the zombie apocalypse occurred and you had to bring 4 other Seva Call employees with you, who would it be and why?

Jaime (Thats me!): Good company; Kyle: He looks like he could kick zombie butt.; Allie: She would be good company also.; Andre: He could also kick major zombie butt

Favorite book/movie/artist/song/TV show, etc.?

Favorite Movie, that’s tough. I’m gonna go with Fried Green Tomatoes.

Favorite Band: The Shins.

I can tell you my favorite food? Pasta.

Hogwarts house?


Why is your watch so big?

It was a gift. I don’t know, don’t make fun of my watch!

Something that “skeeves” you out?

Gills, ugh. That scene in Harry Potter four when he grows the gills? Ugh. That was it for me. I had a conniption in the movie theater. *shivers*

Welp, that’s it for Madeline! Many thanks to her for parting such personal information to me and Seva Call’s readers. Next week we will be introduced to our a capella-singing junior-sales-representative, Josh. Perhaps, he will serenade me during our interview.

See you next week, Seva Callers!

Storing Snow Tires

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Storing Snow Tires - Snow Removal

Snow tires are great during the winter and can allow you to maintain control of your vehicle even when venturing out on icy or snowy roads. However, when the snow and ice eventually melt, you do not want to keep snow tires on your vehicle.

The soft rubber compound of which they are made can wear down quickly compared to all-season tires. Also, because of the unique treading, snow tires can produce a lot of noise while driving. This is why the warmer months should be spent storing snow tires and not using them.

Because snow tires are somewhat of an investment, you want to store them in a way that preserves their physical condition. Most snow tires can last for a number of winters when stored properly.

The following are some tips when it comes to storing snow tires.

Protect each tire with a tire cover. This just ensures that the tires are protected from the elements and even some pesky rodents. Tire covers are usually available at the same place you purchased the tires. Otherwise, you will find them at most automotive supply stores. You will want to purchase one cover per tire.

The tire covers also shield the tires from direct sunlight, which is very important. The ultraviolet rays of the sun can compromise the rubber compounds of the tires and age them very quickly.

Heat is another enemy of tires. Make sure when storing snow tires, you stash them away in a cool, dry location. If they are constantly amid extreme temperatures, the rubber compounds will break down.

Your snow tires do not have to take up a lot of space. In fact, you can place them on their side and stack all four on top of each other. Just make sure not to stack anymore on top of that.

Need Help With Your Snow Tires?

Whether you are in the market to buy some snow tires or are seeking a storage facility you can place them in during the warmer months, TalkLocal has all the connections you will need. We track down local service professionals of all industries, and connect you with them directly. We literally have help for you no matter what your needs may be. Put us to the test.