Archive for 2013


Master Your Business Administration: A Lesson On Lead Generation

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

A Lesson On Lead Generation: Master Your Business Administration - Small Business Advice

Written By Seva Call Co-Founder, Manpreet Singh

If you’re here, you probably want more and higher quality business opportunities for your company. So, what you want is lead generation… you think.  But what exactly is lead generation, anyway? In an effort to strengthen local businesses, Seva Call is publishing a series on business management topics, leading off with a lesson on lead generation. Class is now in session!

What Is Lead Generation?

This marketing concept refers to efforts which generate consumer interest in a specific business, service, or product. Businesses use lead generation strategies to gather consumer information or otherwise connect with consumers for direct marketing, e-mail marketing, or to get an immediate sale.

The major lead generation strategies are:

– Advertisments like flyers, commercials, or online Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads

– Inbound marketing like social media, search engine optimization (SEO), directories, and blogs

– Paid referral services like those which sell contact information for later follow-up

– Word of Mouth/Referrals

When determining which combination of lead generation strategies is right for company, it’s important to ask the following questions:

“What is my marketing budget?”

“How much time am I willing to invest in follow-up?”

“How much additional business do I need?”

“What do I deem a worthwhile return on investment (ROI)?”

Answering these questions will go a long way towards determining your lead generation strategy. For example, businesses interested in adding a few additional bookings for free may simply need to update their business directory information and become more active on social media sites, with more qualified leads. LinkedIn is a great option, as it drives more business-to-business (B2B) leads than other major sites, but only 47% of service pros who want business customers market themselves there (InboundWriter).

You work hard enough, so now it’s time to work smarter with a lead generation strategy which broadens the accessibility of the great services you provide.

Touchpad Suddenly Stopped Working

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Touchpad Suddenly Stopped Working - Computer Repair

It’s infuriating when it happens. You were happily clicking away until the laptop touchpad suddenly stopped working. You didn’t have a mouse and you were ready to call a computer technician. Don’t pick up that phone just yet. Usually, a faulty touchpad can be fixed with some simple troubleshooting.

My Touchpad Suddenly Stopped Working!

1.      Clean your touchpad using rubbing alcohol and a simple cloth.  Shut down the computer before cleaning, and then gently wipe your touchpad with the rag and alcohol, but be careful not to soak your laptop. Do not poor the rubbing alcohol directly on your computer.

2.       Remove any foreign objects around or between the buttons on your keyboard and touchpad with a pointed item. Dust and debris can prevent your keys from working properly.

3.       Turn on the computer.

4.    Enable the touchpad using one of the function keys (this is different for each computer).

5.       If that does not work, Go to Start > Right click on Computer.

6.       Select Properties > Device Manger.

7.       Select Synaptic touchpad under Mice and Other Pointing Device.

9.       Select the Driver tab > Properties box.

10.   Click on Update Driver.

11.   Restart your computer. If the problem has not been fixed, uninstall and reinstall your drivers. To uninstall your drivers, follow steps 4-7 and choose Uninstall from the Driver tab.  Then reinstall by repeating steps 4-9.

12.   Update the OS systems and BIOS on your computer.

Need Computer Help?

If these troubleshooting instructions do not work, you may want to find a computer professional. TalkLocal can connect you with the best computer repair professionals in your area. Just tell us what you need, where you are, and when you’re available, and we’ll find the right professionals for you, in just minutes!

Use Manual Levels

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Use Manual Levels - Handyman

When you take on any type of carpentry project, you will certainly want to know how to use manual levels. Being able to properly use this important tool ensures that you are building things (i.e. a shelf) straight and that one side is not slouching.

Laser levels may be the latest in the evolution of this tool, but there is no substitute for manual levels. While laser levels can help you layout lines where your objects are going to go, only manual labels are able to test whether what you have built is level or not.

How Does A Manual Level Work?

The beauty of a manual level is the fact that it is ultra simple to read and understand. All levels have at least one (many have more) vial of water with two lines painted on it. Inside the water is an air bubble.

You lay the level down on the surface you are measuring. If the bubble lands safely within the middle of the two lines, that indicates the surface is level. If the bubble falls partly outside of the lines or even touches one of the lines, that means the surface is slightly sloped in one direction.

Checking The Accuracy Of Your Level

Before you use manual levels, it certainly does not hurt to make sure it is providing accurate readings. Even though there is no electronic component, there is always a chance that the level might be damaged and not properly measuring the standard of level.

Set the level on a surface you know is flat and make sure the bubble falls within the two lines. Turn the level around and test it again. If the bubble does not give a consistent measurement, you can look into replacing the measurement vial.

Need Help With A Project?

It might be easy to use manual levels, but that doesn’t mean your project will be easy. For any building project, you can always call in the assistance of a local professional. You might not even know where to start when it comes to finding help.

Luckily, TalkLocal does. Tell us about your service professional needs and we’ll connect you with someone who can help immediately.

How To Reuse Wallpaper

Monday, July 8th, 2013

How To Reuse Wallpaper - Painters

If you have leftover wallpaper laying around your house, you may be wondering how you can reuse it. Wallpaper can be expensive, and if you buy too much or change your mind about using it, you may not be able to return it. Reusing it can be a form of recycling.

If you want to avoid losing money, you can learn how to reuse wallpaper. There are numerous crafts and household uses for wallpaper. Here are a few of them.


Many people save their old wallpaper, or any extra pieces they have, and use them for scrapbooking. Wallpaper is easy to cut and can be pasted into a scrapbook or photo album just like other types of scrapbook paper.


If your wallpaper scraps are large enough, you can use them as giftwrap. Since many types of wallpaper come in bright colors, fun patterns, and unique designs, knowing how to reuse wallpaper as giftwrap can really help make your gift stand out. It can also save you money since you won’t have to buy new wrapping paper for birthday parties and other special occasions.


If you have several pieces of wallpaper left over, you can staple or bind them together to create a notebook or journal. The wallpaper will give your notebook a personalized look. You can use your notebook in the car or even keep it beside your phone to jot down quick messages.

Dollhouse Wallpaper

If you have a dollhouse or know someone who does, consider using your wallpaper inside the dollhouse. Simply cut it to size and paste it on the walls of the dollhouse. This will give your dollhouse a unique look and allow you to recycle the wallpaper.

When you learn how to reuse wallpaper, you will find that you save money and help the environment by recycling. Think of other creative ways to reuse your wallpaper and turn it into a masterpiece.

Need Help Wallpapering?

Installing wallpaper can be a tricky task. TalkLocal can get you the help you need. Submit a request on our website, and we will find three qualified professionals in your local area and get you on the phone with them. You can proceed to decide who is best for the job. You get results…instantly.

Best Soil For Fruit

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Best Soil For Fruit - Landscapers

Fruit trees are fun to grow and can add beauty to your yard or garden. While many people are able to grow fruit trees with ease, others find it difficult.

One of the top reasons that fruit trees fail to grow properly is poor soil. If you want to grow healthy trees that produce delicious fruit quickly you need to use the best soil for fruit trees. Here are some tips for getting your soil ready for the trees.


Fruit trees need lots of water, but they also need to be planted in soil that is well-drained. Consider planting your fruit trees in an elevated area of your yard or garden so the water can easily drain away from them.


Fruit trees do well in constant sunlight, so plant the trees in an area of your yard or garden that is in full sun. The sun can also dry out your soil so make sure you water the trees often to keep them healthy.

Proper PH Level

Certain types of fruit trees require specific PH levels to live and grow healthy. You will need to check your soil’s PH level and add nutrients and fertilizer as needed. Be sure to research your tree to determine the proper PH level, and be careful to plant each tree in the right type of soil.


Many gardeners make the mistake of forgetting about airflow. Trees need the proper air flow if they are going to grow full and if the fruit can grow big and healthy. Make sure the trees are planted in soil that has proper airflow and that they are planted far enough apart to allow air to get to the roots and between the branches of the trees.

The best soil for fruit trees is soil that is well drained, has the proper PH level, and offers adequate airflow. Make sure that you plant your trees in the right type of soil, and tend to them often so they can grow healthy.

Getting Proper Health

Professional landscapers know the proper conditions in which to plant your fruit trees. You can find one in your area quickly and easily by using the handy services of TalkLocal. We will connect you with the right professionals directly, in just minutes.

When Your Car Needs Smog Checks And Repairs

Monday, July 8th, 2013

When Your Car Needs Smog Checks And Repairs - Auto Repair

Have you ever seen a car careening down the highway with a thick cloud of smoke behind it? Perhaps that driver should have been more conscious of when your car needs smog checks and repairs.

When vehicles get older or are not functioning correctly in general, they can release toxic smog into the air, which is a major hazard. This hazard is so severe that some states have penned laws which govern in what scenarios drivers should be subjected to smog checks and repairs.

What Is A Smog Check?

During a smog check, your vehicle is hooked up to equipment in order to monitor your exhaust. The technology identifies which pollutants are in your exhaust and in what volume. If the exhaust is especially potent or hazardous, repairs are likely necessary.

How Often Should I Get A Smog Check?

Every other year should be sufficient for smog checks. However, if your vehicle is less than five or six years old, you probably do not have to take it in for a smog check quite yet.

As vehicles get older, it is important to make sure that the vehicle’s exhaust complies with local smog emission sanctions.

When Else Should I Get A Smog Check

Buying or selling a vehicle could serve as the perfect time to notice when your car needs smog checks and repairs. This is just another way of inspecting the vehicle to make sure it is in healthy, running condition.

Smog checks do help decrease pollutants, but even if you do not care about your carbon footprint, smog checks and repairs help identify issues and prolong the life of your vehicle.

Know Your State’s Laws

It is important to familiarize yourself with the emission laws in your state. Otherwise, you will have no idea whether you are complying with them or not.

Need A Mechanic?

Use TalkLocal to find a mechanic who can run a smog check. When submitting your request, indicate you are looking for a smog check, and we will find professionals that offer this service and connect you with them directly. You won’t have to waste time talking to someone who can’t help you.

Introducing Rochelle Cecil, Seva Call Intern

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Written by Rochelle Cecil

Introducing Rochelle Cecil, Seva Call Intern - Seva Team Hello all!

I’m Rochelle and I’ll be writing numerous blogs for you this summer, so I thought it only fair to introduce myself. I don’t want to be that awkward kid in the corner who randomly says things but nobody knows her name, you know?

Okay, first thing’s first.

Starting September 2, I will be going into my final semester (yay!) at Houghton College. I know, you’ve never heard of it. It’s in a hamlet — not even large enough to be its own town — in the middle of Western New York. Your questions: What’s a hamlet? What’s Western New York? Wikipedia knows both.

What do I study, you ask? Well, it’s a mouthful. Ready for it? I’m a Communications major with a Visual and Media Arts concentration, as well as an English major and Writing minor. Basically I read poetry and novels, write a ton of papers, and spend an exorbitant amount of time in Photoshop and Final Cut Pro. And I love it. I’m also heavily interested in gender studies and the impact of new media in society.

On to second-rate things. Umm….Home! Yes, you’ll love home. Know why? Because, I’m from Kansas, and there is no place like home.

Alright. Glad we got that over with. Now, to clear up a few other things:

Kansas is a state, not a city, or a county in another state. It’s a state. Again, Wikipedia if you don’t believe me: In case you couldn’t tell, I like Wikipedia. It’s got such a great history and really encompasses the idea of big data and online social communities…I’ll stop rambling, but if you want to know more, I wrote a giant paper about it! 🙂

Kansas is also not covered in corn; that’s actually Nebraska. We have wheat.

I don’t have a dog named Toto.

I don’t have ruby slippers.

I didn’t grow up on a farm.

I don’t say “ya’ll,” though I do say “C-ment” instead of cement, “ruff” instead of roof, and “pop” instead of soda.

I have seen a tornado — more than one actually.

Level three information, aka fun facts:

I love reading. Romantic and Victorian literature is my favorite. I’m currently obsessed with Elizabeth and Robert Browning’s love poems, and I’m in the process of rereading The Twin Towers.

I run often and I will run a marathon! Eventually. I’m determined, and you can’t stop me.

And, I recently cut off 20 inches of my hair to donate it.

I’m quite excited about being a Seva Call intern for the summer and writing blogs for you! Stay tuned to check out some awesome upcoming content (especially from me).

Welp. I think that’s all folks! Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time.

Hypo-Allergenic Pets

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Hypo-Allergenic Pets - Veterinarians

If you or your children have allergies, choosing a pet might seem like an exercise in futility. If you’re someplace where cats and dogs are out of the question, it may seem hopeless to find a small animal that makes a good pet and won’t flare up allergies.

Pet lovers are not without options. With a little research and a small investment, you can set your home up for any number of hypo-allergenic pets that kids and adults will love.


Turtles are a great animal to have around, with red-eared sliders being the most common. They are active, colorful, fine with a vegetarian lifestyle, and are not prone to running away. Most turtles do very well in a 20-gallon tank with a suitable amount of water and space to move around. Turtles can come out of their tank to crawl around so long as there are no predators nearby, and no chance of them falling.

Other Reptiles

If you’ve got a reptile fan, any number of snakes and lizards might be a good option when you’re looking for hypo-allergenic pets or companions that do well in small living spaces. These animals will require an escape-proof enclosure as well as a strictly controlled temperature. When choosing a snake or lizard, fully research how large the animal will grow, and don’t get anything larger than you or your child can comfortably handle.


Let’s say scaly and aquatic is not what you’re looking for. If you want something cuddly, chinchillas are a great way to go.  They are heavenly to touch, and with their lush fur, they look like a cross between a rabbit and a grey squirrel. Their fur is so thick that lice, fleas, and ticks can’t get near it.

Looking For Something More Unusual?

For something a little more unusual, give the hedgehog a try. These are adorable, playful animals that have quills instead of fur. Unlike porcupines, hedgehogs won’t throw their quills, but they will puff them up as a warning to stay away. If properly socialized, hedgehogs are friendly and fun. They are nocturnal animals and are not especially good climbers, so escape is rare.

Where To Find Local Vets

There’s no reason to be pet-less when there are so many hypo-allergenic pets available, from the fascinating to the cuddly. If any of these pets run into health issues, you’ll want to seek medical attention immediately. TalkLocal cuts down on the time it takes to find a reliable professional.

Our service is fast and free and will connect you with reliable care in no time.

Lowes Utility Trailers

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Lowes Utility Trailers - Towing

Utility trailers can sure come in handy when you have a project which requires you to lug around large loads of materials. After all, you can only fit so much into the bed of a pick-up truck or another vehicle. Just make sure you know how to handle the added load out on the road.

Utility trailers can be found at a number of home improvement stores. For those who are big fans of Lowe’s Home Improvement, you are also in luck. Many shoppers have invested in Lowes utility trailers when the need cropped up.

Let’s take a glance at what Lowes utility trailers can offer you by way of selection and value.

Something For Small Projects

While utility trailers are certainly an investment, they don’t always have to break the bank — especially for small projects. Lowe’s offers utility trailers for as little as $450. These trailers are roughly five feet long and three-and-a-half feet wide.

This size of a trailer can still be an asset to your project, but won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

Need More Bells And Whistles?

Maybe you’re starting your own landscaping business and need a trailer with a ramp. Maybe you need a lot of space. Lowe’s also offers solutions for this demographic, offering trailers that are six feet by 12 feet. These trailers are made out of a variety of materials, from treated lumber to metal, but all of them promise to be durable. This is important, because your utility trailer will no doubt take a pounding over its life.

Just Rent One

Most home improvement stores know that customers do not want to purchase high-end equipment to use just one time. That’s why they offer rental services. This gives you access to all the heavy-duty equipment you need, but you don’t have to buy it.

If you need Lowes utility trailers for a one-time project, check to see if your local store offers them as rentals.

Need Some Help With That?

Whether you need help towing a utility trailer or need to find someone to help with your latest project, TalkLocal is your connection to local service professionals. We do ALL the searching for you and deliver quality results you can use.

Non-Chemical Adhesive Removers

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Non-Chemical Adhesive Removers - Handyman

When you need to remove a material stuck on by adhesive, you have several options. Many people want to avoid using harsh chemicals and opt for non-chemical adhesive removers.

The only problem with these products is that they are not as strong as products which contain chemicals. Luckily, there are several things you can do to help remove the material without the need of expensive products which contain strong chemicals.

Different Non-Chemical Adhesive Removers

– Use hot water to help dissolve the adhesive. If you are removing vinyl floor tiles, you could pour the water onto the tiles, one at a time. If you are removing letters or graphics from a car or window, you should spray the water on and give it time to soak it. The hot water will soften the adhesive and make it easier to remove with non-chemical adhesive removers.

– Use a plastic scraper to peel the material away from the surface. Be very careful when you do this step. You do not want to damage the surface, and if you are planning to save your material and reuse it for another project, you will have to handle it carefully. Peeling it back will allow you to see how much adhesive you need to remove and will allow the hot water or adhesive remover to soak into the adhesive better.

– Spray non-chemical adhesive removers onto the material and allow it to soak in. Many people make the mistake of trying to remove the adhesive as soon as they apply the remover. If you do not allow the product time to work, it will not be able to soften the adhesive and the material will be harder to move.

If you prefer to remove your material without using chemical sprays, consider using these tips and a trusted non-chemical adhesive remover instead. Certain products cannot be used on sensitive surfaces such as glass or vehicle paint, so be sure to read the product labels and test a small area of the surface before you use the product.

Get Help With Your Projects

Skilled handymen can be a huge asset when you have small tasks around the home. You don’t have to know a handyman already. TalkLocal can find one for you. Our screening process will filter out any unqualified professionals, so you will only be connected with someone who can help.