Archive for 2013


How Far Do Charter Buses Go?

Monday, July 1st, 2013

How Far Do Charter Buses Go? - Bus Rental

If you are coordinating a large group trip, you are probably looking into charter bus rental. A bus is an efficient way of transporting a lot of people in one, single vehicle. Still, you might have a lot of additional questions, like how much will this cost? Or, maybe even more importantly, how far do charter buses go?

Let’s take a look at the latter question.

Just Pay ‘Em And They’ll Drive

So, you’re wondering how far do charter buses go? Let’s answer that question with another question: How much money do you have? To a certain extent, charter buses will travel as far as you need them to. Some smaller charter bus companies might have limitations on leaving the region, and many of them also do not leave the country to places like Canada or Mexico.

Outside of that, as long as you’re willing to pay the applicable fees, charter buses will accommodate your lengthy travels.

Crunch The Numbers

Just because a charter bus will travel the distance you want it to, doesn’t mean it’s a wise choice. If you can choose a company that frequently travels within the region, they might be a more economical option in this case.

A lot of variables factor into the price of renting a charter bus. This includes things like number of passengers, duration of the trip, and the miles that you will cover. Simply put, the longer the trip, the more money that is coming out of your pocket.

Alternatives To A Charter Bus

If you and your companions are embarking on an especially lengthy trip, maybe flying is a better option. You can rent charter flights, but it comes with a significant price tag. Still, this is something that many organizations, such as sports team, take advantage of.

Find A Place To Rent A Bus

Don’t waste a minute searching for a local company that offers charter bus rentals. Just go to TalkLocal and we’ll do the work for you. We collect just a little information from you, and then go to work finding qualified professionals to suit your needs.

Are Bose Speakers The Best?

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Are Bose Speakers The Best? - TV Repair

If you are looking to invest in a new sound system, you are probably pretty excited. A good set of speakers can make your TV, Xbox, Netflix, and everything else you watch seem a little better, clearer, and more awesome. Before you buy, consider where you’ll be using your new sound system.

Is portability a factor? Will speaker size or the number of speakers be an issue (many landlords don’t take kindly to speaker stacks, for example)? How much do you want to spend? And of course, how far above your stated budget are you actually willing to go? The answers to these questions will help you decide which system is right for you.

Ask five different audiophiles who makes the best speakers. Chances are, you’ll get seven or eight different answers. Is an AIWA setup worth the money? Are Bose speakers the best? Should I just stick with Samsung?

The only way to know for sure may be to listen to different setups in environments that are as close to yours as possible. In addition to speakers, you’ll want to consider the output source, as well as the amp and/or pre-amp you’ll be using. You may be surprised at how much difference the little things can make.

Are Bose Speakers the Best? 

This is a question you’ll hear a lot, since Bose is one of the most popular brands of speakers. Passionate listeners everywhere have varied opinions on other systems like Samsung, AIWA, Bowers and Wilkins, Polk, or Paradigm. All of these brands have advantages and disadvantages. Some do well on the low end, leaving the high ends sounding flat. Others are wonderful in small spaces, but just don’t have the power for a large room or hall.

The dual wave guides help Bose provide so much sound from such a tiny package. The Sounddock is on par with an iHome in terms of size, but the sound output of an iHome is merely average. Plug the same iPod into a Bose Sounddock and stand back. The torrential outpouring of highs and lows is a thing to behold.

Ready For Some Bose Speakers?

So, if you’re asking, “Are Bose speakers the best?” the consensus might be that they are. But don’t take our word for it. Go out and listen to some. If you decide to pull the trigger and purchase these speakers, TalkLocal can connect you with someone who can help install them. Installation can be a tricky process, and with our innovative concierge service, help is just a few clicks away.

Caring For A Japanese Maple

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Caring For A Japanese Maple - Landscapers

Japanese Maple trees are popular plants that many homeowners choose to grow. They can be pruned and grown in pots or planted to grow larger. Their leaves are bright red, which allows them to add eye-catching beauty to any yard or garden.

Caring For A Japanese Maple

– Plant the tree in soil that is moist to avoid drying out the roots during planting. These trees grow best in soil that is damp but also well-drained.

– Choose a location where the plant will be in partial shade. If you live in a mild climate where the temperature remains cool year-round, your tree may be able to tolerate a little more sunlight than usual.

– Never plant a Japanese Maple if there could be a frost. They are not likely to survive the frost, especially after being planted. Wait until early spring when the frosts are over.

– Fertilize your plant with slow-release plant food. This will help make your tree stronger and more likely to survive future winters. Add the fertilizer in early spring for best results.

Only prune the tree when it is dormant. When you are caring for a Japanese Maple tree, pruning can be the most difficult thing to learn. Pruning while the tree is dormant will reduce the shock they experience. Be sure to remove any dead leaves and branches. If desired, you can prune the tree into a specific shape or prune it to grow a certain way. This is another reason these trees are so popular.

Need Help Yet?

Properly caring for a Japanese Maple tree is important if you plant to grow them in your yard. If cared for properly, these trees can add beauty and shade to your yard for many years.

You can rely on local landscapers to either plant or prune Japanese Maple trees. Find the right landscaper quickly by using TalkLocal. We instantly narrow your search down to three different companies or professionals and connect you with them, so and you can decide from there.

When To Induce Vomiting In Cats

Monday, July 1st, 2013

When To Induce Vomiting In Cats - Veterinarians

Most cat owners consider their feline pets as part of the family. Having a sick pet can be a scary and frustrating experience. If your cat accidentally eats something it shouldn’t, you may want to induce vomiting to help get it back up.

While this may be necessary, you should make sure you know exactly how and when to induce vomiting in cats before you try it.

Do NOT Induce Vomiting In Cats If:

– The cat has ingested bleach, drain cleaner, or an acid-based chemical. These can all burn the esophagus if they are vomited back up.

– The cat has swallowed a sharp object. The object could cut your cats throat or stomach if it is vomited up.

– The cat is already vomiting. If the cat is capable of vomiting and has already done so, there is no reason to induce it further.

– The cat is unconscious. If your cat is unconscious, it could choke on the vomit or object if vomiting is induced. Wait until your cat gains consciousness before you attempt to induce vomiting.

It Is Okay To Induce Vomiting In Cats If:

– The cat has swallowed mouse or rodent poison. Induce vomiting and take your cat to a veterinarian immediately.

– The cat swallows any human medication, even over-the-counter medications.

– The cat has swallowed antifreeze. Inducing vomiting will stop the antifreeze from being absorbed into your cat’s system quickly.

It Could Be Life-Saving

Knowing how and when to induce vomiting in cats can mean the difference between life and death for your pet. Always take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as you realize it has swallowed or ingested something that may be harmful to the cat’s health. Even if the cat is able to vomit, chemicals and poisons could still be in its system.

Find A Vet…Fast!

Do you want to get on the phone with a vet in your area fast? TalkLocal is the answer. We specialize in connecting consumers with service professionals of all industries. Our service will have you talking on the phone with people who can help in a matter of minutes.

Types Of Utility Trailers

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Types Of Utility Trailers - Towing

If you are shopping for a utility trailer, there are several things you should consider. The price and size of the trailer are important, but one of the most important decisions you will make is the type of utility trailer that you will buy. There are many different types of utility trailers to choose from. Here are the most common types.

Cargo Trailers

These trailers are usually boxed in and used to haul different items from place to place. They come in a variety of sizes and weights and can be used to haul anything from cars to moving boxes. They are the perfect option for someone who wants to haul things that cannot get wet or blown around by the wind. They offer the most protection for belongings.

Landscape Trailers

These trailers are used to haul many types of materials such as wood, gravel, and plants. They are very durable and capable of hauling heavy items. They are often used around construction and landscaping sites and are not typically towed for long distances.

Flatbed Trailers

These trailers are used to haul trucks, cars, and heavy equipment. They can be pulled by heavy duty trucks and even semis. They can be used for long or short distances and can even be rented for hours or days at a time.

Utility Trailers

Utility trailers are used to carry equipment from place to place. They can be used to haul hunting, fishing, camping, or other outdoor items as well as luggage and other types of supplies. They are usually small and compact but also come in larger sizes as well. They are one of the most common types of utility trailers.

When you are deciding between the different types of utility trailers, it is important to decide what you will use the trailer for and what size you need. Some trailers can be used for more than one task, which can provide the best value.

Find Towing Professionals

With TalkLocal, you can quickly and efficiently find a towing company near you. You don’t have to flip through the phonebook. Just visit our website and submit a request. We’ll deliver real results in just minutes. We’ll even connect you with them directly.

What Are YOU Doing for the 4th of July?

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Written by Jaime Fawcett

What Are YOU Doing for the 4th of July? - Seva Team

Written by Jaime Fawcett.

What’s up, Seva Callers? It’s Jaime with the Seva Interns, and I’m kicking back at headquarters where the thermostat is set at a frosty 30 degrees to combat the unbearable heat and humidity of the DC urban wilderness.

It’s July 1st. And I dig July. I do. I really do. It’s smack dab in the middle of the summer, which means I’ve finally recuperated from spring semester horrors, but haven’t yet started hyperventilating about starting my third year of college.

It’s… peaceful…and cathartic….and as sticky as the blue rivers of melted sno-cone staining your hand. Seriously, Seva Callers… it’s hot.

But no matter how hot it is I can never, ever, EVER quell my excitement about the 4th of July. The parades, the fireworks, playing with all the neighborhood tykes and toddlers at the neighborhood barbecue, and watching their faces light up as my dad scoops out Fawcett Famous Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream; it’s awesome.

This year will be one of the only 4th of July’s I haven’t spent in my small town, Catonsville. It’s sad to think that I won’t be walking with the parade down Frederick Rd, or watching the fireworks at my alma mater Catonsville High.

But hey, I’m going to Chicago this year! And I’m pretty stoked. Perhaps this is the start of a new tradition?

Anywho, I asked all the interns about some of their 4th of July traditions, past and present, and their most memorable 4th of July. Here are their answers.

rCecil Rochelle: Last year was my first 4th in DC. We went to the parade. It was hot, and sweaty, and we got lost a bunch of times. But, it was awesome and so worth it. Oh my goodness, getting on the subway after the fireworks? I have never seen so many people on a subway car. It was crazy, and awesome, and I’m excited to do it again this year!

Saam: Somehow, I always end up out of the country. I went to Rome and France last year. This year will be my first time really celebrating the 4th in a while.

Josh: Well you know the 4th is a big deal in C-ville (Fun fact: We have the same hometown!). People set their chairs out to watch the parade a month in advance. They tie them to telephone poles and stuff. But, the best part is watching the Nathan’s Hotdog Eating contest on TV. Johnny Chestnut is my boy! Reigning record holder!

Andre: I go down to the National Harbor and watch the fireworks. And you know….other stuff.

dWang Duan: My 13-year-old brother’s birthday is the 4th of July. He likes that he gets fireworks and a lot of food on his birthday.

mHarris (1) Michael: Every year my family and I go to Hull, a small beach town in Massachusetts. The town goes all out for fireworks and you can watch them from the beach. The best fireworks I’ve ever seen.

kWang Katherine: I have a big family – we keep it pretty old school with a barbecue and fireworks back in New Jersey.

Sid: One of my most memorable 4th moments was watching the fireworks with my dad, sitting on the roof of the World Bank in DC. It was awesome seeing the fireworks 30 stories up.

nHussain Nabeel: Best 4th of July? Outer Banks, VA and fireworks on the beach. Super Chill.

gDavis Graham: I work. Time and a half pay, baby.

Zaneta: I go to my aunt’s house with all my family. She makes Caribbean food, which is not your typical 4th of July food, I know, but it’s sooooo good. But then my relatives start dancing. It’s super awkward and embarrassing…especially when they make me dance with them. Oh well, you gotta love ‘em.

lLee Lauren: One 4th my cousin got into a brawl with this guy. It was simultaneously terrifying and hilarious.

Chelsea: Well, I’m from New Jersey, so everybody goes to the Jersey Shore. It’s the best time to catch up with old friends from high school.

Madeline: I have family in Maine and New Hampshire, so I usually go up there. We all go to a park in North Conway. There’s food, weird cover bands, and fireworks. It’s really fun! I won’t be going this year though, which is totally sad. It’s the first summer I haven’t gone. I don’t know what I’m going to do! I have a friend here who usually throws a party every year. But she’s going away this year! Oh, man…I don’t know what I’m going to do…

We know Augie isn’t an intern but he wanted in.

sGardner Augie: When I was younger I would buy hundreds of glowsticks, and I would sell them during the parade and at the fireworks. You know like you see people do? I’d make hundreds of dollars. But then the cops started asking for a license to sell them so I had to stop.

And that’s that! Sounds like there will be plenty of stories for the office when we get back from the holiday break.

So what are you doing for the 4th of July, Seva Callers? What do you do? Where do you go? Whose feet do you throw poppers at? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!

What Does Heartburn Feel Like?

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

What Does Heartburn Feel Like? - Personal Trainers

Chest pains are nothing to ignore, and if you’re having them you may be wondering if you are having a heart attack or if it is something less serious like heartburn. In order to know whether you require a quick trip to the ER of a simple heartburn reducing tablet, you need to know the answer to the question: What does heartburn feel like? You’ll also want to be aware of the signs of a heart attack.


Caused by the malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), heartburn occurs when stomach acid is pushed into the esophagus. The LES is supposed to prevent acid from entering the esophagus, but certain factors can cause a malfunction.

Symptoms include pressure, tightness, burning, and pain behind the sternum (breastbone) that can radiate up into the neck. When chronic, it can cause inflammation in the esophagus and damage the lining. Treatment for isolated heartburn includes antacid tablets or liquid. Chronic heartburn generally requires diet changes and prescription medication. Consistent physical activity can also reduce heartburn and make you an overall healthier individual.

Heart Attack

Unfortunately, one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack is also the main symptom of heartburn — chest pain, tightness, and pressure. If you are unsure at all whether your pain is heartburn (if you have never had heartburn before) you should seek medical attention immediately. You should especially seek medical attention if your symptoms are accompanied by numbness in your left arm, nausea, fatigue, weakness, and an upset in sleep pattern.

Ultimately, you shouldn’t take any chances if you don’t know the answer to the question: What does heartburn feel like?

Exercise Is One Way To Get Rid Of The Problem

If you truly believe your pain is heartburn, it may be caused in part by physical problems such as being overweight. Personal trainers can help you lose weight to stop chronic heart burn. TalkLocal can find a professional personal trainer near you quickly. Our service is free and incredibly easy, and we let you choose the right professional for you. After all, you know what you need better than we do.

Macbook Pro Power Adapter Very Hot

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

Macbook Pro Power Adapter Very Hot - Computer Repair

It is normal for a laptop to grow somewhat hot when charging, so do not be alarmed if your Macbook power adapter is simply warm. However, it should not be too hot to touch. Is your Macbook Pro power adapter very hot? Read this article to find out what you can do about it.

What To Do If Your Power Adapter Is Too Hot

1. If you touch your power adapter and find that it is painful to touch it, it is too hot. Unplug the power adapter from your Macbook immediately and allow it to cool down before charging your laptop again, as overheating may damage your Macbook.

2. You should also try to lower your computer’s memory usage until it cools down by closing out of applications and windows. You can press Command + Option + Escape to force quit out of applications that are not responding.

3. If your computer is still running extremely slow or feels extremely hot to the touch you should put it to sleep, restart, or shut it down for a while until it cools down.

Why Macbook Pro Chargers Grow Very Hot

The brick part of your Macbook Pro power adapter needs ventilation in order to stay at a safe temperature. Do not place it under a blanket or cushion. You should also make sure that it is placed on a flat open surface; do not sit it on your lap or on a bed.

If Your Macbook Pro Charger Is Still Too Hot…

If you are properly ventilating your power adapter, but it is still growing too hot to touch, you may need to do a System Management Controller (SMC) reset.

1. Shut down your computer.

2. Unplug your power adapter from your computer, if it’s still connected.

3. Remove the battery.

4. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds, then release the power button.

5. Reconnect the battery and charger.

6. Press the power button to turn on the computer.

Get Professional Help

If your Macbook Pro power adapter is still too hot after an SMC reset, you may need the help of a computer repair professional. With the help of TalkLocal, you will be connected with high-quality professionals in your area that are available when you need them, within minutes.​

Fastest Ways To Clean Up Leaves

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

Fastest Ways To Clean Up Leaves - Landscapers

When the temperatures start to cool down and the seasons change, you can count on trees dropping their leaves. If you have trees in your yard, or even live near trees, you know how hard it can be to remove unsightly leaves from your yard.

If there are a lot of leaves, it can take several hours, and you could walk out your door the next day to find you yard covered in them again. Don’t spend hours fighting a losing battle. Here are some of the fastest ways to clean up leaves in your yard.

Lawn Vacuum

One of the fastest ways to clean up leaves is with a lawn vacuum. These pieces of equipment will suck up all the leaves and keep them in a bag or barrel. The vacuum is used similar to a lawn mower or a home vacuum cleaner and is swept across the lawn until all of the leaves have been removed.

When you are finished removing the leaves from the yard, you can take the collecting bag or barrel of the machine and empty it in the trash.

Mulch Attachments

Mulch attachments can be connected to your lawn mower and will mulch the leaves as you mow your grass. Some of these attachments will also collect the mulch so you can use it for other landscaping projects.

Rolling Leaf Bag

If you prefer to rake your leaves but are having trouble getting them in a trash bag, you may want to try a rolling leaf bag. These convenient and inexpensive bags can help you clean up the leaves much faster than normal because they are less likely to blow away, rip, or close up than traditional garbage bags.

If you want to find the fastest ways to clean up leaves, look no further. Get your yard looking great and keep those leaves at bay with one of the methods above.

Get Someone To Do It

You can always hire professionals to keep your yard leaf-free. To find a professional that offers these services in your local area, use TalkLocal. Our innovative concierge service connects you with local professionals quickly and for free.

Recycle Cell Phones For Cash

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

Recycle Cell Phones For Cash - Garbage Removal

Most of us love our cell phones. Although they were initially created as a way to keep in touch and have emergency contact on the go, cell phones have become so much more. Now, they’re also our calendar, email inbox, social network, reading device, music player, GPS, and pretty much anything else you need them to be.

Oftentimes, when a newer, cooler device comes out, we want to upgrade and see what more we can do — but then what do we do with our old one? If you want to recycle cell phones for cash, you can. You just need to know how.

How to recycle cell phones for cash:

Ask your cell phone carrier. Many will pay you or remove a percentage from your new phone purchase if you recycle your old phone through them. Although you won’t be getting back 100 percent of what you paid for it, you’ll be getting back a good amount and saving money on the new phone you were buying anyway.

Sell it online. If your phone still works fine, you can sell it to someone looking to get a nicer phone for a cheaper price. To successfully sell a phone online, you want to list the specs of the device, the date you bought it, how much you used it, the battery life information, memory information, what you originally paid, and an explanation of your depreciation value. If you thoroughly explain why your price is fair, it can’t be easily argued down. Make sure you also have the means of shipping it.

Sell it for parts. Some electronic or cell phone repair businesses will buy your old phone so they can use the spare screen, back, battery, hardware, etc. Although this is a rather unconventional way to recycle cell phones for cash, it still is a viable option.

Getting More Information

Getting rid of your cell phone is just one step before you get an even better one. For help recycling or picking out the best phone for you, TalkLocal can connect you with the professionals in your area who have the answers you need. We will get you on the phone with three quality service professionals so you can pick the best one.