Archive for 2013


HVAC System Types: Duct-Free Split System

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

HVAC System Types: Duct-Free Split System - Heating and Cooling

There are many different HVAC system types — you don’t have to have central air in order to properly keep your home or office at the right temperature. For instance, duct-free split systems are an avenue that many people have used in order to control the climate in their living space.

These HVAC system types consist of an inside component and an outside component. Just as the name suggests, no ducts are required to deliver heat or cool air.

Why Would You Want A Duct-Free Split System?

Installing an HVAC system which requires ducts can be a mammoth undertaking. It can also come with a hefty price tag. Some living quarters make it impossible to even install an HVAC system with ducts. These people often turn to a duct-free split system.

They are also perfect for home additions where you do not want to put up with the hassle of extending ducts and installing them in the new room.

Where Do You Install A Duct-Free Split System?

These HVAC systems can be installed either in a wall or on the ceiling. Wherever they are installed, half of the system must be housed inside while the other half is outdoors.

When they are mounted on a wall, duct-free split systems are usually placed higher up. This mimics the feeling of ducts, as ducts are normally stationed near the ceiling. Plus, heat rises and cooler air sinks. Letting the cool air fall into a room can adjust the climate efficiently.

Who Can Install This, And Other HVAC System Types?

Installing an HVAC system is not a do-it-yourself project. Sure, you could install a window unit, but a more extensive system requires the help of a qualified heating and cooling professional. You can find one through TalkLocal.

Countless satisfied users have been connected with service professionals in their area using our quick and free service.

How To Install Sheetrock

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

How To Install Sheetrock - Painters

Sheetrock is also referred to as drywall. If you are remodeling your home and want to add new walls or replace existing or damaged ones, it is a good idea to know how to install sheetrock.

There are numerous contractors and construction companies that will install it for you, but these services can be costly. Doing it yourself will save you money and allow you to control when, and how, the work is done.

1. Locate the studs in the wall and measure the distance between them. This will help you determine how you should measure and cut the sheetrock that you want to install.

2. Measure the distance from the corner of the wall to your first stud. This will tell you exactly how you should cut the sheetrock. If the measurement is 24 inches, you would cut your sheetrock to 24 inches.

3. Measure your sheet of drywall or sheetrock and mark where you will need to cut it. Use a saw to cut to the right dimensions. Repeat with each piece of sheetrock.

4. Hold the sheetrock up to the wall. Make sure the corner of the sheetrock matches up to the corner of the wall and the length matches to the floor. Check that the width of the sheetrock reaches the stud.

5. Use your screw gun to place a screw in the sheetrock and through the stud. You should place a screw every 12 inches to make sure the drywall is held in place securely. If you are just learning how to install sheetrock, this is an important step that you cannot leave out. If you do not use enough screws, the sheetrock will fall down and your wall will be ruined.

6. Repeat these steps until every piece of sheetrock has been hung.

Knowing how to install sheetrock is valuable knowledge that does not only help you with your own home renovations, but allows you to help others as well.

Find Professionals With Experience Installing Sheetrock

Many professionals have the skills, knowledge and tools to complete these jobs quickly and efficiently. Some of them might be just around the corner from you, too.

Submit a request for a professional at TalkLocal. We will find help in your local area and connect you via telephone, so you can ask them questions about their services. We take the work out of your search.

Why Use A Raised Garden?

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Why Use A Raised Garden? - Landscapers

If you want to add beauty to your yard and garden, one of the easiest ways to do so is by adding a raised garden. These beds are convenient for many reasons and are a popular choice for gardeners and landscapers. So, why use a raised garden?


If you have a small area that can be used for a garden, a raised garden can help. Sometimes the space you have for a garden doesn’t allow you to move around in it easily or reach plants and seeds without walking around inside the garden. Raised gardens can be made with small walk areas between them so you can utilize your space but still be able to easily manage and tend to your garden plants.


Raised gardens can be used anywhere from large landscape areas to small apartment balconies. They are easy to maintain and all you need to get stared is a wooden box, potting soil, and plants — perhaps eye-catching, exotic flowers. Since all of the plants and soil are contained, the garden is much easier to keep weed-free.

Soil Quality

For many people, the question ‘Why use a raised garden?’ is an easy one. Soil quality can play a big role in how your plants grow. If the soil around your yard or garden is poor, your plants are not likely to be healthy or even grow at all. A raised flower bed can be filled with potting soil or any type of good quality soil that will be sure to help your plants grow healthy.

Why use a raised garden? Why not? There are so many benefits of a raised garden that it is an obvious choice for any avid gardener. Whether you are a professional landscaper or a homeowner who wants to make their yard look nice, raised gardens are the way to go.

Need Help Installing One?

Some local landscapers can help you install a raised garden in your yard. If you want to find a landscaper that you KNOW offers this service, use TalkLocal.

We find only relevant professionals in your area who can lend a hand. We also connect you with them.

Health Benefits Of Reflexology Massage

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Health Benefits Of Reflexology Massage - Massage Therapy

Reflexology massage is an ancient massage technique that traces its origins back to Egypt and China. Reflexology massage primarily involves gently and firmly exerting pressure on specific points located on the feet, hands, and ears in order to affect other points located in different areas of the body. From point to point, each is expressly connected to each other via lines of energy, also known as meridians, and reflexologists believe that this massage technique affects these points in a positive manner.

People praise this technique because they say many health benefits of reflexology massage are received, including a reduction in number of headaches and a reduction in overall muscle aches and pain. It also has the added benefit of reducing overall stress within the body. Most people can benefit from a reflexology massage because of how gentle the therapist is with the pressure on the points.

Health Benefits Of Reflexology Massage

Reflexology massage therapists are specifically trained to recognize areas, primarily on the feet, which are thought to be connected by lines of energy, or meridians, relating to specific parts of the body which, when manipulated, will help promote healing and relaxation in the connected areas. A reflexology massage therapist is acutely aware that each foot contains spots which correspond to specific places within the body. For example, the tops of the toes are thought to be related to sinuses. The soles of the feet contain areas thought to be connected to the lungs, chest, and heart.

Reducing pain associated with headaches and muscle aches will initially bring people to try reflexology. Reflexologists believe the meridians can become blocked in daily life by a negative buildup of energy. Reflexology unblocks these meridian channels and allows energy to flow freely throughout the body, thereby reducing stress and pain and increasing overall well-being.

Studies on the health benefits of <reflexology massage which have involved pregnant women, cancer patients, mental health patients, arthritis sufferers, nausea sufferers, and people with back pain issues have repeatedly shown that it can aid in reducing pain and increasing a patient’s overall well being.

Find A Qualified Massage Therapist

By using TalkLocal, you can easily and quickly find reputable massage therapists in your area. Simply tells us where you are and what you need, and we’ll connect you with the right professional directly.

HVAC System Types: Hybrid Heat Split System

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

HVAC System Types: Hybrid Heat Split System - Heating and Cooling

It is important to keep your home or office at a comfortable temperature. When the cold weather of winter hits, you need to scour the HVAC system types to find one that can not only warm your home, but to do so efficiently. The last thing you want are bloated energy bills at the end of the month.

Many residents turn to a hybrid heat split system in this case. By design, this type of HVAC system is incredibly efficient and will save as much energy as possible.

Why Are These The Most Efficient Of HVAC System Types?

Hybrid heat split systems are designed with both an electric heat pump and furnace which operates on fossil fuel.

The system will gauge your heating needs and choose between the heat pump and furnace to provide the heat — whichever is more efficient. With the option of producing electrical heat, this can help save money, especially in the face of skyrocketing prices for fossil fuels.

How Does A Hybrid Heat Split System Work?

Like you will sometimes do in your car, the heat pump of a hybrid heat split system will draw heat from the outside air and pump it into a home. Even when it does not feel warm outside, there is still warmth in the air that can be extracted with the pump.

However, when the pump can’t draw heat from the air, that’s when the furnace kicks in and serves as a source for heat. The fossil fuels burn and the heat that is generated is fed into the home.

Does It Only Work In The Winter?

No! In fact, when it gets hot out, the pump can be used to extract warm air from inside the home and displace it outdoors, thus, cooling the home.

Find Heating And Cooling Professionals In Your Area

Don’t spend a ton of time searching for heating and cooling professionals. Just visit TalkLocal. We do all the work for you. We will find you proper help and connect them with you on the phone. You can take it from there.

Instant Coffee vs. Brewed Coffee

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Instant Coffee vs Brewed Coffee - Appliances Repair

If you are a coffee drinker, you probably have a favorite flavor or brand. You also likely have a preference for either instant coffee or fresh-brewed coffee.

Both types contain roasted coffee beans, but unlike fresh-brewed coffee, instant coffee is made from a freeze dried base. This allows it to be made quickly while still retaining much of the coffee bean flavor. So who wins the instant coffee vs. brewed coffee battle? Read on and decide for yourself.


One of the biggest differences between these two types of coffees is the taste. Brewed coffee has a much stronger, deeper, and fresher taste. Many people prefer the flavor associated with fresh-brewed coffee and refuse to drink anything else.

Instant coffee still has a coffee taste, but it is a little more muted. Some instant coffee drinkers claim that they cannot tell the difference between instant coffee vs. brewed coffee. Others say they prefer the lighter taste of the instant coffee. When it comes to taste, it is all a matter of opinion.


Instant coffee is, of course, much easier and faster to make than brewed coffee. Instant coffee is simply added to a coffee mug with boiling or hot water and is ready in minutes. It also comes in a variety of different flavors.

Brewed coffee has to be made in a coffee maker and can take a while before it is ready. Convenience plays a major part in the instant coffee vs. brewed coffee debate.


Many people prefer to buy brewed coffee because it is less expensive and more flavorful. On the other hand, instant coffee seems to last longer and go further than brewed coffee. It also keeps longer and can even be refrigerated if desired.

If you can still not decide on instant coffee vs. brewed coffee, try them both and see which ones fits your needs and tastes best.

Coffee Maker Giving You Trouble?

You can’t prepare either types of coffee if your necessary appliances are busted. Whenever you find yourself in need of appliance repair, use TalkLocal to find service professionals in your area that can help. We eliminate the lengthy search process for you.

How To Use An Arbor

Friday, June 28th, 2013

How To Use An Arbor - Landscapers

To those that don’t know how to use an arbor, this popular landscape structure is simply a standalone decorative piece. However, there are a number of different ways you can implement an arbor in your garden or landscape.

Here are some ideas on how to use an arbor, and how you can best mesh one with your landscape.

Grow Flowers Or Plants On It

Your plants and flowers are only going to get so high off the ground on their own. An arbor is a perfect way to elevate these flowers and plants off the ground and make them visible to everyone.

There are certain plants that will be able to grow and climb up an arbor. This allows you to have a garden with variety.

Use As An Accent Piece For A Deck

An arbor does not have to be placed in a garden or the lawn. Many homeowners use arbors as a decorative accent piece to their decks. Not only does this make your deck look fancier, but you could cover the arbor and it could be a prime destination for some nice, cool shade.

Install An Arbor As The Entryway To Your Garden

You can let people know that they are entering your garden by placing an arbor on the perimeter. This can become the official entrance to your garden. As mentioned before, you can class it up by letting plants or flowers grow on it, making for the perfect entrance to an elegant garden.

You don’t have to know specifically how to use an arbor — you can create your own uses for this versatile piece of art by deciding what works best for you.

Do You Want An Arbor In Your Yard?

Make TalkLocal your first stop when you search for landscapers who can make your vision a reality. With only a little bit of information about you, we’ll connect you with the right professionals in your area. It is fast and free.

How To Use Paint Solvents

Friday, June 28th, 2013

How To Use Paint Solvents - Painters

If you need to remove paint, you should use paint solvents. If you know how to use paint solvents properly, you can remove paint from a number of surfaces including concrete, patios, carpets, and walls. Here are some tips for using paint solvents the right way.

How To Use Paint Solvents

1. Apply a small amount of the paint solvent to the areas you wish to remove the paint from. You will need to make sure the paint solvent does not damage the area or surface where the paint is. Paint solvents can be very strong and can eat through certain surfaces. If the solvent removes the paint and does not harm the surface, it is safe to use it.

2. Use paint solvents to clean your paintbrushes and rollers. Simply fill a bucket or sink with paint thinner and submerge your brushes and paint rollers in the solvent. Allow them to soak for several hours or even overnight to clean them thoroughly.

3. Apply paint solvents to a steel brush or steel wool and use it to remove lacquer and stains from furniture and wood. You will need to scrub the solvent into the wood and allow time for it to eat through the shellac or lacquer. Many people do not know how to use paint solvents to remove lacquer and stains and fail to do it correctly.

4. Use paint solvents to thin out paint or create unique designs on your crafts. Combine a small amount of solvent with some paint and stir to mix thoroughly. You may need to add more solvent or more paint to get the desired effect.

When you know how to use paint solvents, the possibilities are endless. If you paint often, you should always keep some solvent on hand to use in any situation. Always remember to wear a mask and gloves when using solvents.

Do You Need A Professional Painter?

Painting a room or building is certainly an art form. When you hire a professional painter, you know the job will likely come out flawlessly.

If you need a painter, turn to TalkLocal. We’ll find a number of local painters and connect you with them directly. You can decide which person or company would be best suited for the job.

What Does Renters Insurance Cover?

Friday, June 28th, 2013

What Does Renters Insurance Cover? - Real Estate

Many people choose to rent instead of buy because they feel as if it is less stressful. But, as a renter, you are still required to have insurance. Your landlord will have a policy which covers the home and land, but if you want to protect your belongings, you should have a renters insurance policy as well.

So, what does renters insurance cover? Read on to find out.


If someone is injured in your home and decides to file a lawsuit, liability insurance can help you. It is likely that your landlord will have liability insurance to help protect him or her from a lawsuit. You can purchase a renter’s insurance policy that offers liability coverage, as well. This is a good idea if you plan on having guests or visitors often.


Renter’s insurance will cover items in your home that have been stolen or damaged due to a burglary or accident. Typically, you decide how much the items in your home or apartment are worth and choose a policy amount that will cover them.

Be careful when choosing a policy; some will only cover partial costs and others will pay to replace the items.

Living Arrangements

If your home should become damaged to the point that you can no longer live in it, your renter’s insurance may pay for you to live elsewhere. Certain policies will pay for hotel expenses or even help you find a temporary apartment until your home can be repaired or you can make other living arrangements.

When you are shopping for insurance, it is not uncommon to ask: What does renter’s insurance cover? Make sure you compare several different types of policies to find the one that works best for you. Talk to your landlord to help you determine what type of coverage you need.

Find Insurance Help

You probably do not want to spend hours trying to find someone who can hook you up with the insurance you need. We don’t blame you.

That’s why we created TalkLocal. We literally eliminate the search process and give you instant access to service professionals in your local area. Give it a try and see how we can simplify your life.

Average Motorcycle MPG

Friday, June 28th, 2013

Average Motorcycle MPG - Auto Repair

When you own a motorcycle, you want it to be as fuel efficient as possible. The average motorcycle mpg rating is 40 to 50 mpg. While this mileage is pretty good, and much better than most cars, it is still possible to make it better.

Here are some tips to help.

Drive On Highways As Much As Possible

Although it is impossible for most people to avoid driving through town or on side streets, you will get much better gas mileage driving on the highways.

When you drive your motorcycle in town and make a lot of stops, you are using much more gas than what you use while driving for long periods of time without stopping on the highway. When you do have to drive in town or on side streets, try coasting between stop signs and red lights and avoid aggressive driving as much as possible.

Remove Bike Accessories

Some motorcycle accessories are necessary and others aren’t. If you want to improve the average motorcycle mpg, remove any accessories that you aren’t using, such as saddlebags and sissy bars.

These accessories weigh the bike down and cause it to use more gas to get from place to place. They also make for more wind resistance.

Keep The Right Tire Pressure

Many people do not realize that their tire pressure can affect your average motorcycle mpg rating. Check your tires often and make sure they are aired up to the appropriate pressure. Too much or too little pressure could be making your bike use more gas than necessary.

You may be happy with your motorcycle’s mpg rating, but why not try to improve it? With the money you save by improving your motorcycle’s gas mileage, you could travel across the country on a motorcycle road trip!

Finding A Repair Service For Your Motorcycle

TalkLocal offers an innovative new service that connects you directly with service professionals in your area. This includes auto mechanics who can take care of your bike. All you have to do is provide a little bit of information about your needs, and we handle the rest. Try it out.