Archive for 2013


Seva Call Gallops Into Lexington, Kentucky

Friday, June 28th, 2013

Seva Call Gallops Into Lexington, Kentucky - Seva Call

Sup Seva Callers? Seva Call has just launched in Lexington, Kentucky and we – being in the Horse Capital of the World after all – have a question… a musing… a simple pondering from sheer curiosity…

What is up with horse naming?  Arrrrrrr, Nosupeforyou, Comply or Die….seriously, are the weird names really all that necessary?

Apparently, yes.

It just so happens that naming a horse is a ridiculously long, arduous and complicated process. The Jockey Club, which is based in Lexington, Kentucky, the famous “Horse Capital of the World,” has a list of rules and procedures for horse naming that can only be described as… intense.

The real kicker is that no name can be used if it’s been registered in the past 10 years. With over 750,000 horses currently registered, that’s a whole lotta names to sift through. Owners usually submit half a dozen names when registering their horse because The Jockey Club rejects ⅓ of all names submitted. I guess you could say horse naming is not a race I would bet on with those kinds of odds.

Regardless, we applaud The Jockey Club. At Seva Call, the online concierge service which connects consumers directly with local pros, we understand the importance of a good name. Finding the best roofer, heating and cooling technician, or plumber can be a nail-biting race to the finish. Jockeying around online and on the phone to get in contact with a company is as difficult as….as…well…naming a horse!

Seva Call Gallops Into Lexington!

With Seva call, when you submit your service needs online, we guarantee that our innovative algorithm which analyzes a number of quality stats will find a thoroughbred champion. We’ll put you on the phone with the best company faster than Orb winning the Kentucky Derby. You wouldn’t risk money on a poor race horse; so why risk money (and time) on shoddy service quality? The companies we refer will be well-known names and will be able to do the job you want, on your time. No more searching through thousands of names, we’ll do it for you.

So, if you’re ever looking for the fastest, highest quality service provider in town, remember the name Seva Call, and save a call.

HVAC System Types: Packaged System

Friday, June 28th, 2013

HVAC System Types: Packaged System - Heating and Cooling

If you want to keep your home feeling cool during the summer, and warm during the winter, choose the Cadillac of HVAC system types. A packaged system is what many consider to be a central air conditioning system. While installing a packaged system can be quite pricey, it often pays off by not only keeping your home at a favorable temperature, but also doing so in an efficient manner.

Let’s take a look at the packaged system and how it stacks up against other HVAC system types.

How Is A Packaged System Set Up

The brains of the packaged system are contained in one large unit that is stationed outside the home. Many opt to put this large machine on a concrete slab so that it doesn’t sink into the grass or dirt.

This unit contains heating and cooling components — both electric and gas-powered for optimal efficiency. The heat and cool air are delivered into the home through ducts. Inside the home, return air ducts deliver air back out.

Save On Space

Unlike other HVAC system types, you can spare all the space inside your home because the unit sits outside. Other types of units will take up space on your wall or in your window.

Very Efficient

Because most of these packaged systems have gas-powered and electric components, they operate efficiently and keep your energy bill at a minimum. When the electrical heat pump can extract heat from the air outside, it will. This won’t require any gas consumption on your system’s behalf.

Need Help Finding The Right HVAC System?

Get advice and installation help from a heating and cooling professional in your area. If you don’t know where to start your search, start it at TalkLocal. We will track down quality help in your own backyard and connect them with you in a matter of minutes. No waiting!

When To Induce Vomiting In Dogs

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

When To Induce Vomiting In Dogs - Veterinarians

Having a sick dog can be a terrible experience. Many people consider their dogs to be part of the family and want to do everything they can to keep them healthy and make them better when they are ill.

If your pet seems to have eaten something that did not agree with it, it may need to vomit it back up. However, not every situation calls for vomiting.

Knowing when to induce vomiting in dogs can save your pet’s life. Very few circumstances actually call for vomiting and if you do induce vomiting when you shouldn’t, you could actually harm your pet. Here is a list of circumstances when you should not induce vomiting in your dog.

When To Induce Vomiting In Dogs

– Do not induce vomiting if your dog has already vomited or is vomiting. As long as your dog is capable of vomiting itself, you should not interfere.

– If you notice that your dog is having trouble breathing, seems weak, or is unconscious, you should not induce vomiting. The vomit could block your dog’s airways and make it even harder for it to breathe. If the dog is unconscious, it could choke on the vomit.

– If you fear your dog may have swallowed bleach or another chemical, you should not induce vomiting. Bleach and other chemicals can burn your dog’s esophagus when it comes back up while vomiting.

– Sometimes you may find that your dog has swallowed something he should not have, but you aren’t sure how long it has been since it was ingested. If it has been longer than two hours, it has already been digested and will not be able to come back up with vomiting. It is unnecessary to induce vomiting at this point, and it could even harm your dog.

Visit The Vet

Knowing when to induce vomiting in dogs is important knowledge for any pet owner. The only time you should induce vomiting in dogs is when you have been directed to do so by a vet.

You can consult a veterinarian in your local area in no time by visiting TalkLocal. Simply enter a request for one and we will go to work locating three different options. We also connect you to those professionals, so you can make an informed decision.

How To Tell If An Electrical Panel Is Overloaded

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

How To Tell If An Electrical Panel Is Overloaded - Electricians

You might not always be conscious of it, but if you use too many appliances and other electronics which need to be plugged in, you could be overloading your electrical panel. This is very dangerous. It can lead to a number of issues, including possible electrocution.

But, do you know how to tell if an electrical panel is overloaded? If not, here are some hints.

Calculating Your Electrical Panel’s Limit

An electrical panel is comprised of a series of circuits. Each circuit has a limit to how many amps of electricity it can handle. If this limit is exceeded, the individual circuit shuts down, and you have to reactivate it (by switching it back over).

If you add up the limitations of all your circuits together, that will tell you the limitations of your electrical panel as a whole.

A More Scientific Way Of Calculating

A certified electrician can assess your electrical system to determine better the actual capacity of it. Otherwise, the capacity should be listed somewhere near the electrical panel. Knowing the limitations will help you better know how to tell if an electrical panel is overloaded.

Signs That Your Electrical Panel Is Overloaded

Computers, TVs, lights, appliances — these all can add up and eventually overwhelm an electrical panel. If you notice the following things in your home, your electrical panel might be overloaded.

– Constant blown fuses: If you find yourself having to reset or replace fuses often, you might be dealing with an overloaded electrical panel.

– Buzzing: Listen for a buzzing sound coming from your electrical panel. That is not a good sign.

– Sparks: This is kind of a no-brainer, but if your electrical panel is sparking, seek professional help immediately.

Where To Find Help

Do NOT try working with electrical equipment unless you are professionally trained. You could really hurt yourself.

Instead, use TalkLocal to find a local electrician that can help out. The process is easy — you submit a request on our website and we’ll find three professionals or companies that fit your criteria. They will call you to see how they can help. You make the final decision.

Fruit Trees For Small Gardens

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Fruit Trees For Small Gardens - Landscapers

If you have a small garden, but still want to grow fruit trees, you need to determine which ones can successfully grow in small or tight spaces. The best fruit trees for small gardens are ones which do not grow extremely large or out of control, or those which produce fruit at a younger age.

Here are some of the best fruit trees for small gardens.

Berry Bushes

Berry bushes are small, but can produce a good amount of berries in a small amount of time. Most berries grow low to the ground, so they do not need a lot of vertical space. They also produce fruit within the first year or two.

Cherry Trees

Cherry trees are small and produce fruit within a short amount of time. You can choose from a variety of types of cherries, including ones that pollinate on their own. These trees are some of the best trees for small gardens because they do not grow tall or wide and are easy to prune and control.

Nut Trees

Nut trees are naturally small, so they do not require a lot of space to grow and produce nuts. Plant at least two nut trees together to encourage pollination, and your trees will be producing delicious and healthy nuts in no time. Some of the most popular nut trees are hazelnut trees because they are hardy, easy to grow, and decorative.

Don’t let a small garden stop you from enjoying fruit trees. If you choose the right type of trees, you can grow them in small spaces and enjoy a variety of fruits and nuts that will be a great reward for all of your hard work.

Try one of these fruit trees for small gardens, or try several and fill your fruit bowl with healthy snacks every day!

Finding The Right Help

Through TalkLocal, you can consult professionals who know everything about plants and the ideal conditions in which to grow them. Don’t waste time searching for companies which offer the services you need. Let us connect you to the right professional. It only takes a matter of minutes.

Ayurvedic Shirodhara Massage

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Ayurvedic Shirodhara Massage - Massage Therapy

Some of the most ancient massage and holistic health treatment methods are still used on a daily basis today. Clearly, many men and women have found merit in them, and use them to help shake certain ailments.

Ayurvedic Shirodhara massage is one such treatment. This massage is a form of Ayurvedic therapy, which is rooted in the culture of India. Men and women have turned to this method for 5,000 years, and it is said to be the cure for a number of health issues.

What Is Ayurvedic Shirodhara Massage?

Far different from the other forms of massage, the patient lays on their back as a steady stream of oil is poured onto their forehead. The stream of oil is aimed at what the culture labels the “third eye”. This area is between both eyes just above the eyebrows. In the Indian culture, the third eye is where human consciousness originates from. Stimulating this area with the oil is said to have numerous health benefits.

What Does It Do?

For 30 minutes, the patient lays on the table, surrounded by warm towels, as the stream of oil flows on to their forehead. This is said to deeply relax the individual and exercise negative feelings like fear and anxiety. Essentially, it transforms a patient into a very relaxed state of mind.

What Are The Benefits Of Ayurvedic Shirodhara Massage?

Practitioners of this form of massage claim that it helps heal:

          – Insomnia

          – Memory loss

          – Other neurological issues

          – Sinus infections

          – Hearing impairment

This form of massage can be performed both medically and non-medically (simply for the relaxation aspect).

Where Can I Get This Massage?

It could be tough to find a qualified individual to administer this form of massage, but professionals are available. Use TalkLocal to find them. We’ll connect you with someone in your local area that is capable of performing this service. Try it out!

How Much Money Should You Blow On A Ring When Popping the Question?

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Written by Dallea Caldwell

How Much Money Should You Blow on a Ring When Popping the Question? - Seva Call

Nothing says ‘I love you” like an iridescent rock chipped away from some African cave and fastened to some other hunk of metal formed with equal attention to detail and maximal iridescent effect. Of course, one could just say “I love you”, but words are thrown around thoughtlessly given their low cost, wide availability, and short-term shelf-life. The engagement ring is designed to put your money where your heart is and then mark your romantic territory in a manner classier than just spraying your significant other. The question is, how much should you spend telling the world that you want to spend the rest of our life with — and all your hard-earned cash on — that very special someone? (more…)

HVAC System Types: Split System

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

HVAC System Types: Split System - Heating and Cooling

It is safe to say that everyone wants to keep their home or office cool during the brutal heat of the summer. Unfortunately, not everyone has the budget or skill to install a full-scale air conditioning system to achieve those cooler temperatures.

This is why a split system is one of the popular HVAC system types.

What Is A Split System?

Most of you probably can picture what a window air conditioning unit looks like. That is one form of a split system HVAC system.

Similar to some other HVAC system types, this consists of inside and outside units — thus the name. The part that rests outside the home or office contains the compressor and other elements of the system, while the inside has a blower and cooling coils to discharge the cold air.

How Are Split Systems Used?

These do not always have to be installed in a window. Many people open up a space in a wall so that the split system can be installed. They can be installed essentially anywhere as long as the unit can be both inside and outside at the same time.

Benefits Of Split Systems

          – Easier and cheaper to install than central air

          – Ducts are not required, so you won’t have to tear your home or office apart

          – Energy bills are still reasonable

Disadvantages Of Split Systems

– Do not cool as well

– Can be noisy

– Can only cool smaller rooms efficiently

Maybe split systems are not the greatest of HVAC system types, but they will certainly do the job for those who need some cooling off on a budget.

Need Help Installing One?

Contact a heating and cooling professional for all your needs. They know how to properly install any type of system. You can narrow your search down to three quality choices by using Seva Call. We’ll connect you directly with the right professionals, and our service is fast and free.

Graphite Lubricant Uses

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Graphite Lubricant Uses - Handyman

Graphite is a dry lubricant that is used to reduce friction. Graphite lubricant uses can vary but is often used in locks and various types of machinery. Because graphite is such a soft metal, it can easily be ground into a powder. This makes it the perfect dry lubricant. But dry lubricants won’t work for everything. Here are some of the most common ways to use graphite as a lubricant.


Graphite is often used to lubricate locks and make them easier to turn. Just like other devices, locks have moving parts inside that can stick if there is too much friction. Graphite is poured or sprayed into the lock and is able to get in between the moving parts. The graphite then helps break up the friction and makes the parts move better. This makes the lock easier to turn and reduces the wear and tear on your keys.

Pots and Pans

You may not know it, but one of the most common graphite lubricant uses is as coating on pots and pans. Since the graphite can tolerate heat, it works well as a coating. While many pots and pans tend to use Teflon as a coating, many also contain graphite.


The delicate parts in many machines prefer dry lubricants to liquid ones. This is because the dry lubricants tend to last longer on the moving parts. Many types of machinery which contain gears and other moving parts are lubricated with graphite. Graphite is even sold in bulk amounts so large companies can buy a lot at one time and use it on their machinery.

If you have ever wondered about graphite lubricant uses, you now know how versatile it is. If you are in need of a lubricant but think a liquid one may be too messy or just will not cut it, consider using graphite as a dry lubricant.

Need Help Around The Home Or Office?

Maintaining certain appliances or devices can be tricky. It certainly requires a lot more than just a good lube job. If you ever need a handyman, but don’t know where to find one, turn to TalkLocal. We put service professionals of all kinds at your finger tips through our innovative online service. We do all the work; you get results. Try it out!

Happy First Birthday Seva Call!

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Happy First Birthday Seva Call! - Seva Call

Unbelievable! It’s been a year since Seva Call first launched in DC. In fact, it’s so unbelievable that team members nearly forgot their own company anniversary — just more proof that time flies when you’re having fun… or working like crazy to build a business.

“I’m so proud of what the team has accomplished together so far, but my eyes are on the year ahead,” explained co-founder Gurpreet Singh, “We want to build more and deeper relationships to help even more people.”

Happy First Birthday Seva Call!

Gurpreet, the older of the two founding brothers and the brain behind the Seva Call software, was once just the small business owner of a computer repair company. Then, frustration over the costliness and inadequacies of searching and marketing online inspired him to create Seva Call. Now, he barely has time to marvel at just how far the start-up company has come.

“We’re still a scrappy, young start-up, but it feels like only yesterday that we operated out of a basement bedroom with spare computer hardware scaling the walls,” he said. “I can only imagine where we’ll be a year from now.”

Actually, 365 days and 518,185 placed calls later, the Seva Call team has been doing much more than imagining: they’ve been working! From new launches every week to press coverage, the team has left imagining to Mr. Roger’s neighborhood and is determined to make it happen in communities across the country. Seva Call’s anniversary is just another day when we work toward our goals.

“We’re like any one-year-old,” explained Employee #1 Rajesh Karyampudi. “If you’ve attended a kid’s first birthday party, you know that recognizing 365 days of postpartum life never  garners much interest. Kids will accept any excuse to crawl and stumble about smacking balloons and smashing fists full of cake all over their cheeks. They just want to keep doing what they love!”

Sure, Seva Call may have grown faster than most one-year-olds (unless you’re talking about an alien spawn which impregnated its DC-based human host and then burst full-grown from the womb to immediately infest dozens of major cities with time-saving search help). I mean, it’s pretty hard to connect consumers to top-rated local businesses in seconds if you’ve barely grasped object permanence; and, before comparing businesses based on consumer reviews and other quality assurance indicators, you have to learn to read. In any case, the Seva Call team feels just like a toddler at his or her birthday party – getting to do what they love, helping more people, and building more connections is celebration enough for the Seva Call team.

“Speak for yourself,” said Seva Man. “I’m having the team code a new service category called, ‘Where Da Party At?’”

Sssshhh! Don’t remind Seva Man about the Party Planner category.