Archive for 2013


Hypo-Allergenic Cat Breeds

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Hypo-Allergenic Cat Breeds - Veterinarians

The saddest thing a cat lover can hear is that they are allergic to their favorite little fur ball (hey, cats suffer allergies, too). Some of us would rather cut off our noses than be forced to live a cat-free life. The good news is that many people with allergies can still enjoy the company of cats — so long as they know about hypo-allergenic cat breeds.

Cat-related allergies are caused by Fel D1, which is a chemical found in cat saliva. Cat’s tongue-bathe themselves several times daily. This leaves saliva on their fur, which dries out and becomes airborne. Male cats produce more of this chemical than females, intact males produce more than neutered males, and kittens produce almost none.

That means fostering kittens for your local shelter may be the best way to enjoy cats in a non-allergic setting, without even considering whether they’re hypo-allergenic cat breeds or not.

Hypo-Allergenic Cat Breeds

Probably the most famous of the hypo-allergenic cat breeds is the hairless Sphinx. The Sphinx is a regal-looking cat that is used to being treated like kitty royalty.  There is also a variety with hair, but your best bet to avoid allergies is the hairless version. These cats will need weekly baths, so make sure they are well-socialized.

The Siberian can also be hairless but is better known for its long-haired variety. This breed naturally produces less of the Fel D1 compound, so it is a great option for allergy sufferers who still want a furry cat.

Two of the so-called Rex cats have very short fur that tends to be thinner than similar cats. These don’t require weekly bathing like the Sphinx, though they may need their ears and/or paws cleaned regularly, as skin oils lead to buildup. The Cornish Rex and the Devon Rex are both laid back cats that are comfortable staying inside if need be.

The Balinese is probably the most “normal” looking of all hypo-allergenic cat breeds. It has long hair and a vaguely Siamese-like appearance.  These need to be brushed often — preferably NOT by the allergy sufferer. Balinese cats naturally produce less of the allergen chemical.

Find A Vet Near You

Now that you know how many hypo-allergenic breeds there are to choose from, you’ll never have to be without a feline companion again! If your cat ever needs medical attention, use TalkLocal to find a qualified vet in your area.

Visit our site and put in a request. We’ll have you talking with several qualified vets on the phone in a matter of minutes.

Taskbar In Windows Disappeared

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Taskbar In Windows Disappeared - Computer Repair

If your taskbar in Windows disappeared, first check to see that you haven’t accidentally put the screen in the full screen mode by pressing the F11 key. A disappearing taskbar can either be attributed to unintended key strokes and mouse movements or a crashed processing system. Here is how you can fix it.

When Unintended Key Strokes Or Mouse Movements Cause the Problem

Unintended mouse movements may have dragged the taskbar to be minimized, thus causing it to disappear in the desktop. Follow these steps to check if this is the problem.

1. Look for a thin line on the one of the four edges of your computer screen.

2. Click on the thin line. The hidden taskbar should open up.

3. Right click on the taskbar that opens up, and then select “Properties”.

4. Uncheck the “Auto-Hide” option inside the taskbar menu interface.

5. Click OK.

You can restore the minimized programs by pressing the ALT and TAB keys while selecting the desktop. You can also access the taskbar properties interface while not clicking on the taskbar, too. For this, do the following:

1. Access the Control Panel (Press the Window Button on your Keyboard + C).

2. Select the “Taskbar and Start Menu” option.

Processing System (explorer.exe) May Have Crashed

explorer.exe is the name of the process which operates the desktop. Under excessive CPU conditions, this process can crash, and the taskbar, which is a part of explorer.exe, will disappear from your desktop. If your desktop seems strangely empty or icons listed on it are unresponsive, then explorer.exe likely crashed.

To restart the process system follow these steps.

1. Press CTRL + ALT + DEL together.

2. Access the Task manager.

3. Click the “File” button.

4. Click “New Task (Run)” button.

5. In the Text Box that appears, enter “explorer.exe” and press OK. This should resume the explorer.exe process and restore your taskbar.

Need Computer Help?

A crashed process system (explorer.exe) may be caused by bad hardware or further complications in your computer system. At this point it is recommended that you call for help from the local experts. TalkLocal will connect you directly with a local expert to fix your issue quickly. Best of all, our service is completely free to you.

How To Save Energy With Home Improvements: Landscaping

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

How To Save Energy With Home Improvements: Landscaping - Landscapers

Landscaping may not be the first method that comes to mind when considering how to save energy with home improvements. Everyone knows about how increased insulation, low-e windows, and energy-efficient appliances can save you on your energy bill, but people rarely consider the benefits of landscaping.

You may be surprised to learn how much a few trees and shrubs can save you.

Saving With Your Landscaping

Adding trees around your home will shade it during the summer. This will prevent the sun from heating up your home and help to keep it cool. The cooler the trees keep your home, the less energy your air conditioner has to use to cool it down.

In the winter, if the trees are deciduous, they will lose their leaves and the sun can reach the house, helping to keep it warm. Evergreen trees added to the property where the wind generally blows helps create a wind block, too.

These trees, in addition to low-lying shrubs, help prevent drafts in the home from wind and therefore work to keep the home warmer.

Why Worry About It?

If you are concerned about the environment, then you already know how our society’s massive energy use is affecting it. The more energy we use, the more greenhouse gasses are released into the atmosphere.

These contribute to global warming, which is thought to be the cause of the extreme weather conditions that are increasing as the years go by. If none of that concerns you, you may be interested in how to save on your budget. The math is simple: use less energy, spend less money.

Call In The Landscapers

Although landscaping may not be your first answer to how to save energy with home improvements, it should certainly be a consideration. To talk to a professional landscaper, let TalkLocal help. We will connect you with a qualified landscaper in your area fast, and the best part is our service is completely free.

Installing Drywall Ceiling

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Installing Drywall Ceiling - Painters

Drywall is a common type of construction material that is usually used to make walls and sometimes even ceilings. Drywall is pretty simple to repair and install, but when installing it on a ceiling, there are a few things you should remember. If you do not install the drywall properly, it could ruin the look of the room or building and cause other problems. Here are some tips for installing drywall ceiling pieces.

Cutting The Drywall

Before you install the drywall, you should measure the ceiling area and cut the pieces appropriately. Instead of trying to put large pieces up at one time, cut them into smaller, even pieces so they will be easier to handle. Drywall is easy to cut and really only needs to be scored and bent to get straight lines.

Mark For Fixtures

You want to make sure you cut out holes for your fixtures. Measure the fixtures and cut out the holes before you hang the drywall. It is much easier to cut these holes on a flat surface instead of trying to cut them once the drywall ceiling has been installed.


Drywall is not hard to install but it does take some maneuvering. If possible, ask a friend to help you. Drywall pieces are not heavy but they can be awkward and difficult to hold up alone. You should also use a drywall jack. This will help take all of the weight off your arms and help hold the drywall in place.

Installing drywall ceiling pieces is a great way to give your ceiling a new look. Most ceilings can be finished in just a day or two, so you can move on to other home projects. Not only is the installation fairly simple, but drywall is also inexpensive and will last for many years. Keep the above tips in mind when you install your next drywall ceiling.

Find Help In Your Area

When drywall installation proves especially tricky, consider seeking help. TalkLocal lets you bid farewell to the days of flipping through the phone book and placing call after call in hopes of finding someone who can help. Now, all it takes is a few clicks of the mouse and a little bit of information, and we’ll connect you to the local professionals who can help.

Cost Of Removing Your Own Garbage

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Cost Of Removing Your Own Garbage - Garbage Removal

Some especially thrifty individuals simply cannot stomach the idea of hiring a garbage collection service to remove their waste for a monthly fee. This is especially true when you can just as easily bring your own garbage down to the city dump. You can always compost some of your waste, too.

So, this do-it-yourself method is superior, right?

Well, not necessarily. There is still a cost of removing your own garbage, you just might not notice it. These costs come in a variety of forms. It is your job to determine which is a better value for you — hiring someone to haul your trash away or doing it yourself.

Gas Money

The money for fuel should figure into the cost of removing your own garbage. You will have to get in your car and drive to your area’s designated dump site. In larger cities or counties, this could be a longer drive. Plus, you can plan on making weekly trips so that your garbage doesn’t pile up.

In today’s economic climate, gas is not cheap, which only makes this expense greater.

Your Time

People always forget to place a value on their time when they should. Your time equals money, and you will be spending plenty of time driving your trash down to the dump and sorting it accordingly.

When you enlist the help of a garbage collection service, all you have to do is roll the trash bin out to the curb and you’re done. This saves you a lot of time and, in turn, money.

Cleaning / Deodorizing

We don’t have to tell you that trash does not smell pleasant. Unless you have an open bed pickup truck, that trash has to be in the vehicle with you as you transport it to the dump. Suffering through the nasty smells that are left behind are a non-monetary cost of removing your own garbage. However, if you find you have to purchase items to freshen the smell in your car, that will cost money.

So, You Want Someone To Pick Up Your Trash After All?

As you can see, removing your own garbage isn’t automatically the better option. If you need someone to remove your trash, TalkLocal can connect you directly with a local company for the job. Visit our website to try our free service today.

Pain After Physical Therapy

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Pain After Physical Therapy - Chiropractors

Physical therapy is essential to getting your body back into shape and returning to a healthy and active lifestyle after an injury or surgery.

It can also be strenuous at times, and even though it is making your muscles stronger in the long run, it can be painful. You may leave your physical therapy session feeling worse than when you went it. You might be dying for a relaxing massage.

While this is inconvenient, it is not uncommon and luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to ease pain after physical therapy.


It is important to work your muscles and move around after surgery or an injury, but you also need to give your body time to rest and heal.

If you are experiencing pain after physical therapy, you may just be tired or you may be working too hard during your sessions. Talk to your physical therapist about the pain and rest between your sessions.

Your physical therapist may be able to adjust your workout to help reduce the amount of pain you experience afterwards.


If you are sore after your physical therapy workout, it could be the result of not stretching. Take some time before you go to your appointment to stretch, or even do it during the appointment.

Stretching gets your muscles ready for the workout and will prevent soreness afterwards. Check with your therapist to make sure you can stretch safely. Some injuries and surgeries require a specific amount of recovery time before you should start stretching.

Pain Medicine

You can always take an over-the-counter pain medicine before or after your session to help ease the pain after physical therapy. Always ask your doctor or physical therapist before you start taking medicine to make sure it is safe, especially if you are taking any prescription medication, as well.

Maybe A Chiropractor Can Help 

The next time you experience pain after physical therapy, try one of the solutions above. Nobody should have to live with pain on a daily basis.

Chiropractors have a lot of experience helping men and women rid their bodies of aches and pains. Find one through TalkLocal to see if he or she can help. Just visit our site and submit a request, and we will connect you with a qualified professional directly. It’s fast, easy, and free.

Vines Growing On A Brick House

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Vines Growing On A Brick House - Landscapers

A lush growth of plants on a building can bring a look of quaint, old-world sophistication. Charming cottages appear even more charming when flanked by leaves and vines; even the heralded Ivy League is so named for the impressive vine growth on buildings.

Beneath all that charm and beauty, though, lurks danger. Excessive vine growth can exacerbate cracks in brick or mortar, or damage a home’s paint job. Runaway vines can also facilitate an invasion of bugs, birds, or even small mammals. Vines growing on the outside of a structure can also trap moisture, leading to seepage, wood rot, and other problems. If you are dealing with vines growing on a brick house, there are some things you should know.

English Ivy, the most common form that grows on buildings, is very resilient. These plants are considered invasive, and getting rid of them won’t be as simple as pulling them out. In fact, grabbing a handful and tugging may do more harm than good — especially if the vines growing on a brick house have already found their way into the mortar or wood. Other common plants that grow on brick include:

Clematis: Similar to English Ivy, Clematis is less invasive as it requires support structures to grow.

Sweet Peas and Runner Beans: These are relatively harmless growths that produce pretty flowers and do not damage brick. However, they do attract birds, insects, and everything that feeds on them.

Succulents: There are many types of succulent plants that are just as feisty as vines growing on a brick house. Many succulents thrive there because their needs are so minimal. The good news is, they are easy to remove by hand.

How To Eliminate Vines Growing On A Brick House

1. Spray the ivy with a strong solution of warm water and a grease-cutting dish soap. The one they use to clean oil spills from animals is best.  The dish soap will wash away some of the protective oils on the plants.

2. Use heavy work gloves and spray carefully with a weed killer.  You may need to repeat this process in three days for it to make a noticeable difference. Resist the urge to mix the weed killer more strongly.

3. You’ll know it’s working when the ivy turns less green and shrivels a bit. This means the vine is drying out and dying, so it’s safer to pull it from your building without causing further damage.

4. If you can find them, use garden shears to cut along the walls, separating the ivy from the feeder veins.

Need Help?

Many landscapers can rid your lawn of these pesky plants. To contact a local professional who can help, try using TalkLocal. We take the work out of the search process, connecting you directly with the best professional for your needs!

How To Save Energy With Home Improvements: Windows

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

How To Save Energy With Home Improvements: Windows - Window Replacement

When remodeling your home, you may be considering replacing your windows. How do you know which windows to choose? If you are wondering how to save energy with home improvements, windows are the lowest-maintenance method of doing so.

If you are simply comparing prices, energy-efficient windows will not seem like the best choice because they usually run at a higher price than less efficient windows. However, paying a little more now could save you in the long run.

Why Worry About Saving Energy?

The less energy we use, the less fossil fuels need to be consumed to produce the energy in the first place. This reduces the amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere. If you aren’t as concerned about your carbon footprint, you may be concerned about your wallet. Less consumed energy equals less money spent.

Energy Star

When considering which windows to purchase, look for the blue and white Energy Star. Any product which has this star on the label has been tested and approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, meeting, or exceeding, a rigorous set of standards. You can trust that if any product carries this label, it will meet the efficiency standards designated to it.

How They Work

Windows that are more energy-efficient are sealed better than regular windows and often carry a double layer of glass with a pocket in between.

Sometimes, this pocket is filled with a low emissive gas. This glass prevents temperature changes from the sun or cold air outside. A low-e window can save you anywhere from 7 to 15 percent on your energy bill. This will eventually pay for the slightly more expensive windows.

Talk Local Can Put You In Contact With Window Replacement Technicians

If you still aren’t quite sure if this is a good answer to your question of how to save energy with home improvements, ask an expert. TalkLocal can find a window replacement technician in your local area who can help with your projects. Our concierge service connects you directly, quickly, and for free.

Scoring Big In Louisville, Kentucky

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Scoring Big In Louisville, Kentucky - Seva Call

Seva Man is a huge college basketball fan. So much so that he’s still reeling from March Madness. It’s a good thing too, because Seva Call has landed in Louisville, Kentucky, home of the 2013 NCAA Basketball Champions, the Louisville Cardinals! It’s safe to say Seva Man is stoked to be there.

Three months ago, Seva Man was camped out at the Seva Call headquarters, eyes glued to his computer, headphones in, and bracket in his lap with the Cardinals at #1. He watched every game and afterwards watched every play-by-play recap.

And then suddenly, just a couple of days before the big game, his computer screen went blue.

Seva Man could’ve panicked. He could’ve tossed his computer from the third floor balcony.

Seva Call Is Here To Help!

Luckily, Seva Man just happened to be in the perfect place to find a computer repairman. Seva Man simply plugged his information into the Seva Call search engine, and then team Seva Call took possession and compared stats based on consumer reviews, and call ratings to find the final best local professionals in the area.

Soon enough Seva Man was on the phone and picking his star recruit. It was a buzzer beater but Seva Man has his computer up and running again just in time to watch Louisville’s big win. Now, Seva Man is scoring big in Louisville!

“Seva Call is definitely my choice for MVP,” said Seva Man.

So, Louisville, between NCAA Basketball and the Kentucky Derby, you’ve got no time to be missing the big game or race. Go ahead and sub in Seva Call to assist with computer repair, tv repair or maybe a taxi to see it all live.

Diatomaceous Earth Hazards

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Diatomaceous Earth Hazards - Pest Control

You may not be familiar with diatomaceous earth, but it is a substance that is found in a lot of different items we throw away. There are also a number of diatomaceous earth hazards, which is why we should be conscious of it and make sure it does not compromise our health and well being.

What Is Diatomaceous Earth?

This is a very fine powder-like substance that is produced, hard-shelled algae which has been fossilized. This allows it to crumble into the power form. While the term might be foreign to most, this substance is actually used in a number of consumer products, including, but not limited to:

          – Pest control products

          – Fire resistance materials

          – Absorbents

          – Soil used in the hydroponic process

          – Toothpaste

          – Metal polish

Because diatomaceous earth is so prevalent, plenty of it makes its way into landfills, which can pose a problem. The substance contains an overwhelming amount of silica, which is a proven health hazard.

Diatomaceous Earth Hazards When Inhaled

This substance is especially dangerous when people breath it in. The powder can cause problems in the nose and throat areas. A person might instantly feel that their nose and throat have become dry and irritated. Over time, diatomaceous earth can also take its toll on men and women through the form of lung disease. In some cases, diatomaceous earth has caused lung cancer.

Why Nothing Is Done

When products contain known carcinogens, federal health agencies generally intervene to make sure they are disposed of properly. No government agency has addressed diatomaceous earth because silica is only a suspected carcinogen and not a known one. Sadly, this means that people are on their own when it comes to avoiding diatomaceous earth and the hazards that come with.

Safety Tips

If you are working around diatomaceous earth, make sure to wear a safety mask. You do not want to breath any of it in. If you already did, take deep breaths of fresh air and seek medical attention.

Using Diatomaceous Earth For Pest Control

Knowing that diatomaceous earth is in many pest control substances, you might want to rely on professionals to take care of these duties around your home. Professional exterminators have all the necessary safety equipment to get the job one.

TalkLocal can help you find local pest control expects. You will be amazed at how easy it is.