Archive for 2013


Microsoft Office On Windows 8

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Microsoft Office On Windows 8 - Computer Repair

Much of the reason users were so pumped about the arrival of Window 8 was because it ushers in a new operating system. While most people would consider this an upgrade, a change in operating systems will never come without its share of casualties.

If you have older programs, it is understandable that you would be concerned whether they would work on Windows 8. One of the most important programs that users go to is Microsoft Office. So, are there any problems with your Microsoft Office on Windows 8?

Read on to see how you can check.

Windows Compatibility Center

You can use the Windows compatibility center to determine if your version of Microsoft Office on Windows 8 will work.

Here, you can check on all the various versions of Microsoft Office — and there are plenty. This is important because some versions will be compatible with Windows 8, while others are partially compatible, and still others are completely incompatible.

While Microsoft Office was released as an app on Windows 8, the individual programs (i.e. Word, PowerPoint, etc.) were not, which has caused significant confusion.

Stay Conscious Of Compatibility Issues When Shopping

Not everyone purchases the brand new version of Microsoft Office. This makes it important to do your homework before you go about purchasing an older version of the software. Check with the compatibility center or search online forums or help websites to determine whether your software will even function on your computer.

Get Computer Help

Microsoft Office on Windows 8 will take some getting used to. Those that have used this software for years will certainly be thrown for a little bit of a loop.

If you need computer help, TalkLocal gives you instant access to those that can help. We find professionals in your area and connect you with them. You’ll never have to suffer more than a couple minutes with a debilitating computer issue.

How To Save Energy With Home Improvements: Appliances

Monday, June 24th, 2013

How To Save Energy With Home Improvements - Appliances - Appliance Repair

One of the most common methods of learning how to save energy with home improvements is through appliances. As the concept of “going green” has grown significantly in the past few years, many energy efficient appliances have made it into the market. Why should you invest in these appliances, and how can you be sure they even do what they claim to do?

Why Replace Your Appliances?

As your old appliances age and begin to have problems, they will become less efficient. New appliances which are marked for energy efficiency not only consume less energy, they function better than their less energy-efficient counterparts. Additionally, if you use appliances which use less energy, you could save a significant amount on your monthly energy bills.

What to Replace?

Go through your house and see which appliances consume the most energy. Sure, your light bulbs may be on frequently, and you may watch a lot of television, but consider what appliances consume large amounts of energy.

Your refrigerator, dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer, and HVAC system all make up the majority of your energy bill. Replacing one of these appliances with an energy efficient counterpart can have an impact on your bill. Replacing many of them can save you a significant amount and is beneficial to the environment, too.

What to Look For

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has a qualification called Energy Star. Any appliance carrying this label (a blue and white star) has been evaluated by the EPA and meets, or exceeds, a rigorous set of standards. You can trust that any appliance you purchase with one of these labels will be as efficient as it claims.

Do Your Appliances Need Fixing?

If you are not sure which appliances are the answer to how to save energy with home improvements, consult an expert. TalkLocal can find a qualified professional near you. Our service is easy to use, fast and free.

We instantly boil the cumbersome search process down to three qualified professionals and let you make the final decision. Test it out.

What Does Lean Mean?

Monday, June 24th, 2013

What Does Lean Mean? - Personal Trainers

In the world of health and fitness, you may have heard the term “lean” being thrown around, but what does lean mean?

It really depends on the context. You may hear someone talk about wanting to only eat lean meats or foods, or you may hear someone say that they want lean muscle mass rather than to bulk up.

Trying to build lots of muscle and trying to trim down fat don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand, and it is important that you know the context and to consult a personal trainer prior to following anyone else’s regimen.


In terms of eating lean meats, this generally means little to no red meat, as red meat (such as beef) usually has more fat. Venison (deer) and other wild game meats are considered lean. Eating lean meat will provide a person with the same (or more) protein as fattier meat without all of the bad fat. Typically, those eating lean eat this way in order to feel full and lose weight.


There are often two types of people at the gym: those who want to lose fat and be small, and those who want to lose fat and gain lots of muscle. Although both are technically “lean” (not having much fat), the term is generally associated with the former.

To garner a lean build, most men and women emphasize cardiovascular (running, aerobics, etc.) workouts in addition to some strength training. On the other side of the coin, if you were looking to bulk up and really build a lot of muscle, you would focus more on weight lifting and less on cardiovascular work.

Still Lost? Find A Local Resource

If you still don’t fully understand the answer to the question: What does lean mean? then that’s okay. There are professionals available to help with all your diet and fitness needs. It is important to consult these professionals because, while you may be dropping weight, you could be losing both fat and muscle depending on your diet.

Only a professional can tell you if you are eating properly and exercising correctly in order to reach your goal. TalkLocal can find a personal trainer in your area at no cost to you. Our service is very easy, and you will be speaking with a professional in minutes.

Use Laser Levels

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Use Laser Levels - Handyman

As technology advances, even the most basic tools get new spins and improvements to help us. When building or measuring, especially when installing shelves or hanging décor, you want to keep things level and straight. Nowadays, laser levels are replacing traditional water levels. Knowing how to use laser levels can make your construction or do-it-yourself project speed by in no time.

How to use laser levels:

Prepare: Make sure your batteries are fully charged and ready to go. Sit the laser on a level surface to test it out so you know whether you need to adjust the water bubble or not. Make sure you have any wall mounts necessary if you’re doing ceiling work.

Test: You will want to test the calibration of the laser level. Put the level on the floor near the end of a long wall. When you turn on the laser, you’ll want to mark the line with a pencil at either end of the wall. Now, move the level to the other end of the wall and check to see if the line still matches both marks. That means it’s properly calibrated and ready to go.

Use: Now that you have prepared and tested your laser level, you’re ready to use your level for your job. The level can produce lines that are vertical, horizontal, curved, sloped, and so on. Many can produce more than one line at once and certain laser levels can rotate as, well. Make sure you select the line you need. If you will need to change settings often, you may consider purchasing a laser level with a remote control.

Care: Taking care of a laser level is different from taking care of a water level. When it isn’t in use, you need to make sure it is turned off and locked into its carrying case. When you’re going a long time without using it, remove the batteries or battery pack so they won’t drain.

Safety: Although they make the job a lot easier, laser levels aren’t toys. Make sure you’re wearing reflective eye protection. Do not ever look into the beam or point it at anyone, and make sure you shine it away from other workers when moving or adjusting the level.

Finding Help For Projects

Using a laser level can make your job smoother, easier, and faster. If you need help picking one out or just have questions for a handyman, TalkLocal can connect you with the experts in your area who have the answers.

We gather a little bit of information about your needs so that we only feed you relevant results.

Saving Time in Fast-Paced St. Louis, Missouri

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Saving Time in Fast-Paced St. Louis, Missouri - Seva Call

St. Louis may be situated right against the lazy Mississippi River, but the city’s people are busy with the standard hustle and bustle of living in one of America’s major port cities. Just as St. Louis keeps America running, we at Seva Call want to make sure St. Louis is flowing smoothly.

Occasionally, the tides get rough for St. Louis natives, who then find themselves in search of a local locksmith, plumber, or roofer. No one has time to navigate through telephone book pages and customer reviews, or spend minutes on the phone with individual professionals. This is where Seva Call steps in.

Saving Time In Fast-Paced St. Louis

Seva Call understands that time and tide waits for no man and neither does St. Louis. Just like Tom Sawyer, you’ve got better things to do than paint a fence, so Seva Call is here to help find someone to do it for you. Just check out our search page, type in the service you need provided and where, and Seva Call will connect you with three reliable professionals in no time.

“Seva Call is all about efficiency,” says founder Manpreet Singh, “Our services not only help you, but also the local businesses in your city, and this keeps America strong. It’s killing two birds with one stone, really.”

So next time you find yourself struggling upstream, check out Seva Call and save a call.

Charter Bus Road Trip

Monday, June 24th, 2013

Charter Bus Road Trip - Bus Rental

If the price of fuel or airline tickets are forcing you to think outside of the box for your next road trip, you may be considering what it takes to book a charter bus road trip.

Most travel sites will tell you that the efficiency of buses makes for traveling by bus cheaper than plane or car, and they can conveniently drop you off right at your destination. Planes and trains can only get you to the closest stop.

Most charter buses also include amenities such as a restroom, TV screens for movies, reclining seats, and air conditioning. Here are five considerations when you are chartering a bus road trip.

Charter Bus Road Trip Considerations

1. Is the person you are speaking with a representative of the bus company, or are they simply a broker? Brokers will charge as much as 25 percent commission for finding a bus company for you. You will get a much cheaper rate if you work directly with the company yourself. We’ll tell you an easy way to connect with those companies a little later.

2. Unlike flying, there are no comprehensive websites for comparing bus rates. The best way to compare prices is to call each company individually.

3. Ask about gratuity. Some companies require certain rates of gratuity for your driver. If you are booking for a group, this may be included in your total price.

4. Ask about driver accommodation. Some companies require that the group pay for the drivers’ hotel or more, while others include that price in the total.

5. Ask about down payment. Some companies will require payment in full upon booking the trip, while others will accept a down payment of about 22 percent with payment in full about 10 days prior to the trip.

Finding Charter Bus Rentals

Your best bet when trying to book a charter bus road trip is to reach out to reputable companies. TalkLocal has the ability to find one near you quickly. Our service is free, and you will be on the phone with one in minutes. Better yet, we find three of them, so you can make the final decision.

Neighbor’s Tree Is On My Property

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

neighbor's tree is on my property - tree removal

Home ownership can be a wonderful investment and can provide a sense of security to any family. Unfortunately, there can be a downside to home ownership such as maintenance and property disputes.

If you find yourself constantly cleaning up foliage that isn’t yours and saying “Hey! That neighbor’s tree is on my property!” you may be dealing with one of those downsides. Here are a few guidelines for how to proceed if you find a tree is causing you problems.

The Trunk Is On Their Property

If the entire trunk of the offending tree is on your neighbor’s property, you have a limited amount of action you can take.

You have the right to trim any limbs that overhang your property, but not to the extent of damaging the tree. Tree damage typically constitutes large fines. The best plan of action is to talk to your neighbor.

Explain the situation, and see if he or she is willing to trim the branches, remove the tree, or simply clean up the foliage that ends up in your yard. If they refuse, your only option is to trim the limbs on your side of the property line.

The Trunk Is Partially On Your Property

When trees age, they get larger around the trunk. This could cause a tree that was once totally on one side of a property line to encroach onto another property.

Typically, the law sees this tree as owned by both properties. The best plan of action is to try to work out an agreement with your neighbor. He or she may not be partial to the tree and you may be able to have it totally removed. If he or she wants to keep the tree, some areas may allow for partial removal, including the trunk.

Need To Start Cutting?

To know for sure, ask an expert. Tree removal specialists in your area will be familiar with the laws and can answer your questions when you say “My neighbor’s tree is on my property, what can I do?”. TalkLocal can find a specialist in your area at no cost to you.

How To Save Energy With Home Improvements: Electricity

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

How To Save Energy With Home Improvements - Electricity - Electricians

Many people often overlook the fact that the best way to save energy is at the source: electricity.

You may be surprised to learn that saving energy through reducing your electricity use is actually quite simple. We have a variety of suggestions, most of which are low, or no, cost. After reading this, you will be able to tell all your friends how to save energy with home improvements.

Why Change At All?

By making a few small changes in your home, you will not only help to save the environment, but you will save on your budget, as well. The benefits to the environment may not be easy to see, but the reduction in your electric bill certainly will be.

Energy Star Appliances

By updating your appliances to new, Energy Star-rated models, you have an assurance that each of those appliances will perform significantly better than your older ones in terms of energy use. These devices include televisions, washers and dryers, refrigerators, and ovens.

Light Bulbs

A less expensive way to save on energy is through replacing your incandescent light bulbs with those rated for energy-efficiency. These light bulbs use about 75 percent less energy and generate 75 percent less heat, making them safer than their less efficient counterparts.


The cheapest way to save on energy is by not using it. This isn’t exactly an answer to how to save energy through home improvements; it is more a way to save energy through habit changes.

This free method entails keeping lights off and unplugging unused appliances such as toasters and coffee makers. You can also install inexpensive motion detectors to only turn on outdoor lights when motion is sensed.

You Might Need An Electrician

Working with electricity is an overwhelming risk. If it is not one you are comfortable with, consult an expert. TalkLocal can find one in your area quickly, and our service is absolutely free. You will be speaking with a qualified professional in minutes.

Soundproof Storage Facility

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Soundproof Storage Facility - Moving and Storage

When you are considering a place to store your stuff, you want to make sure you make the best choice. Your things are valuable to you, and it is important that the storage facility you choose will protect them. If you have valuables which are very fragile or sensitive, you may want to choose a soundproof storage facility. Here are some tips for choosing the best one.


Whether you are planning to store your item long-term or only for a few months, you want to make sure you are getting the best deal possible. Treat shopping for a storage facility the same way you would treat shopping for anything else. Shop around and negotiate.

Most storage facilities are competitive and, believe it or not, some facility owners will even negotiate a price with you. If you are planning to keep your items in storage for several months, you may get a good deal by paying for several months at one time.


You want your belongings to be safe while in storage and that means choosing a facility that offers the best security. Thieves can break into storage units and steal things if they are not properly secured. You can help protect your things by adding more than one lock. Choosing a soundproof storage facility which has lighting and locked gates can also help you keep your items safe.


If you think you will be using the items in storage soon or often, you should consider the distance the facility is from your home. If you do not want to take a long drive to pick up your items, choose one that is close by. You may have to pay a little more for something close to you, but it might be worth it when you consider the cost of gas.

Find A Facility Through Talk Local

There are many things to consider when choosing a soundproof storage facility. Consider these points and others, and make the choice that best fits your needs and lifestyle. To find a facility that offers these storage units, use TalkLocal. You don’t have to waste your time calling around to places only to find out that they don’t offer what you’re looking for. TalkLocal will connect you with the right professional in just minutes.

Painting Over Mold Stains

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Painting Over Mold Stains - Painters

Unfortunately, mold is not uncommon within households throughout the United States. Various leaks or other moisture issues in a home can lay a breeding ground for this particularly harmful substance. Mold can stain walls, putting a major damper on the aesthetics of a room. More importantly, if not properly treated, mold can present serious health risks to you and your family.

Simply painting over mold stains is not going to remedy the problem. You must take a few extra steps that you might bypass when preparing a normal wall for paint.

Here are the extra steps to consider when painting over mold stains.

Identify and Repair the Source: Unless you fix the source of the problem, mold stains are going to continue coming back. Before you get any of your painting equipment out, figure out what is causing the mold and repair it.

Use Bleach and Water: You do not have to order special chemicals to disinfect the mold on your walls — the solution might be under your kitchen sink already. While it does not disinfect all types of mold, a simple mixture of bleach and water gets the job done in most cases. Spray the mixture on the stain and wipe it away. Continue this process until you have come as close as you can to eliminating the stain.

Repair Any Damage: If the mold damaged the wall in any way, use spackle to repair it.

First Apply A Primer: It is especially important to use a stain-covering primer before you start painting over mold stains. This ensures that the discoloration left over will not show through the finished product. Apply one or two coats of the primer.

Paint: Once you have taken those measures, you can go about painting your walls per usual. You can purchase some paints that have special mold-fighting ingredients in them for added protection.

Find Local Painters

This is all old news to professional painters, who make a living finding the most effective ways to make your home’s paint job look flawless. If you would rather hire someone for the job, try seeking out a reputable painter through TalkLocal. We will connect you with the right professional directly, in just minutes.