Archive for 2013


Error When Restoring iPhone

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Error When Restoring iPhone - Computer Repair

Sometimes when you are trying to restore your iPhone, the restore process may stop and you may see an error message in iTunes. Here are a few steps to resolve an error when restoring iPhone.

First, make sure you are logged into your computer as an administrator. If you do not have admin access, get the owner of the computer to sign in for you.

Update to the latest version of iTunes

Install any available updates in iTunes. Most updates will require you to connect to the Internet before updating, so make sure that you have an Internet connection.

Make sure your operating system is up to date

For Mac users, click Software Update from the Apple menu and install all available updates. Restart, and then check for updates again after your computer has rebooted.

On a PC, go to the Microsoft Windows Update page. Install all available updates, restart your computer, and check for updates again after restarting.

Disconnect other USB devices

USB devices may interfere with the signal between iTunes and the iOS device.

1. Disconnect all USB devices.

2. Connect only the keyboard and mouse.

3. If using an iOS-device dock, disconnect it and plug the cable directly into the iOS device.

4. Restart the computer.

5. Launch iTunes and attempt to restore again.

Check security settings

Out-of-date or incorrectly-installed security software, firewalls, or router settings can cause an error when restoring iPhone. All security software must be kept up to date and properly configured. After you update and configure your security settings, restart the computer and try to restore again.

Restart the computer

If there are no software updates available, your iTunes is up to date, you have no other USB devices attached, you have no security software installed, and you are directly connected to your ISP, simply restarting your computer may clear up your issues when restoring your iPhone.

If the issue persists after trying all of these things, then you should use TalkLocal to get the best help possible from local IT service professionals.

Where To Get Rid Of Batteries

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Where To Get Rid Of Batteries - Garbage Removal

We are all trying to be a bit greener lately. Over time, we’ve learned a lot about the way our battery-driven lifestyle affects the environment, and we want to be cleaner. Most of us know that batteries aren’t good to toss in a landfill, but knowing how to properly dispose of them is a different story.

Figuring out where to get rid of batteries depends a lot on what kind of batteries you have. Here is where to get rid of batteries which are commonly found in everyday objects.

Cell Phone Batteries

This is probably the easiest type of battery to recycle, which is good because it is also the worst to toss in landfills. Cell phone batteries are incredibly rechargeable, which is why we love them so much. When they break or get too old, we can’t just throw them out.

The chemicals inside of your cell phone battery are very hazardous to our land. The easiest way to recycle a cell phone battery? Take it to a cell phone store. Pretty much any store that sells phones and phone batteries also accepts them to recycle for free. Sometimes, they’ll even pay you for them.

Car Batteries

These are also hugely important to recycle. Your car needs a very large battery to run. Throwing a car battery into a landfill is like pouring toxic waste into a landfill – you just shouldn’t do it.

Thankfully, most mechanics and car dealerships will take your car battery from you and recycle it. If you’re having a new one installed, they will probably just do it automatically. However, if you have an extra one you need to drop off, you can usually do that, too. As with cell phone batteries, some places even offer to pay or cut a sum off of your bill if you recycle through them.

Common Households Batteries

These run everything from flashlights and alarm clocks to kid toys. All of those little round and square batteries you have that you need to pitch might seem like they won’t affect the environment much. They’re small, right?

Well, when everyone in America has that mindset, before you know it, our landfills are full of battery acid. Although these are nowhere near as awful for the environment as car and cell phone batteries, they should still be dropped off at your local recycling and conservation center.

Get More Information On Recycling Batteries

Recycling batteries is one small step you can take to help the world remain cleaner and healthier for longer. To find another step, or discover additional options on where to get rid of batteries, try using TalkLocal to connect you to experts in your area.

Rust Removal From Concrete

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Rust Removal From Concrete - Handyman

If your once-white driveway is now a frustrating, spotty orange, you may be looking for methods of rust removal from concrete. Unlike stripping paint off of concrete, rust is a bit trickier as the concrete tends to absorb the rust color more than it does paint.

Your best option is to work with a highly acidic substance known as muriatic acid. The end result will be the stripping of a thin layer of concrete away, lifting the ugly tint with it.

Then Follow These Steps

1. Suit up: Make sure you have excellent rubber gloves, boots, and junk clothes that will cover your skin. Additionally, you will want to wear a respirator, as muriatic acid produces acidic vapors. If any acid makes contact with your skin, wash it off immediately.

2. Mix acid with water according to package directions. Always pour the acid into the water instead of water into acid.

3. Using a long-handled floor brush, apply the acid mixture to the desired area. The area will bubble. Give it about five minutes to work on the concrete. Apply more as necessary.

4. Once the stain is removed, use a fresh bucket of water to remove all traces of acid. The concrete will be a bit rougher than the surrounding area, but that will not hurt it.

5. Dispose of the remaining acid mixture according to package directions. Remove safety gear and shower in order to ensure you do not sustain acid burns.

6. To prevent rust stains in the future, seal the concrete with a concrete sealant. This will stop moisture and metallic elements from penetrating the surface.

Feeling Lost?

If you are concerned that the task of rust removal from concrete might be either too time-consuming or too dangerous for your comfort level, let an expert handle it. TalkLocal can find a qualified handyman in your area at no cost to you. Our service is fast and easy, and you will be speaking with a local professional in no time.

How To Stay Cool In The Summer Heat: Roofing

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

How To Stay Cool In The Summer Heat: Roofing - Landscapers

If you are pondering how to stay cool in the summer heat, your roof is a good place to start. If your home is topped with black tar shingles or other dark-colored roofing materials, you may be suffering from the heat unnecessarily.

Cool metal roofs, reflective roofs, and even thermal-activated roofing tiles provide consumers with a multitude of options depending on your needs, location, and budget. Energy Star-approved roofing saves money and keeps buildings cooler. Some of these even keep absorbed heat on reserve for later use.

Let’s look at how to stay cool in the summer heat through the use of smart roofing.

Reflective roofs are just what they sound like. Applying reflective or white, heat-resistant paint to a roof serves several purposes. It drastically lowers the surface temperature of the roof, which in turn reduces how much heat is absorbed and redistributed. Reflective roof paint was recommended as an accessible, cost-effective solution by the federal government in 2003. Since then, technology has advanced. But reflecting roofing remains effective and is a great solution for families on a budget.

Cool metal roofing is reported to lower home cooling costs by up to 40 percent annually. This is a good solution for steep-slope and low-slope roofing alike. Cool metal roofing works in two main ways. It is reflective, providing similar benefits to a painted, reflective roof. It is also emissive, so it radiates heat outward, essentially sending it upward. Emissive metal roofing has been shown to reduce urban air temperatures as much as 12 percent. On a hot day, that can make a tremendous difference.

Thermal-activated roof tiles are an amazing advance in both heating and cooling and are a key in how to stay cool in the summer heat. These tiles measure the heat outside, and turn dark (to absorb heat) or reflective depending on the weather. This makes roofs incredibly efficient, leading to drastic savings year round. They are especially valuable in areas with unpredictable weather patterns, while eliminating the need to redo your roof paint for each new season.

Making alterations to improve the efficiency of your home’s roof serves many purposes. Aside from how to stay cool in the summer heat, reflective roofs save on electric bills and help the environment by using less energy. Many insurance providers give discounts for energy-saving modifications like energy-saving roofing.

When you consider the benefits, there’s really no reason not to invest a little time and effort on staying cool and saving money.

How To Take Advantage Of These Roofing Options

You won’t be able to replace or modify your roof by yourself. Luckily, TalkLocal can get you on the phone with a number of professionals who service your local area. We only connect you with relevant companies and professionals so you don’t have to wade through a sea of unqualified help.

Do Cab Fares Vary Throughout The Day?

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Do Cab Fares Vary Throughout The Day? - Taxicabs

If you are new to a big city, or simply visiting, the idea of taxis might be foreign to you. Surrounded by people who rely on cabs for transportation can be a little intimidating. You probably have many questions. How do I flag down a cab? How much do I tip? Do cab fares vary throughout the day? Do I share a cab with a stranger?

The very basics of what you will need to know is how much a cab charges. Since different cabs charge in different ways, it is important to know what to expect.

How Cab Fares Are Calculated

Generally speaking, most cabs will charge you a small entry fee into the cab. They will then charge you a certain amount of money per mile or kilometer or a certain amount of money for each minute you are using the cab. This is why cab trips can be pricey, even when you are not traveling a far distance. You also have to figure a tip of about 10 to 20 percent into your budget.

The rates that a cab driver charges can vary from city to city. Some of the biggest cities in the United States (i.e. New York, Boston, etc.) carry a significantly higher rate.

Do Cab Fares Vary Throughout The Day?

While the rates the cab driver is charging you likely will not go up or down depending on the time of day, there are certain times where your fare will increase just based on traffic conditions.

If you jump in a cab at rush hour and need to travel five blocks in one direction, you might still pay a high fare because of traffic. As you sit in traffic, the meter continues to count the minutes, tacking on more and more expense. If you were to take this same trip during a time where traffic was not bad, you’d pay a lot less.

Find A Taxi Service In Your Area

You don’t have to live in a big city to have access to a taxi service. Visit TalkLocal, and we’ll connect you with a taxi service in your area. Our service is fast, free, and very convenient.

Storage Facilities For Vehicles

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Storage Facilities For Vehicles - Moving and Storage

If you are planning on taking a long trip or will not be using your vehicle for a while, you may want to store it safely. There are numerous storage facilities for vehicles, but finding the right one can be difficult.

Here are some tips to help you find one that is affordable and capable of protecting your vehicle for as long as necessary.


You can find storage facilities for vehicles by using your favorite search engine to search for the facilities in your area. Simply choose the type of facility you are looking for as well as your zip code or the name of your city.

Click on each result displayed until you find the one you like best. You can also find contact information for the facilities on the websites. This will allow you to call the business to check on prices and hours of operation.

Word Of Mouth

If you want honest answers about the best place to store your vehicle, ask around. Ask your friends, family members, and people who have knowledge about cars such as mechanics, employees at auto parts stores, or even someone who works in a lube shop.

These people talk with car owners on a regular basis and likely have knowledge about storage facilities for vehicles.


The best way to find out about any company is to pay attention to advertisements. Many advertisements are very informative and will tell you everything you need to know about a company. Pay close attention to the prices, special offers, and hours of operation if they are discussed on the ad.

Or, Cut Through All That With TalkLocal

If you want to make sure you car is cared for in your absence, choose a facility that is well known and trusted by other customers.

TalkLocal can hook you up with these types of places through our handy concierge service. You just tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll find it for you AND have them call you to see how they can help.

How To Care For Small Rodents

Monday, June 17th, 2013

How To Care For Small Rodents - Veterinarians

If you or your child has recently acquired a tiny mammal for a pet — perfect for small residences — you are probably wondering what to do next. If you are not sure how to care for small rodents, start by acquiring the following must-have items:

– A suitable habitat (plastic or glass) with a locking lid that allows plenty of air to circulate and has enough room for rodents to run around freely.

– A water bottle that hangs from the top of the enclosure. A water dish is NOT the same and cannot be used by most rodents.

– A food dish

– Substrate material, plus extra so that it can be changed regularly.

– Commercial food formulated for your animal. Gerbils have different needs from mice, who have different needs from sugar gliders, etc.

Your Pet’s Home

An acceptable enclosure is one that is escape-proof and offers room for animals to run around a bit. You should not need to specifically heat or cool the enclosure, provided that the room is at an acceptable temperature for humans. If you’re feeling too hot or too chilly, chances are your animals are as well.

Clean water should always be available to your rodents. The water bottle must be cleaned every day, even if there is no visible dirt on it. Failure to do this is a major factor in poor rodent health.


Substrate can be comprised of commercial animal substrate or finely shredded newsprint. Some breeders use kitty litter, which can absorb odors from urine and require changing less often. Also popular are natural substrates like pine or cedar. Rats are especially fond of burrowing in their substrate. This layer should be two to three inches thick in the bottom of the enclosure.

Droppings should be removed at least once daily. As for changing the substrate, once per week is common — but your nose should be able to tell you when it’s time.  Keep in mind that your rodents aren’t able to leave their cages, and that being surrounded by their own filth is pretty unpleasant for them.

Keep Away From Larger Animals

If you’re just learning how to care for small rodents, be aware that rodents appear fascinating (and delicious) to cats and dogs. Avoid disaster by never taking your rodents out of their enclosure when larger animals are nearby. Rodents may be free-fed prepackaged food and given occasional treats in the form of leafy greens or veggies like pea pods, carrots, or cucumber skin. Be sure to remove uneaten “people food” quickly, as it can begin to spoil within a day.

Ensuring The Health Of Your Rodent

If you have questions on how to care for small rodents, or if your animal appears to be sick or injured, find a local vet immediately. TalkLocal makes this process easy. We get qualified vets to call you to see how they can help.

How To Stay Cool In The Summer Heat: Air Conditioning

Monday, June 17th, 2013

How To Stay Cool In The Summer Heat: Air Conditioning - Heating and Cooling

If you are trying to figure out how to stay cool in the summer heat, air conditioning may seem like a no-brainer. After all, machines that condition air for better living have been around since China’s Han Dynasty. Air conditioning is easy to use; it keeps the temperature down and it feels fantastic when it hits you after coming in from the sweltering heat outside.

Air conditioning lets you choose exactly how cool (or downright chilly) you want your home to be. Whether a window unit or central air, air conditioning is how to stay cool in the summer heat. A few weeks later though … the electric bill comes. That’s when you might wonder what the heck you were thinking.

Energy Efficient Air Conditioning

Energy Star-certified air conditioners use an average of 10 percent less energy than their non-energy-conscious counterparts. Overall, these energy-conserving air conditioners are purported to save about $50 over the lifetime of the unit.

In addition to using less electricity while running, many low-energy air conditioning units have timers which allow for running only when needed. If you’re the sort who likes it nice and cool when you get home from work, a timer can allow you to start running your unit an hour before you get home rather than all day long. That’s when the savings really start to pile up.

Consider Your Room Or Home

Knowing how to stay cool in the summer heat can depend on the size and shape of your room, as well as the placement of your air conditioning unit. Window units can be helped along with an oscillating fan or even a ceiling fan.

Getting air circulating around your home can make a big difference in temperature and humidity, allowing you to run your air conditioner less. An energy-saving air conditioner, properly placed and running only when appropriate, can save money and keep your family cool this summer.

Heating And Cooling Help Made Accessible

TalkLocal is an incredible resource for when you need help with your home’s heating or cooling system. Instead of searching the phonebook for help, you can submit a request for service. We will have three local professionals give you a call. You get to decide who will be best for the job. It saves you both time and money.

Types Of Chemical Paint Strippers

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Types Of Chemical Paint Strippers - Painters

If you’re not a chemist, and we bet most of you aren’t, you might be a little wary about choosing which types of chemical paint strippers you’ll need.

They all smell funny and one wrong move might ruin your furniture, brushes, or cause some kind of crazy science mishap. It’s well worth your time to learn a bit about the various types of chemical paint strippers.

This might also be a good time to remind you to wear a mask and to use paint strippers only in a well-ventilated area, like an open garage, gazebo, or a covered (but not enclosed) porch.

Paint strippers come in several forms, each having their pros and cons.

Spray-on paint strippers are simple and fast to apply. They work well on very thin coats of paint, such as spray paint. Spray-on products are less effective than others because they don’t penetrate as deeply, nor do they stay in place as well. Spray-on paint strippers are not a good option for projects that will remain vertical, like dressers.

Liquid paint strippers are thicker than spray-on, meaning that they will penetrate deeper and faster. They can be applied with a bristle brush or a sponge brush. Don’t bother using an expensive horsehair brush to apply stripping liquid. The coat doesn’t need to be smooth or even. It’s best to use cheap sponge brushes and then throw them out when the job is done.

Gel paint strippers are the easiest, safest, and most effective of the various types of chemical paint strippers. They are also the most expensive, but you’re usually only talking about a couple of dollars more. Gel paint strippers can be applied thickly and will stay put for long enough to do the job. They get into crevasses and detail work, and can be left for hours (wrapped in plastic) to give it enough time to remove thick layers of varnish or paints.

All types of chemical paint strippers work by penetrating the paint or varnish, then spreading out between the paint layer and the surface beneath. This causes the paint to lift from the object so it can be scraped off easily.

Check labels to be sure that the paint stripper you choose is right for the materials and for what you’re trying to remove. With a little knowledge and planning, refinishing is easy and fun enough that it’ll hardly seem like work at all.

Getting Help From Professional Painters Is Easy

Looking for a painter in your area? TalkLocal is the service for you. We take on the search process for you and get you on the phone with professionals that can help. You can sit back and let companies compete for your business.

What Does Asbestos Look Like?

Monday, June 17th, 2013

What Does Asbestos Look Like? - Handyman

If you are currently looking into the purchase of an older home, or are considering renovating your current home, you may be asking yourself: What does asbestos look like? Unfortunately, asbestos cannot be determined on sight alone. Determining if you may have this dangerous substance in your home takes a little research into your house and searching for warning signs.


If your home was built after 1981, you can be reasonably certain that there is no asbestos in your home. Many homes built prior to 1981 have already been updated, with the old asbestos removed. If your home was built prior to 1981, here are some places to look:

Fireproofing Material

If the material used to fireproof your home is fibrous, fluffy, crumbly, and muddy, it may contain asbestos if your home is older. You will need to contact a professional experienced in asbestos to be sure.

Thermal Insulation

This type of insulation will be on pipes, boilers, water heaters, etc. It will appear to be like cardboard or paper and is typically white in color.


If your walls are not drywall and were plastered prior to 1981, they may contain asbestos. It was typically mixed with the plaster material prior to that date.

Floor tiles

Although typically floor tiles containing asbestos are from the 1920s, some were made in the mid to late 1970s. They are typically black, as the asbestos was mixed with an asphalt material.

Only professionals can accurately answer the question: What does asbestos look like? It also takes the right person with the appropriate tools to safely remove it from your home or business.

Where Can You Find Those People?

You should not, under any circumstances, attempt to remove the material on your own. To find a professional near you, try using TalkLocal. Our free service is fast and incredibly easy. We will only find professionals qualified to handle your problem based on information you give us. You will be talking on the phone with someone who can help in just minutes.