Archive for 2013


Tires For Utility Trailers

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

Tires For Utility Trailers - Towing

Using a utility trailer, or a small trailer towed from the back of a vehicle, can make moving large items much easier. When using a utility trailer, you need to make sure you practice proper tire upkeep just as you would with your car.

Picking out tires for utility trailers can be intimidating since there are so many options. You need something that can get the job done, but you don’t want to overdo it. Consider this checklist for picking out the proper tires for utility trailers.

What size do you need?

If you don’t have a large trailer, you don’t need large tires. Sometimes, putting larger or smaller tires on a vehicle or pick-up truck is considered fashionable. That’s not how it works for utility trailers. The tires for your utility trailer need to complement the size of the trailer itself. Information on the recommended tire size for your trailer can be found either on the trailer itself or in the manual.

What load capacity will you require?

Your tires need to be able to carry what you want to haul. This means they need to be able to support the weight of whatever you’ve got. If your tires don’t have the proper load capacity, they can blow out while you’re driving, which is a serious safety risk for you and other drivers.

Make sure you are following the suggested load capacity on the trailer or manual and don’t try to haul anything that is too heavy for your trailer. If you need to haul something outside of your trailer’s capacity, it’s safer to just rent another trailer.

Are your tires properly maintained?

You want to make sure you’re keeping your tires inflated and cared for properly, as you would your own vehicle. A low or flat tire on your utility trailer can lead to a blow-out or another kind of accident in which the item(s) you’re hauling can be lost on the road. This is very dangerous. Make sure you know the proper PSI for your utility trailer tires and keep them inflated.

Need Towing Advice?

Answering these three questions will help you keep your utility trailer ready to go when you need to haul anything. If you have more questions about what kind of tires to pick out, TalkLocal can connect you to the professionals in your area who have the answers. We give you instant access to countless relevant service professionals in your local area. You’ll never need to scour the newspaper or phonebook again.

How To Stay Cool In The Summer Heat: Windows

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

How To Stay Cool In The Summer Heat: Windows - Window Replacement

Once the weather warms up, we’re all looking at how to stay cool in the summer heat. A lot of us think of fans or air conditioning, and maybe a tall glass of lemonade.

But, did you know that your windows, or what’s on them, can make a profound difference in your comfort during the summer months? It’s true. If you’re willing to make an upfront investment and spend a little time, your windows can start keeping you cooler and helping lower your electric bill.

How? Two words: reflective glass.

What Is Reflecting Glass?

Reflecting glass, which has the same concept as low-e windows, is the miracle of how to stay cool in the summer heat. Whether you replace your current windows with reflective glass, apply reflective paint (don’t worry, you can still see through it), or install removable reflective window film, you can expect big savings and increased comfort. In fact, more homeowners — and even apartment-dwellers — than ever are learning the benefits of reflective windows.

What you can expect from reflective windows:

A cooler temperature. Heat is reflected away from your home. Additionally, furniture and floors absorb less heat so that less is radiated throughout the room. Even leather furniture stays comfortable.

Privacy. During the day, privacy is guaranteed by reflective windows. You’ll still want to close the curtains at night though, if the lights are on.

If reflective film is applied, windows become less likely to shatter in case of an accident or storm damage. In this regard, window film is less about how to stay cool in the summer heat and more about safety.

Some films reduce the temperature difference between inside and outside of the window glass. This leads to less condensation, which is especially great for homes with windows in wooden frames.

Reflective windows aren’t just for summer. In winter months, they can reflect heat back into the room, keeping it warmer and reducing heating costs.

Reflective glass offers protection from ultraviolet rays, which means curtains, carpets, and painted walls are less likely to fade and will need to be repainted or replaced far less often.

Who Can Replace My Windows?

Do reflective windows sound good to you? Now, all you need to do is find someone that can install them. TalkLocal has the answer. After collecting information about your needs, we find three local professionals that could be of service. You get to decide which one you want to go with. And our service is fast and free.

Cost Of A Push Mower

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

Cost Of A Push Mower - Landscapers

If you want to keep your yard looking nice and pest-free, you need to mow it often. A push mower is an affordable tool that allows you to mow your yard within a reasonable amount of time. If you are planning to buy a mower, you may be wondering how you can gauge the cost of a push mower. Price can vary depending on brand, features, and size. Here are some tips for finding the cost of a push mower.

Research Online

You can find out how much push mowers are selling for without even leaving your home. Simply do some research online with your favorite search engine and look for the average cost of a push mower. You can even visit store websites to see what mowers they have available online or in stock at the store closest to you. This will give you an idea of what to expect when you are ready to go shopping.

Compare Prices

If you know the brand or type of mower you want, don’t just buy the first one you find. Some stores may offer better deals than others on the very same products. Shop around online and store to store until you find the best price on the lawn mower you want. Some stores will price match others, so keep this in mind as you shop.

Warranties and Repairs

Remember, in most cases you get what you pay for. You may find a cheap push mower, but if it does not come with a warranty or free repairs within the first few months, you may not be getting as good of a deal as you think. Mowers work hard, and there are many things that can go wrong. In most cases it is worth the money to pay a little more for a mower which comes with a warranty.

Push mowers are not cheap tools, but they are necessary if you want to have a nice yard. Be smart when shopping for your next push mower and hopefully you can find one that is affordable and will last you for many years.

Need Help Mowing?

Whether you’re looking for someone to fix your broken mower or mow your lawn for you, TalkLocal is the answer. Through our website, you can connect almost instantly with local service professionals from virtually every industry. Give it a whirl!

Choose The Right Storage Facility

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

Choose The Right Storage Facility - Moving and Storage

Let’s face it — we have a lot of stuff.

Sometimes, when we clean, it’s easy to just get rid of a bunch of our stuff that we don’t use, need, or want anymore. Sometimes, though, it isn’t that easy. Maybe we don’t need it now, but what if we need it in the future? What if it becomes valuable again? This is when using a storage facility comes in handy. If you want to make sure you choose the right storage facility for your needs, ask yourself some of the following questions.

How much stuff do I have?

This is the most important thing to know if you want to choose the right storage facility. Storage facilities are organized by size. You pay for the size that you reserve. That means that if you only have a little bit of stuff, but you rent a giant storage container, you’re probably paying a lot more than you should. To get the most out of your facility, you should analyze what you need to keep there and how you can organize it to take up as little space as possible.

What kind of stuff do I have?

There are some things you just can’t store. For example, plants and animals don’t belong in a storage facility, even if you plan to go every day to care for them. If you are storing something large like an RV or automobile, you might look into whether the facility offers an area to park motor vehicles.

How much security do I need?

All storage facilities are pretty secure. Your individual unit is locked, and usually, the whole storage facility is locked as well. If you have items that you think need more security, you may look into a more secure facility, such as an indoor facility with a security alarm system. The bank also offers safe security deposit boxes for things like jewelry, rare coins, and important documents.

See What’s Available In Your Area

The answers to these questions will help guide you through the different types of storage facilities available. If you need help finding facilities near you, TalkLocal can always help connect you to the professionals in your area who can answer your questions.

What Is An Enrolled Agent?

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

What Is An Enrolled Agent - Accountants

Do you know a reliable enrolled agent? Or, are you still asking yourself: What is an enrolled agent?

This is an important question to consider, especially when it comes to tax time. These professionals can be an enormous resource in unwinding any tax issues you may have. Here is a little bit of information on what enrolled agents are and what they do.

What Is An Enrolled Agent?

Similar to a Certified Public Account or attorney, enrolled agents are licensed by the United State Department of Treasury to help represent tax payers when they are up against the Internal Revenue Service. However, CPAs and attorneys are licensed by their respective state, while enrolled agents are directly licensed from the federal government. Enrolled agents also must specialize in taxation, while some attorneys might not be experts in that area.

This, in a nutshell, puts them at the top tier of tax professionals.

When an enrolled agent represents a taxpayer in a tax case, they are granted by the federal government a confidentiality privilege. That means whatever information is exchanged between the enrolled agent and the tax payer can remain private.

How Does Someone Become An Enrolled Agent?

Again, much like CPAs, enrolled agents must past an extensive test to prove that they have a wide knowledge of every aspect of taxation. Enrolled agents do not have a specialized area of taxation in which they are experts. They have to have a very broad knowledge in order to appropriately represent any tax payer.

However, professionals who have worked in certain positions with the IRS for five years or more are automatically eligible to become enrolled agents.

Why Might I Need An Enrolled Agent?

Enrolled agents can represent you for an audit or collection. They can also do something so simple as prepare tax returns for you as an individual or for your business. They generally are a rock-solid resource about anything that has to do with taxes.

Where Can I Find One?

There are a number of resources you could use to find an enrolled agent, but TalkLocal can help you cut through that lengthy search. Use our service, specify that you are looking for an enrolled agent, and we will connect you with one in your area immediately.

Great Time Of Year For Fathers

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

Great Time Of Year For Fathers - Seva Call

It’s getting to the time of year where the sun is shining most days, footballs are being tossed around in backyards all over the country, and the bugs are in full force. Millions of the Americans that are enjoying the thrills of the summer are men who have devoted their lives to being the best men they can be. We take one day each year to recognize these men, and what better time of year to do this than when the grill is used almost everyday? This surely is a great time of year for fathers.

Today, June 16, is Fathers’ Day. Take some time to think about the men who have made the largest impact on your life — whether this is your father, an uncle, a grandfather, a friend’s dad, a mentor, or a boss — whoever it is, think of what they have done to make your life the best it can be.

Often, the things that make men caring and generous are the small things. This Fathers’ Day, think of the men who have been great male role models to you, because of the small things they’ve done. A quick hug on a sad day, holding an umbrella above your head while they stand in the rain to make sure you stay as dry as possible, or giving a bag of gummy bears to you just because.

Sometimes, these men impart values in more obvious ways. You may think they were giving you a driving lesson, but the real lesson they were teaching was responsibility. The test was when he actually handed you the keys, and you passed when you confessed about the dent on the bumper: honesty. And then he modeled forgiveness when he handed you the keys again. Often these lessons aren’t fun, but afterwards, you realize how much you learn from your male role models. It is often easy to forget that your male role models have helped you grow into a strong, driven, well-rounded individual.

Who are the males around you that have made large impacts on your life? Have you thanked them for their contribution to your life? Take this time, amongst the grilling, swimming, and bugs to really show these men what they’ve meant to you. They will be blessed beyond your knowledge.

Happy Father’s Day from the Seva Call Team.

Different Fencing Types

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Different Fencing Types - Handyman

Installing a fence can be a huge asset to any homeowner. Their ability to keep pets and children in, intruders out, and provide privacy makes fences desirable. Choosing among the different fencing types can seem overwhelming at first, but once you know which material is best for you, the decision becomes much easier.

Here are a few of the more common types of fencing:

Wood: Prior to metal and vinyl, wood was the only material used to build fences. Modern wooden fences no longer carry with them the problems of older ones, as metal fastenings are now designed to prevent warping. Often, wooden fencing provides excellent privacy and is usually chosen over other types for aesthetic purposes. Also, wood is commonly more affordable than the other materials.

Steel: These fences are very durable and require little maintenance. They are susceptible to rust and are rarely used for privacy purposes. Steel fencing can be produced in a variety of ornate designs, and would be chosen over wood for its rigid structure or aesthetic purposes.

Vinyl: This type of fencing has become very popular in privacy fence construction. It is lightweight, cleans easily, and requires little to no maintenance. While it is durable, it is not (generally) as durable as steel or wood. It does, however, provide a less expensive alternative.

Chain Link: This is probably the most common of the different fencing types. Available in a variety of sizes, chain link fences are easy to construct with the right tools, and are relatively inexpensive compared to their more private counterparts. They also are very durable. If your main concern is keeping pets and children in or intruders out, chain link may certainly be the best of the different fencing types.

You Are Not Alone

If you need help choosing from the different fencing types or simply want help installing a fence, call in an expert. TalkLocal will put you in touch with a handyman near you at no charge. Let us help you improve the function of your yard.

How To Use A Wedge To Chop Wood

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

How To Use A Wedge To Chop Wood - Handyman

Whether you need wood for a fireplace in your home, or your are tasked with moving a large, fallen tree, you may find yourself in need of chopping it. Large pieces of wood are sometimes hard to split and chop, and therefore, require the use of a wedge.

If you don’t know how to use a wedge to chop wood, you should definitely learn before you attempt to do so. The wedge is pounded into the wood and used to break it apart. Although this may seem like a simple concept, there is actually a process involved and safety precautions that should be considered.

1. Wear safety gear such as gloves and goggles. As the wood is splitting, small pieces of it can splinter off and fly through the air. If they hit your hand or eyes, they could cause severe injuries. The proper safety gear will protect you from such a scenario.

2. Cut large logs into short and round pieces that are no longer than three feet. This will give you pieces which are the perfect size to work with, making the wedge more effective and make the task easier for you.

3. Flip one of your rounds on its side on a level piece of ground. Find a crack towards the center of the round, and place the wedge in it. When you are learning how to use a wedge to chop wood, you should remember that the center of the wood is the hardest part to split. Although you want the wedge near the center, it should be moved a couple of inches to one side or the other.

4. Bring your sledgehammer up over your shoulder and down onto the wedge. Repeat to pound the wedge into the wood. The further down that the wedge goes, the more the wood will be split. Eventually, it will break apart.

5. Split the wood as much as needed. Small rounds can be split in half, but larger ones may need to be split into quarters.

How To Find A Wedge Or Seek Help

Knowing how to use a wedge to chop wood is valuable knowledge and will make the job of splitting wood much easier. You can find wedges at most home and garden stores and many hardware stores.

If you need help finding a wedge, or would like to call on a professional to chop wood, use TalkLocal. No matter what type of professional you are looking for, they are only a few clicks away at our website.

Abscessed Tooth Treatment

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Abscessed Tooth Treatment - Dentists

An abscessed tooth can be extremely painful. It can prevent you from eating and brushing properly. If left untreated, it can even result in severe infections that can harm your teeth and other parts of your mouth.

The best thing to do for an abscessed tooth is to go to the dentist. If you can’t afford a dentist or there is a long wait until your next appointment, you may have to perform your own abscessed tooth treatment at home. Although this treatment may stop the pain for a while, it should not replace a professional treatment from a dentist.

Pain Medicine

If you are experiencing pain from an abscessed tooth, you can take some pain medicine to help stop or reduce it. You can find medicines which can be applied straight to your tooth or that can be taken orally. If one pain medicine is not helping, you can alternate different ones every four to six hours, or as directed on the bottles.

Clove Oil Rinse

If you can find a mouthwash which contains clove oil, rinse with it several times a day until the pain from the abscess subsides. Clove oil will act as a pain reliever and help reduce the spread of infection in your mouth.

Salt Water Rinse

A salt water rinse is a fast and effective way to reduce tooth pain from an abscess. Add as much salt as you want to a quarter cup of water and rinse as often as desired. The salt water will reduce the inflammation of your gums caused by the infection and help relieve the pain.

Doing your own abscessed tooth treatment at home is a temporary way to reduce the pain associated with a tooth abscess. Because a tooth abscess can be a symptom of a more serious tooth problem, it is best to consult a dentist as soon as possible.

Finding A Dentist In Your Area

You do not want to trust your mouth with just anybody. This makes the search process for a quality dentist time-consuming. It doesn’t have to be. With TalkLocal, you can specify exactly what you are looking for in a dentist, and only those who qualify will be connected with you. The best part is that you will still be given three different options to chose from.

What Does WiFi Stand For?

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

What Does WiFi Stand For? - Computer Repair

If you are desperately searching for somewhere to use your laptop and check your e-mail, the now-famous WiFi symbol is probably a beautiful sight. You have probably heard the term WiFi many times before, and you probably even know what it means.

But, what does WiFi stand for? Here is your answer and a little bit more information on this now-common area of technology.

What Does WiFi Stand For?

The term WiFi is an abbreviated version of the term “wireless fidelity”. WiFi is the most common term used for a wireless internet network, which is overwhelmingly prevalent among public businesses or establishments.

You will often hear people ask in public “Do you have WiFi?” This simply means they are searching for a place that offers wireless internet that they can utilize on their own computer.

What Do You Need For WiFi?

Wireless internet is so common these days that you are probably utilizing WiFi technology right now. A wireless setup consists of a modem, which generates the connection via a cable system, and a wireless router. The router sends out the internet connection through the air in frequencies.

To use wireless internet, your computer must be equipped with some sort of wireless internet card or device. Unless your computer or laptop is very old, it probably is already equipped with one.

So, I Can Use Any WiFi?

Most individuals and some businesses password protect their WiFi so that you can’t use it without permission. This is especially smart for individuals, who do not want their neighbors using their WiFi and slowing down the connection.

Need Help Installing WiFi?

Many people grapple with setting up WiFi, especially if it is in a commercial setting and the network must accommodate multiple users. For help, do not hesitate to visit TalkLocal, where we can connect you with numerous local tech professionals that can handle the job.