Archive for 2013


Reasons For Hiring A Personal Trainer

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

Reasons For Hiring A Personal Trainer - Personal Trainers

Getting into the gym and making good choices in the kitchen are two incredibly difficult lifestyle changes that require a great deal of self-discipline. Sometimes, even if you have that self-discipline, not knowing how to do what you need to do can stop you from being successful.

This is one of the most popular reasons for hiring a personal trainer. Although everyone has his or her own reasons, hiring a personal trainer can be beneficial for your health and lifestyle.

Check out some of the beneficial reasons for hiring a personal trainer listed below.

You’re Simply Uninformed

As mentioned above, even if you have the discipline and will power, if you don’t know what to do, you won’t see results. A personal trainer is knowledgeable about how the body works and can apply that knowledge to your needs and your situation. They know what you need to know and can share that knowledge with you first hand.

You Want To Stay Safe

No matter what shape you’re in, you don’t want to overwork yourself. You also don’t want to misuse a machine or weight set and injure yourself. Having a personal trainer on hand to tell you what machines to use, what exercises to practice and how to do them properly can help you avoid those injuries (as well as possible embarrassment!).

You Need Motivation

Keeping up an exercise routine is challenging as it is. A personal trainer will not only see the results you don’t see, but he or she will be able to keep pushing you when you feel like giving up. Knowing you’ve got that appointment set can motivate you to keep working out. When the workout gets tough, having your trainer there to tell you not to give up and encourage you can really make a world of a difference.

You Need To Be Healthy

Hands down, if you’re one of the millions of people who struggle every day to get healthy on your own, you might just need some assistance. Look at it this way: If you were trying to learn a new language and struggling, you wouldn’t hesitate to hire a tutor, right? Changing to a healthy lifestyle is like learning a new language — it’s foreign and it’s tough. A personal trainer can translate for you.

Now Go Find One!

To connect with a personal trainer or health professional in your area, use TalkLocal. We’ll find the people you need to help you walk the path to a healthier lifestyle today.

What Do Pet Rats Eat?

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

What Do Pet Rats Eat? - Veterinarians

Pet rats have moved to the forefront of the pet trade in recent years. Rats are smart, clean, social, and fairly easy to care for. Enclosures can be as simple or complex as the hobbyist prefers, and even fancy rats are affordable and plentiful in the pet trade.

If you’re thinking about trying a rat as a pet, you’ll want to do a bit of research on the types of enclosures they like, and what specific things you’ll need to buy in order to care for them properly. Most importantly, you’ll want to have a very good handle on what do pet rats eat?

Food Blocks

There are commercially-made rat blocks which can provide basic nutrition for your pet rat. These may sound boring, and they are, but food blocks are inexpensive and good at meeting your pet’s basic food requirements. Avoid using food formulated for other small animals. Most small rodent feed (for gerbils, hamsters, and the like) contains alfalfa, which rats cannot digest. Instead of buying pricey commercial rat treats, vets agree that it’s okay to feed rats small amounts of healthy, people food.

Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and veggies can be fed to rats in small amounts — roughly the size of a sugar cube or small dice. If pet rats eat too much complex sugar, it can cause dehydration, which is bad news. Cooked lean meats are okay in small amounts if you’re comfortable with that.

Other vet-approved rat treats include brown rice, plain yogurt, mealworms, small dog treats, or whole wheat bread or cooked pasta. Rats are somewhere between a dog and a person in terms of what they eat and what they should avoid.

Rats: Living Garbage Disposals

Like dogs, pet rats eat pretty much whatever humans will let them have. The question changes from “What do pet rats eat?” to “What won’t they eat”. Still, be a good human, and keep these danger foods away from your rats:

– Chocolate

– Raw beans or sweet potatoes

– Cabbage or brussel sprouts

– Anything carbonated or caffeinated

– Anything you would call “junk food”

Looking For a Vet?

You can always bring your rat to a vet if you are concerned about its diet or health. You likely have many vets to choose from in your area, some of which do not service rats. If you use TalkLocal, you can instantly weed out any vets that do not meet your needs so you can choose one that can help.

Cost Of Having A Key Made

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Cost Of Having A Key Made - Locksmiths

If you are in need of an extra key, or have lost the keys to your home, automobile or lock, you may have to have a key made. In most situations, having a quality key made is a fairly simple and inexpensive process.

Many retail stores and locksmiths can make you a key in no time and only charge a small fee to do it. Some situations call for more work and therefore, cost more money. Before you decide to inquire about locksmith or key making services, you may want to know the average cost of having a key made.

Basic Keys: If you need a basic door key or car key copied, a locksmith or store employee can assist you. These basic keys usually cost less than three dollars a piece. These can be made by a locksmith or an employee at a local hardware store who knows how to operate automatic key-making equipment. Some stores offer customers access to do-it-yourself machines, too.

Specialized Keys: Keys that are used to open safes, luggage, diaries, or jewelry boxes usually cost around four dollars. If you want extra keys for these types of locks, you can easily find them. If you lose your keys often, you may want to consider buying the extras.

High-Security Keys: Keys for high-security locks tend to be some of the most expensive keys to have made. They can cost anywhere between $10 and $20 and require a skilled locksmith who has had the proper training to make them. These types of keys require precise cutting and can only be made by a professional.

Certain Car Keys: Car keys which contain electronic chips can be expensive to copy or have made. Usually the car manufacturer will ask to have the key sent to their nearest factory and copy the key there. Some auto parts stores may be able to make car keys with electronic chips as well. Be prepared to pay up to a couple hundred dollars to have one of these keys made.

The cost of having a key made can vary depending on the type of key you need. The best way to avoid spending a lot of money on key copies is to protect your extra keys and keep them in a safe place at all times.

Find Local Locksmiths

If you find yourself locked out of your home or car, or you need a replacement key, don’t waste time leafing through a phonebook for help. Hop on to TalkLocal and submit an inquiry. Someone who can help will give you a call in a matter of minutes.

Seva Call Is Firing Up In Kansas City

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Seva Call Is Firing Up In Kansas City - Seva Call

Imagine this: it’s a week before the Great Lenexa BBQ Battle. You’ve already got your personally-designed, slow-cooker safely stowed away in the U-Haul, and you’ve left just enough room for the kids in the backseat of your truck between two boxes of your finest homemade BBQ. You wake up, cross another day off your June calendar when suddenly, a pang hits your lower jaw.

Fear strikes. It’s a worst-case scenario.

You’ve got a toothache.

How are you supposed to enjoy all the pulled pork, beef brisket, slow-cooked goodness that is the Great Lenexa BBQ Battle with a toothache? You need your jaw in tip-top shape, and you need it fast!

Seva Call Is Firing Up In Kansas City!

Well you can toss those fears in the flames with the charcoal because Seva Call is firing up in Kansas City, Missouri. Seva Call can find you a nearby dentist in 90 seconds or less. All you need to do is check out Seva Call’s search engine and type in the service you need and where you need it. Then, stand by to hear from 3 top-rated service professionals who’ve already been vetted based on proximity, schedule, and consumer reviews. Plus, while they’ll already know what you need, they won’t have your personal information.

“The barbecue may cook slow, but it goes fast,” Seva Man says, on the road from Fort Wayne. “There’s no time to search the web or peruse the phonebook. We’ll connect you with three reputable dentists so that you can munch on barbecue with them best of them.”

If you’re in Kansas City, in pain, under-stressed, over-worked, and in full-fledged crisis mode, have Seva Call connect you to the help you need in over 50 service categories like handyman or auto-repair; and be sure to connect with us via Facebook and Twitter!

Benefits Of An Esalen Massage

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Benefits Of An Esalen Massage - Massage Therapy

As a fairly new type of massage therapy, Esalen Massage has a small cloud of confusion around it. There are many benefits of an Esalen Massage, easily explained by its origin and reason for practices.

Esalen Massage, named for a Native American tribe that lived in the part of California where the massage style originated, is all about the importance of touch to the human body.

The Benefits Of An Esalen Massage Include:

Personalized treatment: Esalen Massage is a unique massage treatment combining different facets of all sorts of massage styles based on your needs and the experiences of your massage therapist. Instead of getting a typical Swedish massage, or the same style of deep tissue massage that the next guy gets, you’ll have a unique massage suited specifically to your needs. Your therapist will draw on his or her experiences gained by helping others with similar and different needs. With fewer guidelines, Esalen Massage has more freedom to meet your needs instead of straining to follow a list of rules.

Personal touch and human contact: Once the massage begins, no matter what style the massage therapist uses for inspiration, he or she will constantly keep a point of contact with your body. You will not stop feeling your therapist’s hands or arms until the massage ends. This is based on the philosophy that human contact is vital to our health and happiness, and that having contact helps relieve the stresses and anxieties that arise from daily life.

Reading your body: Sometimes, we feel pain in our neck that is actually caused by our spine. Sometimes we don’t even realize that certain muscles are sore and require more attention. Your Esalen Massage therapist, while constantly massaging your body, will read its reactions to determine what areas truly need attention. Or bodies might trick us, but they don’t trick a professional Esalen Massage therapist.

TalkLocal Helps You Find Massage Therapists

Although this is a new style of massage founded within the last half century, there are already therapists who are considered to be experts in the field. If you need help connecting with an Esalen Massage professional, TalkLocal can help. Our service helps you immediately weed out all massage therapists that do not offer this form of massage, thus, saving you time and energy.

Outdoor Fire Pit Designs

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Outdoor Fire Pit Designs - Landscapers

Summer is in full effect around the United States, which is prime time for gathering around a fire for a cookout, to toast marshmallows or just to hang out. With the advent of both portable and built-in fire pits, having a fire in a suburban setting has never been easier.

Not only do outdoor fire pits serve a function, but they have transformed into decorator pieces and might be a welcomed addition to your landscape if employed tastefully.

If you are trying to gauge whether or not an outdoor fire pit might be right for your landscape, here are some outdoor fire pit designs that you can mull over.

Traditional fire rings: These are classic, round fire pits. They can be constructed out of a variety of materials, from bricks to rocks. The material is placed in a ring around the fire pit in order to contain the kindling. These can either be dug into the ground or raised above it. This is easily one of the most common outdoor fire pit designs.

Fire bowls: Think of a large, round planting bowl. Instead of a plant and soil inside, picture a fire. That’s what fire bowls are: a modern, chic take on fire pits. These are one of the trendy outdoor fire pit designs that go well in suburban settings.

Fire tables: With today’s technology, you can have a fire pit right on the dinner table. These are called fire tables, and they take small fire pits (in a variety of shapes and sizes) and incorporate them into a table. This way, you can enjoy the warmth of a fire and not have to be sitting next to a fire pit.

Gas/propane pits: If your fire is more for show and you do not want to mess with gathering wood and paper to start it, a gas or propane pit might be for you. While these come in a variety of styles, one thing remains the same — they are operated on gas or propane. This technology is often implemented both in fire bowls and fire tables. There is never any mess to clean up.

Find Help Installing A Fire Pit

If a fire pit is going to be a permanent part of your landscape, you might want to let the pros handle it. If you are looking for a landscaper in your area that can get the job done, you are in luck — TalkLocal can help.

When you submit an inquiry with TalkLocal, you can specify exactly what services you need. We will only connect you with people who can help. You will no longer have to waste your time talking to unqualified professionals again.

Storage Facilities For RVs

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Storage Facilities For RVs - Moving and Storage

It can be incredibly enjoyable to own an RV — but not so much when you aren’t on the open road. Finding a place to store these mammoth vehicles can be a pain in the neck. You don’t want such a huge monstrosity occupying your driveway all year. Luckily, just as there are storage facilities for wine, you can also find storage facilities for RVs. Often, property that houses storage garages set aside space just for RVs.

Before you go out shopping for storage facilities for RVs, consider some of the following factors.

Indoor Or Outdoor Storage

You should start by determining whether you want to store your RV inside or outside. Parking your RV outdoors requires less accommodation on behalf of the storage facility, and, therefore, it will be cheaper. However, if you would like to protect your RV from the elements, indoor storage is the way to go.

Indoor Storage

Get precise measurements for your RV so that you can shop for a storage garage which can appropriately contain it. Make sure to give yourself a significant amount of extra space so you can maneuver the RV and walk around in the garage. Also, determine if the indoor facility has hookups for electric or sanitation. Many RVs need to be plugged in while not is use to keep their electrical components intact.

Outdoor Storage

You will still want to measure your RV so that you can give accurate dimensions to the storage facility. Once parked, cover the RV with a tarp or other protective barrier to shield it from the elements. Electrical and sanitation hookups are also sometimes available in outdoor settings, as well.

Have The Proper Documentation On Hand

The storage facility wants to know that you legally own the RV. For that reason, be prepared to show your registration and proof of insurance. The insurance is key, because many facilities do not cover RVs under their own insurance policy.

Also, make sure that your license plate and tags are up-to-date. This is another requirement for many facilities which house RVs.

Find A Storage Facility Near You

If you are looking for storage facilities for RVs or any other items, TalkLocal can help. You can skip the old dance of searching in the phonebook and simply type in what you’re looking for. We’ll hook you up with someone who can help instantly!

What Is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy?

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

What Is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy - Chiropractors

With increased technology and growing medical knowledge, medical professionals are constantly inventing more efficient ways of remedying aches and pains in bones, muscles, and joints. One of the newer methods is called Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy. What Is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy? That’s a good question.

Not Really New

Some might label Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy as a new method, but in reality, it’s been around since the 1990s. However, as of late, technology has changed the way this treatment is administered. Unlike the method of old, which saw a patient put under local anesthesia, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is an outpatient treatment that can be done easily and with little pain or discomfort.

What Does Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Treat?

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is a treatment method for those who experience plantar fasciitis. In layman’s terms, this is inflammation in the connecting tissue of certain joints. This can be found in the elbow, heel, or other areas of the body.

Many of these conditions are contracted by particularly active individuals, such as athletes. Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is one of many non-invasive options for treating such an issue. It is important to explore with your doctor whether or not this is appropriate for your unique condition.

How Does It Work?

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy uses sound waves to cure the inflammation in various areas of the body. This is very much akin to the procedure administered to individuals who have kidney stones. Just like the sound waves in that procedure pulverize renal stones, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy uses the technology to cure plantar fasciitis.

Benefits Of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

The primary benefits of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy are that it is not invasive and is, for the most part, effective. This treatment spares a patient from a physically taxing surgery.

Who Can I Talk To About Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy?

A few choice chiropractors might be able to better answer the question: What Is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy? Finding one in your local area might seem impossible. With TalkLocal, you can specify exactly what you are looking for, and we’ll find the professional for you. It saves you time, and our service is absolutely free.

Outdoor Cleaning Detergents

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Outdoor Cleaning Detergents - Handyman

If you have patio furniture with cloth cushions, you may notice that they have become dirty and dingy. Before you spend money on new cushions or an entirely new patio set, consider using one of the many outdoor cleaning detergents on the market that will clean your cushions. These detergents are affordable and effective and will have your patio furniture looking as good as new in no time.

How To Use Outdoor Cleaning Detergents

1. Determine the type of fabric that your patio furniture cushions are made of. Certain outdoor cleaning detergents are made for specific types of fabric. If you use the wrong detergent on the wrong fabric, it could damage the cushions. Once you know what the cushions are covered and stuffed with, you can read the detergent bottle to find out if it is safe to use on them.

2. Dampen your patio furniture slightly to prepare it for the detergent. Most outdoor cushions are treated with products that cause them to repel liquid. When the cushions are damp, they will be more likely to absorb the cleaning solution. Read the instructions on the detergent bottle to find out how long the solution should stay on the cushions and if it needs to be rinsed off at any point.

3. Consider spot cleaning the furniture instead of trying to clean it all at once. If you have stained or very dirty cushions, spray on the detergent and let it soak in for a little longer than what the bottle says. Use a soft scrub brush to help work the detergent into the cushions and remove stains and heavy dirt marks.

4. Store your furniture during the winter months to prevent it from becoming damaged. Before you store it for the season, be sure to clean it. If you store your cushions while they are dirty, the dirt and stains will have longer to set in, and will be harder to remove when you are ready to use the furniture again in the spring or summer.

There are many types of outdoor cleaning detergents on the market. Some can be used on multiple fabrics and others are designed to be used on one or two specific types. Regardless of what type of cushions you have, you can be sure that you will find a detergent that works for you.

Need Help Cleaning?

Cleaning outdoor furniture and equipment isn’t usually a job reserved for a maid. A more qualified handyman is usually in order. At TalkLocal, we can connect you with the right professional. Simply enter in a little bit of information about the services you require, and we’ll go to work finding someone for you.

Static Through Lenovo Speakers

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Static Through Lenovo Speakers - Computer Repair

Having speakers emit static or crackling noises is a very annoying issue to deal with, especially when you don’t know what’s causing the static. The problem could be a multitude of issues, including magnetic interference or the cables not being plugged in all the way. Even a laptop brand as reliable as Lenovo can have issues. Here are a few basic things you can do to stop hearing static through Lenovo speakers.

Check the Cables

First, make sure everything is plugged in correctly. This is the most overlooked problem which takes 2 seconds to solve. Unplugged or loose cables can cause static interference if they are not plugged in all the way. Check your speaker cable, which is usually on the back of a desktop or the side of a laptop, and push it in. If you want to, you can take the cable out and wipe it with a soft material before plugging it back in if it is dirty. Check to see if your wires are tangled with any power cables as well, as this can cause electrical interference. Untangle them if that’s the issue.

Shielded vs. Unshielded Speakers

An interesting fact you may not know is that speakers have magnets inside of them. These magnets can interfere with other electronics, so computer speakers are usually shielded to prevent this. However, if your speakers are unshielded you may need to move them a little further away from your monitor to prevent this interference.

Volume Control

Check the volume settings on your computer, and check to see if the levels are maxed out. The Volume Control is located in the Windows Control Panel under Sound. If the volume settings are set too high, this can cause static, because the sound coming out of your computer is too loud for your speakers. Balance the volume control so that the volume is not too loud for your speakers.

Still Need Help?

If all else fails, you should use TalkLocal to get the best help you can get quickly from local IT service professionals. Just tell us what you need, where you are, and when you’re available, and we will connect you with up to three, high-quality professionals in your area, in just minutes. And, our service is free!