Written by Dallea Caldwell
Isn’t it ironic that the same people who claim not to “need a holiday to show people that they care” are the very ones who, without a romantic bone in their body, never manage to do so any other day of the year?
I mean, we don’t need a holiday to eat turkey and apple pie, but where are the complaints about that?
Why Celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Sure, romantic gestures and affectionate words are hollow when not matched by acts of love and fidelity. But, dismissing a holiday dedicated entirely to romantic gestures and affectionate words makes it seem as if people don’t need these things to feel cared for and appreciated. Newsflash: of course, they do!
Communication, a system of gestures and words, evolved because it’s the only way for people to understand how others feel…short of mind-reading.
Still, many people feel justified in ignoring this most glaringly opportune moment to show appreciation for loved ones, which begs the question: How many other less obvious moments do they let pass them by?
At bottom, discarding Valentine’s Day as just a so-called ploy by Hallmark and the candy and flower industries is no better an excuse than “I was tired”, “I was busy”, or “I had a lot on my plate”.
Placing love on the back-burner is never justified. But now, when the whole world (and yes, its corporations too) are agreeing to collectively place love #1 on everyone’s to-do list for once, ignoring that call is down-right unconscionable.
The day after Valentine’s Day is no more promised to us than any other day of the year.
So, even if…
– Expectations and pressures are higher than red pumps…
– Pink and red marketing campaigns bombard you earlier every year…
– You feel like a bull wearing rose-colored glasses…
– The compulsory nature better suits filing taxes than sharing a moment of profound warmth and connection..
…set aside time to celebrate love and your loved ones on Valentine’s Day, and promise to spend the rest of your year celebrating in various ways, as well. This Valentine’s Day is as good an excuse as any.
And, if V-Day is the perfect excuse for a couple’s massage, a limousine ride, or something else special, go to www.talklocal.com to make your Valentine’s Day planning experience something else to love.