How to Fix a Kicked In Door


If you’re reading this, your door is kicked in, so either you or one of your friends has some serious anger management issues. We’ll teach you how to fix a kicked in door just this once, but as a preventative measure I’d probably head to your nearest therapist’s office…

1.     Break in the seam between the door jam and the trim

2.     Remove the strike plate

3.     Pull out the piece from the wall

4.     Remove excess wood and sand over the area

5.     Apply wood epoxy into the cracks

6.     Hold together the area using screws in the door jam

7.     Wipe off extra epoxy and after the area is dry, sand it down again

8.     Screw your new strike plate into place

9.     Nail the trim back into place

10.   Test the door!

Or if you’re not in the mood to fix your kicked in door by yourself, let TalkLocal call a professional and have this fixed for you!

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