An unprepared vegetable garden is no match for even a slight frost…so to make next year’s work easier, your garden must be protected. That’s why now is the time to prepare your vegetable garden. Winter is coming — and, unlike in Game of Thrones, it won’t take seven years to arrive. Follow these four easy steps to protect your garden from the harsh weather conditions.
1. Clear out old plants. This will prevent growth of undesired mold or disease and take a step out of your way next year. Rotting plants can pollute the soil and ruin subsequent crops, so be sure to get up all of the roots. This debris can be used for composting.
2. Setting aside an area for composting will give you great soil come next year. Dig trenches in your garden and fill them with organic debris. The heat from the trenches will facilitate the decomposition process, helping create extremely fertile soil.
3. If you have immature vegetables that might die during the winter, you can preserve them for the next season by digging them up (get up all of the roots without harming them) and burying them headfirst with the roots sticking out of the ground. As strange as it may sound, the relative warmth of the soil will keep the vegetable from dying in the frost.
4. Cover the soil with a tarp to protect it from direct exposure to frost. Frost can damage the soil, making it less suitable for rearing plants in subsequent years.
Whenever dealing with gardens, the best possible option is to seek the assistance of a professional landscaper. With TalkLocal’s assistance, you can find one with the right experience and schedule you need – for free. Don’t wait for the winter to draw any closer; head over to TalkLocal and let us show you how easy it is to find a local landscaper before Jack Frost comes knocking on your door.