So, it’s week four for me here as a TalkLocal Intern (yes, that’s an official title). I started working just a bit after everyone else, but the arrival of others after me luckily took “the new one” label off my back fairly quickly. Although I wasn’t quite sure what my daily activities would be when I first showed up, I’m finding my days filled up with lots of different things! To name a few…
Blogs (like this one?) – In addition to looking through companies in TalkLocal’s specific industries, I get to write tip-and-trick-type articles involving said industries. Who would have thought there was so much about computers, locksmiths, and HVAC that I didn’t know? Okay, anyone could have called that one. But it’s actually been quite informative! Anyone need advice on choosing the best home security system? You could definitely hit me up now.
Videos – Although I didn’t think this was going to be a project of mine at the start, the other Interns have very graciously welcomed me in. Reading the scripts, filming, and editing these are probably the most fun parts of every day. I’ve never thought about it before, but perhaps breaking into the movie/television industry would be a great career move! Or maybe my acting skills in the videos prove otherwise… :S Hey, a girl can dream.
Lunch breaks – It’s lunch. And a break. What’s not to like? This is a great time to get to know the other Interns too. We come from different places and schools all over the country, and it’s fun to share stories with a new crowd. Working at TalkLocal is fun and social in itself, so the addition of pizza is definitely not hurting anyone’s feelings.
So, like I said, my days here are jam-packed with stuff to do. There are always new projects to think about, so I don’t see myself slowing down anytime soon! And I’m sure the office will only prove itself more entertaining as we go along, so stay tuned for more from the life of a TalkLocal Intern. Until next time!