How to Invert Colors in Windows 7

How to Invert Colors in Windows 7 Computer Repair

An optimized color scheme in Windows can put less strain on your eye, which is very efficient for the speed of comprehending what’s on your screen as well as your optical vision. To improve your experience, read below to learn how to invert colors in Windows 7.

What to Do

Click on the Start button on the bottom left of your screen. A search bar should come up directly above the button once your click it. Click on the search bar and type, “magnifier”. Click on the magnifier and it should come up.

When the magnifier comes up, your computer’s screen will zoom itself in. Repeatedly click on the (-) icon until the zoom is normal. Then click on the gray gear on the magnifier application to open up the preferences screen.

On top, there is a scale for adjusting the zoom. Below that is an option for the color inversion. Click on it.

Click on the option and press “OK”. Your colors should be now inverted. If you want to change your settings back, simply access the magnifier again and uncheck the option/move the zoom bar around to your satisfaction.

You can also right click the magnifier application to pin it to the task bar (the bar on the bottom of your screen that shows up what applications you are using) to access it easily on the future. Right clicking the application should bring out the option “Pin to taskbar” that will allow for this.


Using inverted color may not only be softer for your eyes but may be saving computer battery. Although it’s minimal, the computer uses less power to represent a black pixel than a white pixel. For a more direct way to save battery, adjust the brightness of your screen.

Additional Help

If you feel like you need professional help on how to invert colors in Windows 7, TalkLocal can help with finding the correct local experts in this case, saving you time and energy in what may be a stressful situation.

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