Show A Little Appreciation This Mother’s Day

mothers day

The loving human mother is an especially amazing specimen. Her highly-evolved offspring requires among the longest incubation period of any species. The nutrient deprivation and extended period of vulnerability inherent in this process alone is daunting, even if infants were born walking and nearly self-sufficient, like other offspring.

Instead, the trajectory of post-natal development rendered this impossible, even for our primate ancestors. Add to that the unique demands of civilization, and you have a highly-involved breed of mothering which often becomes a fixed pattern of behavior for life. What makes this even more astonishing is that, due to a complex brain structure, the human mother is uniquely unrestricted by mere instinct. She is freed from the reigns of genetically prescribed behavioral patterns; so love is nature’s only possible weapon to ensure the caring sacrifice of a mother for her child — so integral to the continuance of our species.

Let’s show all of the mothers in our lives a little appreciation this Mother’s Day, and every day. You could even treat your mother to her own special day, fit with flowers, a day at the spa, her own personal chauffeur for the day, or a full, professional cleaning of her home.

Happy Mother’s Day!

The Seva Call Team

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