Greetings, citizens of Spartanburg, South Carolina! We have news, but don’t kick the messenger into a bottomless pit while shouting “THIS IS SPARTAnburg!!!” in your manliest, maniacal yawp. This is good news! Still, just to be safe, I’ll step aside and pass this message over to Seva Man.
(Seva Man bravely steps forward, and with a swoop of his cape, kneels graciously at your feet — though not within kicking distance.)
“We humble servants of TalkLocal,” Seva Man begins ceremoniously while looking around for swinging, sandaled feet, and bottomless pits, “would like to forge an alliance with the magnificent people of Spartanburg.”
Well, that went over without bloodshed. And that’s right Spartanburgers, TalkLocal — the local pro finding virtual concierge (formerly known as Seva Call) — is sending it’s time-saving troops to Spartanburg to banish the twin evils of inconvenience and incompatibility.
With TalkLocal, finding one of the 1,200 local search professionals in Spartanburg is this easy:
Our algorithm constantly researches local pros and vets them based on location, availability, skill set, and even quality assurance indicators like call analytics, online reviews, and social media interaction.
In about 90 seconds, users talk to a top-rated local professional who knows their problem and wants to help on the consumer’s schedule. Plus, because we connect them through our secure line, their contact information remains private unless the consumer chooses to share it.
So, no more battling phone directories, review sites, voicemail, and email to get help for your local service needs. Our army features over 50 service categories including plumbers, painters, and handyman. So, when it’s time to call the cavalry, get convenient, secure, personal attention on the line using TalkLocal!