Archive for the ‘Computer Repair’ Category


How to Fix a Laptop Speaker

Friday, September 14th, 2012

How to Fix a Laptop Speaker Computer Repair

Your laptop speakers, unlike most desktop speaker sets, are integrated into the laptop case. This makes it very difficult to diagnose a problem of busted laptop speakers. Fortunately, there are some ways to diagnose your issue and resolve them.  However, if the speakers having a faulty connection, it may be easiest to call a professional to do the work, rather than personally disassembling your laptop (especially if you are uncomfortable with it). If you still want to learn how to fix a laptop speaker, then read on below.

Sound Drivers

Outdated sound drivers may also be a potential source of the speaker problems.  You should first open up the Device Manager in your system (you can simply search in the start button “Device manager”), then open the Sound tab and choose the speaker device.  Right-click on that device and then click on the Driver tab. Then click “Update Driver,” which should do the rest of the process automatically.

Sound Card Issues

The easiest thing to do first is to check that your speakers are not malfunctioning due to a faulty connection.  Simply plug some headphones into the headphone jack. If you hear sound, then there may be a faulty connection to your speakers.  Verify that the sound isn’t muted and the slider is all the way up.  If there continues to be no sound, you may also want to do a system restore to the point that you originally had working speakers to make sure that a software configuration did not cause the problem.

If you think there may be a faulty connection to your speakers, it’s highly recommended that you contact a computer repair professional to help fix your speakers, as disassembling and working with laptop internal parts is quite hard.  TalkLocal can put you in contact with highly rated local IT professionals in just minutes, so you’ll have this problem taken care of in no time.  Simply input your problem and you’ll get calls up from three professionals instantly!

Do Cooling Pads for Laptops Work

Friday, September 14th, 2012

Do Cooling Pads for Laptops Work Computer Repair

Laptops are much easier to use than desktop computer because they are portable, allowing you to work wherever. However, they do have one major drawback. Laptops can often overheat causing them to run slowly or even stop working entirely so you might be wondering, do cooling pads for laptops work?

Why Laptops Overheat

In order to make your laptop smaller, the parts inside of it need to be compacted and cramped into a very small space, which causes the laptop to get hot. When the laptop becomes too hot, it will not work correctly. Laptops are built with cooling fans in order to help deal with this problem. Cooling fans within laptops help decrease the temperature to a degree, but laptops still tend to overheat if you actually put them on your lap. If you keep your laptop on a flat surface, such as your desk, they will usually stay at a temperature that will allow your computer to continue to function properly.

Cooling Pads Allow You to Use Your Laptop on Your Lap

Cooling pads provide a flat surface for you to rest your laptop on, so that you can work on your laptop from your lap without the computer overheating. Laptop cooling pads are typically made with a material such as aluminum or plastic that will absorb the heat coming from your laptop, unlike your body. Some cooling pads even have fans that will help to reduce the temperature of your laptop even more.

Other Tips for Keeping Your Laptop from Overheating

In addition to using a cooling pad, there are some other things that you can do to keep your laptop from overheating and keep it functioning properly:

– Make sure to clean the cooling fans and cooling vents in your laptop regularly.

– Use your laptop somewhere with space where it will get proper ventilation.

– Avoid placing your laptop on soft surfaces like your lap or bed. Use hard surfaces like a desk.

– If your laptop starts to become very hot, use a lower power setting in order to lower the heat.

If you are using a cooling pad and keeping your laptop properly ventilated, but it is still overheated and not functioning properly, there may be something wrong with your computer. You can contact a computer repair professional with the help of TalkLocal and be on the phone in minutes with up to three high quality computer repair professionals in your area that are available when you are.

How to Set Up Slingbox on a Remote Computer

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

How to Set Up Slingbox on a Remote Computer Computer Repair

A slingbox is a device that allows you to stream TV media straight to your computer via the internet.  It is a handy device that allows you to watch your favorite television shows and recorded episodes from your computer, wherever you are.  Continue reading for more information on how to set up Slingbox on a remote computer.

When you are getting ready to install your Slingbox, you will need to make sure that you have all the necessary things.  Specifically, you will need the slingbox device itself, a router/modem, an audio-visual source, and a computer connected to an internet network.

When trying to access your slingbox from a remote location/computer, you should make sure that your device is configured correctly.  This will ensure that remote viewing is allowed.  Using the alias and finder ID found under the properites of your slingbox device you can log into your home TV from wherever you are.  You should make sure that the appropriate SlingPlayer software is installed and configure it to the correct specifications necessary to be able to watch on the device you are using.  All you have to do now is click “Watch” and you should be able to view whatever programs you desire.

If you are having problems setting up your Slingbox or cannot get it to work with a remote computer you should seek professional help.  Use TalkLocal to be put in contact with reliable local IT businesses today.  Simply input your problem, location and availability, and within minutes, you should be connected to someone who can help.

My Monitor Keeps Flickering

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

My Monitor Keeps Flickering Computer Repair

You’re looking something on your computer and suddenly it goes in and out.  You are wondering why my monitor keeps flickering?  Read this article to learn why.  Your computer monitor is the gateway to your computer’s brain.  You need your screen to be able to see what you are doing and for general use of your computer. But what happens when your monitor begins to flicker? There are a couple things that could be going on with your computer monitor that could cause the monitor to flicker.

Potential Problems:


One possibility is that your cables are messed up. The 15 pin connection cable could be malfunctioning.  You should get a new cable and replace it to see if it helps your situation. If not, the problem lies somewhere else.


There could also be an electromagnetic interference affecting your computer.  You should move the laptop around the building or room to see if the position of the monitor changes the flickering.  If it stops when you change positions, then there is something in the virtual environment affecting your monitors ability to display properly.

Display settings

If your display settings are improperly set, then your screen could flicker as a result.  You should go into your desktop main screen, click Properties > Settings > Advanced > Monitor, and set your screens refresh rate at around 85 hertz or less.

Video card

The other possibilities are that the video/graphics card that was integrated into your computer has stopped working.  You should switch it out with a new one to see if this helps your situation.


Try to plug your monitor into a different PC/laptop. If it works properly, then you have an internal computer problem.  You should also update your monitor’s drivers just in case.

Continuing Problems

If you continue to have problems with your computer monitor, seek professional help. Use TalkLocal to be put in contact with reliable local IT businesses. You don’t have to do any work! Simply input your problem and availability and TalkLocal will do the rest.  Within minutes you should be connected to someone who can help you out on the phone.

Why is my File Opening in Wrong Program

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Why is my File Opening in Wrong Program Computer Repair

You open a file only to see lines of text—all in gibberish—staring back at you.  You’re thinking, why is my file opening in wrong program.  The unrecognizable words displayed on your screen are the result of opening a file in the wrong program. This error is a pretty common one for many computer users. Check out this article to understand why it happens and how to fix this issue.

Your files are opening up in the wrong program for a variety of reasons. The most common culprit is the registry of the files through which your computer has automated the file opening process. This means that either you clicked a button without fully realizing what you were doing or your computer was already programmed to recognize a file, but it is not doing it correctly.

There is an easy fix for this problem, thankfully. If you find yourself in this bind and it involves a link, simply right click on the link and choose “Open with…” This is the key for solving this problem. If you are able to find this option anywhere, then click it. Select the correct program that you want to use and you will be able to read your program in the correct form. Your file should now be normal. If not, you may need to contact professional help because the problem may lie elsewhere.

To get more help and information about your computer, check out TalkLocal. You will be connected to local professionals that can help you with your specific problem at the time that is most convenient for your schedule! Just go to the TalkLocal website and submit your service need, location and availability. A service professional will be on the phone with you within minutes of submitting your request. Best off all, TalkLocal’s service is completely free!


Computer takes Long to Load Videos

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Computer takes Long to Load Videos Computer Repair

Nothing is more annoying than waiting for something to finish loading. If your computer takes long to load videos, you don’t have to put up with twiddling your thumbs. Thankfully, there are a few steps that you can follow to ensure that you are optimizing the time that it takes for videos to load on your computer.

Download Video

This may seem like an obvious solution but it is oftentimes an option that we forget. If you want to show a video from the Internet for a presentation, it may be safer to download the specific video and then simply replay it from your computer. This takes away the risk of faulty Internet connection when you need the video for an important matter.

Upgrade your Internet Connection

If you are consistently have problems with loading videos, it may be time to upgrade your system. Check with your neighbors and see which provider they are using. Perhaps you will have to split off from the rest of the building and go with a higher-grade Internet provider.

Consider Storm Damage

If you just had a bad storm in the neighborhood, the bad weather may be lending a hand to your temporary problems. If this is the case, there is not much you can do, but rest assured that relief will come. If the service providers know about the problem, more than likely they are working hard to reconnect your Internet so there is better quality of service.

Still having issues loading videos on your computer or with another problem you can’t seem to fix? Check out TalkLocal. You will be directed to a professional right in your neighborhood within minutes! It is quick, free, and easy to use!

Recover Data from Water Damaged Hard Drive

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

Recover Data from Water Damaged Hard Drive Computer Repair

Did your computer have a bad encounter with water recently? Well, the chances that the circuitry on your computer may have been fried, especially when the computer was in operation when this happened. The next logical step is to save your files from the dead computer. Read this guide on what to do to recover data from water damaged hard drive.

Recovering the Data

The first thing to realize is that this more than a normal job you can do alone. Although recovering data from a drowned hard drive is possible, it is advised to use a specialist’s expertise because wrong moves could jeopardize your data.

As always, cut all sources of power to the hard drive by unplugging it. Operating under dangerous conditions could further damage the data as well.

And although this seems counterintuitive, do not make any artificial attempts to dry out your wet hard drive. Doing so could solidify the residue in the water and further the damage the data. If it was pure water, then it is fine; if not, then resist the urge to dry it.

Package the hard drive to send to a specialist. Secure your hard drive inside the package by stuffing the rest of your box with cotton, or some other soft material that will not damage the hard drive. Make sure it does not shake around inside the package, as this could cause more damage. Seal the package tightly so that no other liquid/gas can get into the package. Once you have done these steps, your package should be ready for a specialist.

Take note that specialists around your area may all be busy if your area has suffered a flood/etc. The demand for the specialists’ service would outnumber the available supply, making a long line if you needed their services.

Additional Help

If you need to find professional help to recover data from water damaged hard drive, TalkLocal can help with finding the correct local experts in this case, saving you time and energy in what may be a stressful situation.

How to Upgrade Your Computer (and Not Break the Bank)

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

How to Upgrade Your Computer (and Not Break the Bank) Computer Repair

Computer repair and computer upgrades often go hand in hand, mainly because when something inside a computer breaks, it presents a good opportunity to get stuck in a replace a few components at once. But that process isn’t always the most cost-effective; in fact, many people decide that upgrading simply isn’t worth the expense. Whilst it’s true that there are a several parts of a computer which are pricey to replace – the main processor, for example – there are plenty more that can be replaced relatively cheaply if you find a good deal but have a big effect on performance. So let’s take some time to find out how to upgrade your computer including which parts of your computer you can upgrade cheaply, but which will also result in a noticeable performance boost.

Install new memory sticks (RAM)

Memory is one component that’s both low cost and easy to install. Even if you’re not a computer wizard, you should still be able to install sticks of RAM without too much trouble. If you have a 32-bit Windows operating system, you’ll be limited to 4GB of RAM, whereas if you have a 64-bit flavour of Windows, you’ll be free to install much more memory, depending on your OS. For example, if you have 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, you can install up to 192GB of RAM. You can find 2GB sticks of RAM for as little as $10, so it’s very cost-effective to upgrade. And the benefits you’ll see on your computer will be more stability, faster loading times, and the ability to run multiple apps at once.

Upgrade your power supply (PSU)

Many PC gamers have come across the problem of poor performance in certain games, and usually resort to upgrading their graphics card to make a markable difference. However, it’s not always this component that’s the source of the problem. Many modern graphics cards, including the latest GeForce 600 series, require at least 500-watt power supplies in order to run at their best. With most ‘package’ PCs coming with just 300-watt PSUs, you can see why people would run into trouble. A new PSU of at least 500-watt can be found from only $16 on the web, and they’re a piece of cake to install.

Invest in a middleweight graphics card

Speaking of graphics cards, these are also a key component that can be upgraded cheaply and make a real difference to performance – specifically to gaming and video playback. In a world of HD, having a good graphics card is almost essential. And now there are plenty of cards in the mid-range which are ideal for playing the latest titles as well as playback of HD video at 1080p. On top of that, a good mid-range card can also help with graphics editing software like Adobe Photoshop. At the present time, the best graphics cards for under $150 would be either the Radeon HD7770 or the GeForce GTX560 SE. Either of these will allow you to play the latest games and watch the latest movies in glorious HD.

Update your soundcard and system

Another cheap and easy way to boost your rig is to upgrade your soundcard and sound system. There are now lots of affordable 5.1 sound systems that offer top quality cinema-like sound for a budget price. All you’ll need is a low-cost 5.1 sound card, which are available for just a few dollars, and a good sound system from a manufacturer like Creative (available from as little as $57). This combination will bring a new dimension to your music, movies, and video games. Lots of people forget to upgrade their sound when they upgrade their computer, but it’s one of the best ways to maximise your experience without having to shell out too much cash. And you’ll be able to enjoy movies in awesome 5.1 digital sound – the way they’re meant to be heard.

So there you have it: four cheap ways to turn your rig into a budget monster. But don’t forget: if you’re not confident in upgrading the parts yourself, or if you have any computer issues that require a professional to repair, you can use TalkLocal to locate computer repair services in your area. Just use TalkLocal to find a local computer repair service you can trust, then focus on the more important thing: enjoying your newly upgraded computer!

Transfer Turbotax to New Computer

Monday, September 10th, 2012

Transfer Turbotax to New Computer Computer Repair

When you get a new computer, the first thing you need to do is move all your important files to the new machine, such as your TurboTax files. You need a flash drive, CD-ROM, or other portable storage device to hold the tax return file. Make sure to backup the file somewhere safe before copying!

Transfer Turbotax to New Computer:

If you use Windows:

1. Click the Start menu button.

2. Type .tax2011 in the Start Search field at the bottom of the menu. As you type, matching files will appear in the Search pane. Replace 2011 with the relevant tax year.

a) Make a note of the file’s location or path. By default, TurboTax saves tax files in the My Documents > TurboTax folder.

c) From the TurboTax File menu, choose Open.

d) Browse for the file’s location on your computer to open it.

If you use a Mac:

1. In the upper-right corner of your desktop, click the Spotlight (looking glass) icon, and then type tax in search field. Search results appear as you type.

a) Tax return files will appear in the Documents section. The default name for tax files is the primary taxpayer’s name followed by the 2-digit tax year.

b) If you don’t see your tax return, click Show All at the top of the list and go to List view. In the Kind column, look for TurboTax…Tax Return.

Now connect the portable device to your new computer, and drag the file into whichever folder you want to hold your TurboTax files in. Don’t click on the file and open TurboTax instead, but first make sure it’s already installed on the new computer. Then from TurboTax, just find your tax return file and open it.

If you’re still having issues finding, transferring, or opening the file, you could always find a local professional immediately on TalkLocal to help you.

Where to Save your Passwords

Monday, September 10th, 2012

Where to Save your Passwords Computer Repair

Passwords can be a tricky thing. Some sites have password requirements like numbers and capital letters, while others have no requirements at all, making it all the more difficult to remember your passwords. If you are wondering where to save your passwords safely and securely, read on for tips.

A commonly used tactic for managing passwords is to use the same password for every account. Let’s start out by saying this is a terrible idea. Using a single password can be dangerous for your privacy, and that means that if a hacker finds your password on one site, they then have access to all your other accounts as well.

There are quite a few password-assistance programs out there on the Internet. Some of these password keepers allow you to store your login information after generating random, nonsensical passwords that they store for you. All these passwords can be accessed by a master password set by you.

This type of program has its obvious advantages as well as a its flaws. Let’s start with the positive – a program like this would provide passwords that would be hard to crack for any hacker, and if you ever forget one of the passwords, you can easily access it provided you remember your master password. The only issues with this are that if you forget your master password or if someone somehow learns your master password, then all your other accounts are in jeopardy. That’s why it’s important to use a complicated password that you can still remember. If you really want to be safe, you can keep a slip of this paper in a bank safety deposit box for maximum security.

Another option includes the use of cloud-based services. Most cloud storage programs include plenty of encryption and security on the data they hold that will keep your passwords secure. As long as you remember your password to the cloud storage program, you will be able to access whatever you store online (in this case, passwords). Once again, you will want to use a complicated password that you can still remember.

If you want to truly secure your passwords,  you should change your passwords every few months because the websites themselves (the actual owners of your account) have their own ways of storing information. For all we know, they could be broadcasting this information to hackers (they are probably not, but the point is you can’t rely on them to keep your information safe).

Saving your passwords is a lot like buying a car. The more research you do, the better off you will be. Using programs such as these allow you to be as secure as possible without too much hassle.

If you would prefer to have a computer repairman take a look at your password security, consider using TalkLocal, a free service that will connect you with top-quality, reputable companies in your neighborhood within minutes.