Archive for the ‘Computer Repair’ Category


Lost Favorites in IE8

Friday, August 31st, 2012

Lost Favorites in IE8 Computer Repair

Having the ability to save websites and quickly access them is truly an asset. Creating favorites in your Internet explorer browser settings really helps to make doing work easier and more efficient.  But what happens when an update for the Internet deletes all of your favorites?  This may seem like a terrible occurrence, but fear not! There is a solution to your problem when you have lost favorites in IE8:

Possible Solutions:

Import the favorites folder — In order to import the favorites folder, you should go into your computer options. From there, look up the folder that had saved the sites and try to reimport them into the new updated version of Internet Explorer.  You should restart the Internet to check if this helped.

Run program through Internet Explorer directly — Click on the Start tab from the menu of Internet, and then click the Run button. Type in “regsvr32 /i shodocvm.dll” and then click OK.  When the start search box comes up, type “iexplore.exe” and click ok again. Under the tools option, click on Internet Options > Programs > Manage Add-ons. In this dialog box, click the shell namespace add-on and enable it under your computer options.

Backup and restore through computer — The first step is to open OneCare. In the backup and restore area, click on the button to restore files. You should do so from a local backup and do a custom restore. The files will be restored as they were, using the most recent backup from your computer. This can either uninstall IE8 and return to Ie7 with the same favorites or it will simply put the favorites back onto the Internet explorer version that you are using.

Continuing Problems

If you cannot find the problem or the product is no longer under warranty, you should get in contact with a professional IT business. Go to TalkLocal to be connected to reliable local companies within a matter of minutes.

Computer Fans are Loud

Friday, August 31st, 2012

Computer Fans are Loud Computer Repair

So you are hearing some annoying sound from your computer.  It could possibly be that the computer fans are loud.  The computer fans keep your computer cool and working in proper order.  Without them the computer would overheat and shut down.  Usually fans will run in the background and you won’t even notice them.  But what happens when your computer fans are loud and begin to make so much noise that you can’t even concentrate on your work? Below are some common problems and their solutions

Dirty Fan

You will need to remove the side panel of the processor by taking out the bolts attaching it to the computer.  Locate the computer fan, then use a bust blower to gently get rid of the dust on the fan.  Make sure you blow them off the computer entirely so they don’t just get stirred up to settle on the fan again when you use your computer next.  You can also use a soft clean cloth to remove any remaining debris.  You can now replace the side panel and start up your computer.


Another reason your computer could be creating a lot of noise is that the fan is rubbing against a wire that was knocked out of place when your computer was dropped. You should open up the side panel and put the wire back in place.  Consider taping it there so it doesn’t get knocked loose again.

Worn down

If you have had your computer for a long time, the cause of your fan noise could simply be that the blades have been worn down.  You can clean the blades to try and improve your situation, but the best option would be to replace the blades or fan altogether.

Continuing Problems

If you continue to have problems with your computer fans making too much noise, you should seek professional help.  Use TalkLocal to be put in contact with reliable local businesses within minutes.  You don’t have to do any work! Simply input your problem and availability and TalkLocal will do the rest.  Almost immediately you will be connected with someone who can help you out on the phone.

Quarantine a Computer Virus

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

To prevent malicious viruses from infecting your computer, it is important to download antivirus software. Companies such as Norton Antivirus and McAfee offer free virus scan programs off their websites. Once the program is installed on your PC, run a virus scan. Make sure to not use your computer when it is scanning; you may accidentally open a file with the virus.

Once the program has detected the viruses, it will allow you to delete or quarantine them. When anti-virus software quarantines a virus, it means that the virus is moved to a place where it cannot infect any files on your computer. Your PC will be safe from the virus as long as it remains quarantined. Isolating the virus allows you to examine the malicious file before deleting it. It may be beneficial to check the quarantined virus before deleting it to ensure that deleting the file will not take out something you need running on your system. Once you check for this, it is completely safe to delete the file. It is best to delete a quarantined file as soon as you confirm that you do not need it. Just because you quarantine a computer virus does not mean your computer is immune from other similar viruses, so delete any unneeded quarantined files. Now that your computer is clean, take caution to not visit any sites that will put your computer at risk again.

Do you need more help with virus protection? Use TalkLocal to find a local computer professional in minutes! Simply input your computer problem, location, and availability into the service request online, and up to three businesses in your area will call you on the phone. The process works in a snap and can effectively address your specific computer problem.

Protect my Computer Power Outage

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

Protect my Computer Power Outage Computer Repair

When there is a power outage while your computer is on, it can be harmful to the computer. The effects of a power outage can include problems with the hardware, OS boot, and data. To protect your computer from power outages, there is Uninterruptible Power Supply, or UPS, that can be purchased t to protect your computer from power outages.

A UPS is an appliance which is placed between the electrical outlet and computer to isolate the computer from a power outage or power surge. When there is change in the voltage due to a power outage or power surge, the appliance switches to a battery backup. This give the computer time to save data and shutdown. There are many types of UPS that protect from short to long term power outages and different types of power surges.

Types of UPS

– Offline — Offline UPS detects changes in voltage and changes from internal electrical outlet to external battery. The appliance is the cheapest and most efficient type of UPS. Find out if the computer can stand the transfer of the electrical source before using an off-line UPS.

– Line-interactive — Line-interactive UPS detects and changes the voltage of the appliance without the use of battery power with an internal circuit. This saves the battery power in times of power outages. This type has transient protection. However, one of its flaws is that the inverter may cause it to fail when needed most.

– Online — Online UPS is has an internal power supply which supplies the computer with power. This provides a complete protection of power outages. The downside is this type is the highest cost, the least efficient, and noisiest.

For UPS installation, use TalkLocal. TalkLocal connects you with the best professional help in your area for free.

Top Video Players for Windows 7

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

Top Video Players for Windows 7 Computer Repair

There are tons of media players for Windows. You are not limited to Windows Media Player and iTunes, which do not have the functionality of most media players that are free for download. That being said, here are some of the top Media Players for Windows.

Top Video Players for Windows 7:

1. VLC Media Player

VLC media player is one of the best media players out there. Its specialty is in its media file capability. The media player practically plays any type of video file imaginable. Its vast amount of video file compatibility has made for no additional codecs needed for download. Due to no additional codecs, VLC media player is lightweight on a computer. VLC media player is capable of playing damaged media files to a certain extent. The player is also great for streaming media content.

2. GOM Player

GOM player plays most media files. In the cases where the player cannot play the file, it will direct you to a site to download the codec. There are also customizable features that a user can adjust brightness, hue, and saturation.

3. KMPlayer

KMplayer is one of the most popular media players for Windows. KMPlayer is the best at customization and video viewing options. It can also play almost any media files and run subtitles. The KMplayer has an extensive menu to customize the player to a user’s liking–which can be overwhelming to a casual video viewer. One of the interesting settings is the 3D playback. KMplayer is a video enthusiast dream.

4. Media Player Classic

Media Player Classic’s appeal is how it is basic. The user interface is simple and the look is clean. The player is entirely lightweight on the computer, while still having tons of features. Its downside is in its media file playback. The entire codec library needs to be downloaded before Media Player Classic can play the popular video files. The upside, though, is that Media Player Classic is compatible with basically all codecs in existence.

If you would like to consult with a local IT support service before deciding on a video player, TalkLocal can connect you to a high rated business in minutes.

Backup Outlook Files Windows XP

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

Backup Outlook Files Windows XP Computer Repair

E-mail, one of today’s most convenient methods of communication, plays an important role in both work-related and personal matters. Because of users’ growing dependence on e-mail as a main mode of communication, it is very important that you prevent any significant data loss by backing up your files.

For those who use Outlook on Windows XP, backing up your Outlook data can be completed in several fairly simple steps.

1. Locate the pst-file.

2. Backup the pst-file.

3. Test the backup by restoring the pst-file.

To backup your Outlook files, the first thing you need to do is locate the file. The pst-file, also known at Personal Folders, is the single file with a pst-extension where all Outlook data is stored. You can locate your pst-file at “C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook.”

Once you have located the pst-file, performing a backup of the file is fairly easy to do. Copy the pst-file into your safe location once you close out of Outlook. Use one of the following as a safe location:

– an external hard drive

– another physical hard drive in your machine or another

– a USB stick

– a Flash memory card

– a CD-R(w)

– a DVD+/-R(W)

– a backup tape

Once you’ve backed up your files, it is important to test the backup by restoring the pst-file. To do so, copy the file to the location where you want it to work. Now that you know how to back your files, remember to do it regularly to avoid losing your work. Perform backups during and after major projects so you don’t have a heart attack if your computer crashes. If any of these instructions seem too complicated or you are uneasy performing it yourself, don’t hesitate to hire a trained professional to help. Use TalkLocal to be connected to a local computer repair business within minutes who can help backup outlook files windows xp.

How to Set Up Google Alerts in Google Reader

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

How to Set Up Google Alerts in Google Reader Computer Repair

How to Set Up Google Alerts in Google Reader

“Google alerts” is a free service provided by Google that automatically sends you information about search trends for certain keywords. You can use these alerts to get news about a company or product, follow a developing story, or keep tabs on any other kind of topic. Anytime Google finds a new result that pertains to the keywords in your query an alert is sent out containing all of the relevant information. In the age of online advertisement, Google alerts has become one of the key tools that companies can use to track their social media marketing efforts. If you want your business to be on top of all of the latest ideas and trends in the industry, you need to set up Google alerts and actively monitor them on your computer.

Setting up an alert is as simple as going to the alerts page and entering your search query. You then specify the result type, how often you want to receive the alert, and where to deliver them. Google actually provides two different tools for organizing and viewing all of the alerts you request. You can either have them emailed directly to your Gmail account or use Google reader to follow the alert as an RSS feed. If you select Gmail, the alerts will be regularly sent to you like a normal email. If you choose Google reader, the alert will automatically be added to your subscriptions. You can find all of the RSS feeds you are subscribed to by visiting your Google reader page here. Once you have filled out a query request and selected how you want to receive it you are ready to start taking advantage of the alert service.

If you do not have much experience with online marketing or search engine analytics it can be hard to figure out exactly how to best use Google alerts for your business.  Luckily, there are many sources of in-depth knowledge on the subject available online.  For a quick overview of some of the more common practices and techniques you can check out this article.  Once you get started you will find that alerts are relatively easy to pick up, and an extremely powerful tool for understanding and analyzing your companies’ online presence.

If you need computer consultation on any additional features, TalkLocal can put you in contact with local IT support services.

How to use One Keyboard for Multiple Computers

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

How to use One Keyboard for Multiple Computers Computer Repair

Sometimes, one computer does not cut it. Sometimes, even two computers do not cut it. There are times when you require many computers to be productive, but you don’t want the hassle of multiple mice and keyboards. Luckily, there is a way to connect multiple computers and control it from one mouse and keyboard.  Read on to learn how to use one keyboard for multiple computers.

KVM Switch

KVM (Keyboard, Video, and Mouse) switch is a device that allows a keyboard and mouse to control multiple computers. KVM switches can be bought at any computer retailer. Usually these only come with VGA input, while the more expensive ones may come with a DVI or HDMI input. To install a KVM Switch:

1. Connect keyboard cable to KVM switch in the proper input.

2. Connect the keyboard and monitors to the KVM switch using the cables supplied with the switch.

3. Use the buttons to switch from each computer. Usually, numbers are assigned to a KVM switch.

This is the only way of connecting the computers physically. The other two methods are the use of software.

Mouse without Borders

Mouse without Borders is a utility made by Windows to seamlessly control the keyboard and mouse easily. Being a Windows application, it can only be used on Windows OS systems.  It’s one of the easiest to install and start quickly. To use Mouse without Borders:

1. Download Mouse Without Borders on each computer.

2. After download, use the computer connected to the keyboard and mouse to run the application. The wizard should start.

3. Click “No” to initial setup and it will generate a security code to use for other computers to connect.

4. Click on the application and type in the security code and repeat for other computer you want to connect to the keyboard and mouse.


For Mac users there is Synergy.  Synergy is utility software that can connect multiple computers to a keyboard and mouse using a “client” and “server” method. To use Synergy for a Mac:

1. Download and install Synergy.

2. Go to the Synergy settings interface located in “Finder” > “System Preferences.”

3. Turn on Synergy.

4. Click “Share my Keyboard and Mouse.”

5. Click “Advanced” tab under “Options” to find the name for each computer. You need this information, so write it down somewhere.

6. Go to Server Configuration tab and click on the “+” button (this shows Synergy how many computers are going to be controlled and in what orientation).

7. Enter the screen names for the client computer and screen name for the server computer.

8. Click “Ok” and choose a screen from the menu.

9. For the client computers, launch Synergy.

10. Then, click “Use Another Keyboard and mouse.”

11. Type in the IP address of the Server Computer

12. Click “OK.”

Ones of these ways should give you control to multiple computers in no time. If you run into trouble and want a professional, contact TalkLocal. TalkLocal will connect you with high quality professionals in your area for free.

How do I Backup my Gmail Emails

Monday, August 27th, 2012

Your email is a great way for colleagues, family, and coworkers to contact you. Many people store a lot of important information through their emails. It is important that you begin to back these emails up because if there is a glitch in your server or email provider, you could lose everything. However, if you use an email backup system, you wont have to start from scratch again.

How do I Backup my Gmail Emails?  Here is how:

– Apps like MailStore

MailStore is a free Windows program that can be used to archive emails. It can store from many different email accounts including Windows Mail, Gmail, and Hotmail. It supports both POP and IMAP and, therefore, can store emails from anywhere. MailStore and other similar applications are good because they are constantly backing up and connected to the Internet.

– Gmail Backup

If you have a Gmail account, you can use Google’s backup system, which is one of the easiest to set up. All you have to do on the main screen is enter your username, password, and destination directory.  This is where you want your email backup to be stored.

– Thunderbird

Another option you have to backup your emails is to set up Mozilla Thunderbird. You will need to go to your Gmail setting and look for the tab labeled “forwarding and POP/IMAP”; click on the link.  From there, enable either POP, IMAP, or both for all mail.  Choose the “keep gmail’s copy in inbox” setting so that it shows up in both your email account and backup.  When you start up Thunderbird, you need to enter your Gmail username (the part before the and your password and the program will begin downloading and backing up.  You should remember to periodically open up Thunderbird in order to refresh and update the program.

Continuing Problems

If you cannot seem to get a backup system installed and working, you may want to seek professional assistance. Use TalkLocal to be put in contact with reliable local businesses within minutes. Simply input your problem and availability and TalkLocal will do the rest!

How to Fix the “Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low” Error Message

Monday, August 27th, 2012

How to Fix the "Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low" Error Message Computer Repair

“Application popup: Windows – Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low: Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied.”

This is the virtual memory minimum too low error message that you may be getting when you use your computer.  This is an annoying nuisance that can prevent you from using your computer to its full potential.  You should not panic when you get this error, but instead take a few easy steps to prevent from ever receiving it again.  Continue reading for more information on how to fix the “virtual memory minimum too low” error message.

The reason you have a virtual memory minimum too low error message is because  there is not enough RAM for programs, so they infringe on your virtual memory space.  This also prevents temporary programs from running there.  There are three things you can do in order to rectify this situation.

The first thing you should try to do is increase the virtual memory settings on your computer.  This will open up a lot more space for you to work with.  You should go to properties from my computer, click on the tab labeled advanced, and under performance go to preferences. (Depending on your computer, it might be listed as something similar to, but other than, preferences.)  Go to advanced performance options and click on change under virtual memory.  Choose the drive that gives you the errors and set a larger size.

You can also attempt to add more RAM to your computer.  You will have to buy more RAM and install it directly into your computer.  Many windows based operating systems require a certain minimum for the amounts of RAM, so you should check your computer manual and make sure you buy enough.

The last thing you can do is clean your computer of any bugs.  You should scan and fix any existing computer errors.   These may be the reason that your virtual memory minimum is too low.

If you continue to have problems with your virtual memory you should seek professional help.  Use TalkLocal to be put in contact with reliable local computer repair companies.  Simply input your problem, location and availability, and TalkLocal will do the rest.  Within minutes you should be connected to someone in the technology business that can help you out.